Bastard (15 page)

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Authors: J L Perry

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Bastard
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“That’s not my name,” he grumbles.
We had this discussion last night.

“Carter,” I breathe.

“That’s better,” he says as his tongue finds me again. I thought his hands were magical last night, but his mouth … Oh. My. Fucking. God. Amazing. He is a man of many talents.

Within minutes I’m on the verge of another orgasm. I’m trying my best to suppress it. I don’t want him to ever stop what he’s doing. “I could do this to you all day,” he says, like he has just read my mind.

“I wouldn’t complain if you did. It feels amazing,” I reply, but it comes out more like a whimper. He growls against my sensitive flesh as he inserts two fingers inside me before hooking them. Fuck. I can’t hold back any longer. “Carter,” I moan as my hands tug on his hair. His tongue and fingers work feverishly as my orgasm hits me hard, followed closely by another one.
Holy crap.
I think I’m going to pass out.

He kisses his way back up my body until his lips meet mine again. I can taste myself on him, but it doesn’t turn me off in the slightest. My hand reaches down between us as I grip his shaft. Shit, he’s huge. “Let me do something for you,” I offer. I’m tempted to beg him to have sex with me, but I know that will just make me sound lame. Ending the kiss he looks down at me.

“You don’t have to. Just seeing you come undone is enough for me,” he replies as his face softens. I wish he was this sweet all the time.

“I want to.
I have no idea what to do, but you can show me. I’m a fast learner.” God, like that sounded any better. I feel my face flush. I should’ve just begged for sex. I hate that compared to all the other girls he’s been with, I’m so inexperienced. I’m sure they all knew how to please him. I clench my eyes shut. Somebody kill me now.

“Open your eyes,” he demands. I’m surprised to see him smiling when I do. “I like that about you. I love your innocence and that nobody has been where I’ve been.” I feel relieved that my naivety isn’t turning him off.

“Can you show me what to do? Show me what you like? I want to please you like you please me.” Leaning forward he brushes his lips against mine.

“Nobody has ever said that to me before,” he whispers as his eyes lock with mine.

“I’m sorry,” I say, feeling my face turn even redder. Now I feel like a complete idiot.

“Don’t be. Nobody has ever asked me what I like. What I want. They’ve only cared about what I could give them.”

“Well I care,” I say, reaching up and running my hand gently down the side of his face. And I do care. More than I’d like to admit.

His lips meet mine again as he rolls over onto his back, taking me with him. He lifts his hips slightly off the bed and pulls his pyjama bottoms down around his thighs. Grabbing hold of my hand, he wraps it around his shaft. My small hand barely reaches around his impressive girth. Placing his fingers on top of mine, he slowly moves my hand up and down his length.

“Yes, that’s it,” he moans pulling my lips towards his. “Just like that, beautiful.” I love that he keeps calling me that. I wonder if he says that to all the girls. I try not to let my mind go there. I want to believe that what we have is unique.

Eventually he lets go and I’m doing it on my own. He’s groaning as his hips buck against my hand. I pause the kiss to look down. I want to watch. I love that little old, inexperienced me is making him feel like this, that I’m capable of giving him pleasure.

His penis is the first I’ve ever seen in real life. Meg always says how ugly they are. She obviously hasn’t seen Carter’s, because his is beautiful. I continue stroking it as I sit up. I can see the pre-cum beading at the tip. I want to taste it. Leaning forward I run my tongue around the head.

“Fuck,” he hisses through a clenched jaw. I open my mouth and slide the tip inside. He starts to gently pump into my mouth as his hand threads through my hair, holding my head still. “I’m gonna blow,” he says suddenly trying to pull my head back. I don’t move. I want to keep going. I open my mouth wider and take him in deeper. Closing my lips around his shaft, I continue to work him with my hand. He pumps into my mouth a few more times. “Indi,” he cries out as his body shudders beneath me. “Sweet Jesus … Indiiii.”

This is the first time he’s ever called me by my real name.


“Indi. Wake up,” I hear someone say. Opening my eyes, I’m surprised to see Carter’s handsome face smiling down at me. “We must’ve fallen asleep,” he says in a sleepy voice as he rubs his eyes. What? I’m still half asleep and dazed. Then I remember where I am and what we did. I bolt upright.


