Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 (23 page)

BOOK: Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2
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“Your body is so beautiful, Morgan. Watching you walk down
the aisle in your beautiful dress with our baby clearly showing was the most
amazing sight to see. You truly took my breath away. I think my feet started
walking towards you before my head realized what I was doing. I’ve always been
drawn to you.”

“I have too. I swear I could feel your presence at the Ritz
before I saw you. I found myself looking for you everywhere. I’m so glad I
found you.”

“Oh Morgan, I would have found you again, I can’t live the
rest of my life without you. And now that you’re my wife I know I’ll have you
forever and that is the most comforting feeling in the world,” he says as he
stands and walks over my chair to help me up. “Let’s go back to our room and
finish our night with a little more privacy, what do you say?”

I smile as I stand and lean into his chest, allowing him to
hold me tight. “I thought you’d never ask,” I say as Drake leads me out of the
restaurant and guides me to our room. When we get to our hotel door, Drake
unlocks it and ceremoniously picks me up to cross the threshold. I let out a
tiny giggle and grasp his face in my hand as he kicks the door closed behind us
and walks into the bedroom with me still in his arms.

“I didn’t pick up any special lingerie for tonight, I’m
sorry,” I say, realizing that under my dress is some pretty unflattering shape
wear. Marie said that although we aren’t trying to hide my bump, it will
support my belly and help me to feel more comfortable throughout the day.

“Oh, baby, you have nothing to be sorry about. You are
always beautiful. Besides, for what I’ve got planned the rest of this evening,
clothing will only get in the way,” he says before setting me down and slowly
unzipping my dress.

Still embarrassed by the unsightly shape wear, I ask Drake
to start a bath for us and tell him I’ll join him in a minute. Once he’s in the
bathroom, I shimmy out of the undergarments, unpin my hair and pile it on top
of my head, and wrap myself in the gorgeous satin robe Marie gave me as a
wedding gift.





Morgan enters the bathroom as I shut off the faucet, and
gives me a coy smile as she walks over to the tub and lets her robe fall from
her shoulders and fall into a pool of satin on the floor. I kiss her shoulders
softly before planting one more kiss at the base of her neck just above her
shoulder blade, and help her into the tub. I love how Morgan can’t keep her
eyes off of me as I take my time getting out of my tux.

“See anything you like?” I tease when I see Morgan lick her
lips as I drop my boxer briefs to the floor. I’m going to really enjoy taking
full advantage of her pregnancy hormones.

“Always,” she says as her cheeks blush to an adorable
crimson, “Get in here, mister,” she says as she slides forward in the tub,
giving me room to crawl in behind her and wrap my arms and legs around her. I
immediately place my hand over her belly and mindlessly rub circles over it. I
think I’m just as drawn to our baby as I am to Morgan.

“This has been the best day of my life. Thank you, Morgan,
for marrying me. I meant every word in the vows I made to you. I love you with
all of my heart.”

“You don’t have to thank me for marrying you. I’m thankful
you asked. I love you too, Drake, with all my heart,” Morgan says as she
relaxes her head against my chest.

I take some bath oil into my hands and slowly massage her
shoulders as she lets out a contented sigh. I let my hand fall carelessly down
her chest and back to her belly where I continue to rub gentle circles, before
returning to her beautiful breasts to massage those as well. I roll Morgan’s
nipples between my fingers a few times and feel her breathing pick up. I see
more color reach her cheeks and know she’s turned on. I reach between her
thighs, and slowly start to massage her clit as I feel her hand reach behind
her to grab hold of my cock.

“Oh God, baby,” I say as Morgan begins to stroke me off.
I’ve been with a lot of women in my past, and no one turns me on or rubs me off
the way Morgan does. I think that’s the difference between making love and just
fucking. When you make love with someone your feelings keep you so much more in
the moment. You pay attention to every second with that person as if it could
be the last time you’ll share something so amazing.

I continue to massage Morgan’s clit and when I slide a
finger inside her she starts to come apart. “That’s it, baby, let go,” I
encourage Morgan as she starts to come around my hand. Even in bathwater I can
feel it and it’s the hottest thing ever. I slowly massage her arms, legs,
belly, and shoulders while she comes down from her orgasm and I can tell she’s
tired, so I help her from the tub and carry her warm, wet body in my arms and
place her in bed, pulling the sheets up tightly around her shoulders.

I turn the lights off around the hotel room and start to
collect some of our things so packing won’t take very long tomorrow morning,
when I hear Morgan call out to me. “Aren’t you coming to bed? I wasn’t done
with you,” she calls in a sultry voice. I don’t hesitate to go to her, crawling
in bed behind her and pulling her close to my chest. She turns to me and says
the sexiest five words I’ve ever heard her say, “Make love to me, husband.”


