Clarity (The Seductors #3.5) (8 page)

BOOK: Clarity (The Seductors #3.5)
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“You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind, Oliver,” Dylan mused as we left the boardroom after a four-hour status meeting. It had been a little tedious today. “I’ve never seen you so unfocused before.”

“It was a status meeting. I always lose focus during them.”

“How’s Jade?”

“Really good. We’re heading to Macon for the weekend.”

“To see your father?”

“Yes. Tom and Sam are home too. I haven’t seen either of them in months.”

“Is Tom still set on joining the company when he finishes college?”  

“Yes.” It was nice to see another Kirkham wanting to join the company. I was looking forward to working with Tom. He was quite the science nerd like me. Sam was more the adventurer. He wanted to see the world before committing to a job.   

“Macy is still bitter about you taking Jade back, you know. I’ve tried to reason with her, but she won’t listen to anything I say.” Macy was the only other person who knew the truth about Jade and me. To say that she was unhappy about what I’d done to get Jade back was an understatement.
In fact, s
he wasn’t really talking to me at the moment. I hadn’t bothered Jade with all this, though. In time, Macy would forgive me. We had too many years of friendship for her not to.

“I think she was secretly holding out for me. I know she never stopped loving me. Now that she knows Jade is the one for me, she’s finding it hard to deal with. She’ll come around when she’s ready, Dylan. I wouldn’t keep pressing her about it.”

“Jade is ’the one’ for you, then?”

“Yes. She’s…everything. She is my other half, the part I’ve been searching for.”

“I’m happy for you. I remember how you were when she left the first time. You’ve never been that broken.”

“It’s taken a lot for us to get here, but it was all worth it.” I looked at my watch. Jade would be meeting me for lunch in ten minutes, and I still needed to call to check on my father.  “If you’ll excuse me, Dylan. I have a few calls to make before lunch.”

“Not a problem, Oliver. I’ll send over those test results on the new plutonium mixture later.”

“I’ll get Melissa to schedule a refuse meeting, too. We need to look into new waste sites. I’m not happy with the current figures. We have to be more cautious with the waste handling. We’re supposed to be helping the world, not slowly killing it.”

“Oliver, figures are down ten percent.”

“I know, but we need them lower,” I replied firmly before walking into my office.

I was reading through a few emails that Melissa, my newest PA, had sent when Jade walked in swinging a take out bag in her hands.
Fast food!
That was one of the reasons I loved this woman! She knew me so well.

“I thought you could use a treat for lunch,” she winked, closing and locking my office door
behind her

“What more of a treat could I have than you?” I swallowed hard, drinking her in. Forget the damn take out; my cock was stiffening already. We were in my office…alone.
wasn’t going to happen, though. That was still one of Jade’s rules. No sex in my office—only on special occasions. I never did get to fuck her over my desk for my birthday. I’d make damn sure that happened next year.

“You’d rather have me than a burger and fries?” she questioned, tilting her head. Was that an offer?

“Every. Damn. Time.” I licked my lips, shifting uncomfortably in my chair as she placed the takeout bag on my desk. With just one look, Jade could turn my cock into a raging hard on.

“You seem to have a problem in your pants, Mr. Kirkham,” she mused, seductively undoing her jacket before slipping it off her body to reveal a tight black skirt and blue blouse. She’d completed the look with black fuck me heels.
Oh Baby, what you do to me!

“What are you going to do about it, Miss Phillips?”

“You’re in luck, Mr. Kirkham. I
rather hungry.” She smirked, sinking down onto her knees in front of me.
Fuck yes!
“How was your meeting?” she purred as she started to undo the buttons on my slacks. She wanted to talk shop right now?

“Jade, you’re about to get my cock out in my office for the
time ever. I don’t give a shit about my day so far. If you’re going to let me fuck your mouth, just get on with it, ” I groaned as she ran her hands over my bulge, giggling to herself.

“You’ll need to be quiet. Melissa and Sylvia are right outside. Although…I did tell them not to disturb our lunch. And for your information, you won’t be
my mouth. I will be
your cock dry instead.” With her words, by cock sprang free from the confinement of my boxers. I could tell by the smirk on her face she was going to make this impossible for me to stay quiet.

“Do your worst, Beautiful,” I replied, accepting her unspoken challenge. Without warning, she engulfed me with her hot mouth, taking me deep into the back of her throat. I hissed, grabbing the arms of my chair as she released me. She licked and sucked while she made her way back up toward the tip. She was going to make me groan loudly, and there was nothing I could do about it. It felt too good to even think about stopping her.  

“Mmm,” she hummed in satisfaction. Gripping me with her fingers, she worked me with her hands and mouth. She was sucking me greedily, pure lust blazing in her cool blue eyes. My hands fell into her hair, my head dropping back as I succumbed to the power of this woman.
My woman.

“Shit, Beautiful,” I moaned loudly. “Fuck, yes! Just like that.” My hips began to rock, pushing my cock further into her mouth. I was so close. When her teeth grazed against my member, I lost it. I tried to hold my cries in, but the pleasure was too great.