“It’s okay. It’s still the middle of the night. I just thought you might want to get home before your dad finds you missing,” he says sweetly. Looking over towards his bedroom window, I see that it’s pitch black outside. In his room, however, it’s not. His bedside lamp is on. Shit. I’m still naked. My hands fly up to cover my breasts as my eyes frantically search the bed for my pyjamas. I can’t see them anywhere. I feel my face turn red. “Are you okay?” he asks, propping himself up on one elbow.

I can’t bring myself to make eye contact with him. “Do you know where my clothes are?”

“Hey,” he says, placing his hand under my chin to raise my face to meet his. “Are you okay? Are you having regrets?” he asks when our eyes meet. I’m not. How could I? What we shared tonight was amazing. I just feel a little uncomfortable now. It’s one thing to be naked in front of him in the throes of passion, but now not so much. It’s the first time I’ve ever let somebody see me like this.

“No, I’m not,” I reply honestly. “I just want to put my clothes back on.” He reaches out and removes my hands that are covering my breasts.

“Please don’t hide yourself from me,” he pleads. He almost sounds like he’s hurt by my actions. “Your body is beautiful. Don’t ever be ashamed or embarrassed by it. Especially with me.” He says it with so much sincerity I can’t help but smile. Who knew he was capable of saying something so sweet?

“Thank you.” What else can I say? He reaches down and retrieves my clothes off the floor.

“I mean it,” is all he says as he passes me my pyjamas. My smile widens.

Once I’m dressed I rise from the bed. I’m still shocked by what’s happened tonight. I’m not sure where this is going to take us, if anywhere, but I’ll never regret what we did.

Standing, Carter follows me towards the window. I’m not sure if I should kiss him goodbye, so I don’t. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say as I swing my legs over the windowsill.

“Hey.” He reaches out and gently grabs hold of my arm. “I know we were just mucking around here tonight, but don’t let it make things weird between us, okay?”

“Okay.” I turn my head and give him one last smile. “Goodnight,” I say as I jump off the window ledge.

.” Looking over my shoulder I narrow my eyes at him, making him chuckle. He stands there and watches until I’m safely back in my room. I lift my hand to wave before closing the window, and he flips me off. He’s smiling when he does it though. I guess that’s his way of keeping things normal between us.




As soon as she leaves, I lay in bed with a huge shit-arse grin on my face. Christ. My mind is spinning. Did that really just happen? I’ve never
gone all the way with a chick before, but fuck me, if what we just did didn’t satisfy me more than any of the others have in the past. I’d give anything to be able to fuck her.
. But, I can’t do that to her. She deserves so much better than a one-night stand. That’s all I can offer. I don’t do commitments.

I’m not sure what time it is when I eventually fall back to sleep, but I do know I dreamt of her when I did. I even woke up with a smile on my face. Shit. That’s not like me. I hope today things aren’t weird between us. I want things to stay just the way they are.

I don’t even notice that I’m whistling when I walk into the kitchen for breakfast, until my mum mentions it. “Someone got out the right side of bed this morning,” she chirps. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you looking so happy. It’s so good to see, sweetheart.”

“Morning, Mum,” I say kissing her cheek and ignoring her observation. My mood actually surprises me as well.

“With everything that went on yesterday, this is the last thing I expected to see this morning. I know how much you love that car.”

My car
. For a minute I thought she was talking about me and Indi. My head is so clouded with her that this shit with the car completely slipped my mind. The smile instantly drops from my face and that sick feeling I had all yesterday afternoon returns. I’d like to get my hands on whoever is responsible.

“I hope they find out who did this,” she says placing my breakfast in front of me. Suddenly I no longer have an appetite. I don’t know how I’m going to find the money for the repairs. My insurance only covers the other party if I have an accident. That’s all I could afford. “I won’t be needing my car today, sweetie. You can use it to get to school if you like.”

“Thanks, Mum.”

“Eat something,” she encourages, gently rubbing my back from behind me. “I’m sure Ross will get to the bottom of it.”

I fucking hope so.