Chapter 21


Morgan wakes me in the morning with a sultry look on her
face, “You’d think I had my fill last night, but it appears I need more. I’ve been
lying here for twenty minutes thinking of all the ways I want to ravage you,”
she says as she climbs on top of me and slides down my erect shaft. She grabs
my hands and pins them over my head with hers before kissing me all over my
neck and chest.

“Whoa, girl,” I say with a little laugh. Morgan has never so
literally attacked me before. I like it. “Ravage away,” I lie back and relax as
Morgan kisses, licks, sucks and massages almost every part of my body and it
feels amazing. After a while she slides back over me and I grab her hips to
help her rock in a nice steady rhythm.

“God, that feels good,” she says as she picks up the pace.
Seeing Morgan let go with her body the way she is turns me on so much that I
pick up my pace as well, meeting her thrust for thrust. Soon we’re grunting and
moaning and shouting out as Morgan comes and I can feel her warm wet arousal
dripping down my cock. I roll Morgan onto her back and place my hands behind
her knees, spreading her legs further apart. She cries out as I thrust my cock
deep inside her and I know I’m bringing her quickly to another orgasm.
Screaming my name as her release tears through her, I pump my cock into her a
few more times before I come. Panting heavily, I roll over again onto my back.
I know Morgan says it doesn’t hurt her or the baby to have my body weight on
her, but I still feel more comfortable to have her lie on my chest instead of
the other way around.

“You’re amazing, baby,” I say as I pull her to my chest,
letting our post-coital bodies calm. “I can’t believe we are going home today,”
I say, not ready for this time where it’s just the two of us to end.

“I know, I love our little Drake and Morgan bubble,” she
says, completely reading my mind. “I’m sad to be leaving Paris after such an
amazing time here with you, but I’m really looking forward to going home and
starting a life with you.”

“Have you given more thought about leaving Thompson? I don’t
want to pressure you, but I’m not sure that’s the right fit for you anymore.
You know I will give you my full support either way.”

“I’m still thinking about it. I know you said we don’t have
to worry about finances and that takes a load of pressure off, but I don’t want
to give up a career I just started. I mean, think about it, I worked for Baylor
for a few months then left, I’ve worked for Thompson for a few months, and the
thought of leaving again so soon and having that on my résumé has me a little

“I understand that, and you’ll always have a job with me if
you’d like. You’re such a smart woman, Morgan, anyone would be an idiot not to
hire you. Take all the time you need to think about it and in the meantime
we’ll get started moving your apartment and into our home,” I say.

“I like the sound of that.
Our home .
I know you said
we could buy a new place together if I’d like, but I love your house so much.
I’ve always envisioned us living there together. When we get back we can take
stock of our stuff collectively, and decide what stays, what goes, what gets
moved, what gets donated…it’ll be fun. We can spend our honeymoon at home
nesting,” she says with so much excitement in her voice it’s infectious.

I pull back the sheets and give Morgan a small slap on her
gorgeous ass and say, “Alright then, my love, let’s get moving. You can grab a
shower while I get us packed, then we have a plane to catch!” We both laugh and
I pull her into my arms once more and plant a huge wet kiss on her lips before
we both crawl out of bed.


We check out of the Hotel Banke and hop a cab to the
airport, snuggling in the backseat. Marie offered to collect our wedding
clothes and ship them for us so once again we are able to breeze through
security and customs with just one small carry-on each. We’ve just sat down in
the comfy chairs in the first class lounge when my phone starts to ring.

“That must be Garrett,” I say to Morgan as she looks up from
my computer. “I asked him to meet the delivery guy at my house to make sure
everything I shipped back got there in one piece, and he offered for Amanda to
go to your place and pack up some of your clothing and essentials so you’ll
feel right at home when we get there. He’s probably calling to say everything
is all set,” I say as I pull my phone out of my coat pocket.

I look down and see that it’s not Garrett, but Gloria, my
step-mother. She only calls when she needs to complain about my father so this
should be good. “Hello, Gloria,” I say, trying to hide the disdain in my voice.

“Drake, it’s your father,” she cries into the phone.

“Calm down, Gloria, what did he do now?” I ask, not really
ready to hear about how she’s pissed that he fired me and won’t retire and how
I’ve ruined both their lives.

“He had a heart attack. We were at dinner and his face got
all red then it got pale and sweaty and I thought he was choking. I got up to
give him the Heimlich maneuver and he fell out of his chair before I could
reach him. He was dead before he hit the ground,” she wails as I try to wrap my
head around what she’s just said. “He’s DEAD, DRAKE!” She screams.

