Chartreuse (22 page)

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Authors: T. E. Ridener

BOOK: Chartreuse
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Twenty Three


was trying not to smile too much as he watched Kasen open the door.  The look
of surprise on his face was priceless, and Rowan felt good about being able to
reunite a human with his best friend.  And it wasn’t just any human, but the
one he cared about above all others.  The one he wanted to be with. 

crossed his arms over his chest, watching as Napoleon entered the apartment
without hesitation.   Houston was too busy jumping at Kasen, yelping
excitedly.  Kasen was too busy repeating his name over and over again, petting
his head and back.  It was definitely one of the happier moments he’d witnessed
in the past week.

my god, you’re okay,” Kasen whispered, hugging his arms around his dog as he
crouched to be at Houston’s level.  He lifted his eyes to meet Rowan’s gaze,
smiling from ear to ear.  “Where did you find him?”

didn’t,” Rowan replied, scratching at the scruff on his jaw.  He
needed to shave.  “Mister Perkins found him rummaging through his garbage and
brought him to the clinic.  I guess whoever broke in that night really spooked
Houston and he fled at the first opportunity.  He just needs a bath.”

Kasen sniffed for a second before wrinkling his nose, “Oh yeah.  You definitely
need a bath,” He chuckled, allowing Houston to lick his cheek.  “I’m so glad
you’re home, Boy,” He hugged him tightly before standing back up.  “I don’t
know how to thank you for this, Ro.”

“You don’t have to thank me,” Rowan shrugged.  “It’s sort of my job.”

“No,” Kasen insisted as he stepped out of the apartment and stood toe to toe
with him.  “I
want to thank you,” He said in a lower voice.

Rowan wasn’t sure what to say to that.  The look in Kasen’s eyes, and the way
he said that last sentence….they both implied something that caused all the
blood in his body to head south.  He licked his lips quickly, swallowing the
lump in his throat before giving a sad smile.

“Are you sure about that?” He asked, glancing over Kasen’s head to see the
young woman sitting on the couch, watching them curiously.  “It looks like
you’ve got company.  I wouldn’t want to intrude,” God, Kasen wasn’t trying to
bat for the other team, was he?

not like Elliott.  He is NOTHING like Elliott.

“Oh, don’t give me that bullshit,” Kasen whispered as he slid his arms around
Rowan’s waist and hugged him.  “You can come inside, you know.  Jess and I were
just watching a movie.  Would you believe she’s never seen Lord of the Rings
before?  Anyway, we need to discuss some things.”

“What kind of things?” Rowan asked, though he really didn’t care. Clearly,
Jessica was not a threat, and Kasen wanted him to come inside; Kasen wanted to
spend time with him; Kasen wanted to
him.  He’d have to be out of
his mind to say no.

soon learned that Kasen intended for Jessica to be his new roommate, and after
discovering the reasoning behind it, Rowan had no qualms with the idea. No
woman deserved to be hit, and despite that gnawing fear in the back of his head
of history repeating itself, Rowan trusted Kasen. 

it turned out, Mister Perkins was Jessica’s father, and Rowan had it in good
mind to call the old fellow up and tell him what his lovely son-in-law had been
doing to his daughter.  It wasn’t his place –far from it- but he would take
some joy in knowing the little asshole was in hot water with the in-laws.

“Houston!” Kasen shouted from the hallway.  Rowan glanced up from his place on
the couch, watching as a drenched and soaped up Houston came bounding into the
living room, shaking his body from side to side in an attempt to rid himself of
the cleanliness.

“Bad boy!” Kasen appeared in the hallway, his t-shirt soaked and his denim
jeans dark with saturation.  Rowan tried to bite back his laughter, but when
Jessica burst out, he did as well.  “Oh, har har,” Kasen scowled. “Laugh about
it now, you jerks.”

