Blue Moon: Too Good to Be True (13 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon: Too Good to Be True
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“Then I want you to make love to me with no barriers between us. I know the socially responsible thing to do is to always use protection, but I’m telling you that I’m clean and I would never put you in danger. If you can tell me the same, then I will believe you and trust you. I want to feel you and only you inside me for my first time, baby. Can you do that for me? Make love to me for the first time in my life?” Max let a single tear fall down the

left side of his face, his gaze challenging Angel to put his heart on the line as well.


Chapter Ten

Angel watched the sweet tear fall down Max’s angelic face as he cut open his chest and bared his soul. The wall around his heart shattered.

This was it. This was what Angel had waited for his whole life, to make love with a man that was just as much in love with him. He had no doubt in his mind that Max loved him.

“Max. God, you’re so fucking beautiful to me.” Angel paused and stared at the gift that was sent to him. “I’ve never had sex without protection, but I still get tested every six months. My last one was a couple of weeks ago and it was negative. I haven’t had intercourse since then. Jesus, baby. I haven’t wanted anyone since I met you.” Angel licked the next tear that fell from Max’s stunning gray eyes. “Even before you I knew that I was waiting for you to come into my life. If you will have me, I promise that I am yours and only yours. I love you, Maximus. Be mine. Let me love you more than you ever dreamed you could be.” Angel continued to smooth his hands over Max’s hair, looking into his watery eyes, promising him forever.

“I love you, Angel. I’m yours.”

Max brought his legs higher around Angel’s waist, putting them in perfect position. They kissed and hugged each other tight, both of them trying to seal every part of their body to the other. Angel buried his face into Max’s neck, laying sensual kisses there while working his way to Max’s ear again. Max didn’t disappoint with his reaction to his man’s tongue teasing him. Max placed both hands on Angel’s ass cheeks and squeezed them hard, thrusting up to him, begging without words for Angel to penetrate. Angel dug his hands into Max’s hair while slowly grinding his pelvis between Max’s welcoming thighs. Angel’s dick grazed over his hole with every thrust.

“Please…Angel…now.” Max sounded like he was burning with hunger.

“Shhh…it’s okay. I want you to relax. Usually hands and knees is the easiest position for the first time, but I have to look into your eyes baby. It’s going to hurt some, but I’ve stretched you good. I promise you love, once I’m inside you I’m going to make you lose your mind.” Angel had his lips

pressed against Max’s ear, trying to soothe Max’s nerves. Angel could feel Max’s body trembling all over. His own desire was overtaking him as well.

Angel rose up slightly to apply a generous amount of lube to his cock, his hands shaking profusely. He lined up his cock with that perfect hole and slid in easily past the first ring of muscles. He hissed low in Max’s ear. Max let out the sexiest fucking moan he’d ever heard. Angel had to squeeze the base of his cock to keep from coming right then and there.

“God, love…you’re so tight…augh gawwdd!” Angel couldn’t control the words coming out of his mouth.

“Hold me tight, Angel.”

Angel slid his arms underneath his man and held him tight to his chest.

He raised his head to look into those electric, steel-blue eyes. Max’s eyes were shut tight with concentration.

“Look at me, Maximus,” Angel gently commanded. Angel kissed Max’s soft lips and licked the seam of his mouth as he pushed his throbbing cock inside another couple of inches. “Fuuuckkk!

Angel fought every sizzling fiber in his body and told himself to go slow, he couldn’t rush this. Hurting Max was the last thing he wanted to do, he wouldn’t forgive himself if he did.


Max’s ass was on fire. He was beginning to think this might’ve been a mistake, or maybe Angel’s huge cock just wouldn’t fit.
Oh fuck! What if he’s
tearing me up inside…shitshitshit!
Max’s muscles tensed all over as he began to panic. Angel immediately stopped his progression and began whispering soothing words into his parted lips.

“Calm down, love. Don’t tense up on me. It’s like this at first…baby, try to relax…let me in so I can show you how much I love you,” Angel crooned softly in his ear.

Max so wanted to give himself fully to Angel, but he wasn’t sure he could. The burning was overwhelming and holy fuck Max didn’t think he could stretch any further. He felt so full already and Angel still had more

length to go.
Come on, Max. Relax.
He closed his eyes, focused on controlling his breathing, and his muscles relaxed.

