Beautiful Misery (The Beautiful Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Misery (The Beautiful Series)
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“Yep. Go call fish man and get your shirts ordered. I can setup a few stools.”

By the time I returned to my bar Dylan had the stools in place and had a few of his buddies helping him set the silver tables up.

“Gage Goddamn Tucker.” Dylan’s best friend, Hunter came walking across the bar.

“Hunter Shithead Landry.” I smiled as he came in for a hug.

“Your joint is looking sharp.” Hunter stepped back and looked at the now working aquarium.

“Thanks. I couldn’t have done all this without Dylan. Who knew my fuckoff brother could work so hard,” I joked.

Dylan flipped me off before lifting a table with another friend. After they sat it on the floor Dylan said, “You going to stand there and gawk or is your ass going to help?”

“I figured you little ladies could use the extra workout. I have some other shit to do.”

As I made my way down the hall to my office I heard Dylan say, “Suck dick, brother.”

I spent an hour arranging my office. Grabbing a box labeled pictures I opened it. Sitting on top was a picture of Jenna and me from my NFL draft. She had her arms wrapped around me and to anyone she looked happy, but I could see the emptiness in her eyes. She tried to be happy for me. She tried to love me. But, she couldn’t. The diamond on her finger caught my eye. She had her hand placed on my chest. Seeing this picture had my chest burning. I sat it to the side and grabbed the next picture. It was a picture of Evie and me. She was curled up in my lap, both of us asleep. That could be my life. I could have had Evie curled up with me every night if I hadn’t talked to Larkin. Why did I have to be the bigger person and give him a chance? I knew Jenna was in love with him. Of course she would choose him. I made my own bed and now I had to sleep in it. Alone.

I went through the last few boxes and
ordered pizza before I walked back to the main room. I found Dylan and his friends setting the silver ice buckets on the tables with the white candles.


All the boys stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Hunter asked, “Everything ok?”

Looking around I said, “I guess I just had an ‘oh shit this is real’ moment. It is looking just like I had imagined.”

Dylan smiled. “You’ve busted your ass bro, you deserve it.”

“I guess.” I shrugged it off and went on, “I ordered pizza for everyone. Should be here in about a half an hour.”

“Knock knock. We brought the party.” I turned to see girl after girl walking through the door. There was a few guys who followed them in.

Who the hell were they?

Turning back I looked at Dylan who lifted a shoulder. “We worked hard. We wanted a little fun.”

“You are so lucky I’m not a prick. And, they are fuckin’ hot.”

The girl who walked in first went straight to Hunter and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Hunter had a huge smile on his face when he said, “Hey baby. I missed you.”

Damn kid was eighteen and I was jealous of him. Fucker.

Looking back I saw Jenna’s little sister
standing off to the side with another girl. Mac couldn’t take her eyes off of Dylan. She had grown into a beautiful girl, looking so much like Jenna.

I looked over at Dylan and saw him talking to one of his friends but his eyes kept wondering to Mac.
Those two had been playing games with each other since junior high. I wish one of them would just grow a pair and tell the other how they felt.

Damn kids these days.

What the fuck? Was I sixty? Damn kids these days, really?

Shaking my head I walked over to Dylan. “Time you dickup and talk to Mac. You two have been driving each other crazy for years.”

Dylan looked over at Mac who was talking to her friend, her head thrown back in laughter. “I’ve tried. She said she doesn’t want a relationship. She’s focused on getting into college. I tried telling her I wasn’t looking for anything serious. Just friends with benefits sorta thing. She got pissed and hasn’t talked to me since.”

“Well no fuck. Why the hell would you tell her that? Even if you were thinking it, you keep that shit to yourself.”

“At least I was honest.”

Snorting I said, “Yeah. That worked out real well for you, didn’t it?”

Both Dylan and I were looking at Mac when her eyes flashed in our direction. Her cheeks instantly turned pink and she ducked her head.

“She’s a virgin.”

Choking on my saliva I coughed out, “How the hell do you know that?”

Dylan spoke as if I should already know the answer. “Girls in school are sluts. Mac isn’t like that.
Many of us have tried and we all got turned down. I mean, I guess that’s cool. I couldn’t do it but whatever.”

“Good for her. Maybe you could learn something.”

Dylan laughed. “Nope. I like the pussy too much. But mark my words, I will fuck her one day. And, I will be her first.”

“You are one fucked up guy, Dyl.”

