Read Big Girls Rock 1 Online

Authors: Danielle Houston

Big Girls Rock 1 (2 page)

BOOK: Big Girls Rock 1
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"Fancy meeting you out here," The annoying smelly guy from earlier had found me. His overuse of scented body spray betrayed his presence.

"Yeah I needed a break," I took another drag off my cig and then dropped it to the ground.

"So what do you say we find someplace more interesting to go?" his words slurred. This is just what I needed; a drunk and belligerent would-be Romeo.

I stamped the cigarette out. "I told you before, no."

"Oh come on; don't be like that,” he put a creepy hand on my shoulder.

I brushed it away, "I’m sure there's some girl here, drunk enough to go home with you. But it isn't me."

He grabbed my wrist. "I don't know what you’re playing at. It's not like you have a lot of options."

My face grew warm and my hands balled into fists. This wouldn't be the first time I bloodied a guy’s nose. There were advantages to being a big, beautiful glamazon. Just as I was about to introduce this creep to my right hook, a strong masculine voice spoke up.

"The lady's not interested."

We both spun around. Mister tall, dark, and famous stood behind us.

"Fine then," the creep let go of my arm. "There are prettier girls." He stormed off leaving me alone with Nick.

"I can handle myself." I rubbed my sore wrist.

"Sure you can, but I didn’t like the way he talked to you.”

"Well thanks." This was an awkward moment. I decided the best plan of action was a hasty retreat. "I better get back to work."

"Wait.” He touched my shoulder. “You sure you don't want to hang out?"

I considered my options. How often was it that a girl got a late meal with a bona fide celebrity?

"I guess it wouldn't hurt. I'll meet you at South’s Diner on Webster. They serve a wicked breakfast."

His eyes lit up, "I’d like that a lot! So, see you there?"

"See you there." I went back into the bar and found Jen putting away glassware.

“Hey, you think you could cover my cleanup tonight?

"Sure, but why? You never leave early.” She asked.

"I’m having breakfast with Nick Ortiz."



The sound of chatter and clinking glasses filled the air. I walked into the diner and spotted Nick sitting in a booth near the window. How was it possible that he was even sexier in bright light? When he saw me he waved and flashed that perfect smile. A hot wave of desire flooded my body. This was going to be one interesting breakfast. I sauntered over to the table to sit down. That’s right Candi, just be smooth and charming. Yup, just slide into the booth and be your sexy self. Unfortunately, I knocked a glass of water right into Mr. Hollywood’s lap.

"I'm so sorry," I grabbed a napkin and patted his leg dry.

"No problem," he leaned back. "You can keep doing it as long as you want." My face heated. I stopped dabbing his crotch and sat down.

Nick. “So are you hungry?”

I was famished! But I thought it best to exercise some restraint. "I could go for a little something." I picked up the menu and thumbed through it. A skinny brunette walked up, notepad in hand. "Ready to order?"

Nick spoke first, "I'll have the cheese melt and fries.”

The waitress nodded my way, "…and you?" My inner voice screamed at me, order a salad! But my stomach was in charge that night. "I'll have the super-stack and sausage.”

She jotted down my order, snatched the menus, and then vanished.

"You eat here often?" Nick asked me.

I shrugged, "There's not a lot of places to get pancakes at three a.m."

"I like it." Nick leaned back. "I'm glad you came."

"Hey it’s a free meal!" My face flushed red with embarrassment. That didn’t come out exactly as I planned. It wasn’t long until our orders arrived. My stomach grumbled when the waitress put down our plates. I picked up my fork and cut into the pancake stack.

"So what's it like being a big star?" I spoke between bites of the most delicious flapjacks ever.

"I'm not a big star." He shoved fries into his mouth. "Harmony is just a network show."

Hmm he’s handsome, successful, and modest. What a rare combination.

“You don’t seem the Hollywood type.” It was hard not make eye contact with him.

“Truth is music is my first love.” He bit into his sandwich. Even the way he chewed was sexy.

“How did you end up on Harmony?” I stared into his deep-blue eyes.
Is this really happening to me?
Nick was so unbelievably perfect!

“I was sitting on Hollywood Boulevard playing my guitar for chump-change. Some guy walks up, gives me a card and tells me to audition.” He wiped his chin with a napkin, lucky napkin.

