Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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Gia grabbed it from her and tried to slide over to her seat to enjoy the meal before her. However, I held her in place and ground my cock into her ass. Her little display of dominance had a hardening effect on me.

She turned and rolled her eyes at me…typical Beauty. However, she redirected her attention to Emmy. “That is all. And leave that cart of heaven right where it is.”

Emmy just nodded and walked back to the galley up front, closing the curtain behind her. There were some definite perks to flying private as opposed to commercial. Privacy and comfort for sure. But, being able to fuck my girl on a whim was priceless to me and high on my priority list right now.

Gia swallowed a mouthful and sighed in contentment before she turned to address me with a raised eyebrow. “Seriously?”

I shrugged, giving her the smile she loved. “I’m a man,” I said, and then gave a slow thrust against her ass once more to make my point.

She laughed. “You’re a cave-beast of a man, you mean. Can I finish my breakfast?”

“Is that yet another new acronym for me?” My cock pulsed twice against her tight little ass, eager to have her finish him. “If you must.”

She elbowed me and my breath left in a whoosh. However, her obstinate behavior did nothing but tighten my balls. “Reel it in, will ya? A girl’s got to eat and this girl is starving. Then, I’ll concentrate on feeding you.”

I was powerless to deny her anything—couldn’t. I’d spent many years going from woman to woman, never once involving my heart…only my cock. But, my beauty, snug in my lap, and the child she carried made me a strong believer in love—one. Singular.
No matter where this journey takes us or where I am in the world, she will always be home
. And those would be the words—
words—that would be sung as Beauty walked down the aisle to her one true home…her Dom.

A week later, I lay with my eyes closed and I pulled in her fragrance that was uniquely hers, and a powerful calming influence on me. The smell of our holiday still clung to her skin and her beachy waves…lemons and fresh air. I prayed it would keep my demons at bay. Every day proved to be a challenge. Shadows of my past were always waiting to take my present—future. And, there lies my inner turmoil. Thankfully, it was met with resistance. Will power intact. However, business awaited me. Which meant stress.

Morgana’s trial loomed over us like a black cloud of doom with Beauty and I smack in the middle of it. The media circus around it was already at frenzied pitch. My grip on
tightened, an overwhelming need to never let go consumed me.

Her soft purrs started to lull us both to sleep, causing my lips to stretch in a genuine, honest smile. Over the past month, I’ve learned all the many different sounds she makes. She was the one person I knew beyond a doubt accepted me, my lifestyle, and my never-ending voracious appetite for
pussy. She loved every facet of me. How that was even possible, I’d never know. Karma hasn’t treated us well in the past. In fact, she bitch-slapped me a few times. However, something changed between us—the clear, undeniable realization we were
for each other…the other half of a whole. The earth shifted every time we were near one another. A perfectly potent cocktail of love, lust, and fucking. Above all, she gave me

I was never a man to sit and watch a woman sleep—until Gia. The sun filtered through the slotted blinds and crept slowly over her body, casting the glow of the world’s weight in gold across her skin. I listened to the harmony of her even breaths. The very breaths I’d come to rely on to calm the beast inside that fucked with me relentlessly. I wanted to go to her. To take her again. But last night, I was
rough. She had begged for more, and without thought, I gave it to her. She needed rest. Until she woke, I would be a captive audience and just watch her—silently.

I began to caress her tiny baby-bump. I didn’t know if it made me a pervert, but her swollen belly made my dick stir every time…knowing I did
to her. It was beyond primal and possessiveness. She carried our child. Created by love, lust, and kink. I felt like such a colorblind pussy where Beauty was concerned. In my lifetime, I could count the times I’ve cried on one hand. Her, this, us…what I felt was strong enough, powerful enough to pull me out from inside. Sin, covered by scars. Scars, covered by ink. Damage she’s vowed to love, she’s begged to worship, and the cock that made her cry my name.

I’ve been falling ever since—no…not falling. Jumping. And in front of me, it wasn’t my music…but my most prized possession—my family.

My LA home was nestled into the knolls of Hollywood Hills. I had it completely refurbished while in Greece. However, we were unable to move in until the end of February. So, we ended up staying at one of my favorite hotels in West Hollywood—Chateau Marmont. The Chateau was a castle of stories, mini dramas, and a world unto themselves. A place where you can leave your lives behind and become what they want to be. For us,
Lethal Abel
this castle was one of our preferred hangouts to party. We were the very substance that drove their reservations year round…making it one of the exclusive celebrity-watching hotels in the world. I rented the one-bedroom suite. Which was a perfect way for us to surrender and enjoy all the opulence the castle had to offer. The bonus that
were highly discriminating, and I didn’t have to worry about our safety or security. I couldn’t think of a better hotel to celebrate a
extended Valentine’s Day with my beauty.

I was all too happy to renovate my home. Not that it needed it. However, I didn’t want my tainted past coming back to fuck my present with Beauty, and our baby. My possessiveness over Beauty reached fuck-crazy now that she was pregnant. I’d bear with her exaggerated eye-rolling happily. The pregnancy hormones hit her hard and the nausea even harder. When she finally fell asleep, it was usually caged within my arms. Arms that would protect her. You couldn’t convince me in a thousand years that I deserved her—this gift.

I turned to the sound of rustling sheets as Gia rolled over onto her back. She stretched lazily. “Baby, how long have you been awake?” The sheet fell away from her swollen breasts. Sleep still in her eyes and clung thickly to her speech. “Is there something wrong?” she whispered softly.

My eyes devoured her hardened nipples as they came into view from behind the sheet. She knew exactly what she was doing by rubbing her body against the bedding.

