Bad For You: (An Older Brother's Best Friend Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Bad For You: (An Older Brother's Best Friend Romance)
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“Come here,” he
says, falling down on his back. His eyes fasten on me as I crawl over to him.
“Now turn your ass around.” I do as I’m told and look back at him from over my
shoulder. “Now feed me your pussy.” I freeze up. He smiles. “It’s too late to
get shy on me now.” He points to his cock. “I take care of you. You take care
of me. Let’s see who does the better job.”  

I chew on the edge
of my lip. I’ve never done this before. Sure, I’ve given blowjobs, and guys
other than Bracken have
to go down on me, but I’ve never done
them both simultaneously. My sex life didn’t take off until I’d gotten to
college only six months ago, so my experience is on a completely different
level than his.

He bends forward to
snag my leg and drags me his way. I take slow, deep breaths and carefully
position myself over him. He doesn’t waste any time. His tongue immediately goes
between my legs. All of that hesitation about not being experienced enough for
him is wiped away with the first lick. I’m a goner.

“Oh fuck,” I moan
out. My mouth falls open directly over his erection. I grin, dipping my head
down and wrapping my lips around the tip. He jerks underneath me as I draw his
entire length into my mouth.  

His tongue is causing
me to have a hard time focusing on my own job of sucking his cock. I need to
get my shit together before I lose our little game.

A powerful hand
grips my ass and brings me closer to him. I pull back when he smacks my ass. He’s
playing dirty. He’s eating my pussy for the win, and I need to suck his cock
the same way.

I level myself with
one hand and take him completely in my mouth. I use my other hand to massage his
balls. His tongue moves faster. I suck him harder. We’re both getting closer
and closer.

I lose it when he
shoves two fingers inside of me. They move in sync with his tongue, bringing me
to my brink. I don’t give a shit if I win or lose at this point, I’m only
worried about one thing: getting off. And that’s exactly what I do as I
embarrassingly scream out my release.

Seconds later, I
taste the saltiness of his cum filling my mouth. I suck him dry and swallow down
every bit.

“Let’s call that a
tie,” he says, slapping my ass again.

I blow out a long
breath and pull away from him. Silence devours us. The lights flicker a few
times and the room goes dark.

“Please tell me the
electricity just didn’t go out,” I mutter, blinking.

“I think so,” he
answers, with a chuckle.

I groan. “Go
fucking figure.” At least I don’t have to face him. That’s a plus.

“I think it’s a

“A sign for what?
The world is now ending because I sucked your cock?”

I shiver as his
cold hand runs along the inside of my thigh. “I think it’s a sign we need to
cure our boredom again.”

He grabs my hand
and places it over his cock. I can feel it hardening underneath my palm. He’s
ready for round two. I straddle his lap and slowly take him inside of me.

We fuck in the
darkness of the deserted hotel.

Our little

chapter eight





“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask, buckling up my

I merge onto the interstate to go home. The
streets are still in pretty rough condition, but they’re plowed.

We spent the rest of the night at the hotel. The
lights were still out after we finished up round two, which was even better
than her sucking my cock, and we dozed off after. It must’ve come back on
sometime while we were sleeping.

“Talk about what?” Nautica replies. Her voice
is cold and distant. Not good. She’s staring down at her phone like it’s the
most fascinating thing she’s ever seen.

She’s playing the innocent act, but I know
now there’s no innocence flowing through her veins. There’s a wildcat under
there, and the sensitive fingernail scrapes on my back further prove my point.

“About last night,” I say.

We’d done it again; severed the rules.
Delight shouldn’t have fogged my mind when I woke up this morning with her ass
plastered against my dick and my arms wrapped around her, but it did. It was so
much better than feigning sleep while she snuck out. It got awkward, though. We
barely said a word to each other as we brushed our teeth, changed clothes, and
got our shit together.

“Nope,” she answers, sharply.

“You kidding me?” I have to know where her
head is before we get home. We need to figure out a plan so we don’t get
ourselves caught up.

She releases a long, ragged breath as her
eyes deadpan on me. “No, I’m not
you. If we talk about it,
you’re probably going to tell me it was wrong and can’t happen again.” I
stupidly nod in agreement. “I don’t want to hear you say those words because I
don’t agree with them.” She signals between the two of us. “Us together, you
and me, it’s not wrong. It actually feels perfect, and I know you feel the same
way. So excuse me if I don’t want to hear you stutter out lies like,
can’t happen again,”
when we both know damn well you want it to. Quit
worrying about my brother. He’ll get over it. We’re grown adults.”

