Breeding Call: Virgin Initiations (BDSM Erotic Romance) (Bred in Underfalls) (4 page)

BOOK: Breeding Call: Virgin Initiations (BDSM Erotic Romance) (Bred in Underfalls)
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She held out her palm and squeezed a small dollop of yellowish liquid into her hands. Fragrant pine needles filled the room, allegedly the scent of the everlasting tree, a rare species from beyond the Great Lake that never died of old age.

Please take off your clothes, Axel. Let me do this for you...”

He complied, watching her uncertainly. Though his body was grazed with reddish imperfections, his frame remained immaculate. She sucked in her breath and held it as her hands began to caress his chest, rubbing the oil in.

Each time she came to a cut or scrape, Axel held his own breath, exhaling hard enough to rustle the mattress as he processed his pain. Jordan massaged him slowly, curling wide circles around his manly breasts, down to the pack of hills that ran along his torso.

Mid-way through the massage, he turned over, and allowed her to rub the piney ointment all across his back. She marveled at every ridge of his spine, flanked by large muscles that ran out toward his arms, his legs, his beefy buttocks. Her palms felt hot, and the heat spread by humid increments, pooling around her sex.

Turn over again,” she whispered.

Axel's eyes were fixed to ceiling as she started on the fronts of his legs, pushing deep into his knotted muscles. He winced when she came to the sprained ankle, but held in his protests, allowing her to work it slowly. After a time, it started to feel better.

Meanwhile, his erection sprouted, like a second face staring toward the sky. Jordan bit her lip when she noticed, scarcely able to control the urge to reach out and –

Ahhhh,” he groaned, closing his eyes as her warm, slippery hands wrapped around it. “There, little rabbit, there.”

Satisfying parts like this for anything but procreation was scorned. That didn't stop her, nor did it prevent him from resisting. Jordan's little hands rolled him between her fingers, gliding up and down, stopping at the base to worship his wrinkled balls.

She leaned down and brought his tip between her lips, as she had dreamed about doing earlier. Axel's muscles pulsed as she brushed him with pleasure, her lips strumming his entire length.

It's so good,” he murmured, reaching out to hold her wrist. “But we can't let an opportunity like this go to waste, can we?”

You've already started it. Better finish the job,
she thought. Jordan worked fast to unbind her dress before she rolled it over her head.

With her naked skin freed to the cool air again, she straddled him. It took a little effort to stay off his most sensitive spots, but eventually she found her place.

In the quiet of mid-evening, they rocked in the mattress. Jordan enjoyed the control, being able to have him as fast or as slow as she wanted, straining and smiling as his enormous girth continued stretching her from the inside out. Her little ass rippled as she dove into him faster.

Axel clenched his jaw, fighting through the discomfort at the base of his spine as pleasure flooded him with its fuzzy heat. His fingers reached to her butt and tightened, holding her in place as he started to rock harder, rubbing her body from side to side, until it slaved over his tree trunk hardness.

A little faster, a little faster...Jordan's eyes fluttered shut. Shrill murmurs boiled from her mouth, setting the air alight. Axel grunted and jabbed upward, giving her longer, harder strokes. He felt her wetness beginning to spasm on his rod.

That's it. Go on, little rabbit, scream with everything you have as I empty my seed inside you.” His words were orders her body couldn't resist.

Her orgasm tightened and broke into distinct waves, each time crashing down upon her in a toe curling tsunami, the last impulse he needed to let go himself. Axel's guttural cries threatened to drown her out as he felt his testes pucker, spraying his hot white seed toward her womb. His erection bulged and released, hurling jet after jet of milky semen into her void.

When their sex ended, she rolled off him and collapsed. Her head found its way to his shoulder and he lightly stroked her hair.

When do you think it will take?” He asked. Women, he knew, always discovered their pregnancy before he did. He was convinced there was an instinct that kicked in long before the more obvious signs.

Jordan looked up, her eyes aglow with whorls of excitement. “It already has, Axel. I can feel my womb burning with magic.”

Heartbreak or Exile

Pregnancy hit her with full force nearly six weeks later. Jordan spent her days feeling nauseous and exhausted, confined to the hollow under his kindly orders.

Axel only ventured as far as necessary for food in the wintery environment. His wounds were healed, but the sting of her touch after his battle with the rival hunter remained. The female had become a beautiful ghost, equally frightening and alluring.

You mustn't let her grow too deep in your life,” he muttered. “By next autumn, she'll have to return to the village, babe in hand only if it's a daughter.”

He froze. His voice must have attracted the attention of the dark shape on the horse, just a few yards from where he was gathering wood. The mottled gray steed snorted, blowing its breath like a dragon in the cold.

Axel could feel its master's eyes, though he couldn't see the face concealed in the dark cloak around the figure's head. He tipped his head respectfully.

The figure stared a moment longer and then slapped its reigns, taking off through the thicket of trees. Axel waited until the beating of hooves departed, an unnatural sound in winter like rain drops. When it had gone, he gathered up the rest of the firewood and ran back to the hollow, as fast as his aching knees would carry him.

Jordan was just shaking herself from sleep when he burst in. The alarm on his face raised her own alertness, a clang near her heart that led her to sit up. A little too fast – her head spun, a byproduct of her body trying to grow accustomed to the baby.

What's wrong?”

Just an ordinary inspection,” he said, dropping the wood near the iron stove.

She looked at him with confused wrinkles, unable to understand. He sat down next to her on the bed and fattened his body with a heavy sigh.

