Clarity (The Seductors #3.5) (4 page)

BOOK: Clarity (The Seductors #3.5)
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“We should think about getting something to eat,” I panted, catching my breath an hour later.

“The restaurant is pretty good here. Miles and I went for dinner the other night.”

“I think we can find somewhere better than that.” I tried to hide my annoyance at the mention of Miles’ name, but I’m not sure how well I did. I couldn’t help my possessiveness when it came to Jade.  

jealous of Miles!” she snorted, rolling onto my chest. “That’s ridiculous!”

“You do have a thing for nerds,” I teased, stroking her face. “I’m proof of that.”

“You’re a nerd in your own league, Oliver.  Miles doesn’t even compare. He has a soft spot for me, but it’s never been reciprocated.”

“I’m sorry to be overbearing. I know you can look after yourself, but I can't stop this urge of wanting to protect you. Men treat you like an object because of your beauty, but Jade, you are so much more than that."

“I feel the same way about you. Macy still loves you, you know. She confessed that to me before I left the second time, and I didn’t like it. I even worried you’d go back to her at one point.”

“Jade, that would
happen. Your hold on me is too strong. Mentally and physically, you are my match in every single way.”

“I know that now,” she beamed.

“We make quite a pair, huh?”

“We’re the
pair,” she grinned, leaning down to peck my lips. “Oh, I haven’t had the tracking chip removed yet, either. And before you say anything, hear me out first.” I must have had an angry look on my face, but who could blame me? I didn’t want her chipped like some animal! “Miles has changed the tracking signal. This may sound crazy, but I think you should be chipped, too. I need to know that I can find you if anything were to happen. The only people that will have our tracking signals are Miles and the two of us. You can trust him, I promise.”

“Are you

“No, but I do want to be cautious.” It was worth being chipped to give her peace of mind, and she did have a point. I liked the idea of being able to pinpoint her location if something bad were to happen.

“Okay, if you think it’s a good idea, I’ll get chipped too.”

“Thank you,” she beamed, kissing my lips before jumping off the bed. “I’ll grab a shower while you decide where we’re going for dinner then. Miles can chip you tomorrow.”  As she got up, my eyes feasted on the vision that was Jade. She was a goddess. I loved the dimples on her lower back, and the curve that flowed into her sexy ass. She was love
lust. My dirtiest fantasies all rolled into one.

“If you need a hand cleaning those hard to reach places, just call.” I winked before she darted into the bathroom.

Surprising her had been such a good idea. Plus, being away for the weekend would help clear my head so I was ready for our meeting with Imogen on Monday.

“Stop scratching your neck,” Jade warned as we ascended in the elevator to meet Imogen.

“I can still feel the chip.” It seemed to me that Miles had enjoyed chipping me a little too much this weekend.

“It’s tiny, and it’s been in for almost three days now. Don’t be a baby,” she teased, nudging me playfully.

“I’m a bit apprehensive about this meeting, too. I know I need to keep calm, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to.”

“Try counting to ten. That helps me,” she suggested. “At least the government has secured the prototype. She must have an idea what this meeting is about.”

“I want to take her down piece by piece. I should’ve started to liquidize her assets already.” My tone was sharp.

“You’re better than that and you know it! You don’t want to pull her apart. You just want answers.”

“I can’t wait to see her face when she sees you by my side.” I was calming down already.  Jade had that effect on me. As she took my hand in hers, caressing the top with her thumb, the elevator doors opened.

“This layout is almost the same as your building. She really does want to be like you,” Jade mused, gazing around as we walked toward the reception desk.

“Yeah, luckily I had my office redecorated by a fabulous interior designer that I
Imogen wouldn’t be able to afford. I think you might know the designer, actually.”

“Yes, I think I do,” she giggled as we approached the desk.

"Good afternoon. How can I help you?" the receptionist greeted.

"Oliver Kirkham. Ms. Windom is expecting me."

"Oh yes, I've been instructed to show you straight to the conference room. If you'll follow me, please." Imogen clearly wanted me out of the way quickly.

The boardroom was empty when we entered. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but with Jade by my side, I could deal with anything.

"Can I get you something while you wait?" the receptionist asked.

"Coffee, please." She nodded and disappeared.

"How long do you think she'll keep you waiting?" Jade questioned, taking a seat at the large wooden table in the center of the room.

"A while, if I know Imogen."

"Are we flying straight back to New York after this meeting?" Jade asked, thoughtfully.

"That's what I had planned, unless there was somewhere else you wanted to go?"

"No, New York is fine." She looked so content as she spoke.

We were currently in Canada, which was where Imogen's home office was based. I wasn’t a huge fan of the country, partly because Windom International owned large areas all over it. Imogen’s family came from old money, thanks to their land being on oil fields. They moved into the weapons industry over forty years ago, knowing they could cash in on the Vietnam War. I’d learned from my father at an early age that her whole family had always been controlled by money.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heels clicking against the tile as someone approached the room.

