Beautiful Misery (The Beautiful Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Misery (The Beautiful Series)
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“Who was it, mommy?” Gabe asked as he picked up his toy cars.

“It was no one important. Ready for bed, buddy?”

Gabe dropped his cars into the toys box and ran up the stairs. He really was my saving grace. My past may not be the best but my present and future are amazing, all because of that little boy. He changed my life and I will never be able to thank him enough.

Tucking Gabe into bed, I switched on his nightlight. “Sweet dreams, Gabriel. I love you.” I kissed his cheek and brushed the hair off his forehead.

“Don’t let the bed bugs bite, mommy. Love you.”

Laughing, I shut off the light. “Night, baby.” I shut his door and slowly walked down the stairs.

Going to the front window I looked out
, a part of me hoping I would see him. Gage’s car was gone. He was gone. For the first time in years I felt empty and alone. I was used to feeling numb until I met Gage. He made me feel alive again. Now, I felt the weight on my chest and the burning in my eyes welling up. I knew he was trouble. I should have trusted my gut instinct and told him to go to hell. Instead I followed my heart and look where that got me. I was alone, again. But this time it hurt so much more.

Turning off the lights downstairs, I drug my feet up the stairs and into my room. Not bothering to
change, I flopped onto my bed and let my tears go. Crying myself to sleep for the first time in years.

nnie!” I heard Leigha calling my name from across the bar.

to act like I couldn’t hear her I walked through the crowd toward the employee locker room. Once I reached the door I looked over my shoulder to see my best friend making her way straight for me. Damn.

“Annie! Wait, I need to talk to you. You hav
e to tell me what’s going on. I need to know if I should tell Gage to fuck off, or if I should tell him you’re PMS’ing and you just need a few days.”

Opening the door I stepped inside, thankfully no one else was in there. Jerking my head in the ‘come on’
motion I said, “Hurry up.”

jogged into the room, closing the door behind her and locking it, making sure no one could get it. Turning to me she said, “What the hell happened with you and boss man? I left last night and everything was daisies and butterflies. Then, this morning he came stomping in here throwing shit around, pissed at the world. I asked him what was wrong and he told me I should talk to you. That you know everything and you’re perfect. Of course, I rolled my eyes and told him I already knew that. He huffed and shook his head then walked out the door. I looked out the window and saw him peeling outta this place. So could you please explain to me what the hell is goin’ on?”

Opening my locker I shoved my purse inside, slamming the door shut. Leaning on the locker
, I rested my back on the cool metal. “Leigha, I’m a single mom of a five year old boy. I don’t have the time nor do I have the desire to play his damn games. Gabe is my only concern. I want him to have a father figure in his life but not someone as hot and cold as Gage is. When Gage is happy it’s all fairytales and sunshine but when he’s upset its nightmares and tornados. And there is no warning signs as to which Gage you’re going to get. I don’t want that around my son. He needs something stable and comfortable.”

sat down in one of the chairs in front of me. “Annie, you have been through a lot. You lost Derek before little man was born so you have done this all on your own. Your family was no help and Derek’s family wanted nothing to do with you or your son. I’ve seen the way Gage looks at you and Gabe. He loves you, both of you. Maybe it’s not all rainbows and butterflies all the time but no relationship is. Have you even told him that you’re falling in love with him?”

Shaking my head I said, “
Hell no. It’s been three months. We’re not even together, together. I guess just friends with benefits kinda thing. He has told me a million times he doesn’t want a relationship. And I can understand that. We come from similar situations. He lost Londyn’s mom when she was just three months old. I’m afraid of getting in too deep again, losing it all, and getting hurt. I don’t want to feel that again. Even if that means I’m a single mom the rest of my life. Gabe is the only man I need in my life.”

smiled when she said, “Sweetheart, you’re already in too deep. I think it’s time you put your ass kickin’ boots on and tell Gage how you really feel. Operation Gettin’ Gage.”

, I rubbed my temples. I was starting to get a migraine from all this back and forth with Gage. “Maybe I should talk to him, but first I have to work. I will go to his house later.”

“It’s supposed to rain today, we won’t be that busy. I’ll
have Barker cover for you. Now go get your man.” Leigha opened the door and shoved me out.

“Umm, I need my purse if you want me to
kick ass and execute Operation Gettin’ Gage”, I grumbled.

Leigha winked and went to my locker. Grabbing my purse she toss
ed it to me and said, “Now go!”

Once we were both inside Gage used his foot to kick the door shut, then locked it. Turning back to me he ran his hands through his hair. I could see his biceps flexing as he paced. "Fuck! I can't do this. Not with you, not here." Once we were both inside Gage used his foot to kick the door shut, then locked it. Turning back to me he ran his hands through his hair. I could see his biceps flexing as he paced. "Fuck! I can't do this. Not with you, not here."
The drive to Gage’s house was a blur. Pulling into his driveway I put in the code for the gate. Watching it slowly open I took a deep breath. “It’s now or never, Annie,” I said to myself.