“Kind of like Lana Turner…” I took another syrupy bite of pancake.


“An old-timey movie actress… never mind.” Now wasn’t the time to dazzle him with my freakish trivia knowledge.

“What about you?” He pointed at me with a crispy french fry.

“Not much to tell.” I gestured with my fork. “I’ve lived here all my life and tend bar.”

“You should come out L.A. that voice of yours is pure gold!”

“That’s not my scene at all. Besides I’m happy with my life.”

“How were the pancakes?” He asked as he grinned that dazzling movie-star smile.

“They were awesome." I finished the last couple of bites. "But I have work in the morning." With that I got up and headed out of the diner. It was time to beat a hasty retreat.

"Wait," he followed me."

“You might want to pay the bill first.” I pointed to our table and continued out the door. Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. He tossed it carelessly on the table. That waitress just got one hell of a tip.

He chased me to my car. "I was hoping we’d hang out some more."

"I really need to get home."

"Can I at least see you again?"

"Sure I guess," His persistence shocked me. Why he was so set on going out with me? That’s when it happened. Nick leaned and kissed me full on the lips. I was paralyzed by the excitement of it. You know when people tell you that the “Earth Moved”? I swear at that moment, it did.

Nick stopped kissing me, “Can I have your number?” 

“Uhm… sure.” I was in a complete daze by then. I jotted my number on scrap paper and handed it to him.

“I’ll be in touch,” he took the note from me. Not sure what to say, I hopped into my Ford Focus and pulled off. I spied him in my rearview mirror; he was climbing onto a huge motorcycle. There was no way in hell this was going to work out. Big girls like me just didn't have that kind of luck.



That afternoon I headed into my shift at Lane Bryant, the store that specialized in apparel for plus-sized women. I bought a lot of my stuff there. The twenty-five percent off employee discount was pretty sweet. Most days the manager left me alone. I was bent over folding up a stack of black lace panties, when someone walked up behind me.

“I’ve got to say I like the view." Nick was standing there, smirking. He wore jeans, a black leather jacket, white T-shirt, and sunglasses. Damn he looked good!

"What are you doing here?" How in the hell did he find out where I worked?

"I bumped into your roommate Jen." He grinned. "We had a great conversation; turns out she's quite the fan."

I thought about the hundred ways I'd like to wring Jen’s neck. Then I calmed down, "well as you can see I'm busy."

Nick picked up a pair of lace panties. "These are sexy.”

I snatched the underwear from him. "Don't mangle the merchandise!" we both laughed and I had to admit against my better judgment I liked him.

"So want to have lunch?” He put both hands in his pockets.

"I am hungry and you are buying." I poked a finger playfully into his chest. Good Lord, it was like marble beneath his clothes. I told my manager I was heading out to lunch and followed Nick to the food court. We grabbed a slice of pizza each and headed to a bench near the end of the parking garage. It was a quiet corner, concealed from the main street. Hardly, anyone ever came out this way. This was the most secluded corner of the little mall.

"Nick, I have to ask. Why me?”

"You’re funny and sexy."

"You don't know anything about me." I replied.

"I know all I need to know." He put his arm around my shoulder.

"What's my last name?"

"Hey nobody said there would be a pop quiz!"

I laughed, "Newton. My last name is Newton."

"Candi Newton. I like the sound of that." He traced my jawline with his finger.

This guy was just too good to be true. Was this really happening? It wasn't like guys were never interested me, I dated enough. But never anybody likes this. He was so unbelievably sexy and good looking. And those intense eyes of his, I was definitely in trouble. He reached over and put a hand on my thigh. I didn't ask him to remove it. I leaned over and kissed him. Our lips met and his tongue slipped into my mouth.

I explored his body with my hands. I was so eager and hungry to know about every inch of him. His muscles rippled under his shirt. I unbuttoned it, and ran my hand along his chest. He didn't seem to mind. Then something came over me. I made my way towards his pants and unbuttoned the top. Then I slipped my hand into his underwear. What in the hell was I doing? Anyone could walk in on us. Yet, the danger excited me.

"Wait Candi that's not what I came here for."

“It's okay.”  I freed his cock from his pants. My God it was magnificent! Not overly long but amazingly thick. My pussy ached. I moved my hand slowly up and down the shaft. I needed lubrication. I spit into the palm of my hands and made it slick with my saliva.

