Bad For You: (An Older Brother's Best Friend Romance) (4 page)

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chapter five





“When is Simon going to be here to pick you up?” Macy asks,
zipping up her suitcase.

Simon is coming home for the holidays, which
is exciting to both my mom and me. I was only able to talk to him on the phone
a few times while he’s been away at basic training. 

“He’s not picking me up,” I answer. She turns
around to look at me in confusion. “Bracken is giving me a ride.”

My plan had been to ride home with Macy, but
she told me a few days ago that she’s going to Florida for the first few days
of break to stay with her mom at her new beach house. Her parents had given her
the gift of divorce as her graduation present. Apparently, they’d wanted it for
years, but agreed to wait until after she finished high school to split up. They
couldn’t hold back any longer and broke the news to her that night. Her mom’s
bags were already packed and sitting by the front door. I spent that night by
her side, taking turns drinking out of a cheap bottle of vodka, and holding her
hair as she puked it out later.

“Bracken is giving you a ride?” she asks. “Bracken,
as in the off limits best friend of your brother that you bumped uglies with a
few nights ago?”

I set a stack of folded clothes in my
suitcase. “Bracken isn’t a very popular name,” I reply, sarcastically,
resulting in a pillow to the face.

“Are you going to give him a ride in the
backseat of that huge, sexy as fuck truck?”

“Really, Macy? You yourself just said he was
off limits to me.”

She snorts. “Just because you’re not
to do it doesn’t mean you can’t indulge a little bit, break some rules. Let him
eat your pussy or something.”

I rub my thighs together, remembering how
amazing his tongue felt between my legs and against my warmth. The man knows
how to use his tongue.

“Have you heard from him?” Her question
breaks me away from my thoughts.  

“He called yesterday,” I answer.  


“He asked how I was doing, and if I wanted to
talk about it. I obviously said no. Then he asked when I wanted to head home.”
I shrug. “That’s about it.”

She frowns. “You do know you two have to talk
about it sooner or later? He’s too close with your family to avoid it. You keep
delaying the inevitable, it’ll only get worse. Shit might blow up in your guy’s
face. You have a six hour car ride home, do it then.” She smacks my side, her
frown morphing into a grin. “And if you get a little booty after it, good for
you, girl. Get yourself a nice little Christmas present.”






“Be careful, be very careful,” Jasper
sings out. He slaps me on the back while I lock my bedroom door from the
outside. He’s never fucked with my shit, but I don’t want any of his company to
think my bed has open vacancy.

“Don’t do anything
I wouldn’t do,” he goes on. He pauses for a moment before giving me a sly
smile. “Actually, I’d probably fuck her again, so scratch that last statement.
I’d never use me as a reference in that saying because there’s not much shit I
wouldn’t do when it comes to getting some pussy.”

“I’m well aware of
that,” I mumble, heading towards the kitchen. I grab my mini-cooler from the
pantry and start to pack it with ice. “And how about you not try to get your
brain bashed in while I’m gone. I can’t afford rent here by myself, and it’s
hell trying to find a new roommate in the middle of the year.” 

He scratches his
head and joins me in the kitchen. “And how the hell would I manage to do that?”

I pull out bottles
of water from the fridge and pack them in the cooler. My dad taught me to
always be prepared. “By sticking your cock into another guy’s girlfriend’s

“Oh yeah, sorry
about that.” He’s still smiling, not even phased by the wake-up call we’d
gotten this morning from some asshole screaming on our doorstep, adamant on
kicking Jasper’s ass. “It’s not like she told me she had a boyfriend.”

“Next time, start
asking. He had forty pounds on you.” Jasper isn’t scrawny, but he isn’t built,
either. He’s tall and lean. I had to jump in and stop the guy from smashing his
head in with a baseball bat. “Make smarter decisions. I’ll see you in a few

“And you do the
same. Keep your dick in your pants around any chicks named Nautica,” he calls
out behind me as I walk out the door.

A new kick of
memories shoot through my mind every time she’s brought up. My cock instantly
remembers how good she felt. My brain might be screaming that it’s not smart thinking
about her like that, but my dick isn’t in agreement.

I throw my bag and
cooler into the backseat and head towards campus. It’s snowing hard, so I keep
my speed down. Even though my truck does well in shitty weather, I’m still

I’ve been infatuated
with trucks before I could even drive. My grandpa had one. My dad has one. Growing
up, I knew it was the only thing I wanted to drive. I worked for my dad during
my summer breaks in high school, saved up money, and bought my first truck from
him when I turned sixteen. My parents surprised me with a brand new one on my
graduation day. I’m now in my senior year of college working on my business
degree so I can take over my dad’s car dealerships when he retires.

