Read Boudreaux 01.5 Easy With You Online

Authors: Kristen Proby

Tags: #With Me in Seattle, #Kristen Proby, #Erotic Romance, #1001 Dark Nights

Boudreaux 01.5 Easy With You (7 page)

BOOK: Boudreaux 01.5 Easy With You
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“Are you kidding? This is great! Can we play in your makeup?”

I have a moment of panic as I think of the expensive stash of makeup in my drawers, and then figure, why not? You only live once.

“Sure. Let’s go.” I lead Casey into my bathroom and spread eye shadows, blush, liners, mascara, and lipstick on the countertop. Her pretty green eyes widen at my loot.

“Wow,” she says reverently. “You don’t look like you wear that much makeup.”

“That’s the secret.” I wink at her and study her coloring, wanting to choose just the right shades for her. “You don’t want to look like you wear a lot. You choose colors that accentuate what you already have.”

“You’re smart.”

I laugh and choose an eye shadow. “I’ve just been doing this for a really long time.”

“Can I do you after you do me?”

“I’m already wearing makeup.”

“You could take it off,” she says.

“True. Okay, I’ll take it off.” I grab my makeup remover and wipe off my eye makeup, then smile at Casey.

“Awesome.” I boost her up onto the counter so she’s eye level with me, making it easier to work, and choose a brush.

“Close your eyes.”

She complies and sits still as I brush eye shadow on her eyes, add liner, mascara and blush. I don’t want her dad to show up and think that I’ve turned his daughter into a harlot.

But playing with makeup is fun. Hell, I loved playing with it at her age. I still do.

“So, you’re definitely a girlie girl,” I comment.

“Yes. Do you have glitter?”

I chuckle and reach for a bronzer with sparkles in it. “Glitter coming right up.”

“Right on.” She offers me her fist to bump, and I comply with a laugh just as my phone pings with an incoming text.

Asher: Thanks for helping me out. Not sure how long I’ll be here, so my brother Mike is going to stop by and get Casey. It’s okay to open the door to him.

I just love how he’s now dictating who I can open the door to.

“That’s your dad. Your uncle Mike is going to come get you.”

“Already?” she asks with distress. “But we’re having a spa day!”

My lips twitch. “You’re right. I’ll take care of it.”

Can you give us at least an hour? We are having a spa day. And don’t get mad at me for putting makeup on her.

“You’re really pretty,” Casey says as she watches me text. “Like,

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

No problem. Thank you for being so patient.

There is no need to be patient with this adorable girl. She’s funny and smart and enjoys the same things I do. Why would I need to be patient with her?

My pleasure. Really.

I tuck my phone away and make the finishing touches on Casey’s makeup, and it occurs to me that for someone who doesn’t do kids, I’ve taken quite a shine to this sweet girl.

And what’s not to love? She’s smart and respectful and funny. Asher has done an amazing job with her.

They’re both special. How could any woman have left them?

“Okay, you can look now.”

“Oh!” she exclaims when she turns around. “I’m so pretty!”

“Yes you are.”

“I haven’t had this much fun since my mom died.”


I school my features, trying not to let her see that she’s shocked the hell out of me. Her mom

She chooses some colors and goes to work on my face.

“I’m sorry that your mom passed away, sweetie.”

“Yeah, it was a long time ago.” I cringe when she chooses the blue eye shadow and begins brushing it on. She doesn’t talk about her mom anymore, and I decide not to press her, but I do need to talk to Asher. How horrible for both of them.

When Casey is finishing up with me, the doorbell rings.

“That must be your uncle.”

“Oh man,” she whines and hops down from the counter. “Can’t I just stay with you?”

“Your dad wants you to go hang out with your uncle.”

I open the door to find a man that looks almost exactly like Asher in my doorway, with a beautiful woman at his side.

“Hi. I’m Mike.”

“Lila.” I shake his hand and invite them in.

“This is my wife, Fran.”

“Why can’t I stay with Lila?” Casey whines. “We are having a girls’ day.”

“Your daddy doesn’t know how long he’s going to be at work today,” Fran says with a smile. “You look beautiful.” She glances up at me. “I think Casey got the better end of this deal.”

“She did good,” I reply with a laugh. “Here, let’s send a selfie to your dad.”