“I heard you,” I say sternly, but in a low voice so as to
not draw attention to me. Morgan looks up again from the computer and raises
her eyebrows to question what is going on. I lower my head shaking it back and
forth slowly in disbelief of the fact that my now estranged father, whom I
often wished dead actually is. “Look, Gloria, Morgan and I are about to board a
plane back to the States. I’ll give you a call when we land and we can sort
everything out,” I say.

“Okay. I’ll have his body picked up from the funeral home
and we can make the decisions tomorrow,” Gloria says.

“Sounds good,” I say, and before I hang up, I take a moment
to think about how Gloria must feel at this moment and add, “I’m really sorry
for your loss,” then hang up before she can respond.

I look at Morgan and she has tears in her eyes. She has
clearly figured out what my conversation with Gloria was about. I reach out my
arms and she crawls into my lap and cries into my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry, Drake,” she cries, and I pull her close to
comfort her. “I know you two have had your rough moments, but I can only
imagine what it feels like to lose your parent. I don’t know what I’d do if I
lost my father today. Especially before he gets to meet his grandchild,” she
says and starts to cry harder.

A few other people start to stare, but I don’t really care.
I feel like I should be upset and maybe it’s just shock, but right now the only
way I’m feeling is complete. I have my wife in my arms, and I’m about to fly
home to take my rightful place at the head of a Fortune 500 corporation. I’ve
worked hard for this title, and the only person keeping me from it is about to
be placed six feet under. It might be horrible for me to feel that way but I’m
so tired of that fight.

“Shh, baby, it’s okay. I don’t want you to be upset over
him. Yes he was my father and it’s sad that he’s gone, but I don’t want you to
cry over him. Let’s just focus on getting back to the States and moving you in
to our home together,” I say while holding Morgan tightly in my arms. I brush
the hair back that is sticking to the tears on her cheeks and continue, “Plus,
we have some very
news to share with our loved ones.”

Morgan lifts her face from where it was buried in my chest
and gives me a soft kiss then smiles. “You’re right about that, mister. I can’t
wait to see the look on Amanda’s face when I tell her our news.”

“Well you’ll get to tell her soon enough, I texted Garrett
and asked him if they’d pick us up from the airport after they get the
apartment slash house stuff situated. I figured you’ve been away from your best
friend long enough and would want to see her as soon as we get home anyway.”

“That’s sweet, thank you. We owe those two big time when we
get back. Let’s do something really nice for them like a weekend away, or
something fun like concert tickets, or both!”

“Well I’d say we probably owe them our first born, but I
think I’m already a little too attached,” I say as I move one of my hands down
to gently rub Morgan’s belly.

“Yeah,” Morgan says with a giggle, “Let’s just stick to
concert tickets.”


Chapter 22


“Oh my God, I’ve missed you!” Amanda screams as she throws
her arms around me as we exit the airport. “How was your flight?”

“It was fine, long but uneventful, which is perfect for me.
We breezed through customs, which is always a bonus,” I say.

“Yeah, I think my girl is ready to get home,” Drake says
while helping Garrett lift our carry-ons into the trunk.

“We were hoping you two would be up for grabbing a drink or
something to eat first so we can catch up, but if Morgan’s tired we can do that
another time.” Garrett says as we climb into his car and exit the airport.

“I am pretty hungry, is that cool with you, mister?” I ask
Drake, and he reaches for my hand and then reaches over Garrett’s driver’s seat
to clasp his shoulder.

“What the lady wants, the lady gets,” Drake says.

“Our first double date!” Amanda squeals, and we all start to
laugh as Garrett exits off the freeway towards downtown.



We walk into a pub not far from Drake’s house, or I guess I
should say
house, and find a booth in the corner. Drake helps me out
of my coat and I can see Amanda’s eyes go wide. I’m assuming it’s the sight of
my baby bump that I’m no longer hiding, but as I sit down she grabs my left

“Holy shit, Morgan, we really do need to catch up! Something
you want to tell me?” Amanda’s ever present enthusiasm causes a few people to
look up from their meals and stare, but when they realize the restaurant isn’t
on fire they return back to their own conversations.

I know she is obviously talking about my wedding rings, but
I figure there’s no better time like the present so with my right hand I slowly
start to rub my belly and say, “Oh yeah, I know… my baby bump is really getting
big isn’t it?”

“Baby? Bump? Wha…..?” Amanda says with confusion as she
looks down at my belly. “You’re pregnant? I was talking about your wedding

“Oh, yeah…I’m married too,” I say with a huge smile, and
Amanda throws her arms around my neck and screams. Looking up I notice that
every head in the restaurant has now definitely turned towards our table.