“I’m so sorry,” Jessica slurred.  She was clearly three sheets to the wind, and
Rowan made a mental note never to leave a six pack at Kasen’s, ever again.  He
was providing alcohol to people who were still underage.

god, I’m a cradle robber,
He thought as his eyes met Kasen’s.  But if that
was the case, he would stand guilty.  Kasen was almost twenty, so it wasn’t
that –big- of an age difference, was it?  And age was just a number anyways. 
It didn’t matter.

nighttime fell across Chartreuse, Jessica settled on the couch for the night
with Diana curled up at her feet.  Napoleon and Houston opted to cuddle
together in the corner of Kasen’s room while Kasen dressed down for bed.

Rowan sat on the corner of his bed quietly, watching Kasen remove his shirt and
jeans.  He couldn’t help that his gaze lingered on the muscles dancing beneath
Kasen’s pale skin.  Something felt different about tonight.  Every time Kasen
looked at him, it was almost as if the kid was trying to see straight into his
soul.  It stirred something in his chest, and Rowan quite liked the sensation.

you need some pajama pants?” Kasen asked as he moved back to the bed in his

“No, thanks,” Rowan shook his head, lifting his eyes to stare at Kasen as he
stood before him.  The fire in Kasen’s blue hues caused tingles to race down
Rowan’s spine and he swallowed hard.  God, what was that look for?

“All righty,” Kasen gave him a small smirk, reaching out to touch his scruffy
jaw briefly.  “Get in bed then.”

wasn’t aware I was spending the night,” Rowan replied softly as he turned his
head, watching Kasen get beneath the covers.

“Well here’s your official invitation if you want it,” Kasen replied with a
small grin.  He patted the spot beside him, lifting a brow.

hell.  Rowan really didn’t have to be told twice.  He immediately tugged his
shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor.  It was soon joined by his shoes
and pants before he crawled into the bed and pulled the covers up.  Kasen’s arm
slid around his torso and they moved closer together.

“Better,” Kasen whispered, nuzzling his nose against the side of Rowan’s neck. 


Rowan replied in that deep, smooth voice.  Kasen fought off the urge to tremble
as he traced his fingertips over the older male’s side, tilting his head
slightly to press a kiss against the 5 o’clock shadow Rowan was sporting. 
Kasen actually liked when his facial hair had a chance to grow out.  It was unbelievably

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Rowan asked in a soft whisper, his warm
palm pressing against the small of Kasen’s back.  Kasen arched his back,
wrapping a leg around Rowan’s waist comfortably as he pulled him closer.

Kasen laughed quietly.  “About us.”

“Yeah?” Rowan’s fingers danced up and down his spine as Kasen bit at his lower
lip.  God, that felt nice.  He liked when Rowan touched him; he liked touching
Rowan.  Being apart from the other male just didn’t work out in his favor.

“Yeah, “Kasen echoed as he suddenly rolled over, straddling Rowan’s hips as he
gazed down at him.  Heat flooded his veins as their bodies touched and he
curled his fingers around the sheets beneath them.  “I kinda have this idea
that we shouldn’t really ever take breaks like that anymore,” He murmured.

Rowan stared up at him with those beautiful caramel eyes, and Kasen nearly
forgot what he’d been intending to say.  He’d worked on the speech in his mind
all night long.  Sure, he’d promised Jessica he’d gather the courage to ask
Rowan to be his boyfriend, but he hadn’t done it entirely to make sure she
filed for a divorce.  He really had wanted more with Rowan for some time now. 
No matter what anyone else thought or did, Kasen knew that he deserved
happiness, and he also knew that Rowan could give him just that.

be honest, breaks suck,” Rowan replied as his hands slid up his sides and arms,
cupping his face gently.  “I don’t think we should do that anymore either.”

“Good,” Kasen licked his lips, wetting them as he leaned down and bumped the
tip of his nose against Rowan’s.  “I kinda also think maybe…we should try
something else out.”

yeah?  And what is that?” Rowan smiled and his eyes sparkled as he traced his
thumb over Kasen’s lower lip.

