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Authors: Louisa Bacio

Christian Mingle (4 page)

BOOK: Christian Mingle
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Blaine made eye contact with her, then his eyes dropped to the flogger in her hand, and his pupils widened. “What's that for?”

“Ms. Druger needs a bit of practice with this little toy,” Lucy said.

“Toy? Little? Doesn't look either of those to me,” he said.

“Is that how you'd react to a major storm system coming in and bringing some ridiculous wave sets?” Lucy undulated her arm for emphasis.

“No, but …”

“But what? Well, I'm not here to talk you into anything. When asked to choose a subject, out of everyone, Jody chose you.”

“Really?” He puffed up his chest and set his shoulders back.

Oh yes. She liked the pretty boy. At one point, her husband had possessed the best smile. It had charmed her panties off, and those of many other women—sadly. He knew how to lay it on. She hadn't figured out the man in front of her yet. Was it all an act, or was he really that innocent? She was ready to uncover some of the real him.

A knock sounded on the door, and Ms. Lucy opened it to Yvette, one of the school's instructors. She wore her hair in a long braid hanging down her back, and looked sharp and preppy in a pair of khaki shorts and a white T-shirt with Sex U. across the chest.

“Sorry I'm a little late, I didn't get the message right away,” she said. “I'm getting ready for our next session.”

“Now that we're all here, are we ready to begin?” Lucy asked.

Both Blaine and Jody checked out the newcomer. Finally, Jody had to ask. “What's she doing here?”

Ms. Lucy seemed to anticipate that question. She was always one step ahead. “Well, you don't plan to relieve Blaine once you're done, do you?”

“I don't what?”

“You're not going to have sex with him or suck him off, right?”

Heat flushed her cheeks, and once again she grew wet at the thought of sexual pleasure. Damn these moral standards. She wished she could forget about them, push them aside, but for right now, until she came to some other epiphany, she was stuck. “I didn't plan to.”

“And did he do something to displease you?”

Now it was Blaine's turn to evaluate Jody. He crossed his arms and appeared to be enjoying this exchange a bit too much.

“No, nothing like that …”

“Well then. If he's going to be subjected to your …” Lucy gestured toward the flogger, “teachings, then he deserves a little bonus pleasure, right?”

“I guess.”

The idea hadn't occurred to her. She was offered the opportunity, and she took it. But, what was in it for him? It wasn't his job to drop his pants and let her have her way with him. If only.

“Yvette was generous enough to offer her

Sure she was. An attractive single woman who worked with him. Jody was sure she'd offer her
to both twin brothers. The instructor smiled at Jody. While she was the guest and would go home at the end of the weekend, Yvette was invested in the school, and its employees.

Lucy clapped her hands, getting the attention of everyone in the small space. “Let's get started. Jody, it's your floor.”

After clearing her throat, Jody turned toward her volunteer. “Do you have a safe word?”



“It's a strong current that pulls one away from the shore, riptide.”

Poignantly appropriate. Maybe there was more to this man than what she saw on the surface.

“Now that's settled, would you mind please taking your pants and undergarments off for me?”

He glanced at Ms. Lucy.

“She said strip. If I have to interpret everything for you, you'll be feeling it at the end of this session.”

Just like that, he shucked those bottoms and stood in all of his glory before them. Three to one, and he continued to stand to attention.

“Where do you want us?” Yvette asked, eager to serve.

You, nowhere
, she wanted to answer, but she held her tongue. “I think I'd like him over the sawhorse, kinda bent, so I have full access to his assets. Which means you can be on the other side.” She waved, indicating the other woman's spot.

When Yvette smiled, her bright white teeth shone from behind those red lips.
She's a predator.
Not in the true sense, but Jody felt the differences between the two of them.

Blaine strutted to the wooden device, leaning over and jutting out that perfect bottom. While his legs were well tanned, the rounded curves of his ass remained creamy white.

Ms. Lucy made eye contact with her. “Good choice.”