I send Nautica a
text letting her know I’m on my way. My apartment is a few miles away from
campus housing. I prefer not to deal with undergrad, drunken bullshit. I spent
my freshman year in the dorms and it was hell. I didn’t have the patience in
dealing with disorderly drunken idiots, nor did I have a problem with telling
them that. After getting into three fights with my roommate, I knew I wasn’t going
through another year of it, and my parents let me move into my apartment.

I pull into the
first open parking spot and take the stairs up to Nautica’s floor. I’ve only
been in her dorm once, when I helped her mom move her in because Simon was
gone. I usually drop her off at the entrance in the mornings when she stays

I ignore the smiles
and whistles shooting my way as I head down the all-girls’ hallway. Her door
flies open after my first knock. Macy is standing in front of me wearing a pair
of tiny ass shorts and a tank top, sans bra. Her nipples are hard, and her lips
form a smile when she sees me. I already know she’s going to be a pain in my

“Bracken.” She says
my name with a purr and a bite of her lower lip. “To what do I owe the
pleasure?” She rests her hands on her slim hips and kicks her right leg out.

There’s no denying
that Macy is attractive, but she’s not my type. It’s not that I don’t like her,
or the fact that she explores her sexuality. Shit, I’ve probably fucked more
people than she has. What pisses me off about her is that she’s a shitty ass
friend to Nautica. She’s constantly ditching her, and has for years. Not to
mention, she drags her to damn near every party on campus.

“Nautica,” is my
only response. She’s still on my shit list for leaving her at the bar. I should
probably be thinking her for allowing me to get the best pussy of my life, but
I don’t.

She gives me a
sideways look. “She already left.”

I take a step back.
“Wait, what?” Did she find another ride home? There’s no way she’d do that
without telling me, right?

“Macy, stop messing
with him,” Nautica’s voice calls out, and she appears at her friend’s side. She
opens up the door wider, grabbing Macy’s arm so I can slide into the room. “Let
me grab my bag and I’ll be ready to go.”

I nod. Her room
looks the same as when I helped her unpack. Her side is organized to a tee,
which doesn’t surprise me. Her bed is made, a yellow comforter spread across
the twin mattress perfectly, and fuzzy pillows are lined up near the head of
it. She’s a neat freak. She’s been that way for as long as I can remember.

She says goodbye to
Macy. I don’t. I grab her bag, and she follows me out to my truck. I crank up
the heat as soon as we get in. I reach into the backseat and open up the cooler
to grab her a water.

“You ready for this
long drive?” I ask, backing out of the parking spot. It’s a six-hour drive from
here to Colorado.

She groans. “It
would be better if the weather wasn’t so disgusting out.” She signals out the
window. “I only like this shit on Christmas.”

“Babe, we live in
Colorado. How are you not used to this weather yet?”

“I’m used to it,
but that doesn’t mean I like it.”

“How does it feel
to have your first semester of college over with?”

“Relieving,” she
says, twisting the cap open. “I mean, you hear rumors about finals being hell
week, but it’s actually true. Luckily, I did pretty well, but I lost count of
the number of hours I’ve spent studying.” 

“Do you think you
did okay?”

She nods. “Yep. And
what about you? Are you ready to be done with it all and work for your dad? A
lot of people don’t work well with their family.”

“I look up to my
dad. I enjoy hanging out with him, and I can’t wait to show him what I’m made
of.” He might have some flaws, but we all do. He’s a good father, and an even
better businessman. I can’t wait to have his role when I take over the

“I’m sure you’ll do
well. You’re a good sweet talker.”

“Oh really?”

She nods. “Yes,
really. All you have to do is give that charming smile and say a few words to a
woman and she’ll buy a car from you. Shit, she’ll buy anything from you. You’re
a smooth talker.”

“Does that work
with you too? Will you do anything I ask?” I slam my mouth shut. I shouldn’t
have asked that. I wish I could take back my words.

She eyes the floor.
“Obviously, look what happened the other night.”

I open my mouth to
answer, to fix this, but my phone ringing stops me. Saved by the damn ring

“It’s your dad,”
she tells me, grabbing it from the cup holder.

“Answer it,” I
instruct. The weather is getting worse. My hands aren’t leaving the steering

“Hi Randy, it’s
Nautica,” she answers, casually. She’s tight with my family. My parents love
her. “I’m going to put you on speaker.”

She holds the phone
up in the air as my dad’s voice shoots through my truck. “The roads are getting
worse, and it looks like the storm is headed straight in your direction. If
they get too bad, you need to stop. Rent a hotel room and wait until it clears
up. You don’t need to be driving in this weather,” he tells me.

