Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1)
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“Ah, Ella.” He groaned when she wrapped her fingers around his cock. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

Her thumb stroked along the tip of his cock. He went hard almost instantly and she couldn’t help loving that she had that effect on him. Cupping her cheeks, he kissed her. His tongue sought entrance to her mouth and succeeded, stroking along hers in its own fucking-like rhythm.

“Condom.” He pulled away briefly to find the condoms they’d left near the bed and grabbed one. She watched as he stepped out of his pants and came to her, quickly rolling the condom on in a smooth, practiced motion. He yanked her shorts down and lifted her, pressing her body between his and the door.

With his fingers gripping her ass, each glorious inch of his cock pressed into her. She gasped at the fullness, their position making him feel bigger than he had on the bed. How the hell she’d gone so long without sex was beyond her. He seated himself inside her, then proceeded to fuck her hard against the door.

Leaning forward, he sucked her nipple into his mouth. She dug her heels into his perfect ass, gasping as he thrust into her hard. This was what she wanted. Her arms went around his neck as she combed her fingers through his hair. She tugged his hair hard enough to pull his lips from her breast and kissed him, biting at his fleshly lower lip before sucking it.

Their groans mingled in the otherwise silent room as he pulled her away from the door and buried himself inside her. Ella held on to him as he carried her to the bed. He dropped her onto it, then stood at the edge. Ryker pulled back, staring down at her while his hips pumped into her. His cock repeatedly hit a place inside her pussy that made her eyes roll to the back of her head. She gasped, clutching the sheets beneath her, straining as he drove her to ecstasy. Pleasure coursed through her, hot as fire and no less intense. Her back arched off the mattress while her pussy squeezed him.

He leaned over her and pushed harder and deeper, coming in her arms as she wrapped them around his sweat-slicked body. She wanted to wrap herself in him. To hold him and love him like he did her.

“I think you woke the neighborhood with that one.” Ryker chuckled against her cheek before kissing her. “Damn, I need something stronger than a cigarette.”

Ella closed her eyes as he withdrew from her. He took care of the condom and checked his phone.

“Do you need to leave?”

He glanced up at her. “Nah.” He paused. “Do you want me to go?”

She laughed. “Not anytime soon.”

He walked toward her and settled them both in the bed. She curled up next to him and kissed his chest. She tried to remember anything about his family and came up blank. His grandfather took him to school and when he got his license, he rode his motorcycle. She’d been a girl tempted by the leather jacket and cocky attitude and she’d wanted to ride on the back of that bike with him.

“I know you won’t talk about the club with me, but can I ask you something personal?”

“You can ask me anything you want.”

She chewed on her lower lip. “I know about your father. I’ve seen your grandfather pick you up from school a time or two. Did you have a mother? Was she around while you were growing up?”

He blew out a harsh breath. “No. My father raised me. My mother was just a woman he used to get him the offspring he wanted.”

She frowned at him. “You never knew her?”

“Nope.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “The only family I have is club.”

She thought about it for a while, though she didn’t say anything. She couldn’t imagine growing up without her mother. Her father was great but he had a very different role in her life than her mom. She rubbed Ryker’s chest, wondering what it would have been like to live that kind of life. He didn’t have a huge sense of family commitment, or commitment in general. He was loyal to the club but she knew quite well that she’d never be considered part of that life. It made her pause, questioning where they fit together or if they
fit together.

“I really need this to be something more than a one-night stand.” Ella rubbed her hand along the ripples of muscle making up his toned stomach. “Please tell me that there is more between us.”

He didn’t say anything for a long time. Ella thought he’d actually gone to sleep before she glanced up and saw him staring at the ceiling. She propped herself up next to him and rested her chin on his chest.

“What’s wrong?”

He took a deep breath. “Nothing.”

“Ryker, you can talk to me.”

“I know.” He tried to give her a reassuring smile. “We’re more than a one-night stand.” He leaned over to kiss her. “You should probably get some sleep. You’re going to be dragging tomorrow morning when you go in for work.”