Kasen pressed a kiss against the pad of his thumb, holding his gaze as he
carefully pressed his hips downwards.  He heard the soft groan sounding from
Rowan and it caused his heart to lurch in the most delicious way.  He inched
down a bit more, kissing his thumb again before catching his upper lip with a
light peck.

think you should be mine,” Kasen admitted, feeling his heart swell.  There was
a good possibility it would burst before the conversation even had a chance to
happen, but at least he would die of happiness.  “And I want to be yours,” He
added after a few beats of silence.  “I know it’s not really been that long and
all…and I know that you’re afraid of being in a relationship because of what that
peckerneck did to you.”

Rowan’s rich laughter filled the air as he pulled Kasen closer, wrapping his
arms around him securely, “You sure do have a way with words, Baby,” He

“Now hold on just a second,” Kasen chuckled.  “I’m not done yet!”

“Okay, okay.  I’m listening,” Rowan promised, pressing a kiss against the side
of his throat.  Kasen shivered, feeling his eyelids become heavy as he gently
grinded against him. 

know that you’re scared…and I’m scared, too, but the last few months have been
the happiest of my life, Ro.  Even with the hell that the upstanding citizens
of Chartreuse have put us through; you’re the slice of heaven that keeps me
going.  I never knew life could be this good, and I want to keep you.”

“You want to keep me?” Rowan mused, dipping his fingertips into the back of
Kasen’s briefs.  He sighed contently, rubbing the scruff of his cheek against
Kasen’s jaw as he mulled it over.  “Hmm…”

Kasen suddenly found himself on his back with Rowan’s weight crushing him into
the mattress.  He let out a soft gasp as the other male’s clothed arousal
teased against his own.  He quickly wrapped his legs around his waist, locking
his ankles together to keep him close as their lips met in the most
mind-blowing kiss possible. 

Every thought disappeared, including the speech he’d planned.  All he could
focus on was the pressure of Rowan’s mouth and the taste of his tongue as it
touched against his.  His fingers slid into Rowan’s dark hair, tangling into
the locks as he pulled eagerly.  Good Lord, how was he supposed to survive
kisses like this?

Rowan’s hips rocked against his and Kasen groaned, immediately responding as he
tightened his legs around him.  He nipped at his lower lip and Rowan bit his in
response, eliciting a louder gasp from Kasen as their bodies screamed for one

“I’ve made my decision,” Rowan whispered huskily, dipping his head to press
kisses and tiny nips against Kasen’s collarbone. 

Kasen writhed beneath him, squirming and wiggling about as he whimpered for
more attention,  “Yeah?” He asked breathlessly.

“Mhm,” Was Rowan’s reply as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of Kasen’s
briefs.  He tugged them downward, and Kasen lifted his hips in an effort to
help him. 

They were both completely naked beneath the blankets before Rowan spoke again. 
His hands were everywhere, touching and caressing; pleasing and teasing as
Kasen sighed.

you want to know what my answer is?” Rowan asked as his fingers curled around
Kasen’s throbbing erection.

Kasen threw his head back, releasing a quiet moan as he dug his blunt nails
into Rowan’s upper arm.  He nodded to the best of his ability as he forced his
heavily lidded eyes open to gaze at the older male, “Uh huh…”

smirked, pumping his fist up and down at a steady pace as he leaned in to brush
his lips against Kasen’s, “I’m going to make a deal with you,” He murmured.

“O-okay,” Kasen swallowed hard, bucking his hips in an effort to feel more of
that sweet friction.  He needed more; he needed everything.  He needed whatever
Rowan would give him.

“I’ll let you keep me,” Rowan whispered as his lips danced over Kasen’s
jawline.  “But you have to let me keep you in return.”

breathing grew sporadic and labored as he felt the tip of Rowan’s cock teasing
against his thigh.  He nodded quickly, and hell, that still wasn’t fast enough
as his eyes found the brilliant male’s above him.

“Can you agree to that?” Rowan asked, stilling his hand.

Kasen whined in protest, lifting his head to see Rowan reaching towards the
nightstand to grab a condom from the top drawer.  He bit into his bottom lip
again, listening to his heart as it hammered against his ribs.  He smoothed his
palm down Rowan’s chest and stomach, allowing his fingertips to graze over the
soft dark hairs that led to a very happy place, indeed.  Happier than
Disneyworld, in fact.

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