“Got it,” I answer.
“We’ll be careful and keep in touch.”

Nautica talks to
him for a few minutes about her finals before hanging up. Our conversation
isn’t brought back up, and we spend the next two hours listening to the weather
channel. My speed decreases with every mile as the roads grow slicker. The man
on the radio confirms that a blizzard is headed our way. Just perfect.

When we get to the
interstate it’s an even bigger mess. Every car is going slow with their
emergency lights on so the car behind them can see where they’re going. I keep
my eyes on the road; scared we’ll hit black ice. I’m not sure if we are even
staying in our lane. I grip the steering wheel so tight I’m waiting for it to
break, but I’m terrified we’re going to start sliding.

“I think we need to
stop,” I tell her. “It’s getting too bad. I don’t want to risk it.”

“I agree,” she
says. “It looks like there’s an exit coming up in a few miles. I’m sure it’ll
have somewhere we can wait until this thing blows over.”


* *



“One or two rooms?” the guy behind
the hotel’s front desk asks.

His eyes transfer
between Nautica and me curiously, which pisses me off. I’m sure we aren’t the first
two people of the opposite sex to come in and request a place to lay their
heads. I want to punch him in his crooked smile for the way he’s staring at

I look over at her
in question. I never even thought about getting separate rooms. 

“One room. Two
beds,” I answer him, but keep my eyes on her. “We’re only going to be here
until the storm calms and the roads clear. It’s stupid to pay for two rooms.”

And the thought of
hanging out in a hotel room alone for hours sounds like a fucking bore. I need
some damn company.

She nods in
agreement. “One room it is.
Two beds.”

I hand the guy my
credit card while she sifts through her massive-sized purse.  “Here, I’ll
pay half,” she offers, pulling out her wallet.

That isn’t fucking

I hold up my hand
to stop her, resulting in a frown coming my way. “Don’t worry about it,” I say.
She’s just as bad as her brother is about accepting handouts. “I would have to
pay for a room whether you were here or not.”

She tucks her
wallet back in her bag at the same time the guy hands me our key card. “You’re
in room two-twelve,” he tells us.  

I grab Nautica’s bag,
along with mine, and follow her towards the elevator. I sit our bags down on each
bed when we make it into the room and take a look around.

Two full beds, a
bathroom, a mini-fridge, and a TV. Not a dump, but nothing special. It’s a
standard room. There weren’t very many hotel choices on the exit we took, so we
settled for the nicest one we could find.

“Might as well make
ourselves comfortable,” I say, shrugging off my coat as she does the same
thing. I snag the remote from the nightstand and collapse onto the bed.  

I keep my eyes on
her as she slowly progresses across the room to the other bed. There were so
many times I wanted to talk to her about our night together during the car ride,
but I kept my mouth shut in fear she didn’t want it brought up.

What is going
through her mind about me? About us? Does she regret it? Is she going to tell

 “I guess so,”
she replies, hesitation sliding along her words.

This wouldn’t be so
awkward if I hadn’t fucked her the other night. We would be joking around and
completely comfortable around each other. Things are different now. I should’ve
thought with my brain instead of my cock. 

She slides off her
shoes and makes herself comfortable on the bed. I look around, suddenly becoming
aware of the situation we’re in. I set myself up for disaster. We’re only a few
feet away from each other in a hotel room

All I can think
about is the multitude of dirty things I can do to her on that bed. How I can
slowly undress and kiss every inch of her delicious body, and fuck her again
like I’ve been fantasizing about non-stop. I can stand up, take one step, and
touch her. And that’s exactly what my fingers are itching to do.

I should be
fighting, resisting this urges, but I’m only feeding them with my imagination.
Thoughts of how amazing it would feel to pass the time in-between her legs, and
how badly I want to feel her suck my cock won’t leave me.

I shake my head. I
need to pull myself together. I lean back against the headboard and try to
concentrate on the weatherman. Fuck, more snow, and it doesn’t look like it’s
stopping anytime soon. We’re going to be here for a while.

I’m going to be
locked in a room with my temptation, no way to escape, for who knows how long.
This is going to be a mother fucker.

“Now that we know
we’re stuck here let’s watch something decent,” she says.

“Sounds good. What
are you up for? We can rent a movie?” I suggest. I toss the remote over to her.
“You pick.” She flips through the movies and stops on the one I definitely don’t
want to watch. “Nu uh, anything but that. I’m not up for watching dudes strip
down to that,
“Ride My Pony,”
song. I’d rather watch the damn
weatherman.” Shit, I’d rather watch Dr. fucking Phil.

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