Baby Stetson (Love and Music in Texas #1) (26 page)

BOOK: Baby Stetson (Love and Music in Texas #1)
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“Like? Lucas, this is amazing! You’ve already done so much, and yet you keep showing me more and more. I don’t know how to ever thank you. I know, I keep saying that, but...”

Lucas tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I already told you, I don’t need anything, Avery. Your happiness is important to me.”

You’re important to me, Lucas.

“So, your birth mother can’t meet you until tomorrow evening. I thought, with your approval, that we could do some sight seeing. I’ve got a whole plan, if you agree. You just tell me what you want.”

Avery’s breath caught. The moment of truth. Tomorrow night. And in the meantime, spending time with Lucas? Could she have it any better. “I’d love that, Lucas.”

“Good. I was hoping that would be your response.”

Avery could get used to seeing that smile on his face. He showed it to her more recently.

What did he have planned now? It couldn’t get any more perfect, could it?

“So, we’ll go get our reservations at the hotel confirmed, see the suite, put our stuff there, and then grab some dinner, if you’re hungry. Or get some rest, depending on what you feel when we get there.”

It was so late, but the city was alive and buzzing.

“Sounds wonderful, Lucas,” Avery said dreamily. She only half heard what he said. She was too busy floating on cloud nine.

She couldn’t believe her eyes when they pulled up in front of the hotel. Hotel? Bah! This place was like a resort! Nothing like the inn at all. She took in all the sights with wide eyes as a bellhop loaded their belongings on a cart. Lucas took her hand and led her indoors.

An indoor fountain greeted them, cascading a waterfall of water. A spiral staircase was to her left, and the entire room was probably bigger than half the inn’s square footage put together. “Lucas, this is too much,” Avery whispered, tugging his arm. She didn’t even want to think about what the bill was for a night here. Avery couldn’t just let him take care of everything like this, and she couldn’t even imagine how she’d repay him for this. She didn’t have that kind of money. Hell, how did Lucas afford this?

“Actually, I had nothing to do with this part.” Lucas put his hands on her shoulders and looked her square in the eye. “Your birth mom set this up. I’m just delivering. It’s okay, Avery.”

He was so sincere that Avery went with the flow. Let it be part of the adventure.

Lucas took her hand again, and together, they walked to the check in desk. They were handed two key cards after all their information had been filled out. The burly man with a long beard that had been pushing their cart followed them to the elevator as they rode four stories to their suite.

“Enjoy your stay.” The man smiled as Avery squealed with delight when they reached their suite. Made up of two rooms, a kitchenette, a master bathroom with a hot tub, and the view from the balcony, this was a place of dreams. Avery whirled around the room, dizzy with happiness.

“This place is magical!” Avery could hardly contain her excitement.

Lucas laughed. “It’s ours for the next week.” He tipped the man who’d brought up their luggage and then they were left alone. “Are you hungry?”

“I’m starving. I couldn’t really eat on the plane. Too nervous.”

“Okay. Do you want to go out for dinner? We can take a walk around, see what there is to eat, or I can order something and have it brought in. Whatever you’d like, Avery.”

“I think I’ve been sitting so long, taking a walk would be great. But what about you? You aren’t tired?”

“Not by a long shot,” Lucas said. “I’m too wired. A walk it is.” He held out a hand to her. “Shall we?” When Avery put her hand in his, he made his move to sweep her into his arms and kiss her right on the lips. Avery squealed in surprise, but gave into the kiss. “Surprise.” He laughed when the kiss ended. “I’ve waited awhile to be able to kiss you again. I can’t keep away from you, Avery. You’re a sweet habit.”

“Oh, am I?” Was it wrong for her to take just a little comfort in that?

“You are.” Lucas said it so seriously, Avery shivered.

“Come on. Let’s go see what’s around here.” Lucas held the door open for her, reaching for her hand again when they took the elevator downstairs. People came in and out, not even giving the pair a second glance. Back home, if someone entered an elevator, they would strike up a conversation. But this wasn’t home. Harmony’s Echo was like a tiny speck of dust in comparison to the outskirts of Los Angeles.

What a difference.

Walking hand in hand with Lucas outside, Avery took in all the lights, the crowds of people. What time was it? After ten? The city was so ablaze with activity. The streets were busy with cars, rushing, honking and moving along at a quick pace. Building after building crowded the horizon. They were all so tall! She couldn’t see the stars.

