Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1)
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Chapter Three


Ryker stared at her apartment building for a while. What the fuck was he doing? He puffed on his fifth cigarette since he’d parked. There was no denying he needed something stronger than cigarettes. He glanced at his phone and it clicked over to 9:01. After taking one last draw off his cigarette, he stomped it out and grabbed a piece of gum, making his way to the apartment building.

Nervousness crept upon him, surprising him with its intensity. He never got nervous around women. He walked up the stairs and searched for her apartment. When he found it, he tapped his knuckles against the door.

She opened the door almost immediately. “Hi.”

“Hi.” He smiled at her. She was nervous too.

“I made dinner.” She stepped out of the way. “I know you’re going to laugh at me, but all I had was ham and cheese.”

He stepped inside and closed the door, locking it behind him. “No pickles?”

She scrunched her nose. “I don’t eat them. Sorry.”

He laughed. “It’s fine. I wasn’t expecting dinner.”

“Oh. Uh, right.”

He watched her for a moment. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

She nodded. “Yeah. Uh, let’s eat.”

She set his plate on the small table taking up a portion of her equally small kitchen. He sat down at the end against the wall. The last meal he had was at lunch and it hadn’t been all that great. His stomach growled at the smell of the food she set before him.

“I seriously doubt you called me over to eat with you.” Ryker glanced up at her. She’d changed into tight jeans and an oversized shirt.

“Well, no. I just thought it would break the ice.” She sat down next to him.

He smiled. The nervousness he felt left his body almost immediately. She looked great. Her blonde hair was pulled back and she had makeup on.

“You fuck many men, Ella?” Ryker asked.


“When’s the last time?”

She shrugged. “I work all the time and sleep when I’m not working.”

He narrowed his eyes. He knew his father had taken her into the back room. They’d stayed gone for a while. “What does that mean, exactly?”

She glanced over at him. “I don’t. Haven’t.” She pursed her lips. “I just… It’s not something I think about.”

He tilted his head. “And that whole charade with my father? You just blew him?”

She frowned. “I didn’t do anything with your father. He told me to get out of town and leave you alone. When I responded that I had a year left on my residency, he asked me to get fentanyl for him as payment for getting my father. There was no blowing involved.”

Ryker took a deep breath. That slimy son of a bitch. He had never wanted to punch the bastard so much in his entire fucking life. Instead of saying something, he rubbed his chin.

“So you’re a virgin?”

“You make it sound dirty.” She chewed on her lip. “It never happened for me. I had so much going on with school and work. My dad made certain that every guy in the state didn’t touch me.” She glanced up at him. “I came close a few times, but it never happened.”

A few. Why did that piss him off? How many guys were a few? Why the fuck did he care so damn much? He was far from innocent. Hell, he didn’t even know all his sex partners.

“And you want it to happen tonight?”

“I don’t know what I wanted, honestly. I knew you would want sex, but I just liked the way you feel against me.”

He watched her fiddle around in the kitchen. She even grabbed a bottle of cleaner to spritz the counter with. Ryker stood and walked toward her, taking up what little room her kitchen had. He wrapped a hand around her and pressed his face against her neck, smelling that hypnotizing coconut scent.

“I like the way you feel against me too.” He kissed her neck and stepped back, turning her to face him. “You don’t have to put out to get me to notice you. I noticed you in a room full of fucking people. You’re the only one I see.”

“So you don’t want me to spin around on a stripper pole?”

She half joked but the damn thought of her naked, legs spread as she did tricks on the pole, went straight to his cock.

“I think we’ll save that for another day.” He licked his lips. “I can’t stay long tonight, so whatever we’re doing, we need to do it now.”

“Oh. Right.” She glanced down nervously. “What are we doing?”

He gave her a wolfish grin. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

He led her by the hand to the bed in the corner of the small apartment. She didn’t have a separate bedroom, which he didn’t like. Anyone could walk in on her sleeping. She had five locks on her door, which probably made her feel safer. He knew it was only a small annoyance to someone that really wanted to get in.

She started stripping and he stared in awe at her. He swallowed when her breasts came into view, his mouth watering with the need to touch and taste her. Her hands went to her jeans next and she pulled them down her slender legs and tossed them aside. She didn’t wear panties and was completely bare. She reached for him next and he grabbed her wrists.

“We’re not having sex tonight.” Ryker swallowed hard, trying not to fucking have an aneurysm from holding back. “I was going to lie beside you and hold you for a while.”

She pursed her lips. “Oh. I just thought…”

“Lie down.”

Ella got onto the bed and lay back against the pillows. He stroked his finger along her calf, moving upward. This was his fucking dream come true. Ella was naked and willing and he was too fucking scared to touch her. “Has a man ever eaten your pussy?”

He asked the question but knew the answer.


“Can I?”

She nodded her head in a few jerky movements. He smoothed his hands along her thighs, enjoying the softness of her skin. He wanted to take his time with her. To make it last. He knew without a doubt that tonight he didn’t have the time he needed to do everything he wanted.

Moving slightly, he pushed her legs apart. Her bare pussy glistened with her moisture and he nearly lost his mind. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her thigh, breathing her in and loving every second of it. He wanted to take it slow. He had to make it good for her.

He licked her slowly, dragging his tongue along her slit until he reached the top. Her soft gasp filled his ears as she clutched the comforter beneath her. His cock pressed impossibly harder against his jeans. Ryker had been fighting a hard-on ever since he’d walked into her apartment. Hooking her leg over his shoulder, he slipped his arms beneath her, making himself comfortable while he lifted her ass and pulled her closer.