I’m lost for words. I definitely wasn’t
expecting all of that. This is worse than I thought. She wants us to be more
than a hook-up. She wants a commitment.

I’d be lying to both of us if I say I don’t
want more with her, but commitment isn’t my thing. I’m not looking for a
girlfriend or a wife. I enjoy fucking her, but that’s as far as shit will go
between us. I like my freedom too much.

She’s eyeing me with expectancy, like her
proclamation will fix everything, and we’ll be all hearts and roses.

“You know that can’t happen,” I say. Her face
shifts from hopeful to hostile. “It was a one-time thing.”

one time thing
that’s happened
She holds up three fingers and lets out a harsh laugh. “That makes
real sense.” Her purse lands on the floorboard with a thud, and she kicks her
legs up on the dashboard. “God, I’m so damn stupid.”

I feel like a fucking jackass. “You’re not
the dumbass one for leading you on.”

Her face turns red with fury. “Yes, I am
stupid. I thought maybe,
just maybe,
you might see me as more than your
best friend’s little sister. But, of course, I was wrong. You’ll never see me like
that. You only touched me because I was convenient, and you were horny. I’m
like all of those other girls, the ones you hook up with but get freaked out
when they want a commitment.”

I shake my head violently. “That’s not true. Don’t
compare yourself to those chicks. You know you’re fucking different. You’re so
much more.”

I should’ve never brought this up. Keeping my
mouth shut is the smartest thing I could’ve done. Now, she pretty much hates my
guts because I can’t explain to her how I really feel.

“I’m different for the fact that you have to
see me again. I bet you won’t even tell Simon. You’re too much of a coward to
tell him you screwed his sister.”

“You’re damn straight I don’t want him to
know, so I’d appreciate it if you’d keep your mouth shut. You know I’m
attracted to you. You’re sexy, smart, and a giant pain in my ass, but I enjoy
hanging out with you. Sure, there might be something more with us, but we can’t
explore that. We know it won’t go anywhere, and you know I don’t date.”

“Alright then,” she says, with a glare. “We
got each other out of our systems. Now we can move on to bigger and better

I let out a growl. I’m not okay with other
motherfuckers putting their hands, mouth, or cock anywhere near here. There is
bigger or better
than me. I don’t want anyone else to have her, but I
can’t cross that line, either. I’m a selfish man.

“You were right. It’s not a good idea to talk
about this shit,” I fire back.

I turn up the volume on the radio and
concentrate on the road. She pulls out a book and the ride goes eerily quiet. It’s
another four hours until we make it home. Four long as hell hours.  

The sound of her moaning my name is much more
gratifying than her silence.


* * *


“Do you want me to help with your bags?” I offer, pulling into
her driveway. I don’t want us to end on bad terms.

“Nope,” she snaps, her first word in hours.

I jump out of my truck, ignoring her answer,
and walk around to meet her. I open up the back door and capture her bag. She
throws her purse over her shoulder and snatches it from me.

“Thanks for the ride,” she says, her skin
bunching up around her eyes.

“Nautica.” I need to say something, to

Her hand flies up in my face to stop me, and
she gives me a cold glare. “Don’t. Just don’t.”

She whips around and heads up the porch
steps. I lean back against my truck and wait until she goes in before leaving.

I feel like an asshole the entire
three-minute drive to my house.

It’s for the best, right?

chapter nine





I toss my bag onto the entryway floor and head into the kitchen
to find my mom unloading groceries.

“Hi sweetie,” she greets, a bright smile on
her face. She scurries around the island in her black flats to wrap me in a
tight hug. “I’ve missed you so much. I’ve been counting down the days until I
had both you and Simon home.” She takes a step back to hold me at arm’s length.
“You look good. So much older.”

I kiss her on the cheek and pull away. “Mom,”
I say, around a laugh. “I’ve only been gone a few months. Not that much has

She squeezes my arm gently. “From a mother’s
standpoint you have.” She looks over my shoulder. “Did Bracken not come in?”

I’m unable to look her in the eyes. I feel
like she’ll know what we’ve done. “No, he needed to get home.”