“I’m on-call. I don’t have to go in unless I’m paged.” She caressed his stomach. “There are times when you look so happy, Ryker. And then there are times when you’re a million miles away looking like someone killed your dog.”

He rolled over and pulled her ass against him, wrapping his arms around her. “I’m fine.” He kissed her shoulder. “Quit worrying about me.”

Ella lay there until his breathing became deep and even. She listened to the sounds of him sleeping, feeling less convinced that his words were true. Whatever he had on his mind was off limits with her. She kissed his fingers, loving how his large hand fit in her small one. Maybe he would open up to her completely one day. Until then, all she could do was love him.

Chapter Five


The moment Ryker stepped into the club, he knew Razor was pissed at him. The old man couldn’t hide his feelings well, and he didn’t even try where Ryker was concerned.

“I see you’ve decided to grace us with your presence.” Razor propped his chin on his hand, staring at him. “You don’t answer your phone now? We had important club business to handle and you’re shacked up with that fucking doctor.”

Ryker snorted. “Important club business? Like what?”

“Does it fucking matter? You didn’t answer your goddamn phone.” Razor stood and came over to him. “I’m starting to think that you don’t take your position as sergeant-at-arms seriously. That pussy has clouded your vision and your place in the club.”

He didn’t say anything. Most of the time, letting Razor say his piece was the best option instead of arguing with him.

“I’m not going to tell you this again. Stay away from her. She’s bad for you and she’s bad for the club.”

Ryker stared at him. “Or what?”

Razor tilted his head back. Nobody challenged Razor. Ryker didn’t know what the fuck was wrong with him, but his father’s attitude pissed him off. He’d always had it out for Ella. Even when they were teens. He told him that girls like that with fathers like hers didn’t mix with their kind. He thought the old man was scared of her father, but the more Ryker listened to him talk, the more he thought Ella scared him. She threatened his legacy. She threatened to take Ryker away from the club.

Ryker knew damn good and well that he’d never leave the Roaming Devils MC. He didn’t want to. The club also had leverage on him that they would hand over to the police in a pretty package with a fucking bow if he even threatened to leave. It was a forced commitment and usually the last option they had when members left. In prison, they’d forced him to need them for protection. But they’d made him earn it.

He wasn’t stupid. He knew the lifelong commitment that came with the club. He knew it and had seen what it did to those that came before him. He didn’t know what card the old man wanted to play, but to protect Ella, he needed to stay away from her. God, he kept telling himself that, but like the junkie he was, he kept going back to her for more. He’d never forgive himself if she ended up hurt or dead because of him. With the look in Razor’s eyes, the entire situation was heading down that dark road.

“Don’t test me, boy.”

Ryker rubbed his eyes. “Ella is not a threat to this club so drop it. I’ll be right there, ready to ride when everyone else is. You blow things out of proportion.”

Razor stared at him. Ryker didn’t think for one second that his father believed him. “We’ve got a shipment coming in today. Go get it.”

Ryker nodded. “Okay.”

“No more bullshit, Ryker.” His father’s eyes darkened. “Next time, I won’t be so understanding.”

Yeah, he knew that. Ryker disappeared to take a shower and change his clothes. When he came back to the main room, Ghost waited for him. Ryker snorted. His father didn’t trust him, so he sent the VP to go with him. That made sense. He didn’t say anything as they walked out. Ghost really shouldn’t have been in the hierarchy of the club but especially not VP. However, the bastard had more loyalty than Ryker and he could kill when he wanted to.

Now he was Razor’s bitch boy.

“Your father sent me to help,” Ghost commented. “No need to get pissed off about it.”

“Right.” Ryker started the engine of his bike and waited for Ghost to take the lead.

The pickup site for the cocaine was on the opposite end of town. Their supplier smuggled it in from Peru and shipped it to them. The pure grade, uncut kilos were packaged and waiting for them like a present at Christmas time.