Once the g
ate was open I drove up the long palm tree lined driveway. Stopping in front of his house I saw his Mercedes parked in front of the garage. Parking behind it I took on last look at myself in the visor mirror before getting out. I looked tired. I was tired. I was tired of this roller coaster ride with Gage.

I walked up the four steps to Gage’s front door and knocked.

No answer. Asshole.

I knocked again, but a little harder.

Still nothing.

I wiggled the door handle. It was unlocked. Opening the door I peeked my head in but saw no one. What the hell? His car was here so where was he?

I yelled out, “Gage? Are you here?”

Then I heard it. Those annoying bimbo type giggles. The kind that make you cringe. They were coming from the back of the house.

Slowly, I walked through the house. I barely made it in the kitchen when I saw Gage and some skank on the deck. Gage was sitting in a lounge chair, beer in his hand. The blonde bimbo was topless sitting on his lap. I wanted to vomit. Making a gagging, strangled sound I turned on my heels and started for the front door. Just as I reached the front door I heard Gage’s panicked voice yelling, “Annie!

Jerking the door to Gage's house open I ran down the steps. It was starting to rain and I welcomed the coolness. Letting the cold rain numb me, numb the pain. I should have never taken Leigha's advice and surprised Gage. Look where that got me...running in the damn cold rain from the sight of Gage and some slut.

"Would you stop for one God damn minute?"

Stopping in my tracks
, I turned and slammed into Gage's hard chest. Pushing off his chest I took a few steps back.

"What, Gage? What do you want?"

"You dammit! I fuckin' want you and all your bitchy bossiness," Gage yelled, throwing his hands up.

"Screw you, Gage Tucker! I am not bossy. I just know what you should be doing. And this shit ain't it.
I should have never came here. Funny thing was I came here to tell you I wanted to be with you, I wanted more than just sex with you."

"Would you let me fuckin' explain?" Gage asked, almost pleading.

I took a few more steps back, and crossed my arms over my chest, attempting to protect myself from anymore hurt. I narrowed my eyes and slightly tilted my head, giving him the go ahead.

Gage scrubbed his face. The rain hitting his tall, hard body.
"I didn't know you wanted to be with me. You never even gave me the slightest fuckin' clue that you wanted something more than just being friends with me. If I knew that even for one damn second you wanted me no one else would have mattered. I have lost everyone who has meant something to me. I don't want to lose you too."

Blah, blah, blah. Fuck you! It's always something with you, Gage. It's never your fault, is it? For once in your life will you admit when you mess up?"

Gage grabbed my waist, pulling me so I was pressed against him. B
oth of us soaked from the rain. "Dammit woman. I fucked up. You know that. I know that. I know it's my fault. I can't go back and change shit. This is me saying I'm sorry that I'm such a fuckin' ass."

Reaching up I pulled his face down to mine. He may be an ass
, but damn if I wasn't falling in love with all his fucked-upness.

"Gage, you drive me
batshit crazy but never have I ever wanted anyone like I want you."

Attacking my mouth like he needed it to live, he lifted me up.
I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked us backwards until I felt the trunk of his car hitting the back of my thighs. He sat me on the trunk, never releasing my mouth. His hands were undoing my shorts and yanking them down.

I shoved my hand into his shorts, pushing them and his boxers down. He was rock hard. Pushing me back so I was lying down with my legs hanging over the edge he slammed into me. “I want this hard, Annie. I’m not going to be easy. I need this to be rough and fast.”

I nodded. Gage grabbed my legs, placing them on his shoulders. He slid out of me, then fast and hard, he was back inside, balls deep. “Oh. God, Gage.”

“You look so fuckin’ good right now. Your sweet pussy spread out for me. I swear
, later I will take my time and taste every inch of you. But, not now.” He kept up his punishing rhythm. The rain beating down on us, adding to the heated desire between us. With every thrust he pushed me closer and closer to ecstasy. He knew my body, he knew what I liked. He brought one hand to my swollen, tender clit. Using his thumb and middle finger he squeezed my swollen bud, rolling it in circles. My cries echoed through the trees surrounding his house. As I was crashing into the pool of sated desire I felt Gage releasing his hot seed inside of me. He stilled, his breathing jagged.

“Fuck, Annie. I couldn’t control myself
. You’re breaking me down.”

Kissing his swollen lips, I breathed out, “I know the feeling.”



nnie, some guy is at the bar asking for you.” Barker leaned his head against the lockers. “He looks young but damn, girl. How many guys you got chasin’ your sexy little self? If you get tired fell free to toss one my way. Barker needs him a little boy toy. It has been way too long.”

