Read Boudreaux 01.5 Easy With You Online

Authors: Kristen Proby

Tags: #With Me in Seattle, #Kristen Proby, #Erotic Romance, #1001 Dark Nights

Boudreaux 01.5 Easy With You (8 page)

BOOK: Boudreaux 01.5 Easy With You
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want you to make love to me.”

He growls as he makes quick work of sliding off his jeans, slips on protection, and covers me. He holds me tenderly, his forearms under my shoulders. His pelvis is cradled in mine, and he thrusts slowly back and forth, sliding his cock in my folds, hitting my clit each time.

“Oh my God,” I whisper.

He kisses my lips as he pulls his hips back, and suddenly the tip is at my entrance, pushing inside. I’d forgotten how big he is.

“We’ll take it easy,” he assures me, watching me carefully. “God, you’re so tight.”

“Or you’re big,” I reply breathlessly, loving the way he feels as he eases inside me. “You feel so damn good.”

“You’re amazing.” He stops when he’s buried inside me completely and leans his forehead against mine. “So fucking amazing.”

I clench around him and smile when he groans.

“God, don’t do that.”

I do it again.

“Lila, this won’t last.”

“We have all night, Lieutenant,” I reply and clench again, circling my hips. “I’m right here. Let go.”

His eyes shoot open, hot and intense, and he begins to move in long, steady, measured strokes, hitting every delicious nerve ending inside me, until I’m right there with him, ready to come out of my skin.

“Gonna come,” I whisper.

“With me,” he replies hoarsely. He grips my ass in one hand, tilting me up to meet him fully, and we come apart, crying out, clinging to each other.

“Amazing,” he whispers and kisses my lips softly.

So fucking amazing.


* * * *


“Why aren’t you sleeping?” he whispers against my ear, then kisses me there. He’s spooned up behind me, his arms around me, holding me tight.

“Maybe I am,” I reply with a grin.

“I can hear your wheels turning,” he says and nudges me onto my back so he can see my face. He rests his hand on my belly and kisses my nose. “Talk to me.”

“I’m—” I look to the ceiling, searching for my words.

“Sated? Impressed with my manliness? Ready to come again?”

“Confused,” I reply with a sigh. “And impressed with your manliness.”

“What are you confused about?”

I turn and hide my face in his chest, enjoying the way the light dusting of hair feels against my skin, but he cups my cheek in his hand and guides me back to look me in the eyes.

“What are you confused about, sweetheart?”

“How can I be this happy with you when there is a maniac out there killing my students, and he has some kind of crazy fixation on me? Does it make me a selfish person?”


“We’re having sex—”

“Lila, it’s not selfish. We’re living our lives while we try to figure the rest of it out. We haven’t forgotten it.”

“I’m never going to forget it,” I whisper.

“No,” he agrees quietly and kisses my forehead. “You won’t.”

“How do you do this? Every day?” I hold on to him more tightly as I realize just how dangerous his job is. “
do you do it?”

“I’ve always wanted to be a cop,” he replies.

“But why homicide?”

“Someone has to stand for the dead, Lila.” He kisses my forehead again, tenderly, but I can feel the energy pumping through him. “Someone has to stand over them and take care of them. To get that closure for their families. To make sure that the animal who killed them pays for it.”

“But at what cost? Asher, what you see every day—”

“Makes me a better cop and a better man.” He rolls away, onto his own back, and I follow him, bracing myself on his chest, watching him pull his thoughts together. “I’ve seen the worst of humanity there is, Lila. And I’ve seen the best.”

“You are the best.”

He tilts his head and searches my gaze for a long moment. “Thank you.”

I shrug, suddenly embarrassed at speaking my thoughts out loud.

“Tell me something about you.”

I blink at him. “What about me?”

“Tell me something about your childhood.”

“You don’t want to know about my childhood, Asher.”

His eyes narrow. “Yes. I do.”

I bite my lip and watch him quietly, but he doesn’t insist. He just waits. And here, in the dark and in the quiet of this honest moment, I trust him.

“I didn’t know my mom.” His gaze snaps to mine in surprise.

“You were raised by your dad?”