They collected the ten kilos and left. With as much drugs as he had on him, he had to be even more aware of the police. He and Ghost went the back roads in Atlanta, taking the product to an off-the-road warehouse where they processed it. The drug business supplied the majority of club money but Ryker knew that Razor was trying to dabble in the gun trade. If he landed a deal, Ryker wanted to switch. It would—he hoped—put the cravings behind him for good.

“I’m not going in. You can take them in,” Ryker said once he and Ghost had parked.

“You can take them,” Ghost scoffed. “I’m not doing it for you.”

Each time Ryker went to the processing warehouse, he came out like a junkie going through withdraw. It was bad enough when he’d gone to get Ella’s father, but Young Blood’s setup wasn’t anything like the one the Roaming Devils ran.

Ryker huffed a breath and grabbed the coke from his saddle bags. He needed to get in and get out. Opening the door, he took a deep breath and went inside. The processing of cocaine was in numerous phases. They had the raw cocaine that was pure and untouched. Then they cut it, mixing it with something that tainted the purity but drove up the cost. Afterward they packaged it, then sent it out to be distributed. Ryker stopped, instantly smelling the powered dust that came from cutting it. He needed a respirator but he didn’t have one handy.

“Aw, look who decided to drop by.” Torch smiled at him and slapped him on the back. “Long time no see, brother.”

Ryker smiled at the other man. Torch was the lead chemist in the factory. He collected and produced the most sought after cocaine in the city. The man kept the Roaming Devils in business and he was fucking worth his weight in gold.

“Yeah. We got you some goodies.” Ryker slapped Torch on the back as they hugged before he handed over what he’d collected.

“Ah, nice.” Torch grabbed a large knife and slit the packaging of one of the bricks. Getting a little of the powder on his finger, he brought it to his mouth and tasted it. “Fuckin’ A. Have you tried the new shit? No wonder this city is so damn needy for this stuff.”

“No. I need to go. We’ve got several assholes that haven’t paid and I get to be the one to remind them. Make sure the shit keeps being a hit.”

Ryker fist-bumped Torch and turned to leave, eyeing Ghost on his way out. Bullshit was all it was. Ghost would go back to Razor and report Ryker’s every fucking move. He was surprised the rat didn’t keep a pen and paper to take notes.

Once outside, he pulled his sunglasses on and glanced around the area. The warehouse was under the guise of printing labels for various commercial products, which was what they legitimately did on the other half of the building. It kept the police off their back and money coming in their pockets.

Ghost caught up with him when Ryker straddled his bike. For a biker, Ghost was fairly stereotypical. His long, chestnut-colored hair fell to his shoulders. He was muscular without being beefy and the tall stature was enough to intimidate. Ryker knew he couldn’t hold his weight in a fight. They’d had them periodically just to blow off steam and Ghost was a four-time loser to him. It was a joke, really, that Razor wanted him as his VP.

“You need to get back to the clubhouse.”

Ryker saluted him. “While you’re being my father’s bitch boy, tell him to fuck off.”

Ghost pulled out a handgun and pointed it at him. Ryker didn’t even flinch. “You need to get back to the clubhouse.”

Ryker stood. “You had better get that gun out of my face before you end up six feet under.”

Something about his demeanor had Ghost retreating.
The other man didn’t say anything as he straddled his own bike and started it. “If you keep acting with this rebellion, there will be repercussions.”

Ryker watched as Ghost left. It took some serious balls to pull a gun on another member of the club. He knew Ghost would go back and report to his father about what had happened. The fucker was just there to keep him in line and give him the measly threat. Ryker’s hands shook as he gripped his bike and started it. He wasn’t scared of what his father brought against him. It pissed him off.

The sweetness of the bits of cocaine he’d breathed in from the processing of it made him tingle with a need to have more. He was walking a fucking deadly line. He knew it and somehow he couldn’t seem to stop. He turned around and rode toward town. Ella had said that if he needed her he could come to her.

He needed her.



Ella stepped into her father’s hospital room, smiling at him. After a few weeks recuperating he was still on the mend but getting stronger and better each day. She leaned down and kissed his bruised cheek.

