Blue Moon: Too Good to Be True (9 page)

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“Angel, I’m scared at how right this feels.” He leaned back into the comfort of the embrace.


“Don’t be scared of this darlin’,” Angel spoke soothingly while tightening his hold. He leaned in and rested the side of his face against Max’s hair. The hair on top was slightly longer than the hair on the sides. Max didn’t have to do much for styling—his hair just did its own thing beautifully.

Max didn’t know if he was smiling because the embrace felt so good or because Angel had just called him darlin’.

“You have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen,” he said, whispering against the side of Max’s face.

“Angel,” he moaned.

“Mmmm, baby. You sound so sexy saying my name like that.” Angel’s voice sounded on the edge of raw desire. He could feel Angel fighting the urge to behave himself and not go too fast on him. However, the bulge he felt pressed against his ass was unmistakable. It was foreign, and it was sexy.

It was strange to Max, but also exhilarating.
What the fuck am I doing? Fuck!


Then Angel felt it. Max pushed his ass back a little.
Oh fuck! Shit, shit, shit,
stay calm, don’t thrust, you don’t want to scare him off. Just let him experiment with the
sensations, he’l see this is where he belongs.

Angel’s breath quickened when he felt Max reach his arms back to grab Angel’s hip to encourage him to move. So he did. They rocked torturously slow together for a while, almost like slow dancing, before Max began to turn in his arms to face him.

“I don’t know what I’m doing, Angel,” Max confessed.

The uncertainty Angel heard in his man’s voice caused his heart to flutter. He wanted to scoop him up in his arms and take him to his home, lie him in his king-size bed, and show him exactly what they were supposed to do.

Angel used the back of his hand to stroke that gorgeous, lightly tanned face. Being this close to Max he could see every small, insignificant knick and scratch in the otherwise perfect face. Max didn’t have any hard scarring that was overly visible, but he looked like he’d lived a hard life at some point. It

spoke to Angel even more, that this man was not a pansy-assed boy looking to be taken care of for the rest of his life. Or a showpiece to go on someone’s arm. No, Max was a man that could be Angel’s equal, a man that would see Angel for who he truly was, a man Angel could grow to love dearly.

“Come to me tonight, Maximus. To my home. Let me make you mine…please baby…come to me?” Angel placed soft kisses on Max’s neck and jaw. He smelled so goddamn good. “Please, Max.” He found himself pleading with Max again.
I don’t fucking care…I’l beg him until he says yes. God,
please let him say yes.
Angel rubbed his hands up and down Max’s back, loving the feel of the definition there. Max’s back was strong and firm. It told Angel that Max wasn’t a stranger to hard work and labor.
Fucking perfect.

He could see his man battling with himself. His eyes were closed tight, and his hands were planted firmly on Angel’s waist. He moved in closer so that their mouths were only an inch apart. Neither one spoke or moved.

Silence. Breathing.

Angel moved his hands slowly up Max’s back until one hand wound its way into his soft hair. He could feel Max stroking his long hair, making him drop his eyelids half-closed. The feeling of this man caressing his hair was making him drunk with desire. Angel pulled him in and let their lips connect for the first time. The spark was instantaneous. Max’s lips were full, soft, and slightly timid. Angel couldn’t wait another moment to taste this man.


Max had his hands buried in long silky tresses of coconut goodness, but it never fooled his mind into thinking he was kissing a woman. His full frame was completely flush against Angel’s hard body, Angel’s erection prominent and pressing deliciously into his own. His Angel was all male, and he was giving Max the best kiss of his life. Max felt Angel delectably licking at his bottom lip, coaxing it to open a little wider and allow him full access.

Permission granted.


Angel’s moist tongue began its exploration cautiously. He started with tasting Max’s lips, licking and sucking them so gently that it made his knees weak. The grip on the back his head amped up in pressure, and it directed Max’s head slightly to the left to perfectly align their mouths together. The supple tongue worked its way in deeper and back out again to lick the neglected corners of his mouth.
Mmmm…fuck, that’s good.
His man tasted slightly minty coupled with expensive rum, and a flavor that had to be all Angel, and it was making Max melt. He suddenly had a revelation that up until this moment he’d never truly been kissed. Until now he’d thought kissing was slightly overrated. One thing Max was certain about was that he didn’t want Angel to stop anytime soon.