Looking up from my purse I raised my eyebrow. “Please, stop. I don’t want details. And, I don’t have any one chasing me. Did he say what he wanted?”

“I didn’t ask. He asked for you and I came back here to get you.”

I quickly put my lip gloss on and tossed my pursed into the locker. I knew Gage wasn’t out there. He had left for New Orleans this morning. Barker knew all the guys in Jase’s band, and he knew better than to let me near Parker again after the incident a few months ago. “I’m ready. Let’s go see who this supposed Barker boy toy is.”

Laughing, Barker shook his head. “Sadly, I doubt that is the case.”

Following Barker out of the locker room and into the crowd he made his way to the bar, me close behind. There was too many people waiting at the bar to be sure who was waiting for me. Barker pointed to the end of the bar. He leaned into my ear and yelled, “That’s him. Green polo with the dark brown hair.”

All I could see was his back. “Ok. Thanks. I’ll see who it is and what they want.”

Walking to the opposite end of the bar I racked my brain trying to figure out who it was. Maybe it was a previous customer? Maybe he thought I was flirting with him? When I was close the younger guy that had been talking to the guy in green smiled and pointed at me. Green shirt guy turned, smirking. Dylan. Why was Dylan here and why was he asking for me? Oh God…did something happen to Gage?

“Is Gage okay?” I asked in place of hello. I walked around the bar, stopping in front of Dylan.

He nodded and bent over. Standing, he was holding a large vase filled with pink and purple tulips and orchids. “I guess my role as flower boy has been extended. My brother asked me to deliver these and to make sure you got this.” Dylan pulled a small jar filled with sand from his pocket and handed it to me.

“Oh. Thanks, Dylan. You didn’t have to bring them here though, you could have dropped them off at my house.” I took the jar and popped the lid off. Grabbing the small, rolled up paper from the sand, I opened it.


Will you go to dinner, walk on the beach, and lay under the stars with me?
P.S. This is when you smile and say yes.

Staring at the note, I felt
my smile taking over. I looked up at Dylan. “Your brother really does know how to woo the ladies, doesn’t he?”

“Never really seen him do this before. I don’t know if he has gotten a girl, besides Jenna
, flowers before.”

“Not even Cobie?” I asked, a little in disbelief.

Dylan dropped his head and shook it. “Their relationship was complicated. But, no I don’t think so. He really likes you. If you’re not in this, then tell him no. Don’t say yes to be nice. Just be honest. Don’t wait this out and play with him. He has been through enough. Don’t hurt him.”

For only being eighteen years old and still in high school the kid was smart. “I do like him, Dylan. Maybe too much.”

He gave me a small smile and said, “I know what its like to like someone too much. Difference is, you have Gage. My brother isn’t going anywhere.”

“How did you get to be so wise?”

“It’s my old age. The day I turned eighteen…it was like a whole new world.” Dylan shut his eyes and tilted his head. “Oh the memories of being wild and seventeen. The good ol’ days.”

Laughing, I picked up my flowers and turned to walk away. “Goodbye Dylan.”

“Bye, Annie.”

Barker lifted his brows when I walked passed with my goodies. I just shook my head and continued my trek to the locker room. Once my flowers were stored safely and my message in a bottle was in my locker, I pulled my phone out to text Gage.

Me: Yes.

I slid my phone into my back pocket and walked back to the bar, to a very anxious Barker.

“So, who was it?”

“That was Dylan. He is Gage’s little brother.”

Barker took a step back. “Shit. Little brother is hitting on you?”

Laughing, I shook my head. “No. No, not like that. Gage asked him to bring my flowers and this sweet little note asking me on a date. That’s all.”

Barker looked relieved. “Thank God. To be honest, these last three months you have seemed so much happier. I was hoping you weren’t about to screw that up.”

Putting my hands on my hips, I scoffed, “I am happy. Thank you very much. And, no, I don’t plan on fucking it up.”

I tried to turn but Barker grabbed my shoulder. “Annie, you know I didn’t mean it like that. I just want to see my favorite girl win in the end and be happy. Have the perfect life she and he son deserve.”

Sighing, I gave him a quick hug. “I know. Thank you for being you.”

“Anytime. You know I’m always hear to listen. Us gay guys make the best listeners.” Barker winked before walking away to help the long line of customers.

I felt my ass vibrate. Jumping a little at the sudden movement, I slid my phone out of my back pocket.

Gage: You won’t regret it. C U Saturday at 2. Have a good night. :-*

Did he really just send me a kiss through a text? Looking around, as if anyone could see the text
, I smiled.