She was perfection. He closed his eyes and tasted her, teasing her opening with the tip of his tongue. Her hand came up and clutched his hair while her soft little moans egged him on. Yeah, he could do this all night. His cock ached from being confined in his pants, but he didn’t dare think about allowing her to go anywhere near it. The only relief he’d get was from himself in the fucking parking lot when he left.

He shifted his position and pushed her legs off his shoulders, spreading them impossibly wider. He held her pink lips open and pulled her clit into his mouth. Ella’s back bowed off the bed. He slipped a finger inside her, fucking her with the one digit while he continue to suck and lick her. Her fist gripped his dark hair and tugged.

“No, please…” She gasped and writhed. “I don’t…” He pulled away and she let out a strangled cry. “Go back. Go back!”

He chuckled to himself and pushed another finger inside her. She was tight. God, it was going to kill him when he did finally get inside her. Her pussy squeezed his finger as she let out a long, loud cry. He pulled back and watched her, fucking her with his fingers until her orgasm was over. She was beautiful. So fucking beautiful. His breath caught in his chest and he tried to ignore it. He pushed up from her and extracted his fingers. Kissing her stomach, he worked his way upward until he lapped at one of her hard nipples.

“Were you really going to hold me?” Ella asked.

He let her breast go with a soft
. “Yeah, baby. I was.”

“Will you do that now?”

She stared up at him with heavy-lidded eyes. He didn’t know what the fuck to say to her but his body had a mind of its own. He moved to her side and pulled her against him, her back to his front. He closed his eyes as he breathed her in.

They lay like that for a while. He didn’t know how long and he really didn’t care. Ella had clutched his hand to her in a vice and she didn’t seem to have any intention of letting him go.

“You’re the first guy that has ever held me without wanting something in return.”

He didn’t say anything as he kissed her shoulder. He stroked her skin, needing to commit it to memory. Ryker smoothed his fingers along the sides of her breast.

“What was your first time like?” she asked him.

He groaned. “I don’t want to talk about that with you.”

“I want to know. How old were you?” She turned so that she faced him.

He busied himself with rubbing his hands along her back, then squeezing her ass because he could. “Fifteen.”

“Who was the girl?”

He didn’t even remember her name. “Some chick at the club.”

She brushed her finger along the Celtic knot necklace he wore. “Was it good?”

“Compared to what? It was my first time.”

She shrugged. “You’ve had more times since then.”

“It was fine.” He really didn’t want to talk about it with her.

“I thought about sleeping with you back then.” She met his eyes. “I thought it would give us something more to talk about than pencils.”

He cupped her cheek. “You didn’t need to fuck me back then. That would have been really bad.”

He leaned in and kissed her, knowing he needed to leave. He was getting too fucking cozy with her curled up beside him and he had so much fucking work to do for the club.

“Why would that have been bad?” She brushed her finger along his lower lip.

“Because.” He pushed away from her. His grandfather had said that pussy messed with a man’s mind. Some was good enough for five minutes of banging and some made a man want a lifetime of commitment. He’d always said that the club came before bitches. And looking at the beautiful Ella lying next to him, he knew that she was definitely the pussy that made him want commitment. He’d been obsessed with her as a teenager and he’d known that he needed a distraction. That was when his father had pushed the club on him. He’d needed to take a more active part and he had. His reward was pussy and drugs.

He stood, rubbing a hand over his face. “Thanks for…” he paused, “just being you.”

She reached for an afghan on the edge of the bed and wrapped it around herself. “Why does your father think I’m a problem?”

He swallowed. His father had told her that she was a problem. Why didn’t that surprise him? He didn’t know what to say to her.

“I need to go.” He licked his lips and tasted her. For one brief moment, he struggled with the desire to tell his father to fuck off and the desire to leave. Holding her in his arms was nice. He had no idea what he expected that night, but having her close was enough.

“I’m not a problem.” She stared at him. “I’m not going to get in your way. I won’t call you anymore either.”

He shook his head. “You can call me anytime you want. Just don’t come to the club.”

“He’ll know.”

“And I’ll deal with it.” And he would. He walked toward her. “Don’t worry about him. From now on, he’s my problem. Not yours.” He leaned down to kiss her, enjoying the last few seconds of pure bliss before he left. She was everything he wanted and he wasn’t going to fucking let her go.


“I’m sorry but I can’t prescribe anything narcotic for you.” Ella stared at a pock-marked woman that was clearly going through withdraw.

“But my son is in pain!” She jerked the little boy’s arm. “He needs the medicine.”

Ella shook her head. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Your son is not in pain and I cannot give a prescription to a known junkie.”

She shoved the kid in a fit of rage and went for Ella. She struggled with her, doing her best to keep the woman from killing her while one of the staff members grabbed a sedative to inject. When her body went limp, Ella crawled out from under her and stared at the woman for a moment. It was just another day at work. She glanced over at the kid, who looked like he hadn’t taken a bath in two weeks. Big tears filled his eyes, but he didn’t cry. He had a raggedy teddy bear with him that he clutched like his life depended on it. Maybe it did, Ella thought absently.

“Hunter?” Ella knelt down in front of him. “Are you hungry?”

He nodded, staring at the orderlies moving his mother’s body.

“Let’s go to the kitchen and get something to eat.” Ella took him by the hand. A large part of her job was to call social services for the kids that she suspected weren’t being cared for properly. It was heartbreaking most days.

After she got Hunter settled, she turned on some cartoons and went to the phone. She placed the call and verified that the hospital social worker would be over to get him. It wasn’t her favorite part of the job. Some were regulars. The mother would go to jail for a little while, get out, then be right back where she’d started with the kid by her side. It wasn’t the first time someone had used a kid to try to get meds either. She’d seen it all and nothing really surprised her anymore.

BOOK: Breaking the Rules (Roaming Devils MC #1)
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