I pull my phone out of my pocket, snap a photo of the two of us, and text it to Asher.

“We’re going to go pack your bag, munchkin. You’re gonna stay with us tonight,” Fran says.

“Sleepover!” Casey exclaims. “You should come too, Lila!”

“I have work,” I reply. “But maybe I’ll see you again soon.”

“Thanks for keeping her,” Mike says with a grin. “Asher said he’ll come over here when he’s done. Lock your door.” His face sobers and he pins me in a
I’m an authority figure and you’ll do what I say

“Let me guess, you’re a cop too?”


“I will lock the door. I will not let anyone in unless they have the password and know the secret handshake.”

“You’re a smart ass,” Fran says with a smile. “I like you.”


* * * *


I can’t run. Why can’t I run? I can hear someone coming for me, and it’s dark, and I have to
but my feet won’t move. Heavy breathing is getting closer. I’m sweating, and trying to scream, but no sound comes out. Suddenly, it occurs to me that it’s a dream. Wake up!

Banging on my front door finally rips me from the nightmare. I sit up, my heart racing, eyes searching the room, and realize I must have fallen asleep on the couch.

“Lila!” More banging. I check my phone to find three missed texts and a missed call, all from Asher.

I pull the door open and am immediately tugged against him, his arms wrapped tightly around me and his face buried in my neck. He walks us inside and kicks the door closed, all without loosening his grip.

“Hey,” I croon and hold on just as tight. He needs this. I can feel it. “Asher, are you okay?”

“I just need a minute.” He takes a deep breath, and suddenly I’m in his arms and he’s carrying me to the couch. He sits, with me in his lap, and continues to hold on tight.

“You’re kind of scaring me,” I whisper. My fingers brush through the soft, thick hair at the back of his head soothingly.

“I just want to hold you for a minute,” he whispers. God, he’s strong, and solid and…
His big hands rub up and down my back, as if he’s reassuring himself that I’m here. His breathing is choppy. “We need to talk.”

“Yes, we do.”
We so do.

“Are you okay?” He pushes me away, just far enough to look in my eyes. He brushes my hair away from my cheeks, his eyes worried.

“I’m fine.”

“You didn’t answer me. My texts or call.”

“I fell asleep.” I cup his face in my hands. “I just fell asleep.”

He closes his eyes and takes a long, deep breath, and when he opens his eyes again, he’s more in control now. “Was Casey okay? Did she give you any problems?”

“Casey is amazing,” I reply truthfully and see his eyes soften with love and affection for his daughter. “I loved having her here.”

He nods and holds on tight when I try to shift away, off of his lap.

“Stay here, please.”

“Okay.” I frown and watch him. His eyes are tired.

“Lila, there was another murder.” He swallows hard.

“Who?” I whisper, not really wanting to hear the answer.


“Oh.” The tears come, falling down my cheeks unnoticed. “Oh, she was such a good kid.”

“I know.” He frowns and looks down, and I know he’s not telling me everything.

“What else happened, Asher?”

“He’s getting more violent, Lila. I’m not going to give you details because I can’t, and because you don’t need that living in your head.”

Jesus, what did he do to her?



He grows quiet again.


He won’t meet my gaze. Finally, he closes his eyes and swears under his breath, then looks up at me with eyes that are tormented and scared as hell.

“And what, Asher?”

“And you’re a target.”

“What?” I shake my head. “That doesn’t make any sense. I’m not a student.”

“What I’m about to tell you is confidential. This hasn’t been released to the media.” He brushes my hair over my shoulder tenderly. “With each victim, the killer has left a note. Threats. He talks about wanting revenge. But he’s never specified a name before.”

“But he did this time.”

Asher nods and pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket, unfolds it, and shows it to me.

“This is a photocopy.”

I read the note and feel my blood run cold.

“Oh my God.”

I begin to shake and find myself caught up in Asher’s arms again. He’s rocking me now, holding me close. I can’t get close enough.

“Why?” I whisper. “Asher, I don’t understand. Oh my God! Those poor girls! They were all tortured and killed because of

I pull out of his hold and stand, pacing the floor. I’m shaking. I can’t breathe.

“This is my fault.”

“Stop it, Lila. It’s not your fault.”

I whirl on him.