Her ruby-colored lips turn into a frown.
“That’s too bad. I baked some cookies to thank him for giving you a ride. I
haven’t seen him in so long.”

“I’m sure he’ll be here sometime during the
break.” I give her a forced smile, hoping I’m wrong, but know I’m probably
right. He hangs out at our house more than he does his own.  

I grab a cookie on the way to help her unpack
the groceries, but she waves me away and tells me to sit down.

My mother is a beautiful woman. Her sandy
brown hair is flowing in loose spiral curls. I can see a hint of mascara along
her eyelashes. She takes care of herself well, but there’s no mistaking that
the loss of my father has taken a toll on her.

They were high school sweethearts. She got
pregnant with Simon during their senior year. She dropped out to take care of
him while my dad graduated and joined the military. Being a military wife was
difficult, but she engrossed her life on being a good mother.

But being a good mother doesn’t pay the
bills. When he died, everything changed. Simon was fourteen. I was ten. She had
no job, no work experience, or education, so it was hard for her to support us.
Bracken’s dad hired her at his dealership doing secretarial work, and she
cleaned their house on the side for extra cash. He also worked around her
school schedule when she decided to get her GED and then enroll in community
college to get a degree in medical coding. If it weren’t for Bracken’s family,
our lives would’ve been much harder.

I head up to my room after catching up with
her for a bit. I toss my bag onto my bed and start to unpack when my phone rings.

“Hello,” I say, answering Macy’s call.

“Hey girl,” she sings out on the other line.
“Did you make it home okay?”

“Yeah, Bracken dropped me off about an hour
ago. We had to stay at a hotel last night because the roads were so bad.”

She gasps dramatically. “You and him stayed
in a hotel room alone together?” Her words come out slow.

“We did.” I sit down and wait for the Macy
freak out.

“Did you fuck him again?” I stay silent. I don’t
want to go there right now. I’m still licking my wounds and pissed off. “Holy
shit, you did. I don’t know whether to cheer for you, or tell you you’re an
idiot for it.”

“It was an accident. It wasn’t supposed to
happen,” I say.

“Yet, it continues to.”

“I don’t know what to do. It’s not good for
us, but it’s like we can’t stop now that we’ve started.”

“Did you guys talk about it?”

“Not really. When he told me it wasn’t going
anywhere, I pretty much shut the conversation down. I wasn’t in the mood to
hear him say he basically used me. I might’ve punch him in the face or

“That’s bullshit.” She blows out a breath.
“God, I could kick his arrogant little ass right now. You wait until I get
home. If I see him, I swear to God.”

“Don’t say anything to him,
It’s done. It’s not happening again. Now, tell me what’s going on with you?” I
make myself comfortable. I’m exhausted from being worked out by Bracken last

She tells me about her parents and how
unreasonable they’re acting. Her mom has spent the entire time she’s been there
bitching about her dad and his new girlfriend. She feels like they were living
a lie for so long she doesn’t want to be around either one of them.  

“So when are you coming home?” I ask.

“In a few days.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then.”

“You too. Figure shit out with Bracken before
I come home or I’m kicking his ass.”

chapter ten





Two. That’s how many days I’ve been home. Two slow, long, and
rough as hell days since I dropped off Nautica.

Three. That’s how many days it’s been since I
was last inside of her, and it’s fucking torturing me. I’m going crazy. She’s
taken me over like an illness I can’t be cured of, and I’m not sure if I want
to be.

She hasn’t called or texted, but I’ve lost
count of how many times I’ve picked up the phone to do it for her – only
to chicken out each time. If she’s not calling, I’m not calling. It’s killing
me, but it’s for the best.

Distance is key for our situation. I need to
find a way to get my mind off her. I jacked off this morning thinking about how
soft her skin felt against mine, and her angelic, begging moans haunted me last
night. I feel like a damn high school kid again who just got laid for the first

I hate that she compared herself to those
other nameless chicks I’ve stuck my cock into. That’s not true. Being with her
is the best fuck I’ve ever had.

Simon sent me a text telling me he’d gotten
in this morning. Relief washed through me, but tension built up in my muscles
at the same time. I know hanging out with him will most likely cut away at my
hunger of wanting to fuck his little sister every second of the damn day, but
I’m nervous he’ll find out what I’ve done.

