Baby Stetson (Love and Music in Texas #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Baby Stetson (Love and Music in Texas #1)
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Moron, moron, moron!

Lucas pounded his pillow. He’d said too much. He’d thought too much. Almost giving into temptation would have been the worst mistake he could ever make. No, on second thought, the second. The first had been sticking around when he was younger. He should have just found a way to cut out and disappear, never to be found again. He could have done it, easily. They would have forgotten him after some time, and then he wouldn’t be in the fucking predicament they’d put him in now.

And damn that Avery Callimer for being so likable. With her full, kissable lips and the way she’d responded to him, she wanted him as much as he wanted her. And what did he go and do? Push her off like an idiot! The look of hurt on her face shouldn’t bother him so much, yet it did. Then she got a phone call and ran off, so Lucas never had the chance to apologize, to try and make things right.

This is why I’m no good for a woman. I can’t even get my shit together when I initiated something.

It wasn’t like him to turn down a willing woman. Especially one like Avery.

Her long, silky hair. He remembered the night he first saw her on stage, her powerful, sweet voice etching a spot into his mind leaving an imprint. Then the cold truth of reality rushed back. He wasn’t here for pleasure, and damn it, he’d be good to remember that.

Chapter Nine

A vase filled with red roses greeted Avery in the dining room the next morning.

Where had those come from?

“Mom? Dad? Are you still here?”

Avery doubted they would be, as by this time, at least one of them would be at the inn working. Avery walked around the counter and leaned closer to inspect the vase, hoping for a card to signify who they were from.

Aha! Good. There was one. She reached for the small card, eager to know. Her name was scrawled in messy writing over the top of the card. Avery opened it and read.

I’m sorry. I know I’m driving you crazy.


With a sigh, Avery placed the card back by the vase.

There you go again, Lucas. Just when I’m ready to shut you out of my mind, you go and do something sweet.

She inhaled, taking in the sweet smell of the roses.

Lucas was bad news. The best thing she could do for herself was to stop thinking about him all together. With his wishy washy attitude, she just didn’t need it. Besides, what did she know about the man anyway?

Sure, he’d opened up last night, though it wasn’t much.

Lucas had been utterly torn by something. He’d been all over the place with what he wanted. So whatever. As much as Avery couldn’t deny a strong attraction, she didn’t need his drama.

She had enough of her own to deal with.

Speaking of which, Avery needed to hurry, grab her mother’s prescription so that she could meet up with Rodney. Today, she’d be taking the next step to finding out if he was her biological father or not. Avery grabbed an apple from the wicker basket on the table and bit into it, searching for her purse. There it was, on the end table, where she’d tossed it hastily last night after bolting from Lucas’s room. Mom and Dad had been asleep when she came back, and now she’d missed them this morning. It seemed like they worked harder and harder at the inn all the time, and especially when they were short staffed. It wasn’t right. Even though she didn’t particularly want the inn, it sucked that they weren’t enjoying retirement or something.

For the most part, her parents enjoyed the inn. Even in a small town, with a place by the highway, travelers passing through stopped over a lot. Avery found it fascinating and interesting to learn about the different visitors, and what they did in life. Harmony’s Echo was just a pass through town. Not many ever stayed long. Strangers in and out, that’s all Avery had ever known.

Now, two mysterious strangers wound up here, found a place in her life and she didn’t know what to do with them. Well, Lucas, what did he really do to have a place in her life? Nothing, other than drive her nuts, that is. Lucas was a man of many secrets. Why? What reasoning did he have to be so reclusive? Not that it was any of her business, but the way he pushed her buttons ... Argh!

There she went again, allowing that man to slip into her thoughts again.

“Get out of my head, Lucas, and stay out,” Avery muttered, staring hard at the roses.

It was a thoughtful gesture.

Forgetting about Lucas? It wasn’t going to be so easy.

Ten minutes and many jumbled thoughts later, Avery stood in the line to pay for her mom’s prescriptions. The line moved forward quickly.

Now, to drop them off at the house, stop by the inn and say hi to Mom and Dad, then to find Rodney.

