Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2 (22 page)

BOOK: Bending the Rules: Breaking the Rules #2
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I may have been raised for the majority of my life without
a mother or other female figure, but I am aware of just how important a wedding
dress is to a bride. I watched enough girls sketch dress ideas during class in
high school and college while they talked to their girlfriends about their
dream weddings. I know they come in a ton of shapes and sizes and every girl
has a specific idea in mind. Luckily I’ve had a wild card in my back pocket for
a while that I played while in Zurich just before flying to Paris.

“Drake, where are we?” Morgan asks as our taxi pulls up to
an unassuming little shop on the outskirts of the opera district.

“This is the appointment we can’t be late for,” I say as I
look at my watch. “Right on time. Shall we?” I’m being very vague about our
actual plans because I want to see the look on Morgan’s face when we walk
through the doors. I pay the cab fare and help Morgan out of the cab, holding
her close as we traverse the icy sidewalk. I ring the door and we wait for the
shopkeeper to appear.

“Drake, Bonjour! It’s been years!” says the beautiful
shopkeeper as she kisses both of my cheeks.

“Bonjour, Marie, it’s been too long,” I say, returning her
greeting. “This is my fiancée, Morgan,” I beam as I look at a very confused

“Of course,” Marie says as she grabs Morgan’s hands,
kissing both of her cheeks as well. “My mother has said such wonderful things
about you.”

“Thank you,” Morgan says, still trying to figure out what
the hell is going on. It’s kind of adorable to watch her wheels spin. Still
confused, Morgan looks at me and I start to laugh.

“Morgan, this is Marie, Grace’s daughter. She came to Paris
to study fashion and this is her shop.”

I can see the light go on in Morgan’s eyes, but it’s still
a little flicker. To clarify, Marie chimes in, “When Drake found you in St.
Moritz he called my mother to ask for my number. He called me to say the love
of his life was back and would soon need a wedding dress. You’re here today so
I can take your measurements and we can look at some sketches I’ve started
based on how Drake described your style. Of course, this is your dress, so I’d
like to create exactly what you’ve always dreamed of.”

“Drake, you did this for me?” Morgan says as tears fill her

“Of course, my love. You deserve nothing but the best and I
want you to feel as beautiful as I know you’ll look on our wedding day,” I say.

“But I’m pregnant, my measurements will keep changing.”

“We’ll get your measurements today, and you’ll update me as
I go. For the final fitting you can fly here or I’ll come to you based on how
far along you are and where you decide to get married. I need to visit my
mother anyway, it’s been too long,” Marie says.

“I can’t believe I’m having my own wedding gown designed
and created for me in Paris!” Morgan exclaims, and I can see her excitement

I decide to give them some space and privacy to talk about
the dress design. “I’m going to head out for a bit to give you ladies time to
discuss the design. I want to be surprised when you walk down the aisle,” I say
as I head toward the door of the shop. “I’ll bring some lunch when I come back
along with something to drink. Would you like anything besides water, baby?” I
ask Morgan, reminding her that she needs to stay hydrated.

“That sounds fine, thank you,” she says, and I give her a
small peck on the cheek and rub her belly before I leave.


“So what do you think about Marie?” I ask Morgan on our way
back to the hotel.

“She is wonderful. Thank you for arranging for her to make
my dress. You are so incredibly thoughtful, I don’t know how I got so lucky,”
Morgan says as she snuggles into my shoulder.

“I’m the lucky one, trust me,” I say as I kiss the top of
Morgan’s head. “Did you come up with a design you like?”

“Yes, it’s perfect. The waistline is forgiving and Marie is
sewing in some extra support for my belly. Those are the only details you’re
going to get though, mister. I want you to be surprised when I walk down the
aisle as well. By the way, Marie mentioned I could do my final dress fitting
here. Are you planning on coming back before the wedding?”

“I don’t know, we haven’t started to work out the details,”
I say as our cab pulls up to the curb of our hotel, and the valet is quick to
open the door and hold his hand out for Morgan. I follow her out of the car and
escort her to the elevator. When we get into our room, Morgan has a seat on the
couch while I order some tea and a snack from room service.

“I told you in Vegas that when I’m finally able to propose I
won’t want to wait. I’d marry you tomorrow if I could.”

“Then why don’t you?” Morgan asks, shocking the hell out of

“Then why don’t I what…marry you tomorrow?”