I throw on a shirt before grabbing my phone
to send him a text letting him know I’m on my way to pick him up for drinks. I’ve
missed my best friend like fucking crazy, but guilt still consumes me.

What if Nautica told him about us? What if I
pissed her off so bad that she wanted revenge, and she knew the best way was to
make me lose my best friend? I never put anything passed pissed-off females.
I’ve had my fair share of them doing crazy shit to get back at me, mostly along
the lines of fucking with my truck.

I snag my coat from my closet and head out of
my bedroom. The house is quiet, but I know it isn’t empty. I pass my parent’s
bedroom on the way to the stairs and stop abruptly when I see my mom sitting on
the edge of their bed, tears falling from her eyes. Seeing her this way isn’t
anything new, but it still hurts every time.

“You alright, ma?” I ask. I’ve only seen her
once since I’ve gotten home. She came downstairs to tell me hi, gave me a hug,
ordered me some food, and then went back up to her bedroom. She’s been caved up
in there ever since.

Sniffles escape her throat as she nods and
wipes her eyes. “You know I am, honey,” she lies.

I slide my hands into my pockets and rock back
and forth on my heels. It’s getting worse with each passing year, and I’m sure
my absence is only making it harder on her; making her lonelier.  

“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask.

Another sniffle. “No, I’ll feel better after
a nap.” She opens her nightstand drawer and the sound of pills rolling from a
bottle rings through our silence. I’m not sure how many she swallows down
before giving me a fake smile and waving me out. “Please shut my door.”

I take a step back and do as I’m told without
another word. It’s what I always do. I learned years ago to stop asking
questions and let her make the rules. If she doesn’t want to talk about it,
there is no talking about it. My mom is as stubborn headed as I am. So I keep
letting her pretend, which most likely makes me a shitty ass son, but there is
nothing more I can do. You can’t force someone who doesn’t believe they have a
problem to get help.

I tiptoe down the stairs and go out into the
garage. I jump into my truck and head towards Simon’s place. I definitely need
that drink to clear my head. I actually need a few of ‘em.

I wait in my truck for Simon to come outside
instead of going in. I can’t risk seeing Nautica yet. I need to get my head
straight first before I can face her in front of him.  

“Bracken, dude I’ve fucking missed you,”
Simon shouts as the passenger door opens and he gets in. “It’s been too long.”

I step on the gas pedal. “You have no fucking
idea,” I say.  

We bullshit with each other on the drive to
the bar, and I hope they have something strong – strong enough to make me
forget about her.


* * *


“It feels good to have a drink,” Simon says. He grabs the beer
from the bartender and takes a long swig. He wipes his mouth with his sleeve and
grins. “Damn, I missed this shit.”

I lead him to a table, and he sits down
across from me. He’s changed. The color of his hair still matches Nautica’s,
dark as the night, but the curls that once hit the bottom of his ears are
shaved off, along with the rest of his head. He’s in the best shape that I’ve
ever seen him in. The military is doing him good.

I take a long drawl from my beer. “I bet. I
can’t imagine being stuck trudging through the damn snow while some drill
sergeant screams at me for not making my damn bed right.”

“I’m not going to lie, it’s not fucking easy.
But if my dad did it for our family, so can I. Plus, I feel like I’m doing
something good, you know?”

I nod. Ever since their dad died, he’s been
trying to do everything to follow in his footsteps. “Do you have any idea when
they’re shipping you overseas?”

“I’m supposed to be leaving for my tour next

I suck in my cheeks and rub the back of my
neck. “Shit, that’s too soon. Be careful, man. Please be careful.”

“You know I will. I’ve got to be here for my
family.” He leans back in his seat and sets his hands behind his head. “How’s
my little sister? Is she going wild out there?”

I suck down the remainder of my beer and
signal to our waitress for another. “Eh, she hasn’t been too bad. It’s her
freshman year, so you can expect her to get a little crazy, but she’s called me
anytime she needed a ride or anything.” I grab the beer as soon as she hands it
to me and take a drink to swallow down my bullshit. 

He leans forward and slaps me on the back.
“Thank you. I really appreciate it, bro. I don’t know what I’d do if she was
out there alone. Thank fuck I can trust you with her. You know how college guys
can be. They’ll try to get in her panties and then never talk to her again.”

He lifts his beer up to
me. I oblige, and feel like a complete asshole when my beer taps his.


