Read Big Girls Rock 1 Online

Authors: Danielle Houston

Big Girls Rock 1 (3 page)

BOOK: Big Girls Rock 1
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"Where are we going?" I shouted.

"This little place in the Berkeley Marina that I know, just hold on it won't take long."

We whizzed onto the freeway and then we took off. We were driving so fast, I was breathless. White-knuckled, I held onto his waist for dear life. The sign for the Berkeley Marina exit rolled past and Nick drove off of the freeway. The ocean’s salty breeze nipped my face. A simple sign read “Skate’s on the Bay” and my jaw dropped. Skate’s sits right in the middle of the Berkeley Yacht Harbor. It was actually built on a pier and the windows overlook the ocean. The place was known for its spectacular views. I took off the motorcycle helmet and got off the bike exhilarated.

Nick held out his arm for me. "Let’s go in. Our table’s waiting." When we walked inside, an elegantly dressed woman greeted us. Nick whispered something to her. She took Nick’s jacket, and I noticed he was wearing a blue silk tie. The combination of Dress shirt, tie, and jeans worked well for him. We sat down at a private table right next to the window. The setting sun cast golden light on the darkened sky.

"I’ve always wanted to come here." I held Nick’s hand.

He squeezed. "I hoped you'd like it."

A lanky waiter brought us the menu. I opened it and tried not to gasp. A meal here would be an entire week salary for me. I read through the exotic choices and decided to choose something familiar.

"I'll have the Salmon..." I gave the waiter my menu.

"The trout looks pretty good," Nick rubbed his chin. “Perhaps I'll try it"

The waiter returned to the table and poured two glasses of vivid red wine. I brought the glass to my lips and sipped. Nick’s eyes moved over me and my skin tingled. The top of my blouse was unbuttoned. I knew that my chest was one of my best features. His eyes fixed on my cleavage and lingered for a while. His desire was palatable and my mind drifted to thoughts of sex. How would it be to have him inside me? Then our server brought a small plate of Hors d'oeuvres. It was mostly seafood. Feeling adventurous, I tried a little bit of everything. "Wow this is really good.” I popped an appetizer into my mouth. The little morsel melted on my tongue. Soon, the waiter brought our meals. He placed the elegant plates in front of us. Everything looked and smelled so good. I cut my fork into the salmon filet, then tasted. An explosion of flavor filled my mouth. This restaurant was truly amazing.

“Do you like it?” Nick asked, sea-blue eyes sparkling in the candlelight.

“It’s the best dinner I’ve ever had…”

“There’s more where that came from,” he lifted his wine glass. For anyone else it would have been a corny gesture. But for him, it was absolutely charming.

"Would Madame like dessert?" the waiter asked as he cleared away our empty dishes.

"Sure," Nick answered for me. “We’d like the Tiramisu”.

The dessert arrived almost immediately. My date picked up a small fork and cut into the delicious cake. He brought a piece to my mouth and I bit from the fork. I've never had anyone feed me before. It was silly but romantic. Like everything else, the dessert was magnificent. The soft, spongy cake dissolved in my mouth. I savored the creamy sweetness. When we finished the last bites of dessert, Nick took my hand.

“Do you want to go for a walk?" He said.

"That would be nice," I replied.

We exited the restaurant and walked along the pier. Other couples walked past us and seagulls squawked in the air. The fog rolled over the Berkeley hills and spilled into the water. This was a typically beautiful Northern California night.

"I'm having a really good time," Nick grabbed my hand and held it.

I gave his hand a squeeze, "Me too." In fact, this was the most amazing night of my life. I knew I was in trouble.

"Have you ever been on a yacht?" Nick asked me.

What a strange question to ask. "I can't say that I have," I told him. "Why do you ask?"

"Come with me." He led my by the hand. We walked along the boardwalk until we reached the harbor. A fleet of yachts were anchored there. We stopped at one that had the words Triton’s Adventure painted on the side of it.

"Let's go aboard." He tugged me towards the ship.

"We can't get on some strangers boat!" I told him.

"Don't worry I'm renting it while I'm in town."

"You rent a yacht?" I was taken off guard.

"I found it online."

