Blue Moon: Too Good to Be True (30 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon: Too Good to Be True
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“I can see you fighting this in your mind…stop it.” Fox nipped the shell of his ear. “I know you feel the same fire down here that I’m feeling.” Fox crossed both of Shot’s wrists and held them against the wall with one strong dominant hand and dropped the other to squeeze Shot’s balls…hard.


“Augggh. Fuck!” Shot cursed, but he didn’t try to get out of the Agent’s hold. He definitely could’ve…if he wanted to.

“I’m gonna go for now, because you need to focus on getting your son back. But rest assured Shot, I want you…and I get whatever the hell I want.

If it’s not given willingly, I will fucking take it.” He growled as he licked the back of Shot’s neck.

Fox was making Shot drunk he was so out of his mind with lust. He pushed his ass back against Fox and was rewarded with teeth biting down hard on the sensitive flesh in the crook of his neck. “Auughh. Goddammit,”

he yelled. Then that tongue was soothing the sting and working its way dangerously close to his ear.
Fuck. I need to stop…what if someone comes in? I know
Hawk is watching from somewhere.
Shot’s body was simmering and about to boil over any minute. He had to get Fox out of his space before his second head took over.

Then the heat and pressure were suddenly gone and Shot wanted to moan at the loss.
Fuck. Shit. Dammit. Fuck!
Shot knew all the obscenities in the world would not change a thing. He’d felt the man’s cock against his ass and he’d fuckin’ loved—no—craved it. His hands were still fixed to the wall and his eyes were closed tight as he heard the trailer doors click shut. He breathed against the wall for five more minutes before he was able to get back to work.

Forty-five minutes later Hawk was at the trailer door. “We move in ten,”

he said. Instead of leaving he held the door open and locked eyes with Shot.

He smirked before stating, “FBI Special Agent Fox was sure in here a while, you boys were playing nice weren’t you, working across the aisle, forming new interdepartmental alliances.” Hawk’s smile was condescending as he gave an overexaggerated wink. Shot knew what he was implying but he refused to take the bait.

“Tell Call everything’s ready.”

“Sure thing boss.” With that response the seer was gone.



Chapter Twenty-Three

“I’m going to be fine boy, I promise. Call has come up with a very safe plan to get Angel out of there. We don’t anticipate any casualties on either side. Fox and Monroe made it clear that they want the men arrested and tried by the law.” Bass didn’t like the look on Ryker’s face. His boy looked stressed and tired. He was being strong for his brother, allowing him to lean all of his weight on him for support. He looked around the dim supply closet and huffed out a breath. It was the only place they could go for some privacy. “Sweet boy, I appreciate that you’re concerned, but this is my job, and I know you want Angel back here as quickly as possible for Max…right?”

“Yes, sir,” Ryker whispered.

“Then let me go get him. I will come back unharmed and you’ll be lying in my arms by sunrise…understand me?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You are not to leave this club or your brother’s side until I return for you.”

“Yes, Master.” There were tears in Ryker’s eyes, but Bass knew he wouldn’t let them fall. He was going to be the sub his Master could be proud of.

Bass held his boy tight to his chest, with his nose buried in his hair breathing in his scent for strength. He would remember this smell while he was gone, using it as reason to keep fighting if he got into any trouble. He couldn’t tell Ryker where they were holding Angel, but he told him that it was only a few miles away. He was confident the mission would be successful. There wasn’t a finer group of men that he would rather fight beside than Angel’s father, his men, and the two agents.

“I love you, Master,” Ryker’s whispered softly in his ear.

Bass hugged him tighter as he laid gentle kisses on his boy’s neck and collar. His heart was heavy at causing his boy this much discomfort and insecurity. Ryker shouldn’t be worrying about him. Bass was supposed to keep his boy’s mind at ease. His only concern should be serving and pleasing

him. Bass was a Master Dom, but he was also a man of honor. He had to bring Angel back.

“I love you too, sweetheart. Look at me,” he commanded. Sharp green eyes glazed with tears stared at him. “I’m coming back to you. Now say you believe me.”

