Bastard (17 page)

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Authors: J L Perry

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Bastard
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I set my alarm for 5:15am. There’s no way I was going to miss the show. My stepfather leaves for work at 5:30am. He only has to go and open up the store he owns on the weekends. He’s usually back by breakfast time. He works Monday through to Friday. He has staff who manage the weekend shift. Don’t ask me what he does. I have no clue. My mum did tell me once, but I wasn’t really listening. Anything she has to say about him doesn’t interest me.

His performance was well worth getting up at the butt crack of dawn. It was hilarious. After cursing his head off when he stepped in the shit, he marched over and bashed on Indiana’s front door. He had no proof it was her, or Larry, but of course I knew he’d blame them.

I couldn’t see the front of her house from my bedroom window, but I clearly heard Mr. Montgomery rip him a new arsehole. I kept my bedroom light off, but Indi didn’t. My eyes were glued on her while I listened to her father going off his nut.

Her ear was pressed up against her bedroom door as she listened to her father tell my stepfather off. A few times she covered her mouth and threw her pretty little head back, laughing at the things he was saying. I could feel my smile growing wider as I watched on. She’s a fucking legend in my eyes for what she did.


I’m not sure what time it was when I finally fell back to sleep, but I know I was beaming when I did. It’s kind of surreal how one person can make such a huge difference in your life. As much as I hate living here with Fuckwit, somehow the kid makes it all worthwhile.

Crazy but true.

Suddenly, I’m jolted out of my sleep by a high-pitched squeal. At first I’m in a daze, but then I remember it’s Indi’s birthday, and going by that scream, she’s just seen her car. Jumping out of bed I rush towards my window, just in time to see her launch herself into her father’s arms.

Sitting there in the driveway is the car her father bought her. There’s a huge red bow tied around it. Seeing her happy like this does something to me. I can’t really put it into words, but I know I’m fucking smiling again. Go figure. I’ve smiled more in the past few months since moving here, than I have in the previous twelve years since my life changed.

I watch on for a few more minutes before I head to the bathroom to take a leak. I want to give her the present I bought her and wish her a happy birthday, but I’ll wait until I go over there tonight. I’ll let her have this time with her father. I know she doesn’t get to see him as much as she’d like to.

For the rest of the day I just hang around the house, mainly in my room. I don’t feel comfortable in this place when Fuckwit’s home. I use this time to put the finishing touches on the drawing I made for Indi. When I’m finished, I place it in the frame I bought for her.

I’m not sure how I feel about giving her this, but fuck me, I want to see the look on her face when she sees it. I drew a picture of her and Larry. It was just from memory, but I’m happy with the way it’s turned out. It was from the first day when I arrived here, when they were playing ball out the front. She’s holding the ball high in the air, and Larry is jumping up trying to retrieve it.

Of course I couldn’t help myself. I’ve titled the picture, ‘My Man Larry and the Kid’. I know that’s going to piss her off. That’s exactly why I did it. Should be good for a laugh if nothing else.




My birthday has been wonderful so far. Best part is, it’s not even over yet. Meg and Carter are coming over for dinner and cake tonight. I have no idea why my dad invited him, but I’m glad he did. Not that I’d ever admit that out loud. I shouldn’t love being around him, but I do.

Meg comes over every year to help me celebrate. Usually I’d just wear jeans or something casual, but tonight I decide to make a bit of an effort. It’s not because Carter’s coming over. I just feel like dressing up. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I find myself smiling as I look out of my bedroom window at my new car sitting in the driveway. I friggin’ love it. I had no idea I was getting one. My dad is wonderful like that. It’s the most extravagant thing he’s ever bought me. I thought maybe I’d get one for my eighteenth or twenty-first. I’m not complaining though.

After my shower, I blow dry my long brown hair and apply a touch of makeup. I’ve decided on an emerald green sundress. It matches my eyes perfectly. I’ve only worn this dress once before, and received a lot of compliments.
I hope Carter likes it.

“You look pretty, sweetheart,” my dad says when I walk out onto the back deck.

“Thanks, Daddy.” Making my way towards him, I wrap my arms around his waist. I love him so much. “Do you want me to order the Chinese food?” I ask.