“F…FUCK!” I hissed, coming violently inside her hot mouth. Jade reached for a napkin, dabbing her mouth while I sat there completely spent.  

“Mmmmm, tasty,” she grinned, rising up to peck my lips. “Do you want your burger now?”

“If I had the energy, I’d bend you over this desk and fuck you raw after that little stunt.”

“No fucking in this office, Mr. Kirkham. That’s only allowed on special occasions, remember?”

“Oh, but oral is okay?” I questioned, quirking my eyebrows at her.

“When I’m hungry for your cock…yes.”

Jade placed my burger and fries on my desk while I buttoned my pants. When I looked up, she was innocently sucking on the straw in her soda.  

“You’ll be the death of me,” I muttered with a chuckle.

“But you love me for it.”

“Yes, I do,” I sighed, pulling her onto my lap so I could kiss the breath out of her.

“I’m asking Jade to marry me,” I whispered toward my father, unsure if he even remembered who I was…let alone Jade.

“Jade?” he questioned, confused.

“We came together to visit you the other day.”

“It must have slipped my mind. I’m sorry, Doctor.” My heart sank. He thought I was his doctor today. Well, that was something new.

“That's okay, Francis.” I was getting used to calling him by his first name rather than Dad these days. It saddened me to know that he was slowly slipping away from me.  

“But I’m happy for you. The love of a good woman is the best thing you can have—next to children, that is. Do you have any children, Doctor?”

“No, not yet, but I hope to in the future.”
One step at a time, Oliver!
“What about you, Francis? Do you have any children?”

“No! I’m far too young for that nonsense!” He bellowed with laughter. “Besides, I have my whole life ahead of me. Not to mention I’m not even married yet!” His mind had transported him back to his early years, before my mother and me. “What was your name again?”

“Oliver,” I sighed, playing with my plastic coffee cup.

“That’s a good strong name. No wonder you’re a doctor.” I didn’t know what to say. “Why am I here, Doctor?” he suddenly asked. “Am I sick?”

“You’re not quite yourself, Francis. We’re keeping you here to run a few tests.”   

“But I will get to go home soon, right?”

I fought back the tears. He had no idea how much I wished that could happen. “Yes, Francis. Once we’re happy with your progress, you can go home.”

“Oh, good. I do have a business to run, you see.”

“Kirkham Industries is in safe hands,” I muttered, urging him to remember. Why couldn’t he remember me? I was his son.

“You know of my company?”

“I know a little.” I tried to hide my smirk. “I can’t imagine it’s easy to run.”

“I’ll be taking over one day. My father owns the company right now.” I smiled fondly, thinking back to all the stories he had told me about my grandfather when I was younger.

“The Kirkhams sound like a great family to be part of,” I muttered, getting up. My father was getting tired; I could see it in his eyes.

“They are. Oh, congratulations on the wedding, Oliver. I hope you and your future wife have a long and happy life together.”

“She has to say yes first,” I snorted.

“She will. You’re a fine man. I can see that. Plus you’re a doctor.”

“Thank you. I’ll see you soon, Mr. Kirkham. Keep drinking your fluids.” He waved me off as if I were a stranger before going back to the book he was reading. It was one his better days today, even if his mind had taken him back to his early years. At least he wasn’t confused.

“How was he?” Jade asked when I got back to the mansion later that afternoon. She was in the kitchen making us a drink. After I’d visited my father, I’d been busy preparing for her surprise party that I was holding here at the mansion. It wasn’t easy keeping anything from her.

“He was less confused this time. I stayed to talk to the doctor about his deterioration once I was done visiting.”  

“What did the doctor say?”

“Much of the same. I know one day I’ll go and he will have forgotten me for good.” Jade walked toward me, wrapping her arms around my waist in comfort.

“You’ll still have your wonderful memories. Plus you know that I’ll be by your side every step of the way.”

“I know. You’ll always be my solace, Jade. I’m so thankful to have you in my life.” My words had never been truer.

“I can’t believe you’ve pulled this off without her having a clue,” Sam gasped, eating his cereal.

“She’ll find out if you keep opening your big mouth, you idiot,” Tom tutted, shaking his head. “Oliver has put too much effort into this without you ruining it for him.”

“She’s upstairs, Tom,” Sam pointed out.  

“Come on boys, she’ll hear you arguing if you keep it up,” I cautioned. This bickering between them was becoming more and more common. I knew Claire was worried about them. Sam was still getting better grades than Tom, and it appeared to be straining their relationship. I was sure it was one of the reasons Tom had asked to work at Kirkham Industries. He was worried he wouldn't get the grades required to get a position somewhere else. He just needed to have more faith in himself.

“Can I bring a date?” Tom asked.

“You have a girlfriend?” Sam snorted. “Since when?”

“Leave him alone. You can both bring dates. That’s fine.” I interrupted the death glares they were giving each other.

BOOK: Clarity (The Seductors #3.5)
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