Breeding Call: Virgin Initiations (BDSM Erotic Romance) (Bred in Underfalls) (3 page)

BOOK: Breeding Call: Virgin Initiations (BDSM Erotic Romance) (Bred in Underfalls)
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The hunter's whole body seesawed back and forth, a mountain of man crashing into. It took several jarring minutes, helplessly taking his strong thrusts, until her sex fired to life again.

His thunder-strokes started to feel pleasurable, and the pain of her opening faded with every lash. Inch by inch, Jordan started to buck back at the potent root inside her, dragging her hips up to swallow him.

Fire started in her belly, harsh enough to make her chirp as her clit scraped his trunk. The noises only sped along Axel's thrusts. It felt like an invisible hammer smashing down along his tailbone, driving a maddening energy into his balls, which were growing hotter by the second.

Little rabbit, bite down and hold me tight with your legs! I'm about to make you a mother...”

Her body was responding exactly as he asked, even before he said the words. Her long, sleek calves hooked around the backs of his ankles, causing her entire body to rock. She tumbled from the ceiling of his sweaty muscles, down to the feathery depths, gleefully imprisoned by the pleasure he welded into her.

A stormy growl rumbled in his throat, heralding the fiery avalanche that burst from him a moment later. Her legs felt it first, the savage convulsions of muscles, firing all across his legs. His body tightened from head to toe, like a fishing canoe plunging into the waves.

Nothing compared to the scorching liquid coal that ran into her. Axel's grunts filled her ears, even as his seed ran deep into her body, overflowing her fertile valley with such saturation, such power, that she felt herself getting pregnant that very instant.

Jordan wanted to scream, claw, and roll like a wildcat. There was nothing to do in her restraints but bash her hips forward, hard enough to leave a bruise, into the spewing horn providing what her body had craved for twenty one years.

Ecstasy hit her as sudden as his seed. Golden rays shot through her head, hot enough to blind her. She felt as though her vision would never return, lost forever in the maze of pleasure, where sight had no place. Here, there was nothing but
the dynamic slap of infinity through her sex, permeating every pore in her body.

What felt like days only lasted minutes. Reluctantly, their bodies released, exhausted by their rigors.

When Jordan regained consciousness, she stayed far in the mattress, his softening thickness still inside her. Axel smacked his lips, satisfied for the moment. He planted his hard lips on hers before drawing out, knowing that it was only nightfall.

He caressed her with his wide hands, not uttering a word, letting the goosebumps on their bodies speak for themselves. She deserved reprieve, but only for an hour or so. The quiet forest night, as he had learned long ago, was the very best time to breed, as much as their bodies would allow.

Guarding His Property

Just one week in his hollow left her sore. Each time she leaned down in the little clearing, gathering roots and berries, Jordan felt the fading ache and smiled.

The ghostly pain reminded her of how much she had changed in just seven days, all of them filled with her mating, as much as he could stand. Her appetite was rampant, but she didn't mind when Axel could only fill her three times in one night, instead of five.

Those days were a pleasure too. Release from desires, after all, is noble satisfaction as well.

Her mate had disappeared into the wilder parts of the trees. They were less than a mile from his hollow, and on the hunt for sweets, fat, herbs – anything that would help them last the winter.

As she knew from growing up, snows sometimes came early in the Land of Underfalls and melted late. She suspected that several harsh winters in the village had stolen part of her beauty, leaving her a couple inches shorter than she might otherwise be.

The chill air made her wrap the shawl tighter around her shoulders, but it wasn't just the cold that caused her to shiver. The thought of winter in nothing but the unprotected woods while she was pregnant left her fearful.

It's natural to worry, but many other women have survived this,
she thought, trying to reassure herself.
But what about the ones who never return?

That unwelcome question shadowed her like a pine vulture, a wretched misshapen idea that could do nothing but needlessly scare her, without posing real harm. A million explanations were offered over the years for the disappearance of certain daughters.

The naysayers claimed they died, unable to survive the cold. The Council sometimes sent men on horseback to search for their bones in the forest and along its edges. They never found any.

Jordan smiled at the other rumors, barely whispered ones in nasty breaths so inappropriate that Father Skarr would have slapped her for showing amusement. Some said the disappearing women fell in love with their men, like mothers love their daughters, running off with them into unknown lands.

In one unforgettable sermon, the Father stood close to the flames, until Jordan thought he would set his vestments ablaze. He looked into her eyes and the eyes of every other girl. She was nearly fifteen, and cowered with her peers as he condemned the Sin of Care – a subversive crime that he said would undo the very fabric of future generations.

Know this, my daughters...sin comes when you least expect it. Men and women are made to mate, but they should never know one another for more than four seasons. An unclean relationship between the genders will have monstrous consequences, sending women into the arms of males who are not fit to breed, and vice-versa...”

He shook his head with sadness when he spoke the words. It seemed so personal, a bitter reminder of his own strange position in the community.

Why is it okay for men to live among us when they grow old or infirm, but not any sooner?

She heard the question again as she rounded the clearing, approaching a small thicket where bright purple sweetberries grew. Jordan shook her head, disappointed with her inability to find an easy answer.

Hasn't the last week shown you why? Men are different – very different – so different that they would upset the entire balance of our little community if they lived with us in their prime.

The handwoven basket she carried at her side swung to and fro as she filled it with berries. It was surprisingly sturdy, not unlike the ones craftswomen created in the village. Perhaps the men had an anonymous trade line to womankind after all.

A rustling from the pathway caused her to look up. She thought it was wind at first, but the brush was shaking more violently, rocked by movement heading toward her. Jordan half-expected to see Axel burst out and take her in the grasslands, though he continually told her it was dangerous to do so.