Angel’s other hand caressed Max’s slightly stubbled cheek. He felt Angel’s thick thumb roam its way under his chin and tilt his head back a little, giving him no other option except to comply with the direction. He felt Angel’s tongue slowly lick across the roof of his mouth as if he wanted no space left unexplored.

Max’s eyes closed completely and he let himself feel everything this special man had to offer. He was completely high now. He felt like he was floating on a cloud…a moonlit cloud. Everything outside of this moment was irrelevant. Fuck it that this was a man he had wrapped tightly in his arms.

Fuck that there was a thick, stiff dick poking him hard in his left thigh. Fuck who had something to say about it. Fuck if this wasn’t the best he’d felt in his life.

Max believed Angel must have sensed his acceptance, because right then the dancing of their tongues kicked up twenty staccato notes. The oceans waves serenaded them as they rocked back in forth in each other’s arms.

They never battled for dominance, only tasted and moaned their pleasures into each other’s mouths before Max had to break the kiss to take a much needed breath.

So good

Angel eased back from the kiss but kept his grip on the back of Max’s neck. Max let his forehead rest against Angel’s. His mouth was still open, releasing short bursts of breath into Angel’s mouth. Max stared back into

those alluring dark eyes. He was blissfully distracted by Angel’s rogue hand that was now making its way toward his groin. He brushed his palm gently over Max’s bulge causing him to hiss between clenched teeth.
. Max buried a little deeper into Angel’s embrace, silently asking for more, hoping Angel would be more than happy to oblige. He dropped his hand from behind Max’s neck and wrapped a strong arm around his waist while the other hand firmly massaged his aching cock that was now leaking inside his dark Levis.

“Oh gawddd! Angel,” he moaned into the crook of Angel’s neck.

“That feel good to you, darlin’?” Angel moaned as Max rubbed his soft hair against his cheek. “Tell me how good I make you feel, love.” He ground his palm in a little harder.

“Yes…yes, my Angel…it feels so fucking good.”

“Am I, baby?” He moaned into his ear. “Am I yours?”

Max halted his thrusting into Angel’s hand and lifted his head out of the crevice of Angel’s neck. Max was intoxicated by the very subtle but expensive cologne the man wore. But when he heard Angel’s last question he had to take a couple of staggering steps back to really think about his answer. He turned and gripped the railing, listening to the ocean again. Did he want Angel to be his? He knew nothing about the man.
he’s fucking gorgeous,
can kiss like he took a twelve-hour seminar on the art of caressing and kissing, has
addictive hair, a voice like roughened honey, and can fight like a jujitsu master.
Max guessed that was as good a start as any…so why not explore it a little further?

His body was clearly not repulsed by this man’s touch, because his dick was still hard and leaking copious amounts of precome in his jeans. He hoped his polo shirt was long enough to cover the damp spot. Shit, if Angel was going to be kissing him like that when they were out, then he was going to have to wear a goddamn Kotex pad.

He turned to face Angel and noticed that he was looking like Max had just spit in his face.
Shit, he’s probably thinking I just want to use him to get off, and
not actual y be with him. Fuck
. Max rushed to him and wrapped him in his arms while speaking softly in his ear. “No…Angel baby, whatever you’re

thinking…stop. I only backed away from you so I could think. I didn’t want to just blurt out any answer because you had my dick in your hand.”

He led Angel back to the chairs by the dance floor and urged him to sit.

He had the sudden urge to sit on that large lap, but quickly squashed that thought.
That would be weird.
He sat in the chair in front of Angel and pulled them into each other until their legs were woven together. Max looked at the man’s luscious face and those consuming eyes did it to him again… rendered him speechless. All he could manage was nonverbal communication at the moment. He took that magical hand that was just on his cock and weaved their fingers together. The connection was strong between them and they both knew it. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Max felt he could finally answer Angel’s question.
Do I want him for myself?
Or maybe the question
should be am I gay now?