“Oh, maybe she isn’t going to keep you waiting as long as you thought,” Jade grinned, giving me a sexy wink. I was so ready for this moment. We were going to take Imogen down a notch or two; of that, I was sure of.

Imogen’s worried eyes fell on mine first as she entered the room, followed closely by her
lawyers. Well, someone was clearly scared.    

She stopped dead in her tracks when her eyes met with Jade.

“No! You…this can’t be. I…I don’t understand,” she gasped, looking down at my love’s hand in mine.

“I suggest you ask you lawyers to leave, Imogen. Unless you want to incriminate yourself even further?” I couldn’t stop the smug smile that was spreading across my face. She quickly ushered her staff away, along with the receptionist that was trying to bring us our coffee, before turning with a look of pure horror on her face.

“How? I don’t understand. Do you know
she is, Oliver?”

“I know everything,” I spat. “How could you?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t bullshit me! Tell me…why?”

Finally, Imogen snapped. “You can’t keep that kind of advancement to yourself! Do you have any idea how much Russia and Iran were willing to pay just for that prototype?”   

“Can you hear yourself? It wasn’t
prototype to hand over. And did you even consider the damage it would do? That prototype could have brought about the destruction of the world if there had been a breakthrough!”   

“You care too much, Oliver. I’ve told you all along that would be your downfall.”

“Oh, so you think being a heartless bitch is a
quality?” Jade seethed, taking Imogen by surprise.  

“What right do you have to speak to me like that?”

“She has every right. Jade isn’t a Seductor anymore.” Imogen’s eyes widened as I continued. “She works for the Government, monitoring them instead. You realize that with the information we have on you, you could be looking at a long stretch in prison
, don’t you

Crossing her arms, she spoke. “What do you want?”

“If you make any attempt to come near Jade or my company ever again, I will take action! I can’t believe your nerve!”

“You’re threatening
?” Taking a step toward me, Imogen’s rage began to show. I’d seen it all before. “What gives you the fucking right to tell me what to do?” Jade was suddenly standing in front of me in a protective stance.  

“Oliver is too much of a gentleman to hurt you, but I can promise you, if you take one more step, I won’t hesitate to take you down, you deceitful bitch!” I had to hide my amusement as I watched Imogen’s stunned face. Jade was intimidating, that was for sure.  

“I’m not threatening you, Imogen. I’m simply giving you a warning.
partnership between the two of us is never going to happen, so you need to let it go. If you don’t, then I’ll have no choice but to destroy you and your company. You’re playing a very dangerous game, and it ends right

“What other choice do I have but to agree?” she spat, taking a step back.

“I need to know who your inside source was? How did you learn about the power core and machine?”

“I’ve known about the machine and core for years. Oh, didn’t your father tell you? I paid him a visit before he got so sick? The poor man, he was so confused and didn’t realize who I was. He told me
. How the core had been volatile, but that since you’d taken over the company you’d found the right scientist to do the research for it. That it would only take a few years to complete. I’ve been patiently waiting ever since. Just biding my time.”

“No!” Pain sliced through me. It wasn’t my father's fault—he
did it because of his illness—
but for Imogen to use him like that when he was sick, I couldn’t control myself. Jade touched my arm, trying to calm me. I was losing my shit. When it came to my father or her, I couldn't help it.

“Your father betrayed you, Oliver. How does

“He didn’t know what he was doing. You

“Maybe you should think about putting him down before he lets anything else slip. He’s clearly becoming a problem for you and your company.” Before I could even think to react, Jade was right in front of Imogen again, pushing her harshly.

“I’ll tell you what the
is, Ms. Windom.
are the problem!  Evil, sick, twisted women like you shouldn’t have
kind of power. I’ve seen your kind over and over again. All you see are dollar signs. Your greed consumes you. It takes away your ability to even think of the lives you could destroy by your actions. Oliver might not threaten you, but I certainly will. You don’t scare me! You stay away from him! If I find out you are up to your old tricks again, I’ll take you out myself. You know what I’m capable of, and I can promise that you won't see me coming until it’s too late. If you value your life, you better stay the fuck away from us!” My mouth hung open slightly. I was more than turned on by her protective speech. As Jade towered over her, Imogen trembled. Jade was the most remarkable woman I had ever known. “Did you want to add anything else, Oliver?” She turned to smile at me.

“No, Sweetheart, I think you covered everything,” I chuckled.

“I’ll be watching you, Bitch,” Jade warned before spinning on her heels and heading back toward me. She pecked me on the lips quickly before speaking again. “Are we going now?”

“Yes, I think we’re done. Goodbye, Imogen. Any further form of communication between us can be done through our lawyers. I never want to set eyes on you ever again!” She was still trembling and clutching her stomach, but she nodded.

“Goodbye, Imogen,” Jade called sweetly as I took her hand in mine, leading her toward the hallway.   

“Do you have any idea how incredibly sexy you were just then?” I panted once we were well out of hearing range. Jade stepped into to the elevator, giving me a shy smile.

BOOK: Clarity (The Seductors #3.5)
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