Captured Secret (The Captured Series) (3 page)

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Authors: April Raynne

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Captured Secret (The Captured Series)
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after working almost thirty-three hours in three days. I’m spent, as I jump into the shower to get ready to go out with Zoey. I’m not the social butterfly that my best friend is, so my nerves kick into high gear. I have to admit, a nice stiff drink sounds good. I’ll need it to come out of my shell.

I blow dry my hair, brush my teeth and apply what I call “going out makeup.” Basically, smoky eyes, with some Color Stay nude lipstick. Normally, I keep it real simple with pressed powder, mascara, lip-gloss, and maybe a little eye shadow, but tonight, my green eyes pop with all the dark makeup. As I apply another coat of very black mascara, I’m thankful for my long, thick eyelashes. Zoey always tells me she’s so jealous and that they are ridiculously long. Long lashes are the trend today, so for once, I’m in style. I have a little time before Zoey walks in, so I twist some curls into my hair with my curling wand.

Zoey comes in as I’m slip on my skin fucking tight black booty pants over my black high heeled boots. This girl right here, is not a heels kinda girl. These boots are about as daring as I get. “Friend... I’m not gonna lie. The outfit is hot, especially you in a bra for a top. But I really like Pierce, so I do not want him straying this early in the relationship, because he gets to see too much of your hot little figure at the first meeting,” Zoey says as she stands in my doorway in scrubs. She has a cheeky grin on her face from her teasing comments.

“Well, Zoey, it’s been over a year since I’ve had sex. So, I was thinking, Pierce sounds like a commitment man like I want. So, my plan is to steal him… tonight …with this little barely there outfit.” I don’t let my face slip into a smile until the last word leaves my mouth. Then…the laughter comes and we both crack the fuck up.

Zoey finally walks into my room and sits on the end of the bed. She now schools her face and says, “I accept the challenge, Biatch, now show me the shirt.” I pull on the deep purple keyhole halter top carefully, so I don’t get deodorant all over it. The shirt is form fitting, and it hits where my low-rise pants start. The keyhole shows some cleavage, but not too much. Maybe it will attract prince charming tonight. “I love that one on you, Stella, it makes you look sexy and mysterious. You’re only giving us a glimpse of those hooters, but it’s obvious that your little body is rocking hot.” Zoey’s the best. When she likes something on you, you know it. When she doesn’t like something on you, you know it. “By the way, you won’t be wooing my man, but maybe your celibate ass will get laid tonight.” Zoey bolts out the door and runs to her room knowing that I would have tackled her for bringing up my lack of sex life…again.

I spray on some perfume and head to the kitchen to down a bottle of water. I know I’m going to dehydrate my body with all the alcohol that I’ll require to be around a group of people I don’t know. Twenty five minutes later, Zoey emerges from her bedroom with a cocoa color, loose fitting dress that she has pulled at the waist with a little tie belt. The sequin pattern draws your eyes to her great breasts and it hits her mid-thigh to show off her tone legs.
Okay, now I feel underdressed.
I can tell that she didn’t wash her hair, which works, because she’s got this little wave thing going on. Pierce’s boys are going to like her just fine.

Zoey wants Pierce to stay over tonight. Today was the end of her three shifts for the week.
Must be nice...
I work tomorrow, so they will have the place to themselves for the day.
Jealous much, Stella?

“So, who is this party for anyway?” I ask as we get in the car and start looking for some tunes on her phone.

“Pierce told me that his friend, Ty, has a girlfriend or maybe an assistant that’s leaving. He planned this party for her.” Zoey shrugs her shoulders as we start for the bar.

“What was she assisting? She’s his girlfriend? And, what does Ty do?” I question, so if I talk to said assistant girl I can wish her well.

“Pierce says he owns his own business.”

I roll my eyes, “Damn, friend, you are just a fountain of knowledge.”

We walk up to The Wall Street and Zoey texts Pierce that we are in line to get in. “He says they are sitting outside.” Her smile makes me smile, but my hands and insides feel all jittery. She doesn’t look nervous at all.

“Zoey, I need a drink, like, ASAP.”

“You got it. Relax, Stella, this will be fun.” The bouncer checks our IDs as we enter. This place is all Spanish tiles on the floors and elaborate tile patterns that flow up the walls.