Yes, a definite far cry from small town life. Still, Avery looked at the surroundings with awe. She’d never seen anything like it.

Lucas squeezed her hand, pulling Avery out of her thoughts. “What are you thinking about? You seem so far away.” He pointed to a sign across the street. “Nothing fancy, but do you want to eat there? It’s open, available, and doesn’t look too bad.”

Avery’s gaze traveled to the spot Lucas pointed at. The restaurant sign flashed in bright neon lights. A young couple strolled out from the entrance, laughing and talking while easing through the parking lot.

Avery nodded. She was famished, and as wonderful as this walk was, she could definitely eat. She imagined they’d want to go to sleep soon, if Lucas had a full itinerary for tomorrow. “Let’s go.”

Forty five minutes later, their suite was a welcome sight. Full, content and exhausted, Avery sank into the large couch when they finally made it back and heaved a sigh. Lucas lifted her stretched legs and sat beside her, placing her feet over his legs and throwing another gorgeous grin her way. “Tired?” he asked, his fingers drumming on her legs. Her feet ached and throbbed. That’s what she got for not changing her shoes and walking around in sandals. Still, it was worth it.

“Yes and no.” Avery closed her heavy eyelids and leaned back. Her head nearly sank into the large, plush pillow. The soft fabric felt cool and comfortable on her cheeks.

“Too tired to give that hot tub a go?”

Avery snapped her eyes open. Lucas’s eyes danced and a mischievous smile lit up his entire face. “If I go in that tub, I’d probably drown. I get very relaxed in a hot tub.”

Lucas ran a hand up her leg and rested it right on her thigh. With the tips of his fingers, he gently rubbed, inching closer and closer to another throbbing spot. Avery swore under her breath, which only made Lucas chuckle.

“I’m sure we can find ways to make sure you’re not too relaxed.” Lucas moved her legs once again, got to his feet, and peeled Avery off the couch. He swooped her up in his arms and carried her off to the bathroom.

“Lucas!” Avery cried out, trying not to laugh. Oh, but this bathroom was huge! The bathroom itself was almost as big as her bedroom back home. And that tub would fit the both of them easily. He set her down gently on her feet and reached for the bottom hem of her shirt.

“You know you want to,” he said in a low, inviting tone. “Look at that water. They already have it set. All we have to do is turn on those jets. What do you say?” He winked. God, she loved that look in his eye.

Her heart raced at the thought of the things they could do in that tub. “You know, I’m suddenly a little more awake,” Avery mused, finishing what Lucas started and tossed her shirt over her shoulder and dropped it on the floor.

“You’re beautiful, Avery Callimer,” Lucas noted softly, tracing the tips of his fingers over her naval, up her stomach to the front of her bra. Avery shivered at the effect. “I want you.” To prove it, Lucas positioned himself closer to her, pushing his erection into her pelvis. “And this time, if you’ll have me, I’ll do much better and last a lot longer.”

Chapter Twenty One

Avery moaned and undressed faster than she ever had before. Lucas turned the jets on. Within seconds the water rolled around, bubbles forming at the edges and in the middle of the tub. It looked so inviting!

Sex in a hot tub. That would be another first for her. Avery was about to step in the tub with Lucas when she remembered. “Oh! My bracelet. I don’t want to wear it in the water. I’d be afraid of losing it.” Lucas unclasped the bracelet and handed it to her. Avery placed it on the counter and hurried to join him in the tub. The hot water felt so good! Avery lowered herself into the tub, her back leaning against one of the jets. Lucas cupped his hands and tossed a large handful of bubbles in her hair. Water splashed at her face. “Lucas!” she sputtered, splashing back. He caught her hand mid-splash.

“I’ve got you now.” He knelt before her, trailing kisses up her arm, to her neck. Lucas let go of her hands and instead cupped a breast.

Yes you do. In the palm of your amazing hands.

A cry rippled from Avery’s throat when Lucas dipped his head to suckle her breast. She arched her back, and the pressure of the jet stream slammed right in her lower back, only driving her need and desire for him higher. Lucas lifted his head just for a second and focused his dark eyes on her, filled with the most desire she’d ever seen. Avery took that moment to strike. She reached for him, pulling his face to hers for a kiss. He tasted so divine, and he matched her kisses with the same intent.

