Christian Mingle (2 page)

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Authors: Louisa Bacio

BOOK: Christian Mingle
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Chapter Three


The weight of the world flocked from Jody with her shortened locks. She didn't recognize herself in the bleached blonde bob. She had to give it to that surfer boy, he knew what he was talking about.

Ms. Lucy surveyed the finished product. She reached up, stroking the silky strands. “Sassy. Who knew you had it in you, Ms. Druger?”

“Not me. Not by a long-shot,” she said. Growing up, she'd been taught that self-improvement, especially physically, amounted to vanity, and that was definitely a bad thing.
But then look at the women her husband had gone out and done things with. Women who certainly didn't think about the sanctity of marriage, forget about if their grooming crossed such boundaries.

“Well, now that I have you all prettied up,” Lucy teased, “I have someone I'd like you to meet.”

“Meet? What about the other students? I was alone in this huge dorm overnight. Where is everyone else?”

“It's between sessions. We just finished with Summer School, and the next cohort won't start until next week. When I heard about the situation you were in, I knew I had to do something. Call it divine intervention.”

The choice of Ms. Lucy's words comforted her. Despite wearing head-to-toe black leather and adulterous-looking black boots, the woman possessed some divine traits after all. Jody should never have questioned why she was led to this den of sin.

“I'd be happy to meet this acquaintance of yours,” she said. “What's his name?”

“Drew, and he's an agnostic.”

Her heart lodged in her throat, and Jody gagged.
A what?

“You must be mistaken. I don't think I would be able to meet someone like that,” she said. There was no beating around this dead bush. Ms. Lucy would have to know what she meant.


“Owww.” Jody pressed her palm against her smarting ass, the sting of Ms. Lucy's swat vibrating “What was that for?”

“I'm tired of your insolence. You question everything. And you're whining. No wonder your husband found solace elsewhere.”


Smack. Smack.
With each slap, Jody bounced upward, until she felt like she was a white rabbit, bound for an adventure to parts unknown.

“Please stop,” she begged. “I promise to meet with him.”

“On that issue, you didn't have too much choice,” Lucy said. “Now go put on something appropriate.”





Jody never understood the saying until she was introduced to Drew. While the blonde surfer Blaine fit the mold of boy-toy, Drew oozed pure man. She smoothed down her short red skirt, wishing it hung to her knees rather than mid-thigh, and maybe was in another color not quite so flashy.

Look at me.

And he did. At six feet tall, he towered over her. Without actually touching him, she'd place a bet—if she were a betting woman—that every inch of him would be hard muscles. He looked mid-thirties with all sorts of self-confidence.

Lucy greeted him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for coming. I know how busy you are, but this situation is a bit of an emergency.”

At the last comment, both turned to look at her. Jody suppressed the urge to “tootle” her fingers in a little wave.

“She looks perfectly delicious,” Drew said. He leaned in closer to Ms. Lucy's ear, but talked loud enough for Jody to hear. “You know how I love to corrupt the innocent.”

He winked at Jody and heat spread up her chest and neck.
How dare he?

With a pat on his arm, Lucy brought the man over to meet her. “This here is Jody, our special project.”

“My, my, aren't you the saucy one?” Drew gestured for her to stand, and he turned her in a full circle. “And Ms. Lucy, ever the naughty one, dressing you all in red. Such a devil.”

“Sir, I would have no idea what you are implying,” Jody said. Images of him pushing her down to her knees and filling her mouth with cock flooded her mind. It was almost like he was inspiring these lurid fantasies. Just being in his presence alone was

“Then guess what? We'll have to work on that. When I'm done with you, I'm sure you'll have every idea, and maybe soon will be able to teach me a thing or two.”

Fear mixed with anticipation pulsed through Jody's heart. She thought of her husband, and his indiscretions.
, her conscious warred.
His damned fuck buddies
. She'd be lying if excitement didn't flare between her legs. Oh, yes. She wanted this. But, could she have it? After being with her husband for so long, it was tough to think of any other options.

