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Authors: Kallysten

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #fantasy, #paranormal, #threesome, #menage

Blurred Memories

BOOK: Blurred Memories
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Blurred Memories





After months of trying to
find again their place in each other’s lives, Blake, his Sire Marc
and their human lover Kate are going back to the fight against
demons… but is Blake ready?

His time in a cell in the
demon dimension left him with physical and mental wounds, and while
the first healed without leaving a mark, the latter still cripple
him at times, plunging him into nightmares until he can’t
differentiate between horrific memories and a present in which his
lovers tiptoe around him to avoid causing him more pain.

When Kate can’t stand the
status quo anymore and risks pushing at the walls behind which
Blake hides, things seem to take a turn for the best. Marc,
however, decides to make up for his failure to rescue Blake from
the demons with a bold move that could start the nightmare all over
again… or bring this trio together, closer than ever



























Excerpt from Fangs
& Lullabies

About the

Also available






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The right of Kallysten to be
identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in
accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act


First Published


All characters in this
publication are purely fictitious and any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Edited by Mary S.


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Chapter 1



Taking that first thrust
slowly was excruciating, and Blake’s fingers dug a little deeper
where they held Marc’s thighs up.

A groan, more from pain than
pleasure, and Blake instantly stilled and started to move back,
even if all he wanted was to push his cock deeper into Marc’s tight
ass. He should have kept looking for that damn lube; it had to be
somewhere around, probably under the bed. At the very least he
should have stretched Marc for more than a few seconds. But he had
so very badly…

Where do you think you’re
going?” Marc growled, flashing him an annoyed glare.

Blake stopped pulling back.
Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who wanted it that much. And if
Marc didn’t mind a little discomfort, who was Blake to

He didn’t want to simply
shove himself in and use the blood to ease his cock’s way. Marc
didn’t mind that either, but Blake had tried once a couple of weeks
earlier, and had quickly found out that he couldn’t. Not without
summoning some less-than-pleasant memories. He wasn’t going to
repeat that mistake twice, especially when Kate wasn’t in the house
and ready to help. He wasn’t even going to think about it. It was
completely absurd and embarrassing for a vampire to panic at the
sight of blood. Marc and Kate had been confused at first, as though
they didn’t understand what had set off Blake this time. And

But Blake was not thinking
about that. Not at all. No thinking now, none whatsoever, just
feeling the overwhelming tightness around him as, with slow rocking
motions, he eased his way deeper. His gaze remained glued to Marc’s
face, looking for those small traces of strain that would signify

Frustration rather than pain
sounded in Marc’s voice when he said, “Blake, you’re killing me!
Will you get on with it already?”

Gritting his teeth, Blake
pushed a little harder, wishing pain weren’t just as forbidden as
blood. He felt a barely controllable urge to hurt Marc. The idiot
couldn’t stop trying to get his way even when he was bottoming. He
was the Sire, all right, and Blake his Childe, and they were both
more used to things happening the other way around, but if Marc
would only let Blake do as he pleased—


Blake was barely aware of
the sound passing his lips and stretching in the silence, like a
bird taking flight and hovering above them. All he knew was that,
at last, he was buried inside Marc, his balls pressed tight against
Marc’s ass, and God, it was good. Now if only he could make this

The friction as he pulled
out almost completely was incredible; it was as though Marc’s body
didn’t want to let him go. Thrusting back in was a little easier,
only barely at first, then increasingly so, allowing Blake to move
faster, although not nearly as fast as he would have wanted. Marc
was bucking underneath him, encouraging him, arching into him and
squeezing around his cock. Blake could have closed his eyes to
enjoy the sensation a little more, but that would have robbed him
of the sight in front of him. And what a sight it was.

In the muted light of the
bedroom, Marc’s body was a study of changing shadows as he moved
with each of Blake’s thrusts, muscles rippling lightly, his face
darkened by long bangs that needed to be cut. His hand stroked his
dick to the same rhythm of Blake’s thrusts into him. He threw his
head back onto the pillow as Blake’s cock brushed that spot, bit
down on a groan—and Blake made a point to shift his hips just so to
rub against Marc’s prostate again, and again, until Marc couldn’t
hold back the sound anymore. It always surprised Blake a little to
hear Marc moan and whimper because of him; it surprised him and
turned him on even more, if that were possible.

Blake let Marc’s legs drop
on each side of him onto the pale sheets, where memories from past
romps forever stained the fabric, and leaned on one elbow, changing
his angle as he picked up speed and replaced Marc’s hand with his
own. Marc’s cock was steel and silk melded into one, made slippery
by the precome that trickled from the tip. The musky smell of it
caused Blake to salivate, and he couldn’t wait to taste it,

There was no more holding
back now, no way to hold back, not when the vampire part of Blake
was taking over and demanded that he make Marc cry out again, a
little louder this time. It demanded that he take what was offered
to him and shove a little harder, a little deeper, make Marc his
own. Claim his Sire with his come and scent, the way no Childe was
supposed to. The simple fact that Marc allowed Blake to do this to
him, to his body, was half the thrill.

Pleasure struck him as
unexpectedly as lightning. Blake had the presence of mind to
tighten his hand at the base of Marc’s cock, preventing him from
coming, before pure instinct made him thrust a few last times, hard
and fast as his orgasm ran through him.

Marc made some sputtering
noises—there might have been a ‘bastard’ or two in there—at having
been denied his own bliss. But when Blake reluctantly slid out of
his ass and down the bed, low enough to take Marc’s cock in his
mouth, the protests stopped and the appreciative groans returned.
Marc tried to push more deeply into Blake’s mouth, but Blake drew
back, warning him with a hand on his hip not to move. When Marc
complied, Blake sank back down, taking that lovely, ready-to-burst
cock as far as he could and swallowing once, twice, before Marc
babbled his name and came hard. Blake pulled back to catch the
flavor on his tongue, bittersweet and more heady than the finest

He continued to suck gently
until Marc had grown completely soft in his mouth. He then switched
to long, broad swipes of his tongue, knowing from experience that
it wouldn’t take long before Marc was ready for round two. Kate had
said she wouldn’t take long; she might even return in time to join


* * * *


Sated and a little sore,
Marc was trying to shift his brain into gear again. Blake seemed to
have the uncanny ability to make him forget how to articulate
words. Or maybe not words: simple words, like ‘yes,’ ‘there,’
‘Blake,’ and the like were always all too easy to cry out.
Sentences, though, required a little more work, even now that he
and Blake were lying down, their bodies pressed alongside each

Blake had turned off the
bedside lamp, and Marc allowed his eyes to adjust to the darkness
before he shifted and turned to look at him.

Thought process was back,
and so was the question he had tried to ask all night but hadn’t
managed to wedge into the conversation at the pub, let alone after
when they had come back home and gone straight to bed without
waiting for Kate. Marc had asked her if she minded staying out with
Simon a little longer. She had been reluctant—she always was
reluctant about being away from Blake these days—but the
separation, as brief as it was, would be good for all of them.
Besides, she needed to talk to Simon and get a firm answer out of
him, the same way Marc needed an answer from Blake. But he needed
more than Blake’s words. His reaction, even his scent, might be
more truthful.

Are you still okay with
leaving tomorrow?”

Blake answered after a
moment of silence, his voice filled with high-pitched annoyance.
“I’m the one who suggested we go back, wasn’t I?”

Marc reached over and
flicked the bedside light on. He needed all the help he could get.
Blake’s features showed no expression whatsoever. It was something
Marc wasn’t getting used to, and he doubted he ever

BOOK: Blurred Memories
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