Jody didn't want to mar that perfection. She'd have to take it real light because she had a feeling he'd mark up easily. She stood next to him, and slicked a hand over his bare skin. Beneath her palm, goose bumps broke out.

“Find your position,” Lucy instructed.

How can she be so smooth, and remain an observer? Despite her reservations, Jody wanted to cross the line. She lusted after this gorgeous man.

Legs shoulder width apart, she stood behind Blaine, and swished the tails over his skin. After the third rotation, his hips shifted, flowing with the movement of the flogger.

“If you keep moving like that, I'm going to have a hard time sucking you off,” Yvette gripped. “You're dancing all over the place.”

“Can't help it. It feels too damn good.” The tonal quality of Blaine's voice deepened with desire.

Slap. Slap. Slap.
She brought the flogger down harder, watching the skin pink instantaneously.

Smack. Smack.
The leather tails swirled from the left to the right, and around again.

“That's it baby,” Yvette said. “Now fuck my mouth.”

Blaine's hip thrust forward, and Jody offered two more encouraging smacks.

“Oh, yes,” he exclaimed. “Yes, that's it. Harder.”

Did he mean her or the woman sucking him?

Smack. Smack.
Jody obliged. Beneath him, on her knees, Yvette bobbed, her eyes half-mast as if she was enjoying herself. Jody swirling the tails over his sensitive skin, watching as the muscles of his ass clenched, and then his body went stiff.

“Yes, that's it,” Blaine said. “Take it all down.”

The power of the play elevated Jody's sensations. She helped get Blaine off. She enjoyed having the control. Especially after not having much within her life. Lucy approached her with a bottle.

“Now, it's good to do some aftercare. Smooth this on him, and tell him he did good.”

She was more than happy to pour the cool lotion into her hands, and spread it over Blaine's ass. He'd been a good sport. She noticed Yvette cleaning up and leaving the room without a word. Jody wasn't used to feeling jealous either. All these warring emotions threw her for a loop.

Well, maybe in some ways She and Yvette were the same. They both ended the night unsatisfied. But she knew one leather souvenir she'd be bringing home.

Once everyone had left, Jody relaxed with Ms. Lucy. The usually reserved woman pulled off her boots, and sat on the couch with her feet tucked under her.

After taking a sip of wine, Lucy put down the glass. “Why are you here?” she asked.

“You know why,” Jody stumbled. “My husband. My friend. They made me …”

“No. You need to be honest with yourself. Stop blaming everyone else. As a woman, you need to decide how much you're going to take. Right now, I don't care what you're told is right, or what you're supposed to do. I've been there,” Lucy leaned in, poking Jody on the arm. “What's best for you?”

The words hurt. She questioned everything, but it was easier to keep avoiding the issues. Part of her wanted to wait until he got out of rehab or wherever the hell he was, but that was the weak way out again.

What did she want?
No one asked that question. Not her kids, or her in-laws, and especially not her husband. Hell, she never asked herself.

“What do you think?” she reached out to Ms. Lucy.

“No!” She waved that index finger. “It's not what I think you should do. It's not what I want you to do. It's you.”

She downed the rest of the glass, leaned over and kissed Jody on the forehead. “Get some rest, and think about it. You have one day left.”



Chapter Six


“Fuck him.” Saying the words out loud empowered Jody. “I'm done with him.”

All this time, she'd been worrying about him leaving her, and the family. Well, she held the power, too. He'd left their marriage a long time ago. Why did she stay? Fear? Obligation?

The night before, she'd lain awake fretting. Ms. Lucy's comments, complied with the experiences of the past two days, pushed her past her usual limits. She no longer wanted to settle. She wanted to live, and hopefully, whatever god was up there overseeing this crazy world understood. She couldn't imagine him condemning her, or condoning her husband's actions. Just because of who he was, it didn't excuse him. He may have been protected and the blessed, eldest boy in his family, but guess what? She also deserved happiness.

Once that decision had been made, sleep came easily. The dream realm propelled her into a lush world filled with extrasensory elements. In reflection, it was Sex U. The school had brought out her sensual side.