“Nope. Already ordered. I got all your favourites,” he says. Looking up at him I smile.

“You’re the best.” He kisses the top of my head before looking down at his watch.

“That reminds me, I need to go pick up dinner.”

“I’ll drive you,” I offer and he chuckles.

“You need to stay here and wait for your guests.” He’s right, but I’ve been finding excuses all day to drive my car. I drove us to our favourite pancake place for breakfast. I then drove to the shops to get some groceries. I even took the long route home because I wasn’t ready to get out of my car. It’s going to be great not having to get public transport everywhere. I’ll even be able to drive myself to school. I’ll miss travelling with Carter, but it’s probably for the best. He keeps reminding me that there is, and never will be anything between us. I wish that wasn’t the case, but I’m grateful he’s upfront and doesn’t lead me on. I’ve noticed the more I’m around him though, the more attached I’m becoming. I don’t seem to be able to control these feelings I’m developing.

Once my dad leaves to pick up dinner, I go about setting the table out back. I love it out here. The deck is raised high enough that you can see the view of the lake over the back fence. I’m lost in thought when Carter comes through the side gate. It’s only that Lassie bolts past me and down the back stairs, heading straight for him, that I even notice his arrival. Why does my heart race and stomach go into a flutter whenever he’s near?

He stops when he reaches the base of the steps. His eyes travel the length of my body before making their way to my face. The corners of his lips turn up into a smile. Why does the looks he gives me do funny things to my insides? He exhales before shaking his head.

“Well look at you. The
all grown up,” he says smirking as he makes his way up the back stairs. 

“Ha ha,” I reply narrowing my eyes at him. “You know, technically we’re the same age now, so if I’m a
that means you are, too.” He throws back his head and laughs.

“Nice try. At least I look my age, if not older.” God he infuriates me. How can he turn me on with just a look, and piss me off the next. “Happy Birthday, Indiana,” he says with a teasing, cocky smile. Ugh! I can tell he gets pleasure out of getting under my skin.

“Oh you know my name?” I ask sarcastically, even though hearing him say it did make my heart skip a beat.

“Of course I do. It’s not the first time I’ve used it either,” he whispers, leaning forward. “Have you forgotten that already?” I feel my face heat up. How could I forget that? He called out my name when his dick was lodged in my throat as I made him come. As embarrassed as I am right now, memories of that night send desire coursing through my whole body. So much so I have to clench my thighs together to try and relieve the throbbing that’s now present.

“No,” I whisper as I drop my head.

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” he says placing his finger under my chin and tilting my face upwards. When my eyes meet his, my heart starts to race again. He looks hurt. I don’t want him to think I regret what we did that night, because I don’t.

“I’m not embarrassed by what happened,” I tell him honestly.

“Good,” is all he says as his face inches towards mine. He places his lips softly against my mouth. “Happy birthday, beautiful.” Before I get the chance to take the kiss any further, he pulls back. “This is for you.”

I hadn’t even noticed he was carrying a gift bag in his hand. I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from his handsome face when he’s near. Unless he’s shirtless of course, then I’m all over that.

“You bought me a present?” I ask sceptically.

“I did. I bought you something, and I also made something for you,” he says with a smirk. That immediately has my suspicions rising.

“You made me something? It’s a bomb isn’t it?” He chuckles at my comment.

“No, it’s not a bomb.”

“Well, what is it?” I ask, holding the strings of the bag by my fingertips at arms-length.

“Open it and find out.”

“Okay,” I reply, still uncertain if this is a joke. Coming from him it’s liable to be anything. There are two things inside the bag. Something large wrapped in tissue paper. It looks like a picture frame or something like that, and a small gift-wrapped box. I pick up the smaller present first.

After I shake it and hold it to my ear, just to make sure it’s not ticking, my eyes meet his again. “It’s not a bomb,” he laughs. “I promise.”

Carefully unwrapping it, I open the small velvet box. I gasp when I see what’s inside. It’s a silver necklace with a dog charm pendant. It looks exactly like Lassie. I feel tears burn my eyes. This is the sweetest gift anyone has ever given me. Coming from someone who acts like he hates me most of the time makes it all the more special. I want him to like me. I want us to be friends. Maybe more, but I’ll settle for friends.