“Gage, this is Melody. My girlfriend’s older sister.” Hunter motioned to my side before turning and strutting away.

To my left was a gorgeous auburn haired girl. “What’s up?” I lifted my chin and gave her a smile.

“Hunter told me you play football.”

Sonuva bitch. She wasn’t very bright. Perfect. Just what I needed. Another brainless piece of ass. I’m sure that’s all she wanted so she could run off and tell her friends she slept with me.


Dylan clapped my shoulder, “I’m going to go grab sodas from the kitchen. You have fun with this one.”

Tipping my head I smirked, “Thanks, cock jockey.”

He also said you liked the ladies.” She ran her hand over my arm.


“Well you’re in luck. I’m a lady.”

I was used to girls being easy and throwing themselves at me but shit, she was a whole new breed. This girl was pathetic.

What the hell. I needed something to stick my dick in to clear my head. It had been weeks since I had gotten any ass. Here was my chance. She was more than willing. Pretty sure if I told her to bend over right here in the middle of everyone, she would.

“No shit.” I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. I could take her to my office. No. She was more the bathroom quickie. “Follow me.”

I started walking toward the bathrooms and heard her heels clinking on the floor behind me. Fuckin’ knew it.

Pushing open the ladies bathroom door I let her walk in before shutting it and locking it.

“Pull your dress up and bend over,” I ordered as I undid my khaki shorts.

She giggled. Even her giggle was annoying. “Oh, Gage. I want you to fuck me. I want it hard. Play with my titties.” She pulled the front of her strapless dress down, revealing full tits. She reached up and rubbed her nipples to hard points.

Bitch was crazy.

“I don’t do touchy feely shit. I said pull your dress up and bend over. I just want to fuck. I get off then you can tell all your friends you fucked me. We both get what we want.

She yanked the top of her dress up and pouted. “Fine.” Turning around she lifted the back of her dress and bent over, grabbing the counter.

I pulled a condom from my wall
et and slid it on before sliding into her and letting the world fade away. Forgetting all my worries and pain.




ulling my rental car into the packed parking lot I found a parking spot. Looking into the mirror on the visor I ran another coat of pink lip gloss over my lips and used my fingers to run through my hair.

Stepping out of the
car I could hear music coming from inside the building, but what really had my attention was the gorgeous sun setting on the ocean. Jenna wasn’t kidding when she said Gage’s bar was on the beach. Running my hands down my light purple halter dress I took a deep breath and walked up the steps to the doors going into the bar. I stopped just inside the door when I saw a few people I recognized from Jenna and Larkin’s wedding.

Giving a small wave I went to the table they were all standing around. Trent looked like he was about to eat me alive.

“Hey.” I shouted when I got the table.

Sadie gave me a huge smile then pulled me into a hug. “I didn’t know you were coming or we would have invited you to dinner with us.”

“I just landed and drove straight here. I actually wasn’t planni
ng on coming until early tomorrow morning but Jenna talked me into coming to Gage’s opening.” Looking around I said, “This place is pretty cool. Did he do all this himself?”

Tyler nodded when he said, “Most of it was done but he did the cosmetic stuff like the painting and changed random shit.”

Looking around I saw Jenna and my brother in the opposite corner, all over each other, of course. Those two were ridiculously in love.

“How long you stayin
g in Fairhope?” A gravelly voice whispered into my ear.

Biting down on my lip I turned my head to see Gage standing beside me. He smelled like man, and ocean, and a litt
le spicy. But how he looked….he could make a nun do very naughty things to him. He had on a pair of dark jeans, torn and worn in all the right places and a white button down shirt, the sleeves rolled up just enough so I could see his tattoos peeking out. His usual dark brown messy hair really made his blue eyes stand out. It looked like he hadn’t shaved in a few days and it looked good on him. He looked very much the world famous football star.

, I yelled over the music, “Until Tuesday night. Decided I needed a little beach relaxation.”

Gage tilted his head to the side and smirked. “Well, if you need someone to relax with, I’m your man.”

Deciding to play along with his little game I quirked one eyebrow and leaned into him whispering, “For some reason I don’t think I would get much relaxation with you.”

Gage winked and brought his beer to his lips. Flicking his tongue out just long enough that I got a glimpse of the bar in it before wrapping his mouth around the bottle and taking a long hull
. He was evil.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Larkin and Jenna walking- or more of Jenna dragging my drunk brother- towards us.
Gage stepped back when they got close and watched Jenna. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

flung her arms around me and yelled into my ear, “So glad you came early! Evie will be so excited when she wakes up and sees you. She has missed her Aunt Co.”