“Yeah, that’s it baby…just like that…you feel so damn good inside…so hot and tight. Almost there, darlin’. Push out for me.” Max did what he asked and Angel slid in the rest of the way.

“Are you all right?” Angel asked. His eyes had closed again, his face flushed, sweat prickled on his brow, and his mouth hung slightly open panting out shallow breaths.

“Breathe in deep and slow, love,” Angel said, barely moving his hips in and out.

Only seconds passed but it felt like hours. Max could see Angel fighting for control. He concentrated on his breathing and the rhythm Angel made with his hips. Max sucked in a sharp breath as the feeling transformed from pain into something equivalent to heaven on earth, and his eyes shot open.

“Fuck! That’s it, baby. How do I feel?” Angel asked.

“Auugghh, Angel…so full…please move!” Max cried out, wild with total abandon. Angel began to withdraw slowly. Max moaned like a wanton slut.

But who the fuck cared, his body was firing on all cylinders.

“Mmmmm…baby….God, this feels fucking incredible…deeper!”


Angel knew he had Max where he wanted him. He gripped the top of his those solid thighs and pulled him down into his thrust, going deep.

“Augghhh. Fuck!” Max yelled.

Angel was inside of the man he loved—and he was bare. He didn’t meet any more resistance from Max’s channel and his hard cock slid effortlessly in and out of warm silk. Razor-like pricks spread down Angel’s spine as he set the rhythm. He used slow, smooth, deep, strokes. He pulled his damp hair back and buried his face into Max’s strong shoulder. He wanted to hear his moans, hear his words of passion, and hear him call upon whatever God he worshipped. Angel pressed his lips against his man’s rough cheek, and licked

his way to his mouth. He kissed him roughly, his stroke never faltering. “I love you,” he spoke into his mouth.

“God, Angel, I love you too.”

Angel looked at Max’s eyes as they sizzled with ecstasy. The moon’s reflection shining down on him through the skylight made his gray eyes appear silver. Angel inhaled sharply as his balls crawled up almost inside of him. Angel bared his teeth and fought with all his might to hold off his orgasm. Tonight was not about him. It was all about Max.


“Harder, Angel…harder!” Max was soaring now, the feeling too fucking much, too fucking unreal. Angel’s cock was a damn magic stick. If asked right at that moment, Max couldn’t tell you his last name or what he did for a living. His man was pounding into his ass, sliding over his prostate with every stroke, and he was meeting him thrust for thrust.

All he could do was whimper for more and beg him not to stop. Max’s cock was trapped deliciously in between their abs. The friction was yanking his orgasm from deep down in his gut. Max’s entire body began to shake uncontrollably, his orgasm taking over. He was trapped in a realm of pure desire and he didn’t know which way was out—he didn’t want to know.

Max’s orgasm was building so long, the intensity so raw, Max thought when he shot his load it would propel them both off the bed.









comin’…harder…don’t stop!” he yelled into their kiss.

“Never, love…come for me gorgeous. Want to feel you squeeze my cock,” Angel groaned out between breaths, “take what you need, darlin’, I want to please you first.”

Max dug both hands into Angel’s scalp and squeezed as his orgasm ripped through his body. He stopped suddenly, his eyes wide and focused on Angel’s face. Max let out a violent shudder and slammed the back of his head into the pillow. “Auggghhhh. Angel. Fuuuucckkk! Gawwddd.” A slew of

curses preceded the ropes of warm come that spread between them, coating their stomachs, and Angel fucked Max through his orgasm.


Max’s ass clenched around Angel’s cock so wonderfully tight that it put his orgasm in that in-between plane for a few glorious seconds, and Angel knew it was about to tear through him like a tornado. “Yes, love….fuck!…Gonna fill you up, baby.”

“Come inside me, Angel,” Max moaned into his ear. Max was riding the last waves of his orgasm, his body jerking and convulsing…and he looked like a fucking god to Angel. His face showed complete serenity. Max put both hands on Angel’s face and licked him from his chin to the top of his luscious lips…and that was all it took.

“Maxxxxx!” he shouted once and slammed home, stilling his hips inside that burning, pulsating channel as he pumped copious amounts of come into his man’s ass, filling him like he’d promised. He let out a long groan from deep in his throat. “Fuck, baby…so good.” He huffed as he tried to get his breathing back to normal. He lay on top of Max for a long time, both too spent to move.