* * *


I find my dad sitting in the kitchen with a drink in his hand
when I get home from dropping Simon off. He holds up an expensive bottle of
whiskey when he notices me standing in the dim light.

“You want a drink?” he asks. I take a step
forward. His eyes are glossy, letting me know this isn’t his first glass.

I came in here for some water to help drown
out my buzz, but the taste of liquor sounds more appetizing. Whiskey is just
what the doctor ordered to wash Nautica from my thoughts because the beer is
doing a pretty shitty job. Nothing has changed.

“Sure,” I answer. I grab a glass from a
cabinet, and he fills it up when I hand it to him.

I sit down a few stools away from him and sip
on my drink. He plays with the glass in his hand. “It’s nice to have you home,”
he says. “I’ve missed you.”

He’s still in his work suit. His black hair,
peppered with a little grey, is freshly cut and swept back with gel – the
same hairstyle he’s had for years. The gold, diamond watch I bought him for his
birthday last year is wrapped around his wrist. He’s missing his wedding ring.

“I’ve missed you, too,” I say.

“Have you talked to your mother? Has she even
left her bedroom today?”

I blow out a breath. I don’t want to venture
into this conversation. “She was down here when I got home, but she hasn’t been
out since.”

He shakes his head in disapproval. “Shit,” he
hisses. “We have a dinner tomorrow.”

“I’m sure she’ll be back to her old self by
She always is.
She can pull herself together in minutes if it’s
for business or money. I don’t know how the hell she does it.

“Temporarily.” I can see the pain in his
eyes. The subject makes him just as uncomfortable as it does me. “How’s school

“Good. I can’t wait to graduate. One more
semester to go.”

“I can’t wait for you to be back here. You’re
the perfect man to take over the lot when I’m ready to retire.” He downs his
glass and pours another. “We do have some work to do.”


He swallows down another drink and nods. “Yes,
work. You need to start settling down. We need to find you a wife.” I almost
drop my glass at his words. That’s not happening. “It looks better,” he goes
on. “Family men get more business. People like to buy shit from people with

I shake my head. “A wife isn’t in the cards
for me anytime soon. I enjoy my freedom too much.” I chuckle. “I haven’t even
graduated college yet.”

He holds up his hand. “I get it, I get it. It
was hard for me to settle down, but your shit has to be together to run a
successful business. You don’t need money-hungry floozies using you.”

“Yeah, I’ll think about it,” I lie.

I stumble up the stairs to my bedroom after
we’ve both passed the line of being tipsy. My dad heads towards the guest
bedroom. I shut my door, strip off my clothes, and fall face first onto my bed.
I eventually gain the strength to flip myself over when I hear my phone go off
on my nightstand. I snag it and see a message from Kelly.

Kelly is a girl I occasionally fuck around
with when I’m home. Her text tells me she’s fully aware I’m here and wants to
get together tomorrow night for a drink and a fuck.

I ignore her message and scroll through my
contacts. Only one name is on my mind. It’s the one that shouldn’t be. Ringing
comes alive on the other end when I hit it.  


She either hit the ignore button or is
asleep. I hope for the latter. I decide to leave her a message.


“Hey babe, it’s me. Bracken.”
I hope
my words aren’t too slurred.
“But I’m sure you know that since it says my
name. Anyways, I want to apologize. I can’t stop thinking about you, and I
don’t want you to hate me. I was … shit … I am an idiot. I should’ve never
allowed myself to touch you like that. I should’ve never fucking caved. The
truth is, I’ve wanted you for so long. That night, it was like nothing else
mattered but the two of us, and there were no consequences. I want it to happen
again. I wish I could touch you … fuck you … again.”


I hang up.  

Then dial her again.  


“It’s me … again. I shouldn’t have said
that. Please erase that last message. I shouldn’t tell you how much I fucking
crave you, but I can’t keep lying. I wanted to touch you so fucking bad. Shit,
I still want to. I want to be back inside of you.”
I glance down at my
“And fuck me, I’m hard as a rock just thinking about your pussy. Shit!
Call me if you’re still awake. I need you.”


I hang up.  

And call her back.


“It’s me … again. I’m drunk and horny. If
you’re still awake, come over.”



Short, simple, and straight to
the point.

BOOK: Bad For You: (An Older Brother's Best Friend Romance)
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