“He’s after
” I shake my head wildly. “Who would do this?”

“Is there an ex out there somewhere that would want to hurt you?” He stands and takes my shoulders in his hands, rubs my arms firmly, trying to soothe me.

“I haven’t dated since I’ve been here,” I reply truthfully. “And I don’t have any skeletons in my closet. I’ve had boyfriends, but those relationships ended on decent terms. There are no weirdos in my background, just guys that it didn’t work out with.”

“We are going to catch this guy,” he promises me. He cups my face in his hands and looks deeply into my eyes. “I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you. I’m not going to lose you to this.”

I hug him tightly and his words hit home.
I’m not going to lose you.

“Speaking of losing someone.” My voice is soft as I pull away. “Casey told me about her mom. I’m so sorry for your loss, Asher.”

His lips firm, but he doesn’t look sad or upset. He looks simply resigned.

“It’s been four years,” he says. “What did Casey tell you?”

“Just that she hadn’t had that much fun since her mom died.”

He nods. “I was investigating another serial murderer in Seattle at the time. He was an evil bastard.”

“Aren’t they all?” I ask dryly.

“Yes.” He brushes his fingertips down my cheek. He can’t stop touching me. “He decided to play with the police, specifically the men who were trying to find him.”

“No,” I whisper.

“He killed her. It was staged to look like a car accident, but he confessed later to making that accident happen. Missy died instantly.”

“Oh, Asher. I’m so sorry.”

“How do you tell a six-year-old that her mama isn’t coming home?” His voice is rough.

“How do you bury your young wife and raise your daughter alone?” The enormity of it hits me, and all I can think about is comforting him. Loving him.

I offer him my hand. “Come with me.”

He follows me silently into my bedroom. I lead him onto the bed, over the covers, our clothes still on, and snuggle up to him, holding him close.

“Is this your way of comforting me?” he asks. His lips tip up into a half-smile.

“It’s all I have,” I reply with a shrug. It’s more than I’ve ever offered to anyone else in my life.

I’m letting my walls down with this man, and as much as it scares me, I can’t stop.

“I’m okay, baby. It’s been a while. We’ve healed.”

“Yes, but I just found out, and I’m hurting for you, Asher.”

“God, you’re sweet.” He rolls me onto my back and kisses me softly, his hand resting on my jaw and neck. His lips are soft, sure. He teases me with his tongue as he eases his big body over mine and settles in to kiss the hell out of me.

It’s pure heaven.

“Tell me I can stay,” he whispers against my lips.

“What about the investigation?”

“We’re done for the night.”

“You can stay,” I reply. He smiles and nibbles his way down my neck. His hands slip under my shirt and work it up over my head, then he discards my bra. “You’re beautiful.”

I smile shyly as he pulls a nipple into his mouth and lazily teases it, blows on it, then sucks some more. I tug his shirt up impatiently, getting caught up under his arms. His skin is warm and smooth over strong muscles.

“Can we take this off?” I ask. He sits up and in one fluid motion, pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it aside, then covers me again. He unfastens my jeans and slips his hand inside while his mouth travels down my torso, making me shimmy and squirm.

The things this man does with his mouth are

His fingertips find my sweet spot and my hips surge up off the bed as electricity shoots through my body, sending fire along every nerve.

“God, you’re so responsive. Do you know how long I’ve dreamed of your sweet little body?”

“Nine months,” I pant with a smile. “Yes, I know exactly how long.”

He chuckles and bites my stomach right next to my navel. “You’ve been in my dreams for months. I wake up aching for you.”

Is it possible to come from words alone?

“Asher, I need you.”

“I’m right here, baby.”

“Need you inside me.” I bury my fingers in his hair and hold on tight as his mouth continues the journey around my torso, along my ribs, under my breasts.

Who knew that the spot under my breasts was so fucking sensitive?

He’s pulling my jeans down my legs, effortlessly, and kissing his way down to my hip.

“Trust me, I’m about to be inside you. God, you smell good.”

“I don’t wear perfume.”

He grins up at me knowingly. Naughtily. God, I want to devour him.

“Not that kind of smell, Delila.” He sniffs against my hip. “You smell like you want me to make love to you.”

BOOK: Boudreaux 01.5 Easy With You
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