Read Blurred Memories Online

Authors: Kallysten

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #fantasy, #paranormal, #threesome, #menage

Blurred Memories (19 page)

BOOK: Blurred Memories
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Marc began to protest that
he wouldn’t be captured, but Blake wasn’t listening. Instead, he
turned to Kate and reached out for her the same way he had tried to
reach for Marc. She stepped back like Marc had, shaking her head

You, too?” Blake said,
pain dripping from his words. “I thought you wanted—”

I do,” she cut in,
catching his hand as he started to lower it. “But I don’t want to
be used. You only turned to me because Marc said no and that’s

Blake interrupted her with a
kiss rather than words. He tugged on her hand, drawing her close to
him and pressing his mouth to hers in a hard kiss. When he pulled
back after a few seconds, Kate let out a little sound of loss that
went straight to Marc’s dick. She had waited for this, for Blake to
finally reach for her first; Marc had waited right along with

Does this feel like I only
want you because he won’t have me?” Blake asked, his voice low and

Kate shook her head. Her
gaze turned to Marc for a second or two, maybe seeking his approval
or forgiveness, then she looked at Blake again and leaned in for
another kiss. Marc bit the inside of his mouth rather than say
anything to interrupt them; he clenched his hands into fists rather
than reach out and intrude. But God, how much he wanted to join


* * * *


With anger rushing through
Blake’s veins like lava, burning and incandescent, fear didn’t have
a chance to take hold of him. He kissed Kate with no apprehension
about punishment, the first time in months—centuries—that he had
kissed her without her initiating the kiss first.

That kiss began as proof to
Marc, but something shifted inside Blake at the warmth of Kate’s
lips, the sweetness of her touch even as he invaded her mouth with
his tongue. He had missed this, missed
. When she kissed
him back, all thought of proving anything to anyone fled Blake’s
mind. He wanted Kate and she wanted him; for now that was all that

Kate’s arms wove around him,
holding him tightly against her. Even through her clothes, the heat
of her body was scorching. Blake wanted more, though. More than a
kiss that was sometimes slow and sweet and sometimes fierce and
frantic, more than the feel of her hands on his back or the
softness of her hair against his fingertips. Sliding his hands
between them, he started to work open the fastening of her pants,
soon abandoning that task for the buttons of her shirt instead. He
might have torn one or two in his haste to undress her; he didn’t
care, and she didn’t seem to mind, either.

Removing her t-shirt and
sports bra meant that they had to break the kiss. As she stood in
front of him, bare from the waist up, her breasts heaving with
panting breaths, her eyes darkened by lust and her mouth swollen
from their kiss, Blake froze. Memories of her broken, bleeding body
were trying to rise to the surface of his mind and spoil the
moment. He glanced at Marc behind her; part of Blake expected to
find anger on his Master’s face. Instead, all he could see was
need, the same need inscribed on Kate’s features. Blake shoved back
the memories that had no place in this room, locked them away in
the darkest corner of his mind, and focused on Kate again.
Marc—yes, Marc, not his Master—would join them when he was ready,
or when he stopped being such an idiot.

Kiss me,” Kate

Blake immediately drew her
to him again, crushing her body to his and his mouth to hers. She
caressed his arms and back while he tried to divest her of her
pants again, but his fingers felt nerveless and he wasn’t making
much progress.

Marc came closer, and his
arms encircled Kate from behind. His hands joined Blake’s and
helped him unbuckle her belt before guiding her pants and panties
down her legs. As she stepped out of them, Blake pulled back and
watched her—watched them, with Marc’s arm around Kate’s naked body
and his chest pressed to her back. The position was possessive yet
intimate, and both their faces invited Blake to join them again.
Blake was about to do just that when another wave of memories
threatened to rise in him again. He blinked twice and pushed the
images away.

Get in bed for me,” Kate
asked in a silky whisper.