“I never felt so much until you, Avery,” Lucas mumbled between kisses. “I feel alive, thanks to you.”

Avery said nothing. Instead, she cupped Lucas’s face in her hands. She could only stare at that sexy face for so long until she buried her face in his chest. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

“I don’t need you to say anything, I just felt like you should know.” Lucas cradled her head, his strong arms keeping her secure as he held her tight. “I’m falling for you, Avery.”

Had she heard him right? Did he really say what she thought he did? Avery lifted her face to meet his gaze.

“I need you, Avery.” Lucas’s voice cracked, thick with emotion. His arms tightened around her. “I want to make love to you so bad. I want to feel everything with you, Avery.”

Lucas had so much emotion tonight. His words, his actions lit a fire within her that could possibly never be put out. Avery ignored any slight reservations she held about getting this involved with him again and reached for him. Avery guided Lucas’s cock to the entrance of her vagina. Slowly, Lucas entered her. Immediately, Avery cried out with pleasure. She was about to explode. The water, the feel of Lucas’s hands running all over her body and the way he moved in and out slowly, he was going to drive her to desperate measures.

Lucas’s lips met hers once again, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip lightly. She groaned beneath him. “Are you comfortable? Is this okay?”

“It’s perfect, Lucas. Everything is perfect,” Avery whispered. And it was. He was so passionate, catering to her every need, want and desire. There was no denying the look in his eyes, in his touch. Lucas had come alive with her. Away went his reserved attitude, instead replaced by a man who no doubt would give his all to her.

She wrapped an arm around his neck and drew his face closer. With her other hand, she ran it through his hair as he thrust faster, deeper into her. Their bodies molded into one, the water splashing over the edge of the tub.

“You’re perfect. How could you get any more perfect?” Lucas muttered, pulling back to stare deeply into her eyes. His mouth opened in an O of pleasure. Avery just wanted him near. She melted into his embrace and touch. Lucas let go of her breast and his arms drew her to him once again. He pressed kisses into her temple, in her hair. They reached an explosive climax together. Avery buried her face in his chest and the tears flowed. Amazing. Amazing!

Lucas breathed heavily. Avery could feel his heart racing, and as the seconds flew by, it slowed back to a normal pace.

Then Lucas pulled out and took a spot next to her. She felt him stiffen beside her and then he swore. “Avery?”

“Yeah?” She leaned her head back, needing to recuperate from the experience. Her eyelids closed, shrouding her vision to darkness.

“We didn’t use protection.”

Avery snapped her head up, eyes opened, suddenly alert. He was right. They’d been so in tune with each other that Avery hadn’t even thought about it. “I’m on the pill, but I hadn’t even thought about that.”

“I’m really sorry, Avery. I never do this without protection.” Lucas’s eyes darkened. “I didn’t mean for it to happen this way.”

“Hey, I forgot about it just as much as you did.” Avery tried her best to reassure him. What were the chances? She’d probably be fine and they had nothing to worry about. “Don’t beat yourself up over it, Lucas.”

He didn’t reply. Avery could tell he was bothered by it, but he had no more comments on the matter.

After what seemed like a long moment of silence, he spoke again. “You ready to get out? Get some rest?”

Avery nodded. Lucas climbed out of the water first, turned off the jets and grabbed one of the large, white towels, wrapping it around himself. Then he reached for another towel and held it open, waiting for Avery to step into it. He surrounded her with it and kissed her neck. “That was amazing, just so you know. I’m in awe of the power you hold over me.”

“You say the sweetest things.”

“I say what I mean, Avery.” Lucas held her gaze, until she looked away.

What would happen with them when it came time to go back to Harmony’s Echo?

They dressed in silence. Avery couldn’t wait to climb into that bed and sleep. What a day it had been already. Lucas disappeared into the living room of the suite, and when he didn’t come back for a few minutes, Avery followed, curious as to what he was doing. She found him messing with the pillows on the couch. “What are you doing, Lucas?” He straightened. He’d put only a pair of boxers on. “Aren’t you coming to bed?”

“You want me to come to bed with you?”

Why did he actually sound surprised at that? After all the time they’d spent together, and the intimacy in the hot tub, he actually thought she wouldn’t want him to share the bed?

BOOK: Baby Stetson (Love and Music in Texas #1)
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