Before Sunrise (57 page)

Read Before Sunrise Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #bwwm interracial romance ir military romance, #bwwm interracial romance, #bwwm interracial

BOOK: Before Sunrise
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Kennedy felt her heart skip a beat when he
released the drawstring ties to his pajama pants and his erection
sprang free. He held back the shower curtain and she kicked her
jeans and thong away from her ankles. As she stepped past him into
the warming water, his hand cupped her left buttock. She had
worries about a shower interlude with him. The bath wasn’t fit for
sexual adventures of the kind she knew her solider boy would
desire. This shower fit one person uncomfortably. The tub didn’t
have a suction mat to keep him from slipping and his knee was in
such bad shape, he couldn’t handle her like before. But she didn’t
verbalize her concern and emasculate him.

The water did soothe her. Its mild
temperature cooled her feverish skin. She stood there exhaling for
a minute. This was the first moment of relaxation she’d had all
day. She was mommy, daughter, sister, and now wife again, but the
latter came with some tender love and care. Kennedy cherished
marital bliss, loved the shared feeling of belonging. And when his
hands went over her backside she knew that every day would be
filled with more passion than she could handle. She turned toward
him, allowing the water to coast down her spine and run rivulets
over the crease of her ass.

I’m going to take care of
you, Kay,” he said in a husky yet gentle voice.

He ran a bar of soap over her slick skin,
circling one breast, then the other, before going down her tummy.
Kennedy exhaled, causing her breasts to heave. The action nearly
made Liam drop the bar of soap. He pulled her into him and kissed
her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the flash
and fury of his darting tongue. Liam rubbed the bar of soap over
her backside and she bit his bottom lip as a warning. If he was
going to go there then they would go all the way.

The soap dropped. He turned her toward the
shower wall, putting the rushing spray to his back. She placed her
palms against the damp tiles. The steam of the shower engulfed
them. When Liam stepped behind her she shuddered with anticipation.
He moved in closer, slid one of his muscular thighs between hers
and spread her legs. He was caressing her all over, and Kennedy
loved the feel of his calloused strong hands on her body. One hand
went to her breast and held it firmly while the other traveled down
her mound. His finger rubbed gentle circles over her clit then went
over her slit and dipped inside of her.

Moaning, she arched her back and thrust her
backside against him. His cock pushed against her and he groaned
deep in his throat. He grasped her hips and she dipped her back,
knowing his intent. She felt herself stretch as he inched the
rounded head of his dick inside of her. Liam plunged deep. He
paused as if to catch his breath and she was grateful. She sucked
in a breath of her own and moved back against him.

Kay, you feel so good,” he

He withdrew then delivered another thrust
that caused his balls to smack her clitoris and send a lovely spasm
through her channel. She heard him grunt in pleasure. Kennedy
licked her lips and moved the way he’d taught long ago to maximize
his pleasure and make her body adjust for what was to follow. It
worked. He began to pump his cock with one hand to her hip and the
other squeezing her clit. Kennedy’s head fell forward to rest
against the tiles. She felt her vagina contract and a warming
sensation spread through her clenching butt cheeks, all the way to
her distressed clit. He rolled his hips and she cried out, hoping
Sally didn’t hear her.

Damn, Kay. I can’t hold

She couldn’t either. Her arms shook, her
knees trembled; she feared they would both collapse under the
powerful current of pleasure ripping through them. He leaned over
her now, holding her by the waist. He ran his tongue over her back
and shoulder blade. She felt the length of his shaft pulsing with
his jerky thrusts, ready to explode. Kennedy summoned more strength
and rocked back into him, driving him to the orgasm, and delaying
hers to keep from going weak in his arms. It worked, thankfully. He
bit hard into her shoulder and she whimpered then moaned as he
filled her with his hot seed.