Resolution made, next she had to make a few calls. The first was to Mary Sue to ask a favor.

“Think you can find me a few good suggestions for a divorce lawyer? He needs to be able to handle all the publicity and media.”

“Hell yes,” Mary Sue said, with laughter in her voice. “It's about damn time. Your brother will be happy to hear it.”

“Don't remind me. I've been sending his calls to voicemail.”

“He means well, and has been worried about you,” Mary Sue said. “It sounds like going to that school was good for you after all.”

“You were right. Getting away from the onslaught of everyday life helped me think things through. I'm also going to talk to the person at the network. Doing the special might be a good way to help others get out of bad situations.”

“Stay strong,” Mary Sue said. “It's not going to be easy, but you'll have plenty of people supporting you.”

After she hung up, she rang Ms. Lucy. “Can you invite Drew to the school for a visit? I'd like to see him before I leave.”




Surprisingly, Jody avoided feeling nervous about the impending rendezvous. Once she made the decision to move forward, everything else had fallen into place. She wore a rose-colored chemise and shorts set, and the silky material made her feel graceful and desirable. Drew had captivated her, and she'd realized if she left the school without seeing him again, that would be her one regret.

She heard approaching footsteps and opened the door before he had the chance to knock.

“Someone's alert,” he teased. “Didn't expect to see you so soon.”

He ran his eyes over her body, making her feel all the more attractive.

“I didn't want to leave before saying goodbye.” She stepped back to invite him in.

“I'm glad.” He kissed her on the cheek, and she turned her head, taking his mouth.

The heat between them flared, and she pressed her body against his. Drew gripped her ass, holding her against his hard length.

He broke the kiss. “You look and feel amazing.”

“I hoped you'd think so.”

After taking her hand, he led her to the couch, and sat. “What's changed?”

She knew and felt it internally, but how did she present it to him so he'd understand? After spending so much of her adult life living a lie and suppressing her passions, she didn't want to wait any longer. She didn't need to remain neglected, and weak, in order to be strong in her faith. They were not mutually exclusive.

For too long, she'd done what others thought would be right. Now, she had to live by what she thought would be best. Not just for her, but also her family. Did she want her daughters to grow up and marry someone like their father, who held so little respect for his spouse? No.

“I've changed,” she finally said, “and I know what I want. Right now, you, and then maybe my own show. Do you think viewers will relate to the real me?”

Scooting closer, she caressed the inside of his thigh, reaching higher until she cupped his straining cock through the material.

“It depends how much you show them. You've got me a little turned upside down,” he said. “I came not knowing what to expect.”

“I was hoping for that. I didn't want Drew the instructor to come tonight. I wanted Drew the man, and right now it feels like you arrived.”

He stilled her hand. “I want to be with you, but you have to tell me what's changed.”

“I've had enough. I'm divorcing the cheater. I don't know what I was staying for. He already left.”

“Sound decision.” Drew nodded his head, before putting his arm around Jody for another kiss.

All her nerve endings burst to life. Her body tingled, ready to be touched. Each swirl of his tongue increased her desire for him. He tunneled his fingers into her hair, holding her close.

Taking a break, they each caught their breath. “You know, once we do this, there's no going back, right?” he asked.

“I hope not.”

No more talking. She slid onto his lap, reaching between them and unbuttoning his jeans. He lifted his hips and she pushed them and his boxers onto the floor. His lovely cock sprung up, all thick and so hard its tip turned purple.

When she gripped him, he moaned against her mouth.

“I couldn't stop thinking about you,” he said.

“Right there with you.”

Deftly, he maneuvered his fingers through the leg hole of her shorts, pushing into her. He was the perfect mixture of persistent and gentle, delving into her wetness. She leaned back, removing her tank and pressing her breasts into his mouth. She liked this position of control. He cupped her tits, concentrating on sucking the nipple of one, sending shocks of sensation through her body, until it stood at hard points, and moved to the other one.

BOOK: Christian Mingle
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