The Council's Riders. They come every season to keep tabs on hunters, looking for females with men out in the open. They enforce what Nature can't police,” he said.

Jordan blinked, her eyes wide. She had never seen him looking so rattled before.

What do you think they're going to do?”

Nothing...unless we violate our deepest commandments and commit the Sin of Care. As long as you head back after the baby is born, the Riders will have no reason to come prowling around here.” His words came painfully, as if they were drawn out under torture.

But...we'll never see each other again. Axel, what if I want more children? I don't want to be bred by another man.” She curled her soft arms around him, admiring his hard, flat pressed chest.

I know...”

That night, they ate a sullen dinner. The winter beans and vinegary leaves from a snow vine tasted like ash, despite being well seasoned.

The reality of parting ways was more than eight months off, but it felt dangerously close. After just a few weeks, the hollow had become Jordan's home, and Axel transformed himself into a man she never wanted to depart from.

Has anyone ever gotten around the Riders? It doesn't seem too difficult to hide in these woods, and they only come once a season, don't they?” Hope rang in her voice.

They'll catch up to you eventually. I've heard about men who tried to live with their women for more than one year. Eventually, everyone has to go outside, often with a child in tow. There's no way you would be able to hide your son or daughter here. No way.”

I forgot about that. I think I'm going to have a son...and what then? He'll disappear into the Council's hands, just like Axel, never to be seen again.

No mother in the village had ever known her son. The very notion seemed silly, but somehow, it brought tears to Jordan's eyes.

Isn't there anywhere we can go? How far does the Council reach? I've never seen more than little fishing boats on the Great Lake, and what's over the horizon?”

Her questions turned his spine cold. He wanted to laugh at her absurd request.

I've never heard of anyone who has gotten away from this land. And no one who has gone beyond the Great Lake and returned. The Riders patrol the shoreline, but I doubt they wrap all the way around to the hills...getting there is the problem, let alone surviving the unknown.” Axel hadn't been outside the woods since he reached manhood, and crossing into the high peaks over the horizon seemed unfathomable.

I want to try,” Jordan said. Her face hardened, enough to repress the polite rejection building in the back of Axel's mind.

He sat for a long moment, looking at the remnants of food at the bottom of his bowl. “Okay. This is high risk, especially on the cold waters at this time of year. Winter's depths will come in just a few weeks. We have to leave soon.”

Before she could say anything, he stood. Axel marched over to his sac and opened the cabinet, flinging practically everything he owned into the bag in a matter of minutes.

We must go at dawn. There's someone a few clearings from here who might be willing to trade me for a ship. I have something valuable enough to interest him...”

In his hands, he looked at the ivory handled dagger. Axel turned it around: once, twice, three times.

It was the only reminder he had of his own anonymous father. It came with him when he was given over to the elders as a baby, and raised among men in the deep woods.

Any one of them might have been his maker, but he didn't know, and neither did they. He had nothing except the gorgeous heirloom that would have to be leveraged for freedom.

Neither of them slept that night. Jordan used roots to make herself a special tea. It would help keep her nausea at bay during travel. Too bad there wasn't a similar brew for hiding her fear.

Her little fingers shook when she wrapped them in Axel's large hands several hours later. They stepped out into the cold air together, quickly stepping onto the snow covered path. The icy chill of the last few days had eased, and there was only a couple inches of dusty snow billowing through the forest.

The frigid slosh of Great Lake grew louder. Axel jumped down into the hollow formed by a massive dead trunk when they were at the edge of the forest.

A weathered, older man came out, disturbed by the sound. He saw the ivory dagger drawn from the sac immediately, and his eyes lit up. But not more than they did when they scanned Jordan's body, prompting a lecherous smile.

She's seen better days, but this boat can get you across...if you know where you're going. Wouldn't want it to sink and take a pretty little thing like that to the bottom.” He chuckled, a raspy noise that turned to coughs just seconds later.

The large canoe was bobbing in the waters, tied to a cylindrical stone. Before he handed over the dagger, Axel cut the rope, loading his supplies and Jordan onto the little vessel.

She didn't realize they were moving at all until the shore began to recede. The icy waters were brutal, even beneath three thick skins wrapped tightly around everything but her face. She eyed the waves on the side nervously, watching as they slapped the sides of the boat.

Axel's bare chest gleamed, even in the cold, his sweat icing over. He turned the heavy oars up and over in the water, churning with unnatural strength.

This is more than just a hunt or a fight with another man. I'm fighting for my survival, for Jordan's, for the future of my family...

A long puff of warm smoke gushed from his mouth. It wasn't just the strenuous rowing, but the alien word.

Families were compact and segregated in the Land of Underfalls. There were only bloodlines and mothers and daughters – nothing else. They were committing the ultimate taboo by eloping together, but there was no turning back. The drive across the lake felt like venturing into the underworld.

I'm scared.” Jordan's voice trembled, barely audible over the crisp wind flying off the waves. They were just past the Great Lake's center, and the shore was a distant blur, no matter what direction she looked.

Calm yourself, little rabbit. We're going to make it across and find a new home.” Axel's arms were burning. He had no idea if his words were true.

Her fear injected him with new energy. He groaned, fierce sounds she hadn't heard since their last coupling.

A wave so large it sloshed inside the canoe crashed down, spraying her with icy droplets. Her teeth chattered and she hugged the skins tight around her.

Jordan couldn't take the sight of the waters anymore, untamed by the far off land. She turned her eyes downward and closed them, listening to the chaos all around her.

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