Nick lived in a world that was so different from my own. It was a glamorous world where people rented yachts, and ate in fancy restaurants. We had absolutely nothing in common. I was a size eighteen bartender who worked in a plus-size shop by day. What in the hell did he see me?

"Come on let's go in," He held his hand out and I took it. They yacht was huge, or at least I thought it was. I had to duck to get through the front door. Holy, was it was nice inside! There was a dining area, bedroom, and a cute kitchenette. Nick motioned and I sat down on the sofa. He disappeared and came back with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

"I don't think I've ever had champagne on a yacht before," Was this was really happening to me? I've never had so much fun in all my life. He popped the champagne cork. There was a loud sound, and white foam shot out.

"Whoops that's kind of messy," Nick poured the glasses and handed me one.

"It's pretty good." I laughed as the bubbly liquid tickled my nose.

"Glad you like it," then he leaned in very closely and kissed me. The combination of his kiss in the champagne made my head swim. I pulled away from him and placed my hand on his chest.

"What's the matter?" He held my hands in his.

"Nothing. I'm just ready to have fun." I yanked my coat off and tossed it.

"Candi I want to just want to show you how beautiful you are." My heart thumped in my chest. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next.

"Take off your shirt." his eyes filled with lust.

"What?" I stood there in shock.

He sat on the sofa his legs wide apart. "Please, take off your shirt"

I undid the tiny pearl buttons on my blouse. One by one I unsnapped them, until the front popped opened. I have to admit that my breasts are my best feature. They're full and ample, and I've caught more than one guy transfixed by my cleavage. 

Nick whistled, "Beautiful."

"The bra, take off the bra." Nick's face held an intensity that aroused me and at the same time scared me a little. What in the hell was I doing? I just met him and now we’re alone together. Was I really going to go through with this?

"Okay I'll take it off," I unfastened the bra and slipped it off my shoulders.

"My God you're stunning," Nick licked his lips. I blushed at the compliment. Stunning wasn't something I heard too often from guys. I wasn't down on myself for being a big girl. Hell, I knew that I looked damned good. I was just waiting for the rest of the world to catch up with me. 

"Now the skirt, take off the skirt." I did as I was told and stepped out of my skirt. Now I was bare breasted, in nothing but my panties and heels. Ok, I admit that I’m self-conscious about my tummy. My belly and me have a love/hate relationship. I’d never allowed a guy to admire me like this. I shifted nervously, exposed in the glaring bright light.

"What's the matter," he spoke. "Are you okay"

I replied. "I'm no supermodel."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, his brows knit in confusion.

I picked up my blouse up and held it in front of my chest. “This whole thing is ridiculous." Near tears, I fought back my emotions. Nick got up from the sofa and wrapped me in his understanding arms. "Did I do something?"

"It's not you, it's me," I slipped back into my shirt. "When you asked me back to your place I admit I was flattered. But I don't know what I expected. This was a mistake."

Nick took my chin in his hand. He boldly peered into my eyes, his expression sincere. "When I walked into the bar tonight. I said to myself that is one sexy, confident woman."

"I put on a good front” I laughed. "Guys like you make me nervous."

"Guys like me?" He was puzzled.

"You know. Guys like you don't usually want girls like me." I struggled for the right words.

Nick frowned, and his brow furrowed. "I’m not shallow. You’re perfect to me."

Shit Candi, what were you doing? Here I am with the famous and handsome Nick Ortiz. He wanted me and insecurity was ruining everything. Snap out of it woman! But hard as I tried, my inner fire and confidence were absent. I wasn’t used to being this vulnerable.

"I'm sorry if led you on" I picked my coat up. "I thought this would be fun. But I can’t go through with it."


"I'm too big" I blurted out.

"I don't ever want to hear you say that again," He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. “You're the sexiest woman I've ever met." His masculine heat sent shivers through me. This man oozed sex from his core. --- And damn if he didn't smell good too. There were hundreds of girls at that bar who would give their left tit to be with him. For once I wanted to be the fairy-tale princess with the happy ending. Without thinking, my hands roamed towards his ass. I squeezed and marveled how tight and firm his buns were.

Nick grabbed me by the wrist and spoke, “I want you to sit down." Mesmerized by his voice, I allowed him to lead me to the sofa. Nick kneeled in front of me and placed his hands on my knees. How could anyone's eyes be so possibly blue? I became lost in those twin pools of light. Was everything about this man absolutely perfect?