“Yes. I can’t wait to be your wife, Drake. It’s all I could
think about during our separation. When you told me in Vegas that you wouldn’t
want to wait, I was thrilled. Then you left and I was more confused than I’ve
ever been. I couldn’t figure out why you said you couldn’t wait to marry me,
then in a matter of days you left me.”

“I’m so sorry, baby. I meant it when I told you I couldn’t
wait for you to be my wife. I’d love to marry you tomorrow… What about your
parents though? What about Amanda? Don’t you want them to be a part of your big
day?” I ask.

“They will be, Drake. I still want a big party, and I want
to say my vows to you amongst our nearest and dearest, but a wedding is just a
day. I want to start our marriage.”

“Oh my God, Morgan, you are by far the most amazing person
I’ve ever met. We are going to have a wonderful marriage,” I say as I stand
before her and then get down on one knee, grasping her hands with mine.

“Morgan Lane, I love you. I have since the day we first met.
Will you marry me tomorrow?” I ask.

“Yes, Drake, nothing in the world would make me happier.”





I wake with a smile, knowing today is the day I will marry
the love of my life. I never in a million years thought I’d elope, but I’ve
never been so excited to do something like this in all my life. At first Drake
and I talked about keeping this our little secret, but then figured we’ll be so
excited that we won’t be able to keep it in. Plus, why keep such wonderful news
to ourselves?

Drake and I spend the morning making the arrangements for our
late afternoon nuptials. Meredith has offered to help us arrange for a license
and for an officiant to come to the hotel. She has also reserved the Eiffel
Room in the hotel for our ceremony and has requested a special table for two at
the Josefin restaurant, also located in the hotel, so we can have a romantic
dinner afterward. Drake made a call to Marie and she will use my measurements
to find a simple white dress for me to wear today, saving my gorgeous gown
design for our wedding day down the road. She said that she would love to
deliver my dress to me and be our witness as well, stating that although we are
eloping, we should still have someone familiar witness the moment we first say
“I do”.

Drake and I stop at a flower shop and pick out a bouquet and
boutonnière to be delivered to the hotel, then head over to Tiffany to purchase
rings. We find matching platinum bands that perfectly coordinate with Drake’s
mother’s ring that he gave me. When we return to the hotel, I decide to lie
down for a little while to regain some of the energy the baby seems to zap from
me during the day while Drake jumps in the shower. I feel like it would be
fitting of us to take a bath together while getting ready for our ceremony, but
am too tired to even mention it. Perhaps we can do that tonight after dinner.
It’ll be the icing on the cake of a wonderful day.

When I wake a little later, Drake isn’t in the room, but
Marie is.

“Drake asked me to give you this, and let you know he can’t
wait to see you walk down the aisle,” she says as she hands me a small box and
a note.

I open the box first to find a beautiful diamond tennis
bracelet set in platinum. It is exquisite. I open the note as Marie helps to
fasten the bracelet onto my wrist.


My dearest Morgan,

You are the love of my life. I cannot wait to become your
husband. I saw this bracelet earlier and couldn’t resist. It’s not nearly as
beautiful as you, although something tells me I could search for the rest of my
life and will never find anything that parallels your beauty. Marie will help
you to get ready and is under my instruction to help you feel like the goddess
you are on your wedding day. I’ll see you soon, my love.



“Drake asked me to help you get ready as he still wants to
be surprised when you walk down the aisle, I hope that’s okay,” Marie says.

That’s wonderful, thank you, Marie. I’m going to get into the shower, how long
do we have?” I ask as I walk towards the bathroom.

“About an hour or so. Don’t wash your hair though, Drake
still has one more surprise for you,” she calls to me.

I exit the bathroom about fifteen minutes later, freshly
showered and shaved, to find not only Marie on the couch waiting for me, but
also two people I’ve never seen before.

“Morgan, this is Margeaux and Claude. Drake asked them to
come to the room to do your hair and makeup for the ceremony. He said he wants
you to feel relaxed and pampered like every bride should,” Marie says with a

I walk a little further into the living room and notice a
room service cart with hot chocolate, tea sandwiches and cookies. I put a few
things on my plate while Marie fills a teacup with hot chocolate and I take a
seat in a chair while my “glam squad” goes to work. Drake has often said that
he loves to pamper me and plan fun things like this, and I honestly don’t think
it will ever get old. As a young boy he was so starved for affection and I
think this is one of the many ways he makes up for it, by showering me with
love and pampering.