Just run. If you hear anything – animal or man – you must run, little rabbit, all the way back to my home,” he told her.

Now, she prepared to sprint, but morbid curiosity bound her feet to the ground. Jordan had never seen the wolves or wildcats said to dwell in the forest. Perhaps Nature was giving her the opportunity to satisfy her wonder.

The blur that shot from the thick weeds and tangled branches gave her no time to react. A large grayish shadow flew out and fell upon her, knocking her to the ground. She had a brief glimpse of the basket flying in mid-air and tumbling back down many feet away, spilling the ripe red fruit she had plucked.

It was a man, and not Axel. The gaunt, long bearded figure tore at her dress, snarling like a beast the entire time.

No! No! Get off! I'm mated to someone else,” she screamed. Her hand was roughly twisted aside as she tried to cover her breasts.

The man's bare skin pressed to hers, as if he wore no clothing beneath the big musky animal hide draped across his back. Jordan tried to kick her legs and beat his back, but he was too large for her.

She shuddered and wept, fearful that his hardness was pressing into her soft belly several times, but it was only his knee. Just when she expected to lay back and consign herself to fate, another blur tore across her shredded dress, hurling the figure to the earth.

The sounds of men roaring and hitting the ground with their strong muscles reached her ears before she could sit up. When she finally drew herself upward, covering her naked breasts, she saw Axel rolling as he wrestled with the other man.

They tore at each other like ravenous vermin, but her mate was larger. The fight worried her, regardless of Axel's advantage in size. The lean stranger had a vicious energy, and he pounded Axel's back with spirit possessed blows.

For a time, his flurry of punches confused his opponent, but Axel regained his footing as he roughly pushed the man beneath him. With his great bulk rising, he put his fists together and slammed them into his enemy's forehead. Axel resembled a stricken cave bear, groaning and hurling his great hands down, each rock hard blow slowly drilling its way into the man's brain.

Jordan covered her ears. Even during vivid nightmares, she had never heard such terrible noises as the ones coming from the stranger's mouth – far more animal than human.

There was a final jousting of limbs before Axel reared off, watching as the stranger scampered away, holding his head. Unsteadily, he ran as quickly as he could toward the trees. Axel rose and chased him, angrily shoving him into the brush.

The extra pressure caused him to run faster, making the wind dance with broken twig snaps. When it was over, Axel approached her, a slight limp in his right leg.

Did he hurt you?” He asked, panting. was so sudden. Oh, look at those cuts! We need to get –“

Back to the hollow. Now,” he ordered. Axel walked with less than perfect balance, but he retained enough strength and sense to grasp her thin wrist.

Before she could protest, they were making their way back along the debris obscured paths. Jordan squeezed her hand in his, short bursts of pressure that seemed to help him balance. Axel groaned unknowingly, stopping when they were halfway through their journey to bind his knee with a strip torn from the leg of his pants.

Who was he?” She thought it might help lessen the pain to speak.

Another man, just like me.”

No! You're not like him...he was so violent, disgusting. I would never mate with such a man!” The very idea caused bile to rise in her throat, an aftermath of the fear that reminded her how close she had come with him.

He wouldn't have given you much choice. Every man seeks a woman in his own way, sometimes in ways I don't approve of. These woods affect everyone differently, little rabbit, and that goes for men and women alike.” Despite his injuries, the same stony eyes stared down at her, as timeless and strong as the boulders along the Great Lake's shore.

I'm glad I ran into you. I would rather die than surrender my womb to an animal like that.” Her face clouded.

Axel chuckled, feeling better as they neared the entrance to the hollow. “I would have been disappointed too. Giving up a beauty as great as yourself to such a filthy cur would fire my rage. What you saw me to do him was nothing.” He didn't say it, but he wondered how many wonderful females had slipped by him over nearly two decades of breeding.

Very few,
he thought, eying Jordan's trim body. Even in his wounded state, her breasts excited him.
No, old boy, you don't find women like this every season...not even every ten.

When they reached his hollow, it was her turn to pull him inside. A sprained ankle made it difficult to find the dyed skin over the entrance. Jordan's hand reached through the opening and guided him in.

Axel collapsed on the bed, his hefty weight making the mattress creak in its wooden frame. The familiar sound brought a flush to her face, and horny prickles reverberated deep within her flesh.

Jordan shook her head. She went to the corner, where a large sac filled with food and water waited. Within minutes, a canteen was in her hand, along with several ripe pears.

She passed the sustenance to Axel and he dove in at once, grinding the fruit's soft flesh into pulp and guzzling water. Even while he ate, he looked like a titan, one of Nature's mythic creations, said to exist when the world was still young. When he had finished his second gallon of water, he reared up and tried to stand.

No, lay back. Please, Axel. You need your rest,” she said, lightly petting his well rounded bicep.

He stared at her with hunger lining his face. “I think I need a different kind of medicine.”

He can't be serious! He's bruised, scraped, and scratched...a few of his bones might be cracked, and he still wants to mate?

Jordan's mind panicked, caught between volleys of humor and concern. She smiled after a minute. There was another item in the large sac, a small vial of infused oil she had brought along from the village. It was meant to promote healing, and every woman who went into the woods had one, if only as a precaution.

Where are you going?” Axel demanded.

Nowhere but onto this bed,” she said, waiting until he flashed her his broad grin. “Easy, sir. Doesn't a good mate tend to her male's needs? And I mean
of his needs?”

BOOK: Breeding Call: Virgin Initiations (BDSM Erotic Romance) (Bred in Underfalls)
7.63Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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