Ryker stiffened his back and focused on his Master’s beautiful eyes while he spoke. “I believe you, sir,” he said with determination.

Bass released him and went to the door. “See you soon.” He left Ryker inside the supply closet. If he’d hugged him one second longer, he wouldn’t have gone on the mission.


It was midnight and everyone was geared up and inside Shot’s truck. Ten men stood around Call as he again went over their duties once on location.

The plan seemed simple enough for highly qualified, skillfully trained field agents. With two sharpshooters on a roof and four men on the ground and one lookout they should be able to get Angel out in less than fifteen minutes.

Viper and Lucky scouted the location and had gotten cameras inside by shooting surveillance darts through doors and open windows. They didn’t have cameras on the entire building but they had enough that they could see men coming. The surveillance was good but not one hundred percent because of the time restriction. It was a risk, but it was a risk they were all prepared to take.

Viper was able to get buried information on the men that grabbed Angel.

Angel had unknowingly bought a club that was being used as a central drug ring for a notorious gang that controlled the East Coast. They must’ve thought that Angel was trying to muscle in on their territory.

The all black bulletproof Suburbans and Shot’s truck pulled out from the curb and headed east to Interstate 264. Viper and Fox rode together in Shot’s truck. They didn’t have to worry about being followed by other officers because Viper had been scrambling their system the whole time. Right before they were set to pull out he sent the lead dick and his team on a false lead.


As Shot drove he cut his eyes over to Fox’s and watched the man out of the corner of his eye. Everyone wore the same black military vest and cargo pants. The man would make a damn fine soldier. Fox must’ve felt his gaze because he boldly looked at him and winked. If either man was nervous about the mission, no one let on. Everyone appeared fully composed and centered.

Shot knew that they were all feeling the same way he was…terrified. This mission was unlike any other. This was their son. So much was at stake here.

One false move and this could end in devastation. Shot was overly aware that they were not fully prepared with accurate surveillance and knowledge of who was holding his son.

In the field there were thousands of spies and operatives doing surveillance for years before there was an infiltration. Shot’s team just didn’t have that luxury this time and he hoped they weren’t making a huge mistake by moving this quickly. He white-knuckled the large steering wheel and almost doubled over at the thought of Angel dying. He clutched his chest with one hand, and struggled to keep the eighteen wheels steady with the other.

“Hey…don’t start thinking that way…we’re gonna get him out, I promise you. And I don’t break my fucking promises.” Fox was looking at Shot with complete and total sincerity. Somehow the pain in his chest eased and he let out a breath.

“Better.” Shot turned his focus back to the interstate. They were coming off the ramp.


Chapter Twenty-Four

Ryker lost track of how long he was in the supply closet but it took some time for him to compose himself. He had confidence in his Master, he had to believe he would make it back to him safely. Ryker had to control his panic attack when he thought about losing his Master when he’d just found him.

He fingered his collar while making his way back to Angel’s office.

Ryker knew the police and detectives had been sent on a wild goose chase by Viper, so the club was very quiet. Only a few uniformed officers remained. Ryker opened the door and immediately stopped in his tracks.

Where the fuck is my brother?


Max had been sitting in Angel’s office for six straight hours. Even with everyone that came in and out he could still smell Angel’s scent in the room.

Activity was buzzing all around him but he seemed to be oblivious to anything but that scent. It was slowly driving him insane. He couldn’t focus on anything for too long because his thoughts strayed to Angel and all the horrific things that could be happening to him right now. Those images made it hard for Max to breathe and he’d almost fainted. Ryker had left the office about a half hour ago and Max was now staring at the wall. He heard heavy footsteps coming in his direction but didn’t bother to see who they belonged to. He didn’t care.

Someone slapped Max across the face so hard it immediately made his eyes water. “Shit!” Max yelled as he looked up into hard blue eyes staring down at him. “Pierce, what the fuck man? What the hell is wrong with you?”

Max hollered, rubbing his burning cheek. He looked at his best friend like he’d just sprouted wings. Pierce didn’t answer, he just continued to stare at Max. Max dropped his hand back down and went back to staring at nothing.