Angel had disconnected his earpiece thirty minutes ago. He had no intention of being interrupted while with this man. Unless the damn building was on fire, no one better come and disturb them. Besides, his club was a well-oiled machine, and he had the best managers any club owner could ask for.

He was holding Max’s hand and watching him carefully as he gathered his thoughts to answer his last slip of the tongue.
Why the fuck did I say that?

Shit, of course he’s not ready to declare his undying love for me. He was straight two weeks
ago. Dammit. If I’ve blown this already, I’m going to choke myself with waxed dental floss.

He heard Max clear his throat a couple of times before gearing up to speak.

Here it goes, he’s getting ready to say he doesn’t want a gay relationship.

“Will you go to dinner with me tomorrow night, Angel?”

Wel bend me over and fuck me raw. That was not what I was expecting.

“Darlin’, I would love to go to dinner with you,” he replied in a deep whiskey voice.



Chapter Eight

Angel was at the club by nine a.m. on Friday so he could complete his work early and enjoy his date that night. He was damn near whistling while he worked. Everyone noticed and teased him mercilessly. Angel couldn’t care less. He had a date with the man that he knew was the one meant to be his forever. His father always told him to never settle, when it was his time to be in love he would know it. He knew it now. Jazz skipped into his office wearing a hundred-watt smile on her bright red lips and he couldn’t help but laugh at her. He couldn’t help but laugh at everything today. She sauntered over to him and perched her small hips on the corner of his desk. He pretended to ignore her as he continued working on his laptop.

“Sooooooo?” she drawled.

“Sooo what?” he countered.

“You know what, you little shit! Spill it!”

“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied, still unable to hold back his grin.

“Angel, tell me about him,” she huffed out impatiently. “I know he’s the hot fireman from the other week, but how did he go from wanting to hit you with a right hook to asking you out to dinner? We were afraid he was gonna try to throw you over the third floor rail, he looked so pissed. Of course Bass was watching you on the monitor.”

Angel raised his head quickly, his mouth falling open. Of course Bass was watching him, that was his job…to protect Angel.
Fuck. How the hel did I forget

Oh believe me, we tried to get some details out of Bastian, but he was Fort Knox. He also made all the other security officers leave the office, so they couldn’t see,” Jazz said.

Angel smiled
He loved Sebastian and trusted him completely. His chief of security was ex-special forces. His father made sure Angel had the best security team for his protection and his club. Over time Bass had become a great friend and confidant.


Angel had to tell someone. He could not hold it in another minute. He told her everything, from the electricity that sparked between them the first time they laid eyes on each other to their crazy experience at the pub, and finally to the hot and heavy fondling session they had under the moonlight that led to a dinner invitation.

By the time he finished Jazz was fanning her face and rolling around his office floor dramatically. He thought she was losing her mind, but he loved her anyway.

“What are you going to wear tonight?” she asked him, jumping up off the floor like a college cheerleader.

“What the hell, Jazzy? I’m not sixteen. I may be gay but I’m not gonna prim and primp or pull out ten outfits to see which one doesn’t make my ass look too big. I’m gonna wear what I’m gonna wear.”

“Ohhhh come on,” she whined. “Let me come over when you start to get ready…I can help you do your hair. You know how much you like the way it looks when I do it.”

She had a point, it really did look shinier when she did it. “Fine,” he said.

“He wants to pick me up so I gue—”

“Awww, that’s so sweeeet,” she cut in, cooing irritably in his ear while bouncing on his lap.

“Do you want me to throw you out of my office?” He pulled one of her pigtails and watched her wiggle out of his hold and shake her head vigorously. “Then shut up and listen. He will be picking me up at seven, so be at my place by six.” She clapped her hands and squealed loudly as he watched her skip out of his office.

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