Liam withdrew immediately. But Kennedy
couldn’t move. He took the lead once more. He washed her, turning
down the temperature to let the cool spray soothe the ache in her
pussy. She lathered her hands and cleaned his shaft, making him
erect again. She was pleased with his reaction. She wanted another

However when they left the shower, barely
dry, they were too exhausted to make it a reality. Together they
collapsed on the bed, arms locked around each other. He held her
closely to him, kissing her lips and forehead. She drifted to
sleep. Soon Christmas would come and go and so would the rest of
the world. Soon it would it be just her and Liam and Mackenzie. As
it should be.

Chapter Twenty-two


Daddy? Daddy’s here!
Daddy’s here, grandpa!” Mackenzie’s usually small voice boomed
through the house. She put an iron grip on Liam’s hand. He kept a
tight hold to his cane as she pulled him through the door. He could
barely manage the first few steps, she was so insistent.

It was early. He and Kennedy thought they’d
have another hour or so before she woke. Liam liked the idea of
waking her himself, just as he did the night the three of them
stayed together. But it was not to be this Christmas Eve. She
grinned up at him in her red Rudolph footie pajamas. When he smiled
it ignited such joy in her that she began bouncing as if springs
were attached to the soles of her feet. Unconditional love was the
best medicine. He wanted to carry that happiness Mackenzie exuded
with him always.

Liam glanced back over his shoulder for
help. Sally and Kennedy followed. They both wore the same smile,
seeing what he saw.

Daddy’s here!” Mackenzie
yelled until her voice went hoarse.

We hear you, sweetheart.”
Gail rounded the corner. She dried her hands with a checkered
dishtowel. Their eyes met. Liam was surprised at how little she’d
changed. Even her hair was styled as he remembered. Harper, who was
placing plates on the table, looked up, then away. Liam made a
mental note to pull her aside sometime that morning and apologize.
Profusely. Eric walked out of the den. He’d gotten there fast.
Early that morning, Kennedy called Eric and staring directly into
Liam’s eyes, had made it clear he would join them for Christmas
Eve, both breakfast and dinner.

It reminded him of the early time in his
marriage. So many of his brothers were without families or wives
during the holidays. Kennedy was the best hostess, cooking for and
feeding every stray he brought through the door. Not that she
belonged in the kitchen, but he took a lot of pride in the fact his
young bride knew how to care for her man. He missed those times.
Now the house was filled with smiling faces and decorated to match
the Christmas spirit, and it didn’t quite feel the same.

Merry Christmas.” Liam
greeted the family.

Merry Christmas, Liam.”
Gail gave him a quick hug. It was over before Liam could return her

Hi Liam,” Harper said

Merry Christmas, brother.”
Eric nodded.

What’s all the ruckus
about? Well, well, look who’s risen from the dead.” Andrew gave a
burly laugh as he emerged from the back of the house. He didn’t
seem as tall as Liam remembered, but not much else had changed,
except for a bit of graying at the temples. He pushed past the
others and pulled Liam into a tight hug. Liam felt his eyes go wide
under the pressure of the linebacker squeeze. Mackenzie squealed
with excitement. She hugged both her father’s and grandfather’s
legs, considering herself part of the reunion. His baby girl howled
when Kennedy pulled her off by the shoulders.

Liam gave a nervous laugh. He’d received a
warm welcome from everyone, yet he felt the urge to break free of
the cheer. He didn’t want special treatment. He would have enjoyed
just walking in and no one taking notice at all. Kennedy, Sally,
Andrew, Eric, and reluctantly, Harper circled him, a tight round of
questioning, staring, almost gawking faces. He focused on Andrew
only. He had missed the old man. A lot. Andrew had the kind of
temperament that calmed anyone he was around.

I couldn’t wait to see for
myself. Look at you. Got my baby girl grinning from ear to ear,” he

It’s good to see you too,
Andrew.” Liam said. He hid the stab of guilt that pierced his chest
for delaying this reunion. Kennedy was right. He should have come

All right, everyone, it’s
time for breakfast,” Gail announced.

Mackenzie was now in Sally’s arms. There was
so much commotion and activity around Liam at first he thought
everyone spoke at once. The raised voices echoed in his skull.

He tried to focus. Mackenzie giggled, Andrew
hit him with question after question, and Harper pouted, waiting
for him to acknowledge her. His eyes moved from face to face.
Everyone then joined the conversation at once after someone told a
joke. Kennedy’s laughter rang out, almost as if she were pointing
and laughing at him.