“I leave you alone for one week and you come back pregnant
and married?” She beams, and then looks over at Drake. “What did you do to my
girl?” She says with a huge smile on her face as she jokingly punches his

“I just did what I should have done the moment I saw her. I
made her mine forever,” Drake says.

“Dude, you didn’t tell me she was pregnant. Congrats, man.”
Garrett says, patting Drake on the back.

“Thanks, we’re really excited. We decided to tell everyone
in person so that’s why I didn’t say anything over the phone. Plus I think your
girl would kill me if I told you first,” Drake says with a smile, then winks at

“Wait a minute…” Amanda says, putting the puzzle pieces
together, “Are you saying you knew about the engagement and didn’t tell me? You
knew about Drake and the engagement? Anything else you want to tell me?” She
asks Garrett, half kidding but definitely half pissed too.

“Babe, you know why I didn’t say anything about Drake, and I
only knew he had the engagement ring. Drake asked me to send it to him while
they were packing up the apartment in Zurich when he asked us to bring some of
Morgan’s stuff to his house. I didn’t know he had popped the question,” Garrett
says as his cheeks flush a little bit. Amanda can be ruthless when she’s
pissed, but she forgives easily.

“I get that, but why didn’t you tell me?” She asks, suddenly
looking a little hurt.

“Bro code, sorry, I asked him not to tell,” Drake says,
obviously trying to help Garrett out a little. “Plus I know how girls are, if
Garrett told you, it would have never been a surprise for my girl…am I right?”

“Okay, fine,” Amanda huffs, knowing Drake is absolutely
right. She puts both hands on Garrett’s face and turns it towards her so they
are staring into each other’s eyes. “Are you sure there’s nothing else I need
to know?”

Garrett doesn’t skip a beat, and continuing to stare
directly into Amanda’s eyes, he puts his hands over hers that are still on his
face and says, “Babe, I’m an open book.” Amanda lets the breath go that she was
holding and smiles. Crisis averted, we can all go back to our great evening on
our first ever double date.


The rest of the evening was fun and went without incident.
Drake told the story of how he proposed, and I gushed about how he set me up
with Marie for my wedding dress, then about our wedding day and all of the
amazing things Drake did to make it special and for me to feel like a beautiful

Amanda cries a few times while we tell our stories and fill
them in on our time in St. Moritz, Zurich, and Paris, and then let them know
about Drake’s dad. My pregnancy hormones topped with exhaustion from flying send
me over the edge a few times as well and while we hug and cry together in the
corner of our booth, Drake and Garrett simply shake their heads and shrug. It’s
a good thing they are best friends as well, because they will forever be able
to occupy themselves while we have our little BFF girl moments.

After dinner Garrett and Amanda drop us off at home, and
before we enter the house Drake scoops me into his arms and carries me over the
threshold and doesn’t put me down until we are upstairs in the bathroom.

“I think we are both a little too tired from our day for a
proper bath, but knowing the way your beautiful brain works I’m sure you can’t
wait to shower off the travel germs so I’ll start the shower and join you after
I’ve brought our bags in.”

“I’m a lucky girl to have a husband that knows me as well as
you do,” I say, and Drake turns on the faucet, adjusting it to the right temp,
then helps me out of my clothes and into the shower.

When we crawl into bed I realize just how tired my body
really is.

“I know we have a big day tomorrow and Gloria and I have a
lot of decisions to make about my dad’s funeral, but I want to make sure you
are taking good care of yourself and our baby. Today was a long day with
traveling and everything else and I really don’t want you to overdo it,” Drake
says as I turn over onto my side so he can spoon me and rub my belly like he
loves to do so much.

“I’ll be careful. Thank you, Daddy,” I say, knowing that
although he can’t see it, he knows I’m smiling.

“I mean it, Morgan, I promised to keep you and our baby safe
and in doing so I need to make sure you are getting enough rest. I don’t want
you to go into pre-term labor.”

“God, I love you. You are already an amazing father. Thank
you for looking out for us. I promise to take it easy.”

“Thank you. I may get pre-occupied tomorrow while I deal
with everything, so don’t be afraid to speak up if you need anything. You two
are my top priority always.”

“You are ours too. Now, enough talking…I have other
priorities that need to be taken care of,” I say as I roll over so I’m now
facing Drake. He glides one of his hands from my belly down between my legs and
slips a finger inside me.

“I’m here to meet your every need, Mrs. Baylor,” Drake says
with a smile, and I laugh as his lips crash down on mine.

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