“We reserved one of the playrooms for you for the day,” Lucy said as she escorted them out of the greeting area and onto the campus. “I wasn't sure if you'd require any special toys …”

Drew tapped the side of a satchel he carried. “As you may remember, I like to bring my own.”

The playroom appeared anything but childish. It more resembled a high-end hotel room with an oversized bed. Were those restraints on the bedposts? Jody hesitated in the doorway. She couldn't go in. No way would she be able to go through with it.

Lucy spanked her on the ass, making Jody jump forward. “Sometimes, she needs a bit of an incentive,” she explained. “She's signed all the consent forms, willingly, so do anything you think will be appropriate.”

With a final nod, Lucy left them alone. At a loss, Jody stood in the middle of the room. She didn't want to sit on the bed. They'd get there soon enough. Drew laid the bag out on a stool, and opened it up. All sorts of devices in a variety of colors screamed for her attention.

“Ever wear a vibrating butt plug while being fucked?” Drew asked, holding up a particularly wicked-looking purple device.

She swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat. “I-I-I can't say I have.”

“Hmpf. Well, there's always a time and place for everything.”

Emboldened with a new sense of righteousness, she confronted him. “What's supposed to happen here? Are you going to try to torture my beliefs out of me? Because let me tell you, that's not going to happen.”

“Torture?” Drew moved fast, closing the gap between them. He slipped his hand under the back of her skirt, palming the curve of her ass. The hard ridge of his cock pressed into her stomach. “It'll be all pleasure. You're allowed to keep all the beliefs you already have. All I ask is for you to open your mind just a little bit—like I'm going to open your body—and leave some room for more.”

Before she uttered another protest, he covered her mouth with his. Strong, insistent lips pressed against her and she quickly lost all argument. He swirled his tongue over her top lip, tracing the upper curve and she gasped at the sensual feeling. He took advantage of the opening and delved in with his tongue. Each stroke of his against hers increased her pleasure and her nether region pulsed with need.

How could he turn her on so much with only some words, and his mouth? Her body felt on fire, and only one thing—him—could put it out.

Moaning against his mouth, she ran her fingers up his back, digging in. She moved one hand between them, gripping his member through his pants.

“Whoa-whoa-whoa,” he said. “Not so fast. We have plenty of playtime, and lessons before we get to the main attraction.”

Jody tapered it down. When it was time, she was used to doing it. And that was about it. What did he mean about lessons beforehand? If she thought about it too much, nothing would happen. Didn't he know, she needed to feel and not think?

He started at her shoulder, pushing her shirt down and off. The silky material slid against flesh. Jody lifted her arms, to allow him to pull it off. He sought out her breasts with his hands, cupping them whole, and then dipping his fingers into the cups to pinch the nipples. She reached behind her and unsnapped the bra, letting her breasts fall free.

“You're gorgeous. You know with all that media coverage happening, nothing does you justice,” he said. “While I'm liking the new hairstyle, that's only cosmetic changes. These tits, though. They're all you. Why don't you ever show them off and let everyone know how damn sexy you are?”

“It's not the role I was given,” she said. “My part is of the dutiful wife. I'm background.”

“On the show?” Drew asked. “Forget about how they pigeonholed you on TV. You, as a woman, are gorgeous.”

Heat flushed through her chest and face. She wanted to be desired. Needed. Wanted. She slipped her hands under the back of his shirt, feeling the soft skin covering his muscles. Her husband had gotten soft in the last few years, not quite as desirable. No wonder she'd lost interest, and he'd gone looking for something else.

“Move with me,” Drew said. As he continued to kiss her, he walked her backwards toward the bed. With the backs of her knees hitting the mattress, he stripped off her skirt and underwear, leaving her completely naked.

“Look how pretty you are down here.” He fingered her trimmed mound. “So alluring.”