Liam swallowed stiffly and
double blinked. Air didn’t fill his lungs, as it should
Was Kennedy laughing at him?
Then he saw Andrew laughing, Eric laughing. Harper
kept glaring. And they all stood very close to him. So close he
felt the itch to push and shove at them and break free.

Yeah, um, excuse me,” he
said turning away. There was a bathroom on the lower level. Hearing
Mackenzie calling his name but unable to respond, he hurried on his
cane for the door. Once behind it he inhaled deeply. He looked at
himself in the mirror and noticed perspiration covered his face. He
looked red, nervous. He closed his eyes and counted down his
anxiety until felt numb all over.



Is he okay?” Andrew

Kennedy frowned.

Looks like he’s going to
have another flip-out moment,” Harper snipped.

Kennedy shot her sister a warning look.
Harper lowered her eyes. She then noticed her mother frowning
toward the door that Liam had slipped behind. She forced a smile to
her face and voice. “Everybody go to the table. He’s fine. I’ll
check on him.”

He doesn’t look fine to
me,” Gail said.

My son is fine,” Sally

Please don’t start. It’s
Christmas Eve,” Kennedy reminded them both.

Tell daddy to come and eat
mommy, “ said Mackenzie.

I will, sweetie. Now
everyone go to the table. We’ll be there in a moment.”

Her sister turned and walked off. Eric
touched Kennedy’s shoulder. “Are you sure he’s okay? Maybe this is
too fast, too soon.”

No. No. He was excited this
morning. He just, well he’s okay. I’ll get him. Go sit down and
have some breakfast.” Kennedy hurried after Liam. She tried the
doorknob. He hadn’t locked it. When she stepped inside his head
lifted and their eyes met in the bathroom mirror.

You feeling all right,

Ah yeah. Got a little
dizzy. Must be the morning…not used to—never mind. I’m

Liam turned and she knew differently. It
hurt to see him pretend. Didn’t he know by now that with her he
didn’t have to? She battled over whether she should call him on it.
When he stepped to her she threw her arms around his neck and gave
him a lasting kiss. It was all she knew to do. He bumped her
forehead with his and patted her rump.

Let’s go eat. I miss your
mother’s cooking.”


C’mon,” he said.

Liam reached around her and opened the
bathroom door, then walked her backward out of it. They returned to
the dining room. Immediately Mackenzie complained she wanted to sit
next to him. Liam gestured for her, who hurried around the table
and climbed onto his lap. Kennedy sat close, choosing the chair to
his left. She tried not to notice how her mother stared at Liam.
She silently prayed that he didn’t notice. Maybe she was wrong to
throw him into the family so fast. She should have called off
Christmas and let it be just the three of them. That was what he
needed, what he’d actually asked for. Damn it, why hadn’t she even
considered his wishes?

So, how are you?” her
mother asked.

I’m taking it a day at a
time,” Liam said.

We were all shocked when it
was on the news. But all of us were happy to hear about you coming
home. All of us,” Andrew emphasized.

Kennedy sighed. There was evident tension at
the table. So she focused on the friendly face across from her.
“Eric, did you hear what Sally gave Liam for Christmas?”

Eric stopped mid-chew. He looked up from his
plate. “No, what?”

Maxine.” Liam

No shit…um, sorry, ladies.
No way. You still got her?” he swallowed.

Sally nodded. “Kept her for him. You should
have seen his face when he saw her. He drove us over today. It’s

Who’s Maxine, daddy?”
Mackenzie asked, and everyone laughed.

Kennedy relaxed. Liam began to tell their
daughter about his favorite car and others shared memories of Liam
and Maxine. Even Harper joined in the conversation. Maybe Kennedy
was worrying for nothing. She would have thought so until she
caught the look on her mother’s face. It broke her heart. In that
moment everything became clear. Nothing for Gail had changed. For
Gail, there was no blessed event. Liam’s resurrection was still a
curse in her mother’s eyes.

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