Smiling at Jenna I
glanced over her shoulder looking for Gage. I saw him being pulled in the opposite direction by a group of guys. Each fighting to be next to him like he was some real life God. He glanced over his shoulder, catching my eye and a small grin formed on his lips as he slid his eyes down my body.

Pulling my attention back to Jenna I said, my voice a little strained,
“I’ve missed her too. I can’t believe she’s two already!”

Larkin flung his large arm around my shoulders. “How the hell is my baby sister?”

I could smell the alcohol pouring out of his mouth. His breath was pungent.

Cringing, I placed my hand on his stomach
and shoved him. “How much have you drank?”

Jenna shook her head, “The guys got here early and apparently started the party around four this afternoon.
The girls and I went to dinner and met them here.”

Larkin tried to focus but his half lidded eyes made it impossible. “I have a lot to celebrate. I knocked Jenna up again. Two times, sis. Two fucking babies. Can you believe that?” Larkin held up his hand and counted out loud, “One…two…three
…four. Shit, no not four. We don’t have four kids, right babe?” Larkin shifted his eyes to look at Jenna who smiled and slowly shook her head and held up three fingers. “Yes, right, three. I’m going to be a dad to three kids.”

My mouth dropped open as I stared at Jenna. She was smiling and stifling her laughter.

“You’re pregnant?” I asked in shock.

I watched as Jenna bobbed her head up and down saying, “I am. With twins, your brother really did it good this time.”

Larkin grabbed Jenna around her hips and pulled her into him saying, “No baby, I did you good. It takes total talent and focus to make two babies. Two fucking babies. Not one. Not three. But two.”

Jenna pushed away from Larkin and covered his mouth, “Shut it Mr. or there will be no more getting of anything.”

The whole table
was laughing. My brother, the big, bad football man just got put in his place by such a tiny girl. Letting my arms fall from holding him upright, he struggled to grab the table. I wrapped Jenna in a tight hug. “I’m going to be an aunt, again and again. Can I request a niece and a nephew?” I leaned back.

Jenna giggled and wrapped her arms around Larkin’s waist and kissed his chest. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Standing next to Jenna and seeing how happy she was with my brother, even in his inebriated state, made me a little envious. I wanted a love like theirs. Granted it wasn’t all roses and fairytales in the beginning but they found their happiness.

The waitress dressed in a tight
black t-shirtthat rea
Wet Spot came to our table with a bucket full of ice and beer. “Here you go guys. If you need anything else just yell. My name’s Leigha.”

Sadie grabbed a beer, handing it to me. “Girl, I remember college. You need a beer.”

Taking it from her I scoffed, “At least you didn’t have a pain in the ass brother making you go to be a damn doctor. Shit is tough.”

Larkin stuck his tongue out at me before Tyler grabbed him and started walking. “Let’s go outside, see if we can catch a shark.”

My brother had no idea what he was being drug off to but he didn’t put up a fight as Tyler pulled him away. “High ho high ho off to sharks we go,” Larkin sang as they walked away.

Sadie and Jenna shook their heads and laughed. “Men,” Jenna said.

Sadie huffed, “You mean boys? Can you imagine what our kids will be like when they are their age? Ugh, don’t even want to think about it.”

Jenna’s eyes got huge. “Oh God. Don’t even go there.”

Both Sadie and Jenna rubbed their bellies. Looking at Sadie confused, before I asked she smiled. “Yep, baby number three is cooking.”

“Wow. Congratulations! Frannie is a few weeks younger than Evie, right? And you we
re pregnant at the wedding. You and Ty have been busy.”

Sadie giggled. “Yes we have been. Frannie is almost t
wo, Gwen was born on January ninth, and I am due with this baby November seventh.”

“I don’t know how you do it.
Just having Evie wears me out,” I said as I took a small drink from my beer. I really wasn’t a beer kinda girl. I preferred liquor.

Jenna smirked, “She takes after her dad. That guy has more energy than Evie most days. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have Evie, the twins, and Larkin.”

Both Sadie and I laughed.

I was about to tell Jenna I c
ould quit college and be their live-in nanny when Gage’s voice was in my ear again, “I need to talk to you.”

Turning my head
to look at him I slowly nodded. “Ok.”

Gage smiled at Sadie and said,
“Sorry to interrupt girls. I’m stealing this pretty lady and teaching her how we dance in the south.”