"Candi, do you trust me?"

I nodded in response. I would've spoken if the words weren’t frozen in my mouth. It was as if someone had poured a cup full of concrete down my throat.

"Good. I'm going to blindfold you. But I want you to trust that I'm not going to hurt you. If you want to stop at any time simply say Nick, please stop."

He wanted to blindfold me, and was I ok with that? I no longer recognized myself. I was the girl who compulsively drove the speed limit and followed all the rules. Now here I was taking a huge risk with a stranger. Goddamn, I was really going to do this!

"I trust you," I replied. "I don't know why but I do.” Nick walked behind me and wrapped his blue silk tie over my eyes. Deprived of sight my other senses rapidly sharpened. Footsteps sounded as he circled. "I’m going to make you feel like a queen." Without warning warm wet kisses trailed along my inner thighs.

He ran his hands along my legs. My body trembled and shook with desire. Nick's began to pull my panties down and I fought myself not to stop him.

"Hmmm, your body is so wonderful. I admired you all night." No one had ever complimented me like this before. At any moment I expected someone to jump out of the closet and scream
smile you're on candid camera
. But that's not what happened. Nick's hands continued to explore my body moving dangerously close to the most sensitive part of me. I never had a man pay so much loving attention to my body. But it was something a girl could get used to. He moved closer to my quivering mound. Was he really going to kiss me
down there
? No guy had done that before. His wet tongue flickered over my labia. Electric shivers shot through me with each feather-light touch. And I was completely at his pleasurable mercy.

There was nothing I can do to sit there and enjoy the ride. He pressed his face further between my thighs his tongue becoming more aggressive as it entered me. My hips rocked back and forth as I pinched my lower lip with my teeth. I nearly screamed when Nick decided to use his fingers as well. He slipped two digits into my slick opening. I'd never been so hot in my life. His talented mouth found my pleasure button and he wrapped his lips around it.

"Oh my God," I shouted unable to hold back. My hands curled into fists, and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut. Nick showed no signs of halting his relentless assault on my pussy. His rough stubble scraped against my thigh. This only added to be erotic sensations. Nick let out a deep and rumbling moan, which vibrated against my cunt as he greedily, sucked my clit. I whimpered in response and my hips lifted up. The whole experience had made me weak, and I knew that I might come. Fear of my impending orgasm had overtaken my senses. What I’d not warned him about was that I’d been known to squirt. The thought that I might make a mess all over his face horrified me.

"Stop," I begged, my voice weakened with passion.

“Is that what you really want?” His voice was calm and steady. He’d was already back between my legs. Like it or not, I was totally in his power and he knew it. He ran his talented tongue over my clit. He only stopped every now and then, to lick the entire length of my pussy. He pushed me to the brink of pleasure.

“You don’t understand… I might….”

He stopped pleasuring me, “You might what?”

“When I get excited, sometimes I make a mess...”

"It is okay.” He put his face back between my thighs. “Let me taste you."

His command was so exciting and forceful my whole body reacted to it. Sensing my impending release he focused attention back onto my clit, his hungry mouth devouring me. Unable to hold back, I released the cresting wave inside of me. My thighs tensed causing my hips to lift, thrusting my cunt hard against his eager face. Through my tightly shut eyes a sea of sparkling stars erupted. My hands balled into fists gripping clumps of his hair. And then it happened, a rush of excitement radiated from my pussy to the rest of me. As I moaned, hot sticky liquid flowed from my pussy. I'd only ever come like this when I pleasured myself. Wave after wave pulsed through me. After the last jolt of orgasm subsided, I collapsed. Nick removed the blindfold. I squinted, and my eyes adjusted to the light. The world came into focus slowly. Then he leaned over and kissed me, his salty tongue probing my willing mouth. I wrapped my hands around his neck and drew him close. He pulled away from me and stared at me with those impossibly blue eyes. “You are delicious.” 

How exactly did a person respond to something like that? I flushed with embarrassment, and collapsed into the sofa. “I should be going.”

“You could spend the night here.”

BOOK: Big Girls Rock 1
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