I smirk. “If you can call it that. Mom left before I could crawl. I was a mistake and she didn’t want me.” Asher reaches up to tuck my hair behind my ear, but I flinch away.

I don’t want him to touch me while I tell him this.

“Dad was an alcoholic and enjoyed the occasional recreational drug.”


“It could have been worse. And there were long stretches of time when he’d sober up and things would be relatively normal for a while. But inevitably, he’d fall off the bandwagon and I’d be left to fend for myself.”

“You should be so proud of yourself,” he says softly.

“I am,” I agree. “My life could have gone very badly had I not had Kate in my life, and a fierce stubbornness. I made my mind up early on that I wouldn’t end up like my father.”

“You’re amazing,” he says.

“I’m strong,” I reply.

“Okay, so back to the original statement. What are you confused about? Because I don’t think you’re confused about the sex we just had in light of the circumstances.”

“You’ve made me rethink things that I thought I believed,” I admit softly.

“Such as?”

I shake my head and am embarrassed to feel my eyes fill with tears.

“What is it, baby?”

“I’ve been very good at keeping my heart safe, Asher. I don’t long for children, because I don’t think that I’d be a good parent given what I come from. I don’t have one-night stands, but I also don’t think about being with anyone for the long term.”

His eyes flare, but he stays quiet, waiting for me to finish.

“But—” I swallow hard.


“I enjoy you. I enjoy Casey.”

“We enjoy you too.”

I nod, ridiculously happy to hear those words.

“So, we’ll just enjoy each other,” he adds with an encouraging smile. “And see where it goes from there.”

He pulls me back into his arms and kisses my cheek, then my lips.

“We’ll just see where it goes,” I whisper, liking the sound of that but knowing that I’m quickly losing my heart to this amazing man and his daughter.


Chapter Six



“Wake up, sleepy head.” I climb onto the bed, steaming mug of coffee in hand, and lean over to kiss Lila’s forehead. I can’t seem to keep my hands—or my lips—off of her. And she doesn’t seem to mind.

“Want to,” she mumbles and frowns, her eyes still closed.

“Come on, Delila, wake up.”

She sniffs the air. “Do I smell coffee?”

“Yes.” I grin and climb off the bed, then saunter naked toward the bathroom. “It’ll be in the bathroom with me.”

“I don’t want it that bad!” she calls out.

Okay, so she’s not a morning person. She can’t be perfect.

“I’m naked,” I reply. “You have twenty seconds to get your sweet ass in the shower with me before I come haul you in myself.”

“Whatever, caveman,” I hear her mumble, and my heart stumbles with the immediate love I feel for her.

I haven’t felt this in…four years.

I recognize it. I’m in love with her. How it managed to happen so fast, I don’t know. And while I do recognize it, it feels different this time. Not better or worse, just different.

Because she’s not Missy. She’s Lila. I’m not replacing what I had, I’m adding to what I have now, and that feels pretty fucking good.

I start the water, set a condom inside the shower because I want to take her there this morning, sip the coffee, and grin when I feel her move up behind me, press her spectacular naked body against my back and a kiss to my shoulder.

“Good morning,” she whispers sweetly.

“Good morning.”

“May I please have some coffee now?”

I snort. “You don’t have to put on the sweet act, darlin’. I’ll share my coffee.”

“Thank God,” she says and takes the mug out of my hand, then downs it in three big gulps.

“Uh, that was hot.”

“Thank God,” she repeats with a grin and steps into the shower. “So is this!” Her voice is a high-pitched shriek.

“Do not turn it down,” I order her and step in with her.

“Are you trying to burn me?”

“You’ll drink boiling hot coffee but you won’t shower in hot water?”

“This isn’t hot. This is…” She flails her hands about. “This is
really hot.

“Brain not working yet?” I kiss her forehead and laugh when she pinches my ass. She’s smiling, her eyes shining and happy, still a little sleepy, and her skin is still warm from bed and soft, and I can’t stand it.

I need her.


I lift her and brace her against the wall of the shower, making her cry out at the cold against her back.

“What the hell?”

“Need you,” I murmur against her sweet mouth. I hold the condom up to her lips, and she grips the wrapper in her teeth, helping me rip it open. I roll it on, then boost her up and slide inside her, and nothing has ever felt so fucking good in all my life. “Do you know how damn good you feel?”