Blake was trembling as he
climbed in; he couldn’t have said whether it was from desire or the
lingering memories. He lay in the middle of the bed, propped up
against the pillows, and watched Kate move to the foot of the bed
before she joined him.

I’ve wanted to do this for
ages.” She gave him an impish look as she slid upward to settle
between his parted legs. She licked her lips as she took hold of
Blake’s cock in her hot, little hand. Another flash of a smile made
Blake groan—and the soft touch of her mouth to the tip of his cock
drew an even louder moan from him.

Blake’s hands fisted in the
sheets as her tongue trailed up and down his dick. He wanted to
watch her, but if he did, it would all end very fast. He closed his
eyes tight and tried to breathe; as useless as air was to him, the
in and out still helped to calm his body sometimes. And it would
have worked this time, too, if a cooler mouth hadn’t suddenly
joined Kate’s, sucking when she licked, biting gently when she blew
warm air along his shaft.

A wordless, grunting sound
clawed its way out of Blake’s throat, and his body jerked even as
his hands flew to both his lovers’ heads.

No, stop,

They both stilled at once
and looked up, the same worry in their eyes: worry that they’d gone
too far and pushed Blake beyond what he could take—which was true,
but not the way they feared.

Too much,” he tried to
explain, panting. “I don’t want this to end too fast.”

He could still see the
uncertainty on their faces, the doubt that he might be lying—again.
It was easy enough to show them that wasn’t the case. He reached
for Kate with both hands and drew her upward, kissing her once
briefly, then again after he had rolled her over so she rested
against the pillows. She made a quiet sound that was part relief,
part pleasure as he pressed kisses against her chin, her cheek, and
down her neck. As he lay down by her side, his hand traveled over
her of its own accord, cupping her breasts, brushing against the
scar on her lower stomach, caressing every inch of heated skin he
could reach. It wasn’t long before Marc’s hand joined his,
sometimes following Blake’s touch, sometimes offering a
counterpoint. Kate started to writhe against them, pleas for more
falling from her lips in between kisses.

Raising his head to look at
Kate’s eyes, so dark and shiny, Blake whispered against her lips,
“Can I make love to you?”

Kate’s eyes filled with
tears. “Yes.” She nodded almost frantically. “I want you so bad it
,” she said, half sobbing, her hips rising off the bed
as though to find friction.

A flash of white blinded him
at her last word, but he clung to the here and now. He kissed her
again as his body slipped between her welcoming legs. The heat of
her core guided him, and slowly, with no thought other than the
certainty that she wanted this, Blake pushed his way inside her
body. They both sighed when he was in as far as he could go and
broke the kiss to share a smile. Kate’s arms and legs wrapped
tightly around Blake, and she held him close, allowing only enough
space for minute rocking motions of their bodies. It wasn’t enough
for either of them to reach an orgasm, but the closeness was such
that Blake’s throat tightened and his eyes prickled.

Marc knelt next to them,
still watching, leaning down occasionally to brush kisses over
Blake’s shoulder or Kate’s temple, caressing them in turns with the
tips of his fingers as though afraid to disrupt their rhythm. Even
when he let out a choked, “You’re beautiful. Both of you,” it was
in such a quiet voice that they could have ignored him, had they
chosen to. But Kate heard him, and she turned her face to offer him
a smile, reached out for his hand, and brought it to her lips for a

Blake heard, too, although
in his mind the words had an entirely different meaning. There were
things he and Marc had never said to each other, things they would
never voice, but that didn’t make them any less true.

Marc loved him—loved them.
That knowledge was a gift.

As Blake started rocking a
little deeper in and out of Kate, he asked Marc in a gravelly
voice, “Are you just going to watch, or are you going to join

Marc’s hesitation was
obvious, but it didn’t last. He rose from the bed and finally
undressed. Both Blake and Kate watched as he fisted his hard cock
and gave it a few tugs. His gaze, dark and hungry, travelled
between them like he didn’t know where to look.

Where’s the

Blake’s hips jerked forward,
drawing a moan from both his and Kate’s lips when he hit a
particularly sweet spot.