After Margeaux and Claude finish my hair and makeup they leave
the hotel room, and Marie helps me into my dress. She has picked a beautiful
winter white wool dress that hits just above the knee with a low-cut square
neckline and little cap sleeves. I’ve kept my jewelry simple with my diamond
studs that match the tennis bracelet Drake gave me. Margeaux did a fantastic
job of playing up my eyes while keeping my makeup elegant yet natural, and
Claude created big barrel curls that hang delicately down my back with the
sides gently pinned back as well. When I’ve finished getting dressed, I stand
before the full length mirror Meredith brought in for me and am taken aback at
how beautiful I truly feel. Turning to the side, I gently cradle my small round
bump that is clearly visible in my dress but only adds to the beauty of the
look…I think.

“It’s time, Morgan, are you ready?” Marie asks.

I turn in her direction, and as the most glorious feeling of
peace floods my body I say, “Absolutely.”

We take the elevator downstairs and when we reach the Eiffel
Room doors, Marie tells me to take my time and walk in when I’m ready, before
handing me my bouquet of stargazer lilies and heading in first to take a seat.
I do a slow count to ten to make sure she has found her seat, then open the
doors to take my walk to my groom.

When I walk in, I see the room has been transformed for our
ceremony. Tables have been pushed to one side of the room, and a small aisle
has been created with a white runner and adorned with white and pink rose
petals. I gaze toward the end of the aisle and see Drake standing next to the
officiant by the large picture window wearing the tuxedo I found him in on New
Year’s Eve. He is absolutely breathtaking.

As I start my walk toward Drake I notice that Justin
Timberlake’s Mirrors is playing softly in the background. Drake knows how much
I love that song and I don’t think the lyrics could describe our love and what
we’ve gone through to make it back to each other more perfectly. I make it
about half way down the aisle and Drake leaves his post and starts walking
toward me.

When he reaches me he kisses my forehead and in my ear he
whispers, “You’ve never looked so beautiful.”

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I missed you. Plus, every bride deserves to be walked down
the aisle,” he says as we reach the officiant. We turn toward each other, my
hands in his, and take a breath. As the officiant begins I thank my lucky stars
that Meredith has found someone who speaks English.

“We are here today to join Morgan Lane and Drake Baylor Jr.
in marriage. This is a lawful unification of love, honor and trust between you
two that should not be taken lightly, but with great respect for each other.
Now is the time that if anyone deems that this couple should not be joined,
please speak now.”

Marie and Meredith, along with some other hotel guests that
have snuck in to witness our vows, stay silent. I still find myself looking
around the room for anyone daring enough to say something. Drake and I have
decided to say vows that come from the heart today in our more private
ceremony, and save the traditional vows for our friends and family. The
officiant lets us know that it’s time for the vows and Drake begins.

“Morgan…I’ve never known someone more beautiful than you
inside and out. You are smart, and funny, and I admire your strength and
independence. I take you as my bride today and vow that as your husband I will
love, honor and cherish you every day until I take my last breath. I will be
there for you in sickness and health, in bad times and good, and promise to be
your best friend through everything. I promise to be faithful to you. You are
my lifeline, my heartbeat, my everything,” he says, and gives my hand a little
squeeze with one hand as he clears the tears from my eyes with the other.

It’s my turn to say my vows, and instead of thinking of what
I want to say beforehand, I decided to speak from the heart. “Drake, you are
the greatest man I’ve ever known. You have taught me love and dedication and
sacrifice. I will live the rest of my days trying to love you half as much as I
know you love me. I promise to be a faithful, loving, affectionate wife and
mother of your child. I will be there right by your side in sickness and in
health. I’ll support you through all of the good times, but especially the bad.
I promise to fight for our happiness every day, and be the best friend you
could ask for. You are everything to me and I’ve never felt love like the love
I have for you.”

The officiant asks for the rings, and Marie places them in
our hands.

Drake places my wedding band on my left ring fingertnd says,
“This ring is a symbol of fidelity and my vows to you. I give this to you in
honor of my love for you.”

Saying nearly the same I say, “This ring has no end, like my
love for you. I give it to you as a symbol of fidelity and my vows to you.”