On the way back, Avery thought about filling her parents in right then and there about what was going on. She wasn’t lying to then, but she wasn’t doing any better by avoiding the conversations. She’d never, ever been one to not talk to them, so why the hell would she start now? Those were bad habits, and Avery already had enough of those. Didn’t everyone? She didn’t want to add secrecy to the list.

Secrets. There she was judging Lucas for having them.

She had no room to talk. No room to judge.

Avery couldn’t even strike up the nerve to pursue her dreams. She couldn’t tell her mom and dad how even though they gave her love, a place to belong, that part of her still didn’t feel like she belonged. Just a small part, but it was enough to make her feel guilty for feeling it.

By the time she’d put the bag on the table and headed to the inn, Avery still hadn’t come up with a decision.

Mom stood behind the desk writing in a book. She looked up when the bell rang, signaling Avery’s entrance and her face broke out in a smile. She waved. “Hey! Good morning honey.”

Avery planted a kiss on her mother’s temple. “Morning, Mom. I’m sorry I forgot your meds yesterday.”

“Oh, it’s fine. Your father is just worrying over nothing. I told him not to call you and bother you last night. I had a feeling you hadn’t heard me anyway, and I never did get a chance to confirm if you had or hadn’t heard me. I love the man dearly, but he’s such a worry wart.”

Avery smiled. “Well, I worry, too. I took your pills home. They’re sitting on the table next to the roses.”

Her mom’s eyes lit up. “What a beautiful surprise they were this morning! When I saw they were for you, I could hardly contain my excitement. Who were they from? Jameson?”

Avery shook her head. “No, Mom. Not from Jameson, though we did talk the other day to clear the air. I think we’ll be okay.”

Mom’s eyebrows raised. “Well then, who are they from?”

“Lucas,” Avery whispered, looking around to make sure he wasn’t anywhere in sight.

“The guest that’s staying here? Your dad mentioned something about being seen with him. He’s good looking, honey, but what’s going on with the two of you?”

“We’re ... connecting. He’s nice to talk to.” When he actually talked, instead of kissing her senseless then running off. That didn’t matter any longer. Avery would put a stop to that. No more kisses from Lucas. No more of it at all.

“Well, a man doesn’t send you flowers for no reason,” Avery’s mother prompted.

That was true.

“Okay, it was an apology over a disagreement. Nothing major. I enjoy talking to him, but I know he’s a guest. There’s nothing to fret over,” Avery promised, hoping like hell she sounded sure of herself, because she didn’t feel it.

“I know you’re a grown woman and all. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Avery giggled. “See? You can’t blame Daddy and I for worrying about you when you worry just as much. It’s part of loving, isn’t it? Just like you always say.”

“I always knew when you got older, my words would come back to haunt me,” her mother said with a smile. “Hey, we need to make some time for dinner soon, the three of us. It’s been far too long. What do you say? Tomorrow night?”

“I’d love that. I was just thinking the same thing.”

“Good. Then it’s settled. Are you working today?”

“I’m going to come back in a few hours, then we’ve got a show tonight.”

“When are you going to pursue that dream of yours? A voice like yours shouldn’t be hidden in a small town.”

Avery gaped at her mother. That was the first time she’d ever said anything like that. While her parents loved Avery’s singing, and she knew they supported her, it still managed to catch her off guard. She shrugged. “I don’t know, Mom. I love being here with you and Daddy.”

“I know you do, but honey, don’t think I don’t see the way you light up when you’re on stage. Some people want a family and love, which I hope for you, but Avery, you’re thirty two years old. Isn’t it time you follow your heart’s desires? I love you and love seeing you every day, even if it’s only for a little while, but you’ve got a talent like I haven’t seen in years. I really think you need to go after it. Don’t feel like you have to stay here because of us.”

“I-” How ironic. Wasn’t it just a few nights ago that she and Lucas had a conversation about this?

“We’ll talk later about it. But I’m serious, sweetheart. I’d love to know what you want for yourself. Don’t sell yourself short just to spend time around us.” The firm but loving look on her mother’s face brought a tear to Avery’s eye. She quickly wiped it away.

“Thanks, Mom.” Avery hugged her. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too. Now, go on and have a good day. I’ll see you later.”