Me: Can’t wait. :-*

I put my phone back in my pocket and went to help Barker support the alcoholics and vacationers in getting drunk. With a permanent smile on my face.


ulling Londyn’s pants up I hugged her close to me. “Bye baby. Daddy loves you. I will see you tomorrow. Be good for Uncle Dylan.” I kissed Londyn’s cheek and sat her on the floor. She crawled toward the giant pile of stuffed animals on the floor.

“Where are you taking Annie?” Dylan asked from his spot on the couch.

“I hired security to close off the stadium and I’m giving her a private tour. Dinner at Fresh, then I thought we could drive out of the city a little bit and go to the beach.”

Dylan batted his lashes and laughed. “Look at you be all romantical.”

I threw Londyn’s shitty diaper at him. He caught it and sat it on the end table. “Maybe you should take a few lessons and Mac would give you the time of day.”

My brother flipped me off before sliding o
ff the couch and onto the floor. “Londyn tell your daddy to be nice to Uncle D. He’s a meanie head, huh?”

Londyn looked from Dylan to me. She gave a loud belly laugh and clapped her hands. Dylan scooped her into his arms and she squealed. He really surprised me when it came to Londyn. I didn’t expect him to want to spend time with her. He was almost nineteen.
A normal teenage boy didn’t want to spend time with a baby. A part of me thought he was doing it to show Mac he was growing up.

“Okay, I’m out. Mom said you could call her anytime if you need help.”

Dylan spoke with a baby voice, “We don’t need Gran, do we? Uncle D can handle a little baby.”

“Bye Londyn. Love you, princess.” I waved to her as I walked out and into the sunshine.
Hitting the car fob to unlock my doors I looked at my brand spankin’ new black Flacon Motorsports F7. She was pretty.

Sliding into the drivers seat I revved the engine. I loved that sound. The sound of raw horsepower. I felt like Mario Andretti. I sped all the way to Annie’s house. Jase was backing out as I pulled in.

He lifted his chin as he drove passed me. I parked and walked to her front door, knocking.

“It’s open.”

Opening the door I called out, “You know, that’s not very safe. I could have been some murderer looking for my next victim. You should always see who is at your door before telling them it’s open.”

Annie came walking down the stairs, putting her earrings in.
She looked beautiful. Even though it was late October the weather was nice. It was around eighty and sunny. She had on a light pink cotton dress that stopped at her knees and strappy sandles.

“Yes, because typically murderers always use manners and k
nock before entering their victims home. Thank you for the warning.” She stopped at the bottom step and smiled.

“You’re such a smartass.”

She nodded. “I know. So, where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“I hate surprises.”

“I know. That’s why I love them. Gets you all hot and bothered. Easier to take advantage of you that way.”

Annie huffed. She grabbed her purse off of the kitchen bar and stomped to the front door. I never moved. She yanked the door open and turned back to me. “You comin’ or am I going to have to go on this date all by myself?”

“That wouldn’t be much of a date, now would it?” I smirked. Strutting across her living room I walked passed her and onto the
small front porch.

She locked her door and turned on her heel. Her mouth dropped open. “What is that?” She lifted a shaky hand and pointed to my car.

“That would be my new car.”

“That is not a car. That is sex with a steering wheel and motor. You don’t take that to soccer practice or the grocery store.” Her voice was shaky, breathy. I liked it.

“Actually this is the first place I have driven it. Just got her yesterday. I figured a beautiful woman needed a beautiful car to ride around in.”

She lifted one eyebrow and pinned my with her stare. “Oh you are good. You are so good, Mr. Tucker.”

“Funny you should say that. I think you have told me that once or twice before. But, always in a different context.” Yep, I was being cocky. I couldn’t help that all my blood flow was now in my dick. My dick was talking for me. “You ready to take a ride in my sex on wheels, as you called it?”

Her cheeks turned a little red. “If it’s anything like you then I can’t wait.”

Fuckin’ tease.

ou’re taking me on a tour of the stadium?” Annie asked, sounding somewhat uniterested.

“Yes. But it’s not just any tour. This is the Gage Tucker Tour.”

“What makes your tour so special?”

“You’ll see.” I grabbed her hand and led her through the gate. I showed her every inch of the stadium.

She was trying hard to act interested. She was standing in the middle of the locker room. Her face twisted in disgust. “What in the hell is that smell?”

I laughed. “Sweaty men.”

“Don’t y’all believe in showers and air fresheners?”

“We have a cleaning service that comes daily. I guess you just can
’t kill the smell of pure male.”

“Maybe you should try some bleach. I think I’m going to vomit if we stay in here much longer.” Annie was covering her cute, wrinkled up nose.

“Fine. Come on. I have one last place to show you before we leave.”

“I hope like hell it smells better than this
malodorous male stinch.”

Rolling my eyes I held onto her elbow and led us out of the locker room. “It will smell like air. So you can stop holding your breath now.”

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