“So how is my worst patient feeling today?”

“Ready to go home.”

“I understand. Your body, however, isn’t ready for that yet. You’ve still got at least another week in the hospital. Most of your swelling needs to come down, especially around your eyes.” She rubbed his hand. “Just live it up that there are people here ready to wait on you hand and foot, and that cute little CNA is willing to give you a sponge bath.”

He chuckled. “After paying for all that education, I expected you to sign my discharge papers and sneak me out the back.” He glanced toward the door. “I need to talk to you. Privately.”

“Okay.” She walked to the door and closed it. “What is this about?”

“The Roaming Devils.”

Ella did her best to hide her reaction. “What about them?”

“Don’t think I don’t know, Ella. You got them to get me away from Young Blood.”

When she didn’t say anything, he cursed. “What did you exchange with them? What did you do?”

“I asked Ryker for some cocaine.” She shook her head. “He wouldn’t give me any. Not even a little bit. Razor met with me and our deal was I leave Ryker alone in exchange for them helping me. No harm, no foul.”

“I don’t believe you.”

She snorted. “Well, that’s the deal.”

“Nothing illegal?”

“No.” She hated lying to her father.

“He wouldn’t sell you the coke?” her father asked. “Why?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he didn’t have it.”

Her father grunted. “He has it. The Roaming Devils are one of the largest coke dealers in the city. Young Blood was in competition with them.”

“I don’t know about that. All I can say is that I didn’t do anything illegal and you don’t need to worry about either one of them right now. You need to focus on getting better.”

“Your mother said that you were in trouble. That this whole rescue thing got you in trouble.”

“My mother doesn’t know shit about what’s going on.” Ella squeezed the railings of his bed. Her mother simply couldn’t keep her damn mouth shut. “And if you don’t rein her in, she’s going to start saying stuff she knows nothing about and get everyone in trouble.”

“What has she said?”

“She asked me a million questions about the Roaming Devils, drawing her own conclusions based off nothing. She knows nothing about them but making stuff up isn’t going to be good for any of us.”

He nodded. “I’ll have a talk with her.”

“Good.” Ella glanced over toward the door. “You scared us both when Young Blood got you. Please don’t ever do anything like that again.”

He didn’t say anything. Her father was a cop and he had to take out the bad guys. It was in his blood. There had been some scary situations over his twenty years on the job, but nothing as bad as the most recent.

After spending a few hours with him, Ella’s cell phone rang and she frowned at the readout. “Dad, I need to go. I’ll come back later.”

He nodded. “Okay. Go save the world.”

She smiled at him and left, answering the phone on her way to the elevator. “Hey.”

“Where are you?”

“Hospital. Why?”

“I need you. I’ll meet you at the clinic.”

Ryker hung up and she frowned, getting into the elevator. That didn’t sound like a sexual call. She rode the elevator to the second floor and went out to the parking garage. The distance between the hospital and the free clinic was merely a few blocks. When she pulled in, she saw Ryker on his bike, waiting. Ella parked next to him and got out.

“What’s wrong?”

His hands shook. “I need help.”

She pocketed her keys. “Okay. Are you having another craving?”

He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. “I breathed some of the powder in.”

Ella stared at him. She didn’t know how it had happened, but it didn’t really matter either. He’d come to her because he trusted her. Because he wanted her to help him. Ella’s mind kicked into full gear. She rubbed her hand along his arm, trying to calm him down.

“How long ago?”


She nodded. “Okay. Was this the first time in years?”

He opened his eyes. They were glossy with need. He kept his fists clenched as he sat there taking one breath, then another.

“I can give you a prescription or I can sit with you and let you ride it out. A craving only lasts for a little while, but if you’ve breathed in some of the powder, it could have the full effects of withdrawal.”

He groaned and pressed his fingers into his temples. “Just fucking sit with me.”

“Okay.” Ella glanced around. “I can make you a bed in the clinic or we can go to my apartment.”

He got off his bike and Ella watched as he walked around to the other side of her car.

BOOK: Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1)
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