“Do you like it?” he asks.

“I love it.”

“Good. I’ve never bought a present for anyone before, so I didn’t know what to get you.” There’s definitely a sweet side to him. As much as he would hate me to say it, I’m seeing more and more of the real Carter. The one he tries so hard to keep hidden.

“Can you help me put it on?”

“You want to wear it now?” he asks surprised.

“Of course. I’m going to wear it every day.”

“You are?”

“Uh huh.” His face lights up. Taking it out of the box, I pass it to him. Turning around, I lift my hair out of the way. When his fingers lightly graze over my neck, I shiver and he chuckles. Arsehole. I swear he did that on purpose. Once he’s finished I’m surprised when he leans forward and places a tiny kiss on my shoulder, making my skin pebble with goose bumps.

I look at him over my shoulder. What is it with this guy that sends my body into overdrive? Nobody has ever made me feel the things he does, by just a look or a simple touch.

I’m surprised when I see a look of pure lust in his eyes. Just like the one he gave me that night when I was in his bedroom. His hands skim lightly down my arms before snaking around my waist. He then pulls my body against his. I can feel his erection pressing into my back. I guess I have the same effect on him.

His lips find my neck as they kiss a path up towards my jaw. I tilt my head to the side and softly moan. He turns me in his arms and my hands slide over his chest and around his neck, just as his lips meet mine. We agreed not to go there again, but when we’re together, it’s like there’s this magnetic pull drawing us to each other. I can’t explain it, but the way he looks at me sometimes, I know he feels it too.

A few minutes later when the doorbell chimes, we both pull apart from each other like we’ve been caught doing something wrong. How can something that feels so right be wrong? Carter clears his throat and I feel my face flush.

“That must be Meg,” I say brushing my hands over the front of my dress nervously. He runs his hands through his hair while staring at me, dumbfounded. I get the impression he doesn’t understand this thing between us either. “I better go answer the door.” I turn and walk away from him before he has a chance to say anything.

“Happy birthday, babe,” Meg says when I open the front door. “I saw your new car in the driveway. Eeeek. I’m so friggin’ jealous.”

“I know. I still can’t believe I have a car. Tomorrow, you and I are going for a cruise around town.”

“Awesome. Hey, are you okay? Your face is all flushed.” Which I’m sure only causes my face to go even redder.

“I’m fine,” I lie and she narrows her eyes at me. I hate that she can see straight through my bullshit. “Come in. Dad’s gone to pick up the Chinese food.” She hands me a present as she passes. “Thank you,” I say plastering a smile on my face.

I follow her out towards the back deck. She stops in her tracks when she sees Carter standing there, patting Lassie. Looking over her shoulder she smirks at me. Bitch. I guess she’s making her own assumptions as to why I was flushed when I answered the door.

“Carter,” she says turning her head back in his direction.

“Megan,” he replies with a nod. She smiles, looking between the both of us before she makes her way towards the table and takes a seat. I follow. I can just imagine what’s going through her head right now.

“Open your present,” she says when I’m seated.

“I still have one more present to open from Carter first.” Leaning forward I reach for the gift bag that’s sitting on the table.

“Oh. Did Carter give a you present before I arrived?” she giggles.

“Yes,” I answer. She’s such a smartarse. I know exactly what she is insinuating. “He gave me this necklace.” I hold it up for her to see.

“Jewellery? Hmm. Oh, that’s so pretty,” she says grinning when she leans over to get a closer look. “What else did he get you?” Her eyes move over to him and he squirms in his seat. Poor thing. Meg can be such a stirrer sometimes.

“You can open it later if you like,” Carter replies looking over at me.

“No she can’t. I wanna see what else is in the bag.”

“Meg,” I snap.

“What? I think it’s sweet that he got you a present.” Ugh! I wish I hadn’t said anything now. Opening the bag I pull out the other gift. I gasp when I unwrap the tissue paper. It’s a framed picture of Lassie and I playing fetch.

“Did you draw this?” I ask meeting his gaze.

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