Making my way towards the car I’m not sure if Indi is going to turn up, but I’m hoping she will. I’m surprised my stomach is churning about seeing her. I have no regrets about last night. How could I? I just want things to be normal between us again. I need to pull my shit together and play it cool. Last night was a one-time thing. As much as I’d like a repeat, for both our sakes, it can’t happen again.

I throw my backpack in the back seat just as Indi comes through the side gate. I hate that I have to take my mum’s car today. I hate that someone fucked mine up. God help whoever it was when I find out. Even though I’m pretty sure it’s that prick Brad.

“Hey,” she says walking towards me. “I thought we’d be catching the bus today.”

“Who said I’m giving you a lift?”

“What?” she gasps before narrowing her eyes. “I see you didn’t forget to put your arsehole attire on again today.” I chuckle at her comment. Thank Christ we’re okay.


“I heard what happened to your car,” Brad laughs as I pass him in the hall on the way to my locker. “Sucked-fucking-in.” I had planned on ignoring that prick until I had some kind of proof it was him, but not now. Not after what he just said. Something inside me snaps. My backpack doesn’t even hit the ground before I lunge at him.

I only get a few good hits in before I’m being dragged off him by one of the teachers. “Cartwright, Reynolds, principal’s office now!” he screams pointing down the hall. Great. After all the trouble I got in at my last school, I promised my mum I’d try and keep my nose clean here. Guess I just broke that promise.

The teacher leaves us both seated outside in the waiting room once he’s had words with the principal. “You’ll pay for what you did to my car, cocksucker,” I say through gritted teeth as I glare over at Cartwright.

“Good luck proving it, arsehole. You think I was stupid enough to do it in front of witnesses?” I fucking knew it was him. I rise from my chair, ready to give him another serving.

“Sit back down, Mr. Reynolds,” the principal says sternly from the doorway of his office before turning his attention to Brad. “Did I just hear you correctly, Mr. Cartwright?” Christ, I fucking hope he heard his confession.

“What?” Brad says as the colour drains from his face.

“If I’m not mistaken, I just heard you admit to vandalising Mr. Reynolds’ car.”

“Noooo,” that lying cocksucker squeals.

“So now you’re going to add lying to your list of offenses. I had the police here earlier this morning, making a few inquiries about this particular incident. I think I may need to call them back.”

“I didn’t do it,” he screeches, panic lining his voice. Like shit he didn’t. I’m so glad that smug bastard couldn’t keep his big mouth shut.


I received lunchtime detention for my part in the fight, but Cartwright got his pretty boy arse suspended. Indi’s dad came back to the school and took him away for questioning, and he was later charged with vandalism and malicious destruction of property.

After school was out, Indi and I made our way home. I’m glad last night hasn’t changed things between us. Although we still act like we annoy the crap out of each other, I think we’re actually becoming friends. I haven’t had a real friend since I was a boy.

After the day I found out the true meaning of what a bastard was, I started to act out. The older I got, the worse my attitude became. The friends I had back then were soon stopped from hanging around me. I guess their parents thought I was a bad influence. Maybe I was, but it only served to make me feel more worthless than I already did.

Indi’s dad comes out to greet us when we pull into the driveway. “Hey, Daddy,” she says as he walks towards the car.

“Hi, Pumpkin. Do you mind if I have a few words with Carter?”

“Not at all. I’m going to take Lassie for a walk before I start my homework.” We both watch her walk towards the house. Of course my eyes are glued to her arse again. Well I thought we were both watching, until I turn to face Mr. Montgomery and find him staring at me.

“Can I ask what your intentions are with my daughter?”

“We’re friends, nothing more,” I lie. Well it’s kind of true. Friends with benefits you might say, but I don’t have a death wish so I’m not going to tell him that.

“I’m not stupid, son. I see the way you both look at each other.” I nervously shove my hands into the pockets of my jeans. It’s one thing for me to know how I feel, but it’s another for anyone else to know. I don’t like where this conversation is heading. I’m waiting for him to tell me I’m not good enough for his daughter. I know that, but it’s gonna suck to hear him say it. Up until now I’ve liked the way he’s treated me. “It’s the exact same way I used to look at my wife when she first moved to town,” he confesses.

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