Jenna raised a brow, “Gage…”

“Not now Jenna.” Gage cut her off, not even looking at her.

Before Jenna could argue
Gage grabbed my hand and was leading me through the group of people on the dance floor and down a narrow hallway, almost running. We passed two doors and at the end I could see a door that read 'office'. Stopping in front of the door Gage took a deep breath.

“Where are we going? I thought we were going to dance?” I asked, confused.

Gage glanced down at me and said, “I want you. You want me. I’m not a fucking idiot. We are both about to get what we want.” Digging in his pocket with his free hand Gage pulled out a key to unlock the door. Once the door was open he looked behind us, scanning the hallway and the small area of the bar he could see. He pulled me into the dark room and used his foot to kick the door shut, then locked it.

The lights were off but I could see the room from the moonlight shining in. There was a couch straight across from us with a small coffee table in front of it. In the corner was a tall bookcase, filled with numerous trophies and a few books. He had a desk to the right of us with his laptop propped open, the screensaver bouncing around…a picture of Evie on the beach.

Turning back to me he ran his hands through his hair. I could see his biceps flexing as he paced. "Fuck! I can't do this. Not with you, not here."

and a little pissed I asked, "What? What the hell is wrong with me? You're the one that drug me back here not even two minutes ago!"

Gritting his teeth Gage closed his eyes and bit out, "Cobie you should go because I can't fucking walk away from you. You smell like fucking heaven and look like a God damn Victoria's Secret angel."

Stepping up to him so I was flush against him, I put both my arms around his neck and whispered, "Gage, I want you and I'm not going anywhere."

His deep midnight blue eyes searched my chestnut brown eyes.

I wanted him to kiss me with every nerve, every fiber, and every molecule of my being.

Sighing he bit his bottom lip. "But you're my best
friend’s sister. I shouldn't...I can't do this."

Kissing up his strong jaw I said, "I want yo
u and I always get what I want.”

Gage groaned.

“Shh.” I placed a finger over his lips. “I just want you for one night. Just one night, Gage, that's it. Then we go on with our lives like usual."

Gage ran his hands through my hair, stopping at my nape. He jerked my head up, capturing my mouth with his.
Gage walked me backwards until I felt the hard desk hitting the back of my thighs.

I raised
myself onto the desk, sitting and opening my legs for Gage to stand between them.

Gage let go of my head and used his hands to unbutton his jeans, letting them and his boxers fall to the floor. “Cobie, you sure about this?” Gage asked as he pulled back to look me in the eyes.

“Yes, Gage. I want you. I have since I met you the first time.” I took his erection in my hand and ran it up and down. The strangled moan that came from Gage was all I needed to hear to let me know he wanted me just as bad.

Gage pushed the bottom of my dress up revealing my tiny little panties. Using his thumb he shoved my panties to the side and dropped to his knees.
“Just one night, baby. That’s it. After this we walk away like nothing. This is just sex, no strings. Got it.”

I nodded.

Holy fucking shit. I haven’t been a virgin for a good three years but I have never had this done. The moment I felt Gage’s warm tongue touching my pussy my back was arching and my hands were in his hair.

Gage used his tongue to tease my clit as he slowly slid one finger inside me, moving it in and out. Leaning back on the desk so I was laying down I bit down on my fist to keep from crying out. We were only a few feet from
a room full of drunk people. That was the last thing I needed, some drunktard walking in on some guy shoving his face in my vagina.

Just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore Gage removed his fingers and his face from my ladybits. Standing
, he used the back of his hand and wiped across his mouth. Stepping a little closer I felt his dick twitch just as it brushed my pussy.

Gage looked almost
in pain for a moment before smiling down at me. “I need your legs a little wider baby.”

Doing what he asked I spread my legs as much as I could. Gage placed his hands on the tops of my thighs just as he slid into me.
“What the fuck? Are you a virgin?” Gage asked, accusingly.

Shaking my head I answered, “No. It’s been a while since I’ve had sex.” So I lied, it had only been a few weeks but I didn’t want Gage thinking I was some cheap hoe.

Keeping with a steady pace Gage was slowly building me up. I could feel that stir in the bottom of my belly heating up. “You look fuckin’ edible right now.”

Smirking I said, “I think you’ve already done that.”

Gage placed his thumb and pointer finger on my clit, rolling in circles. “Are you being a smartass? Cobie, I like this dirty side of you.”

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