Avery walked away, glancing back once more. Mom busied herself with computer work. At least she wasn’t upset about the medicine mishap yesterday. Good. But what made Dad go almost off the deep end last night? He’d been so angry. That bothered her. Well, she’d just have to find him later and talk to him. She also had to clear the air about why she’d been spending time with a few of the guests. Damn Alice and her prying eyes. She loved to make trouble.

When she reached the third floor, Avery hoped not to run into Lucas. She wasn’t ready to face him right now. She just needed to stay away and focus on other things.

“Morning!” Rodney opened the door after the first knock. “I’m glad you made it.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Avery asked.

Rodney shrugged. “I guess I’m a bit nervous. I let doubts get the better of me.”

“I can understand that.” Avery nodded. “Do you want to take separate cars or just one? I assume you’ve made the arrangements?”

Rodney pulled a slightly crumpled piece of notebook paper from his jeans pocket and waved it at her. “All here. We can take one car. Yours if you feel like driving.”

“Okay. Well, I suppose we’d better get on with it.”

And get away from here so that a specific person I don’t want to think about doesn’t step out of his room.

“If you want to grab lunch afterwards, it’ll be my treat.” Rodney fell into step beside her.

“That sounds wonderful. I’d love to!”


Lucas woke to voices outside his door, or somewhere in the vicinity. Taking a late morning nap had been a stupid idea, something he never did except for when he nursed a hangover. Even with the medium amount of alcohol he’d consumed last night, he’d made an ass out of himself. He had never been one to hold his liquor very well. It was all for the best anyway, as he never wanted to fall down the path that his parents did. One slip up like this, and feeling the aftermath would set up the perfect reminder for Lucas to not touch the shit at all.

Duly noted, body. Duly noted.

What time was it, anyway?

Lucas blinked, waited for his vision to clear and reached for his cell phone charging on the nightstand beside him. Just a little before eleven. Damn it, the day was half wasted already.

His phone went off in a familiar ring tone. He groaned again. He could ignore it, but ... nah. Might as well face the music now. Lucas answered. “You always find the worst times to call,” he snapped.

“Good morning to you too. Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?”

“A little bit. What do you want now? I don’t have time to idle chit chat.”

“I’m hurt, Lucas. After all I’ve done for you, and yet you treat me with such disdain?”

Lucas’s nostrils flared. “All you’ve done for me? I’m like a puppet on your string! I want out. I want to be free.”

Maybe have a chance at a real life.

A sigh. “Haven’t I been good to you?”

Was that almost genuine hurt he heard? Yeah right. Good acting.

“By keeping me out of the system and jail? Sure. But then the last few years has been job after job of cleaning up after you. Protecting your image. When does it stop? Why does it seem you can’t keep out of trouble, and you don’t want the world to know it, so here comes old reliable Lucas to keep things at bay. I don’t like it. I never did.”

“You don’t understand, Luke. And I can’t explain it yet. I just have this feeling ... Please, trust me on this? Stay around a little longer. There’s things I haven’t told you. This time, it’s not just for me. I need to know she’s safe.”

There really was a first time for everything.

“Safe? What do you mean?”

“Lucas ... I’m trying here.”

“I’m supposed to believe that?” Lucas rested his head back on the pillow. The fan blades over the bed whirled round and round. His head pounded. He needed to eat.

“Believe what you want, Lucas.”

“Fine. I’m going to go now, if you don’t mind. Enjoy your day.” He hung up the phone and dropped it beside him.

A normal life sounded better and better. What would it be like to stay in one place? Hold down an honest job, one that didn’t leave him feeling like shit at the end of the day?

Lucas couldn’t decide whether coming to Harmony’s Echo and meeting Avery was good for him or not. Her different opinion on life, the way she handled things made him want to become better. Less bitter. Would he ever deserve to have a woman like Avery in his corner? Maybe not, but it was worth trying for.

Why can’t I get you out of my mind, Avery Callimer?

Why do I want you there so much?

Chapter Ten

“I can’t believe how soon the results will come back! I thought they took a lot longer.” Avery cradled the phone between her shoulder and ear and stood before her closet. Picking an outfit for the concert always took forever. Avery emptied out half her closet sometimes. Why did she have to be so picky? Tonight, a new face would be in the crowd.

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