Then I returned to pleasuring Nick. I leaned in close and nuzzled his neck. We kissed and our tongues intertwined. Up and down extra his thick manhood using both my hands to give him pleasure. His breath became shallow and his body tensed. He was close to sweet release. I wasn't the kind of girl who gave hand jobs in broad daylight. But Nick brought out something wild in me.

I found myself enthralled by the danger of it. In a quick moment Nick let out a gasp. He erupted in creamy white lava all over my slick fingers. I wiped my hand clean with a napkin. Nick tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up.

"You didn’t have to do that.”

"I wanted to.” I peered into those amazing eyes of his again.

"God I want you, but the right way." He traced his finger around my lips.

I placed my hand on his. “Look we both know what this was."

"I don't understand?" His brow furrowed.

"You wanted a quick fling before going home. And I'm fine with that."

"I'm not that kind of guy!"

"It’s okay," I took his hand. "You don't owe me anything."

Nick shook his head. "I feel something real for you."

There was no way I was going to fall for this. It was time to cut and run. So I got up.

"I have to get back to work."

Nick followed me, "Will you at least let me take you to dinner?" I looked into those amazing sea-blue eyes. Not only was Nick sexy, he was achingly sincere. My every instinct screamed at me to run away. We’d had a good time, but that’s all it was. No way was I going out with him again. It was time to call it quits. So I opened my mouth…

"You can pick me up at eight," I said.



What in the world had I agreed to? I stood in my full-length mirror. That night, I tried on every dress in my modest closet.  I settled on a sexy black skirt mated with my red pearl-buttoned blouse. Then I pulled on my most expensive hose. The ensemble was completed with the dressiest hells I owned.  I figured I looked good enough to go just about anywhere. Jen came into my room and plopped down on the bed. "You look nice, another date with Mr. Ortiz?"

"If you must know, yes" This good-natured teasing was just a part of our relationship.

"Wow," Jen raised an eyebrow. “So this is moving pretty fast, Ha?"

"It's just a fling."

“I never thought you’d say something like that!" Jen hugged my pillow. "What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing yet," I smirked.

Jen threw the pillow at me, "Saucy minx …. Be careful. Ok?"

"Don't worry." I picked up a brush and combed my hair.  “I'm just having fun."

"What a guy to have your first fling with!" She stood up and peered over my shoulder. "I mean he’s famous."

"He's pretty down-to-earth," I said. "It's kind of surprising."

That was when the doorbell rang and Jen hopped up. "I'll get it."

Not soon after, I heard the two of them chatting away. Jen's voice was high-pitched and excited. Nick’s a rich baritone. I checked myself out in the mirror one more time. Then I went out into the living room. I didn't know was possible for Nick to be any hotter. He was wearing jeans and a black leather jacket. A hint of very expensive smelling cologne surrounded him like an aura.

"Wow you look hot!" Nick stood up and took my hand.

"Thanks, you’re not half bad yourself.” I tried to settle the dancing butterflies in my stomach. "So where you guys going," Jen plopped down on the sofa.

"It's a surprise," Nick winked. "You ready beautiful?"

Heart jumped in my chest. Was he talking to me? "As ready as I'll ever be, let's go.

He opened the door and I stepped out ready for adventure. We went outside. His big Harley sat in front of the apartment building.

"So we're taking your bike?" I asked a little worried.

He hopped onto the bike, "Get on and grab tight."

I froze. "I don't know if this is a good idea."

"Are you nervous?" He smirked.

There a few things my size makes me self-conscious about. I envisioned my weight causing poor Nick to lose his balance. Then the two of us would careen into a brick wall, and end up splattered all over the next day’s news.

"I don't think you'll be able to drive with me holding onto you.”

"Don't worry," he winked. "I can balance this baby."

I took a deep breath and got on. Then I found the helmet and fastened it securely.

"Hold tight and don't let go." Nick revved the engine. I leaned forward, and held on for dear life. The engine revved once more and we took off. I shut my eyes. The wind whipped my face and body. Finally I was brave enough to open my eyes. This was amazing! Without thinking about it I laughed out loud. We drove along and then hit the I-880.

BOOK: Big Girls Rock 1
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