“If it’s anything like how you feel, it’s pretty damn good,” she replies and bites my lip. “Didn’t we do this just a few hours ago?”

“We made love a few hours ago,” I reply and hold on to her ass in the palm of my hands, just this side of too rough. She gasps and bites her lip. “That was life-affirming sex.”

“What’s this?” she asks and gasps again as I begin to move hard and fast, chasing both of our orgasms.

“This is good, old-fashioned fucking,” I growl against her neck. “I want you hard and fast, right here in the shower.”

“You’re getting it,” she replies and leans in to bite my shoulder as she comes hard, her legs gripping on to my hips like vices, grinding her pelvis against my own. “Christ, Asher.”

“That’s right,” I murmur and feel myself go blind as my balls lift and tighten with my own release. “Just me.”

“Just you.”


* * * *


“I’m going to need you to pack a bag,” I inform Lila as I tug my shirt over my head and finger-comb my hair. She’s already dressed, looking sexy as fuck in a red sundress that I want to peel off her.

God, I’m out of control.

“Why?” she asks with a frown.

“Because you’re going to come stay with me until we catch this fucker.”

She slides her feet into black flip-flops, then props her hands on her lean hips, and I know I’m in for an argument.

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes. You are.”

She narrows her eyes at me. God, she’s magnificent when she’s pissed.

“You know, I’m happy to take precautions, and you can boss me around all you want in the bedroom—”

“Like that, do you?”

“But you
will not
tell me where I’m going to live.”

“Look, Lila.”

look.” She’s pacing now, really worked up, and it’s a sight to behold. “I’ve worked long and hard for my independence. I’m not a stupid woman.”

“Didn’t say you are.”

“And I know how to look out for myself! I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. I didn’t have a mom, Asher. My dad was drunk most of the time. I’ve held jobs and taken care of myself since before I could do algebra.”

“I still can’t do algebra,” I reply, trying to keep it light, but my hands are in fists now at the thought of a young Lila taking care of herself. Her father should have his face beat in.

“I’m not going to be your pawn, that just does as you say. I’m not one of your officers.”

“No, you’re not.” I pull her to me now, drawing her into my arms, and hug her tight. She melts into these hugs like she doesn’t get them often, and that just softens me toward her even more. “You’re not my pawn, Lila. You’re

“Excuse me?” she whispers, not looking up.

“I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, baby, but this isn’t a quick fuck for me. You’re not just a job for me.”

“What am I?”

I swallow hard and kiss her head. “You mean more to me than any woman has in a very long time. Let me protect you. I can’t just pack up my daughter and move in with you. If it was just me, I would. I need you to come to me.”

“That’s the other thing.” She pushes out of my arms and stomps away. “Casey.”

I still and my heart stops. “Are you saying you have a problem with my daughter?”

“No!” She whirls around, eyes wide, and I immediately calm. “I adore her. Asher, I can’t bring whatever this could be to your house. I would
before I put Casey in danger!”

in danger here, Delila. No one is in danger at my house. The killer has no reason to know that you’ll be with me. I don’t like knowing that you’re miles away from me. I can’t get here in time if something were to happen.”

I pace away and push my hands through my hair, suddenly frustrated.

“Damn it, Lila, I need you with me.”


“Will be fine.” I turn back to her. “Do you honestly think that I’d willingly put my daughter in danger? She’s safe, just like you will be if you come with me.”

She chews on her lip, giving it some thought, and if I wasn’t already completely in love with her, her concern for Casey would have pushed me right over.

“Okay,” she says cautiously. “But when you’re not home, Casey should stay with Mike and Fran.”

I frown, but she continues before I can say anything.

“Not because I don’t love spending time with her, but because
no one
would follow her to Mike’s house. If you’re not home to protect her, she shouldn’t be alone with me. Just in case.”

I cup her face in my hands and everything in me is screaming to tell her I love her.

“Thank you,” I say instead.

“You won’t be thanking me when I use up all the hot water and burn toast.”

I grin. “I already burn the toast.”


Chapter Seven

BOOK: Boudreaux 01.5 Easy With You
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