Angel had to see their connection. He rose out of Max’s grip and looked between their bodies. He was mesmerized at the sight of them joined together. Angel gripped the base of his cock and watched as he slowly pulled out, his seed seeping out of Max’s fluttering hole with his withdrawal. He used the head of his still-semierect dick to push the leaking come back into his man.
He heard Max groan again.

Once the fog had lifted from his mind he could feel Max stroking his back tenderly with one hand, and massaging the bruises he’d put on his hip with the other. He dragged his dead weight off his lover and moved in close to his side. He draped his arm across his chest and let his leg rest in between Max’s hard thighs. Nothing was said…they’d said enough for the night. He placed drunk kisses on Max’s shoulder as he let sleep take them over.


Chapter Eleven

Max woke to bright sunshine beaming in on his face, and hell yes, a sore ass…a sticky, sore ass. It made him wince a little when he tried to turn toward the heat he felt pressed against his back. He decided it might be best to just lie still a while. He couldn’t help but reflect on last night’s erotic activities. Angel had said he loved him and trusted him completely.

Suddenly, a jolt of fear shot through his chest like a nine-millimeter bullet shot at close range, making him jump.
Fuck, I told Angel I loved him too! I told a
man I loved him…shit! What am I thinking?
Max felt Angel tighten his hold on his stomach and nuzzle his neck from behind, making his way to his sensitive ear.
I’m being spooned.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” Angel rasped against Max’s cheek.

Angel’s voice did blissful things to Max’s body, but when coupled with groggy sleep Angel’s voice in the morning was absolutely sinful.

“Mornin’.” He grinned.

“How are you feeling? Sore?” Angel pressed his erection against his lover. His body was so full of contentment it felt like the beginning of a new life. “Mmmm, you feel so good in my arms, Max.”

“I belong in your arms, baby.” Max didn’t know why he’d felt that surge of fear. With Angel spooning him like this and smelling like he did, he knew why he’d said what he did last night…because he meant it. He turned to face Angel. The man looked radiant in the morning. Long black blankets of silk lay in disarray on Angel’s pillow.

“You hungry?” he asked stifling a yawn.

“Yes, but not for food.” Max growled and climbed on top of Angel, pinning him to the bed. He rocked into him, loving the way it felt to be on top. He stroked Angel’s face and pushed his nose into that wild mane. “Your hair smells intoxicating, Angel. I can get lost in this scent and no one will ever find me.”

“Mmmm…I’d find you, love.”

“Angel, can I be honest with you?”

“You better.”


Max kept his face buried in Angel’s midnight waterfall, as they did a lazy grind with their erections. Angel’s heavy palms were massaging his ass, and it felt good despite the tenderness.

“I’m afraid,” Max confessed.

He felt Angel stop his massage and still his hips. “Of what?” he asked, his words sounding careful.

“Of you, of this, of us. I’m not trying to be a dick, but I told you to always be honest with me, so I am doing the same.” Max lifted his head to look into those dark eyes. He was getting a little nervous at the confused expression on Angel’s face. “I know that I have never had the types of feelings I feel for you with any other person. I do love you, baby, I meant every word, every feeling, and I loved the way my body reacted to you.” He paused to think about how he wanted to say his next line.

“I want us to continue to get to know each other. I don’t want to stop this at all, but I don’t want this to be all physical either. You really blew my mind last night.” Max liked the smile he saw replace the frown on Angel’s face. “I’ve had a lot of physical relationships…but I need this to be deeper than that…okay?” Max huffed. He hoped he didn’t sound too clingy already.

“Just let’s talk as much as we fuck…all right?” That got him a full-on laugh, and he gave Angel the morning kiss he’d wanted.


Angel went to the club soon after Max left that morning. They’d taken turns jerking each other off in the shower. Max watched in awe as Angel washed, conditioned, blow-dried, and pulled his hair back into a leather tieback, never taking his eyes off the entire process. Angel concluded that Max truly had a separate love affair with his hair.

They had a light breakfast since Max said he wanted to get in a run before meeting his brother. When Angel walked Max to the door, Max spun him around and kissed him as if he was going off to war. It was hot and erotic as he pressed Angel against the door, using his thick body to hold him under his control. Angel liked that Max had a dominant side too. He knew

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