Slap, slap!
Pierce brought his hand down hard again over Max’s right cheek, and back again, backhanding him across the other.


Max sprang up off the couch at lightning speed, grabbing Pierce by his shirt collar. He rushed him backward fast, ramming him into the wall hard enough to knock the picture off. “Jesus! Pierce, man. What the hell are you doing?” Max was fuming, his eyes were bloodshot, and the adrenaline coursing through his body was causing him to shake with unleashed anger.

Someone had taken his Angel.
He gripped Pierce’s shirt tighter and pulled him from the wall, only to slam him back into it again. “Talk, goddammit!”

“Better,” Pierce said calmly, as he pried Max’s death grip from under his throat. “I was hoping it wouldn’t take too many of those bitch slaps to get you to stop acting like a pussy.”

“Excuse me. What the fuck did you just call me?” Max spat through clenched teeth.

Pierce smirked at Max and turned his head toward the door before yelling, “Come in guys. Oh yeah, the Maximus Strong we know and love is still here.”

Max looked at Angel’s office door and watched as Zander, Keith, James, Ken, and his Captain walked through looking dressed for war. “What the hell are ya’ll doing here?” Max questioned as each guy came up and gave him a male, one-armed hug.

“Pierce heard the information over the radio and came to speak with us.

He said it was your boyfriend that’d been taken,” his captain said without batting an eye. “Pierce has come up with a hell of a plan if you’re interested.”

Max turned to look at Pierce. “You knew about me and Angel.” It was a statement more than a question.

“Buddy, I’ve known since the day we responded to his false alarm. You walked into his club took one look at him and got stuck on stupid. When he showed up at the hospital when you got hurt that confirmed it.” Pierce winked at him, telling him without words that it was all good. Max looked around at the other guys and they were all nodding in agreement.

“You guys don’t know how much it means to me that you’re all cool with me being gay, but no offense. I don’t give a fuck if anyone has a problem with it or not. My job is, and will always be to watch your back and that will never change as long as I’m a fighter. But right now I feel like killing

everyone in my path. Some bastards took Angel right from under me and now they’re threatening to kill him because he bought a goddamn club,” Max fumed, his fists clenched tight at his side.

“Actually, they’re threatening to kill him because they think Angel may be in the drug dealing business too, and trying to steal their customers. Angel just bought Pedro Valenzo’s club, which is only a front business for his drug smuggling. All his major deals are made out of that club, and when I say major…I mean million-dollar deals,” Pierce said.

“Whoa, Angel bought a club that belongs to Valenzo the notorious East Coast drug lord? What the fuck?” Max was running his hands through his hair as he paced back and forth across the large office floor. “How the hell does a millionaire kingpin lose a club for failing to pay a five-thousand-dollar-a-month mortgage?” Max looked at Pierce for more answers.

“Well, it seems that the measly accountant responsible for making those mortgage payments decided he’d put the money elsewhere…like in his own personal bank account. By the time Valenzo knew what was going on the bank was foreclosing for not receiving a response from the owner and Angel was signing the lease. And that measly accountant’s body was found floating in the Backbay Creek three weeks ago with both his hands missing.”

“Fucking hell!” Max yelled. He thought he was going to be sick. Now he knew that Angel was in the hands of a ruthless killer over a goddamn misunderstanding. Angel wasn’t a fucking drug dealer. Max stopped pacing.

“Maybe we can convince him that Angel doesn’t give a damn about his drug business and he can have that piece of shit club back.” Max looked at the men for their response. Then it finally registered that Pierce had all this information… and did his Captain mention something about a plan? Max spun back around and stood directly in front of Pierce. “How the hell do you know all this?”

“Max, I told you what my job was before I came to the fire department, right?”

“Yeah. You worked with the Drug Enforcement Agency. You said you were a behind-the-scenes guy.”


“Technically. My job was as strategist for the DEA. My team and I planned entire infiltrations to take down major drug rings all across the country. I wasn’t the badassed SWAT team member that blew up doors to buildings and rushed in killing all the bad guys…no. I was the one in the control center maneuvering the SWAT team.” Pierce grinned mischievously.

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