If anything, Gia was still Gia…calculating, fierce, a jealous streak a mile wide, and fuck sexy. “Wrong? Other than you’ve made me into a pussy.” The very thought made me cringe. I said it in jest, but a part of me really believed it. “Your pregnancy hormones are fucking with my badassery.”

Her eyes lowered, immediately going to my hard-on, and she smiled, crawling on hands and knees across the bed.
Fuck me. I’ll never get anything done
. This was an omission I needed to purge. One she deserved to know. After all, Gia had her own demons. The very ones that almost broke us—broke
—and killed her. This was something I could give her besides the discipline she’s come to love and the need that shadowed.

“This is the first time in my life I have everything I’ve ever wanted. I just don’t want to ever lose you—again.” It was true. The thought of something happening to her or the baby plagued my days and nights. It was official. I sounded like a lovesick mess. And I was about to throw my balls into the ring. “Every time I look at you, it breaks my heart in so many ways. I’m
in love with you.” In recent days, the words poured out of me and I’ve written some of the best song lyrics to date. I sat on the bed and pulled her into my arms. I knew the
was coming. She was very emotional these days. Said sob grabbed my already constricted heart and refused to let it go. I knew the only thing to do was turn her heartfelt sob into a cry of pleasure.

The air around us charged with endorphins and pheromones. I took her face gently in my hands, seeking the control I desperately needed to have. And yet, I wanted nothing to do with it. I had been in control for so long—control of my actions, control of my dominance…it was not an option to go without it. If I let it go and said
fuck it
to control, she’d get an explosive level of raw need and domination that could rumble our foundation. My emotions swirled in a tornadic fury that needed to be channeled in the only way my mind understood.

Her sweet lips met mine, and I ran my tongue along the seam…tasting…teasing until she opened. When she did, I stuck my tongue in until I thought I would lose it.
Not close enough
, I thought. I needed more. More of everything. A battle warred in my head. The dominance fought to win, needing to take over and consume her, make her mine, mark her. But a small, unfamiliar voice hummed unforgivingly, fighting for attention, warning me about the baby, about my
growing inside Gia. I know the doctors had said we’d be fine to continue our lifestyle, but it’s no secret I carried around a trunk full of trust issues. Could I really trust that the doctor knew what she was talking about? If something happened…

She fought for breath, but more for control. However, my fight was for utter dominance and submission. Something she still struggled with from time to time. I broke off this kiss, looking down at her swollen lips and shaking body. I could see her eyes search mine for understanding. She was well aware of the demons I held. The very one before her now. Tortured, imprisoned, and vengeful.

I tried to touch her gently, feeling the heat run through my arms like an ache of betrayal. It was as if my body knew the defiance and acted against it. My hands didn’t want to be gentle, my fingers didn’t want to be kind, but that tiny voice grew louder, more annoying in its quest for serenity.

Gia’s eyes grew colder as they narrowed on me. She could see the struggle within me as if it were playing out in front of her on a movie reel. Her hands grasped mine, holding them firmer on her face, applying pressure with her own fingers. It was her silent plea for me to take control.

I felt my fingers grow tighter beneath hers, holding onto her with half the force I normally would, but my mouth and tongue still lagged behind. They were slow in their movements, testing the waters.

Finally, Beauty leaned back, cupping her hands around my face, holding my jaw and staring intently into my eyes. “Where did my broody Dom go? I don’t want this gentle man.”

“What if I hurt you…or the baby?” My voice was soft—so unlike me. But it showed my weakness, my soft spot, my Achilles heel. I would never survive if something happened to my beauty, or my baby…especially if it were by

“I trust you, Abel. You know me. You know me better than anyone ever has. I trust that you’ll know when it’s too much.” She paused, still searching my eyes. Then she leaned away from me and tilted her chin down, looking at me through the veil of her lashes. “This is consensual, Abel. I
I need this
. And I can tell that you do, too. Don’t hold back…”



My arm reached around her back, fisting her curls to expose her neck. My eyes followed the column of her neck clear down her naked body to her shaved pussy. I tightened my grip causing her to release a throaty groan. My lips nipped and sucked each spot of her neck before moving on to her swollen tits. My thumb met my index finger and rolled her nipples until she screamed “
!” Need was thick on her tongue. She wasn’t begging for me to stop, but for more. More of the sensations her body came to rely on to get to her sweet spot. Her response was no match for the briefs that supported my hard-on. It sprung forward against her belly angrily. I ground as hard as I could into her. Her pleas fell on deaf ears. I wouldn’t make it easy for her today. The darkness in my soul needed the control she’d given me. One I have forsaken for too long. I wasn’t one for blood-play. However, I couldn’t deny the pleasure it brought when her nails gouged my skin until I bled. The marks she left were battle scars and I wore them proudly.

I sucked her lips again, because I couldn’t resist the taste. That was part of the problem—resisting. “You want me to suck on those gorgeous tits?” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.

Her body answered by pushing them forward. An offer I’d never refuse.

Still holding a fistful of hair, I grabbed her full swell, meeting her nipple with my tongue. I knew a few good swipes of my ring over her nipples would have her quivering, but I wouldn’t allow her to come. I needed to keep touching her, prolonging her pleasure to get what I sought. I sucked harder, squeezed tighter, and she fought to shake free. Tried to get away from the pleasure.

I knew her game. Her duplicity. She wanted relief, but on her terms…me buried deep within her, grinding every orgasm out of her greedy cunt. My greedy, greedy girl. So, I bit her nipple, teasing it with my teeth, and followed with a quick slap of my hand. Her body stilled in shock, allowing me to turn my attention to the other. Her groans goaded me deeper into the abyss.

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