“You have Ms. Lucy to thank for that maintenance,” she said. It wasn't like she kept what was hidden in her pants all spruced up all the time, but maybe that little bit made a large difference.

“I'll have to remember to thank her later,” he said.

Once she was on the bed, he moved quickly, strapping her arms into the restraints at the top posts. Jody pulled at them, making the material snap even tighter.

“Do I need to be restrained?”

“From all I've seen, I think so,” he said. “You're a fighter, and not in a good way. There's a lot you want to experience, but you're not allowing yourself to do it—yet.”

His words spun through her brain. She'd been sent here—highly recommended—by friends and family. Just about everyone who talked with her expressed disbelief that she stayed with her husband. And yet, through it all, his infidelity and the scandal from his youth, she'd stood by him. Maybe, she needed to start thinking about herself, instead of what was right and obviously not inline with their regular beliefs.

A thick silky material was placed around her wrists, and she tested the limits. If she pulled harder, it tightened.

“You're not messing around,” she said.

“No. This is the real thing. Still want to continue?”

Having the choice put back to her, Jody didn't know what to say. She thought coming here, and being with Drew, would be more about his taking away the choice from her. That's what her experience in the past was about. Instead, putting the yes or no in her lap made her feel very different. No matter what happened, she couldn't fall back on it not being her decision.

“Why don't you believe in God?” she asked. She'd never talked to someone with such conflicting beliefs.

“You are laying there totally nude. Do you really want to discuss my beliefs?” From his magic bag, he took out something pretty harmless-looking: A pink feather. “Officially, an agnostic says they don't know if a god exists. How do you know?” He trailed the edge up the side of her stomach, and over her breasts.

She sucked in a breath. Good question. Both of them. Her husband swore to uphold the doctrines of their church, and he failed miserably. Another argument came to mind. “Without religion, people would commit murder.”

Drew swirled the feather over the tips of her nipples, teasing them to a painful pucker. Leaning in close, he covered one with his mouth, sucking strongly before moving toward her ear. “Is that the only thing that keeps you from killing? Worry about your soul in the afterlife?” he asked. “I have more faith in humanity. We are inherently good. It's not fear that keeps us in check. It's basic decency.”

Conviction turned her on. Strong faith, even if it was a different belief than her own. She looked at Drew in an altered light. “More,” she said.

“More feather, or more-
?” He dipped and swirled.

“Anything and everything.”

He ceased all touching, put down the instrument he'd been using, and crossed the room to his box of pleasure items. Since she'd liked what he'd come up with so far, she'd hold off on protesting.

In his hand, he held a small purple bullet-shaped item and a tube. “Ever have one of these in your ass?” Holding up the device, he pressed a button on the bottom and a buzzing noise ensued.

“No-no. Can't say I have. Not sure if I want to start now.” She strained against the ties. “Are you sure that's necessary?”

“Necessary? Not sure if I was brought here to stay within the box,” he said. The vibrating stopped. He moved between her legs, and a coldness spread down the crack of her bottom. “You're going to feel a slight pressure.”

There it was. She held her breath, and then after thirty seconds of nothing happening, let it out. At that moment, he slipped the device past the outer rim and into her anus. It felt oddly foreign and yet arousing at the same time. She'd never been touched there, let alone had anything enter.

“Now, if you were staying at the school for a longer period of time, or if you were enrolling, you'd probably be fit with several sizes of these, stretching you out until say, my cock fit in your ass.”

“What? Why?”

“Oh, you'll see.” On that promise, he clicked the damned button on again, and a pleasurable vibration began inside of her. The sensation traveled through her lower extremities, so although it centralized in her ass, she swore she'd felt it in her clit.

Closing her eyes, she drank in the sensations. “Well look at what we have here. Someone likes it, don't you?”

“Yes.” If she could touch herself right now, she would. She'd rub one out so fast. Instead, this delicious man insisted on torturing her with pleasure.

“Are you going to take me now?” she asked.

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