Forget the lube,” Blake
grunted. “Just get on with it or we’ll finish without

But Marc was undeterred. He
searched the bedside table, his travel bag, and finally Blake’s,
increasingly frantic until he finally found what he was looking
for. The cap made a small ‘snick’ sound when Marc flicked it open.
Blake shuddered, then again when Kate looped her arms around his
neck and drew him down, so close that when she said, “I love you,”
her lips brushed against his mouth with every word. Blake kissed
her gently, even chastely for all that his dick was deep within
her. When he pulled back, she said the words again, but this time
included Marc, too.

I love you both so, so

Blake nuzzled her neck as
Marc’s hand ran up and down his spine. Blake returned the words—to
them both, if Marc only would hear them.

Love you, too.”

Fingers slick with lube,
Marc pressed against Blake’s opening until one finger slid in,
excruciatingly slowly. Blake understood the reason Marc was being
so careful; it had been a long time since Blake had had anyone
inside him. Just the same, there was such a thing as excessive
caution. Blake bucked back against Marc’s hand, forcing that
tentative finger deeper inside him and wishing he could have more

Always in such a hurry,
Childe,” Marc whispered, a smile teasing at the edge of his words.
“Haven’t I taught you patience?”

You’ll learn patience,

The voice echoing in Blake’s
mind was the same as the one sliding like a caress along his back,
but the latter was welcome, while the first was not. He pushed away
the echo and the memories it carried, and moved toward the finger
teasing him.

I’ve always been a slow
learner,” he grunted, and tightened his opening around Marc’s

Both Marc’s sharp intake of
breath and Kate’s gasping chuckle were lovely.

I’m gonna side with Blake
on that one,” she slurred the words a little. “Com’ on, Marc. Don’t
make us wait any longer.”

Outvoted, Marc gave in. His
finger retreated and was quickly replaced by the slick, thick head
of his cock pressing against Blake’s entrance. Blake tried to push
back against it, but Marc gripped his hips and held him in place
with a shaky, “Let me.”

For a second, Blake wanted
to remind Marc that holding him down was not a good idea, but that
thought disappeared, along with everything else, when Marc finally
slid inside him, his movements still agonizingly slow. He rocked
his way inside Blake’s body with tiny, nearly imperceptible thrusts
that nonetheless made Blake’s entire body press inside Kate so that
they were both moaning long before Marc was fully sheathed inside
Blake. After all this time, the pressure was exquisite. When Marc
was all the way inside, he pressed his torso against Blake’s back
and kissed the nape of his neck.

Is this all right?” he
asked, tension crackling like electricity in his words.

Only if you start moving,”
Blake groaned. “Otherwise I think I’ll self-combust.”

Marc pressed a quiet laugh
to Blake’s back and finally—finally!—started to move. His hips slid
in long, slow movements, and with each of them, Blake’s body moved
over Kate again.

Memories teased the edge of
Blake’s consciousness. He remembered how he used to want this
before he had been taken. He had maneuvered and plotted to bring
his lovers closer together, so that they would share each other and
him. Marc used to call Blake greedy when he brought it up, and that
might still have been true even after all this time, because Blake
only wanted one thing: everything.

And everything was exactly
what he had right now.

The three of them settled
into a slow rhythm: arching, pushing, thrusting against each other
like the steps of an intricate dance. Kate had been close to
pleasure before, but now she fell into the abyss, waves rocking her
with a succession of small orgasms. Her heart fluttered like music,
her moans further notes in that symphony, and Blake kissed them off
her lips to make them his own.

The entire time, she clung
to Blake, her fingers flexing on his shoulders, waist, and neck;
Marc’s hands held him just as tightly. Snug between them, connected
to them by flesh and love, Blake felt anchored, safe. He couldn’t
even remember the last time he had truly felt safe. He also
couldn’t remember the last time he had been so close to them, and
not just in a physical way.

BOOK: Blurred Memories
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