We make a right to head outside as Zoey leads me by the hand. The music is jumping but not at a level where you can’t talk, just at slightly higher than normal. We take about ten steps when she releases my hand and skips to a guy sitting on a stool with his back to us. She grabs him around the neck with a squeal. The man turns in her arms and pulls her into a huge embrace. He whispers something in her ear and they kiss passionately as I walk up.
Okay, this must be Pierce
. My eyes meet a total hottie sitting next to Pierce. He’s about my age, with light brown hair that’s a couple inches long on top. It’s all pushed up on top and gelled to perfection. His hazel eyes are very sexy and he grabs me from head to toe with them. He’s tone, and athletic, judging by the arms I see against his white t-shirt. “They’re rude,” he flicks his eyes over at the couple making out. “I’m Jaxon. Kisser over there is my friend.”

I giggle, he’s funny and I like him instantly. “I’m, Stella, the other kisser’s bestie.” The new couple continues to kiss as we look from one another to them. “Are they always this, ummm…open?”

“Well, we work at different fire stations, so I’m not sure how they let them act over there, but I do know that the hospital would frown upon them making out like hormonal fourteen year olds.”

The lovebirds end the lip locking and I finally get to see Pierce. His Facebook page is kept at a very private setting, so I’ve only seen profile pictures along with pictures on Zoey’s phone. He already feels familiar to me with his dark blond hair that he keeps shorter on top, yet spiked up just in the front. He has stunning light brown eyes. He is well groomed and clean shaven, wearing jeans with a nice polo shirt. Zoey says he’s six feet tall. I can’t tell because he is sitting and she’s in between his legs. Pierce is very attractive. I can so see why Zoey would not want to leave his bed, not that I want to jump his body, but maybe my jealousy is spiking, thinking that she landed such a great looking guy. It’s not like I can’t pick up men… I’m just not looking for the one night hookup anymore.

“Stella, this is Pierce,” Zoey exclaims, beaming with a huge smile. It’s contagious, because I have this big shit eating grin on my face as well.

Our introduction is interrupted, “Anyone need a drink, I’m headed to the bar.” The deep voice over my shoulder is laced with confidence and a sensual tone. It warms up my body instantly. Zoey’s eyes widen and her jaw drops at the person who has just sniper quietly walked up to our table.

I tear my eyes off Pierce and spin to face the voice behind me.

When I see the specimen of a man standing across the table, our eyes meet, and he steals my breath. I feel my body light on fire. I realize why my friend needs me to place a hand under her chin and push her jaw shut. He is gorgeous! All six feet, three inches of him. I instantly want to grab hold of that blond hair. It’s short on the sides and slightly longer on the top. The highlights are natural from the sun. This is not a salon type guy. His hair looks like he just got laid. It goes here there and everywhere. You can tell he grabbed gel or hair paste and pushed it through all those thick blond locks. It’s sexy as hell.

Do not get me started on his piercing crystal blue eyes. Those full lips are screaming for me to take them to my mouth and explore them with my tongue.
Did I really just think that?
His strong jawbone is chiseled out of granite and is begging me to skim my lips along the sharp edges. I want to dip down to his thick neck and lick the tip of that tattoo I see peeking out of his black t-shirt. That brings my eyes lower, and I quickly have to school my face as I trace my eyes over his chest straining against the thin fabric. Holy sexy tattoo’s on muscled arms. His muscles are not crazy body builder muscles, yet I know both my hands would not fit around those biceps.
Oh, my God, he’s gorgeous

How long have I been staring at him
? I finally stop eye fucking him and look at Zoey when I hear Pierce speak, “I was being introduced to her best friend, rude ass.”

“I actually was trying to be a gentleman,” sexy blond says. I’m still trying to decide if he’s even real. Maybe I fell asleep and he’s in my dreams.

Pierce gently moves his girl out from between his legs and stands. He stares down at Zoey as if he wants to eat her alive, and then introduces her to our new party guest. “Ty Caulder, this is Zoey Martin. Zoey, this is my best friend, Ty.” Now that Pierce is talking to Mr. Yummage, whom now has the name Ty assigned to him, I look to meet his beautiful face again. Ty smiles and takes Zoey’s hand for a firm shake.

“So, you’re the one taking away all the beer drinking time? This one, says Zoey a million times a day. It’s really annoying, but it’s nice finally to meet you,” He says this with a sultry smile that makes you feel like he could have you at any minute. Shit, his voice screams sex!