The officiant proclaims us as husband and wife, and Drake
places his hands on either side of my face and smiles the most genuinely happy
smile I’ve ever seen cross his face and kisses me. This kiss is soft and sweet
yet filled with so much love. Marie and Meredith clap, and offer their
congratulations before retreating from the room to give us some privacy in our
first moments as husband and wife.

Even though there is no longer music playing, Drake takes me
in his arms and we dance slowly, letting the moment sink in. He gently rubs my
belly with one hand while holding me tight with the other, and hums softly in
my ear before whispering, “I love you so much, Mrs. Baylor. Thank you for
becoming my wife.”

“Thank you for becoming my husband, Mr. Baylor, I love you
with all of my heart. Thank you for today, for making it so special. Thank you
for the surprises, and everything you did to make me feel so beautiful, and for
the stunning tennis bracelet,” I say as I lift my hand up to show Drake the
bracelet on my wrist. “I’m sorry I didn’t get anything for you.”

“Oh, but you’ve given me the best gift,” Drake says with a
wink as he continues to rub my belly.

We dance for another minute or two and then there is a soft
knocking on the door before someone walks in and says, “Excuse me, Mr. And Mrs.
Baylor, I’ve come to take your wedding picture.”

We pose in front of the beautiful picture window as the man
snaps a few photos, and as Drake and I smile at the camera in various poses to
commemorate our special day I doubt the pictures will ever be able to truly
show how happy I feel inside.

When the photographer is finished we adjourn to Josefin for
our dinner reservation. Drake made arrangements for a special dinner tonight as
I’m not able to eat a lot of the fish, seafood, and cheeses that are on the
regular menu. As our entreés are placed before us, I notice not only has Drake
made special arrangements to accommodate my prenatal restrictions, he has
arranged for us to have my favorite meal.

“Fillet, twice baked potatoes, and asparagus?”

“The perfect celebratory meal,” Drake says with a proud

“But it’s not my birthday,” I say teasing him. He knows how
happy he’s just made me.

“It’s our marriage’s birthday,”

“Touché Mr.Baylor, and thank you. This looks lovely.” I say
as I lean over for a kiss.

 We sit and enjoy our meal and the long day starts to
catch up with me.

Drake notices and after taking a sip of sparkling water
says, “You look tired, my love. Would you like to have our dinner wrapped up so
you can go lie down?”

“You are so sweet, thank you, but I’m okay. I don’t want to
miss a moment of this day. We can always sleep in tomorrow.”

“We can, but we are supposed to go home tomorrow. We haven’t
discussed a honeymoon yet. I was thinking if you’d like we can switch our
tickets and we could go to London for a few days? Or maybe somewhere warm?”

“London sounds wonderful, but the best place I can think of
is lying low at your house. I’m ready to go home with my husband,” I say as I
reach across the table to take Drake’s hand.

He lifts our entwined fingers to his lips, kissing the back
of my hand gently and says, “For the past few months I’ve hated going home
every night. But now knowing you will be there, home is the only place I want
to be.”

“I couldn’t agree more, mister. By the time we plan our
wedding, especially with my mother at the helm no doubt, we’ll want to escape
to London for a while, or somewhere warm, or both!” I giggle.

“Let’s talk about our wedding. Everyone is going to want to
know if we’ve set a date, where we are going to have it, etc., have you given
any thought to what you might like?”

“I think I’d like something simple. My family isn’t that big
and I don’t see the need to invite a ton of friends that I haven’t spoken to
since college or high school, so I think a small gathering of our nearest and
dearest will be more intimate and special,” I say.

“I couldn’t agree more. Would you want to do it here?” Drake

“We’ve had our magical Paris wedding, and I don’t want to
compare the two. Let’s do it back in the States. Where would you like to get
married? It’s your day too you know.”

“That’s true. I’m not sure where I want the wedding to take
place, and even though we are already married,” Drake says with a wink, and
gives my hand another kiss, “I’d like to have our wedding soon. You know how in
love with you and committed I am to you and our baby, but I think making this
commitment in front of our loved ones will make everything more real. I know
you said the wedding is just one day and I’m so glad we’ve already started our
marriage, so doing it soon makes more sense to me.”

“That sounds good to me too. I don’t want planning our
wedding to turn into an ordeal that takes months to come to fruition. We’re
already married, this will just be a special day to celebrate our marriage with
our loved ones. Plus, the sooner we do it, the easier it will be for Marie to
do the alterations,” I say, and we both have a laugh.

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