“Honey, you talk about me a lot?” Zoey says in an innocent little voice.

“Hmmmm… maybe a little,” Pierce’s look says that he’s lying through his teeth. He talks about her a lot.

Pierce looks my way, and to try and camouflage my infatuation with Ty, I extend my hand for a polite handshake. “Stella, nice to meet you finally. I, too, hear Pierce, Pierce, Pierce a million times a day. It’s nice to see you in person and not just in pictures.”

“I think Zoey might be embarrassed of me. She’s kept me in hiding from you for so long. I never really thought I was an ugly dude, but she has me questioning myself these days,” Pierce smiles as he says this, and I can tell by his confidence, it’s an ice breaker only.

I’m not confident, but I am polite, so I turn to Sexy McSexerson. “I’m Stella Avery,” And...I got nothing.
You are so fucking smooth, Stella.
I meet Ty’s eyes and my skin warms…everywhere. His hand grips mine and electricity shoots through me. In between my legs tingle, and it’s just one touch. I pull back as if he shocked me. I vow never to touch that man again, ever.

“Ty Caulder, I guess we already have something in common, considering we get to hear every love detail these two share.” I giggle and shake my head yes. I’m having a hard time pulling oxygen into my lungs.

“You wanna go get drinks with me?” Pierce asks smoking hot hottie. Okay, I gotta stop calling him my pet names. After all, the man has a name.

My heart pounds as his eyes find mine again. He opens his mouth to reply when Jaxon cuts him off. “I’m still waiting for the gentleman like behavior you speak of, Ty. When will we see it?”

“Fuck off, Jax,” Ty replies. I feel like I’ve literally eye fucked him all night, when in reality, he’s been at the table for minutes. I have to get a grip; this one is so out of my league. I need to stop looking so interested.

“What can we get you ladies?” Ty’s voice is like rough leather, but it runs over my skin like velvet.

Zoey’s eyes are back and locked on his face when she spits her order out, “Parrot bay and Sprite please.”

“Vodka, cranberry, with a splash of sprite and a lime.” It comes out all breathy and my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

“Help me remember that,” Pierce shoots to Ty. “Let’s go, dickheads.” He grabs Zoey by the face and kisses her deeply, as if they won’t see each other for months, instead of minutes. I take my eyes off them and that forces me to look at Ty again. He smiles at me, shifts his gaze up and down my body and then blows out a breath that says stop kissing already to the couple showing major public affection. They end the sucking face marathon and Pierce meets Ty around the table. Much to our relief, Jaxon stands and all three make their way to the bar. Zoey and my eyes meet.

“Oh. My. God. Hot.” Zoey breathes out.

“I know.”

“Holy shit…”

“I know,” I think that’s the only words I can get to come out of my lips.

“You should fuck him, Stella.”

“I know. I mean No!”

We stay quiet for a moment. I am personally gathering my thoughts, because all I want to tell her is that I want him…here…now on this bar table. Sadly, I truly think this one is out of my range. My prettiness only goes so far. Jaxon’s more my type of guy and he looks interested. The only problem is my body is not reacting to him.

“He is damn near perfect,” Zoey says with her big eyes again. She looks stunned.

“It should be fucking illegal to be that sexy. And did you hear that voice? And see his eyes? That hard body, and those tattoos?”

“Like I missed anything, and I so will not look at him when he gets back. Maybe that’s why Pierce didn’t talk about him as much as Jaxon. I mean, what was he going say? ‘So, I have this friend Ty, and when you meet him your panties may actually ignite.’ He really could have warned me though. I felt like my jaw dropped.” Zoey looks over at the bar and I think she is pondering being mad at Pierce for not giving her a heads up.

“Your jaw did drop. What about mine?” I ask sincerely.

“I have no idea, Stella. I couldn’t rip my eyes away long enough to look at you. Did you see the tattoos hanging out of his shirt? And the one that peeked out of the shirt on his neck?”

“Are you kidding? I was gawking! Gawking, I tell you!” We just stare at one another.

“You need to be underneath that man before the night’s over, Stella.” I love my blunt best friend.

“I did! Already! I eye fucked the shit out of him.” My face turns red thinking of me completely mesmerized. “Do you think fucking him in my mind ended my one year of celibacy?”

“No, it most certainly does not! For fuck’s sake, you need to physically do him, Stella!”

“He’s way out of my league, Zoey. Sad, but true.”

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