Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3) (22 page)

BOOK: Avenging Us (Rocker Series Book 3)
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Our shower ended with the cry of Bella. My cock still rock hard with no relief in sight. She nursed Bella in the rocking chair that was mine as a little boy. That sight brought altogether different feelings.
Love and possessiveness
. Both equally immeasurable.

I couldn’t blame Gia for bringing Bella’s cradle into our room. She was too young to sleep so far from us. Too small for a crib, and we both were obsessed with checking her breathing. Gia seemed better than I was. I was a fucking nervous wreck. I asked Beauty to remove the bumpers from the cradle so I could watch Bella. She told me no, and that they were there for her own protection, leaving me resigned to the fact that I’d never sleep again.

We were lying in bed, Gia in a pink baby-doll nightgown. I hated how she insisted on covering her body. This was my compromise. Something short and sexy without being over the top provocative and slutty.

“It kills me she gets to feed from those lush globes. Meanwhile, I’m left to starve,” I said, drawing her attention away from Bella.

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. Starving… Yeah right.” She laughed. Her little mocking voice did nothing good for my demanding cock.

“You keep talking like that and I won’t be held accountable for bending you over my knee and giving you the spanking you deserve.” Yeah, I was a disturbed fucker. Now I was making shit up.

“Do you know how sick you are? Have you ever listened to the way you twist words to suit your own needs? My mind has to work double-fucking-time to unknot the insinuations…that by the way…aren’t so subtle.”

Fuck, my body’s reaction amplified by her attitude and tongue lashing. I fisted my hands just to keep them off myself. She just jacked me up another notch. I took a calming breath before moving on to my next question. “How about some ice-play? It’s been what?…forever and a day since you let me tease you.” I paused, unconcerned by her silence. “We’ll take it slow. It’s our first night home and I’ve missed you. Bella is right here, but so am I.”

She scooted down and rested her head on her arm, just staring at me. “I’d love that,” she said, snuggling closer. “I’ve been hormonal. Another thing I abhor about this whole thing. I’m not in charge of anything. Not even what comes out of my mouth. Before, I had no filter. Now, I’m just less playful I guess. I’m sorry for that. My intention isn’t to slight you. I’m just in a weird way. Maybe some normalcy will do me some good.”

Wait. What? Not what I had expected to hear, but absolutely what I prayed for. Persistent, cunning, and insane gets you somewhere. Maybe I was doing something right—
. I walked over to the decanter of sparkling water and grabbed a piece of ice. I walked over to the bottom of the bed and tugged on her foot, hinting that I wanted her in the middle of the bed without hurting her. A scrap of pink panties waved at me like a flag, but I needed to concentrate on my prize…which was to leave her breathless.

She was already panting in anticipation. And if I knew anything in my life, I knew sure as shit setting up a scene was everything. “I remember vividly how much you love ice-play,” I croaked out with a desperate, raspy voice. My cock painfully throbbed, pushing blood through its already engorged veins.

There was no way I was going to stop until we released some tension, or until my daughter’s wail interrupted. I crawled on to the bed, lying beside her. My lips took hold of hers as my hand worked her swollen tits.
She moaned in beautiful torment. I kept working her up, squeezing and thrusting my tongue in and out of her hot little mouth, simulating what my ultimate intentions were. If I couldn’t fuck her with my cock. I’d be fucking her with my tongue and whatever else I had at my disposal.

Her legs fell open for me, and I wanted to roar looking at the scrap of material that covered her pussy. “Close your eyes, my beauty, and keep them shut.” There was no sass or snarky comment, and I was thankful for that. The ice had already begun to melt in my hand. I drew it up to the column of her neck…gently gliding it along her overheated skin. A trickle of sweat drew my attention between her breasts. I bit my lip painfully hard to keep from capturing it with my tongue…devouring her…mastering her body.

I couldn’t help but push her panties aside to expose her pussy. My thumb dipped into her core for a taste. Her hands fisted the sheets.
. I slipped her panties off with some minor protest, but I won the battle. Pushing up her nighty to expose her nipples, I lightly stroked the ice over her most sensitive area. I drew small, tight circles around her nipple, gradually widening. “You like that, my love? It is a glorious fucking sight watching your nipple peak, begging for my tongue.”

I drew the melting cube over her ribs and down, careful of her wound, and I went around it until I reached the top of her hairline. Normally, I’d shave her, but that would have to wait for the time being. Her lovely pubic hair was the least of my concerns. Her hand went to the gauze above the cube and I squeezed her hand to reassure her.

“Relish the sensation. Enjoy my touch. Revel in my delights.” I spoke softly to her, her pussy already intoxicating my thoughts and jamming my frequency.

“Abel.” Her voice sounded husky, yet fell upon me like silk along my skin. “Please…” She knew that was one of my favorite words. If she didn’t stop, I was going to snap. Her head lolled to the side, fighting the pleasure I gave. I became fascinated by the way it clung to her perspired skin.

“You know what your words do to me when you beg like that. Your voice breaking over your tongue…it makes me want to push myself into you until my balls are kissing your lips…every thrust erasing any painful memories and replacing them with the pleasure only I can bring you. Plunge into your heart and soul with every thrust of my demanding cock…squeezing out ruthless orgasms. That is your gift to me…owning every one of your orgasms. Playing for keeps, my beauty.” Fucking hell, the visualizations alone rendered me speechless. My tongue thickened in my mouth for a taste of her pussy—desperate.

Her hips parted wider, pushing forward—searching. I dipped the melting cube into the entrance of her core, watching it drip down to her hole.
My tongue, acting with familiarization, flicked her clit. Using the tip of my tongue, I grazed the bundle of nerves…dragging it back and forth until there was enough juice to suck. I pulled back, inserting the ice-cube and watching it leak out of her. I just about swallowed my own tongue, savoring the taste of her. My fingers slipped between her folds, relishing the grunts and moans of delight. It would only take me inserting my fingers to break her, but I decided I wanted her cream in my mouth. “You’re going to squirt your sweet cream on my tongue so I can savor it all night, my beauty.”

My fingers parted her folds and my lip ring went to work. I sucked her nub into my mouth, fighting the urge to fuck her with my fingers. I let out a deep moan, and the vibration was all it took. Her hand fisted my hair as she ground out her orgasm on my tongue.

Fucking hell
. She panted heavily, breathlessly until the last legs of her orgasm were gone.

Making her scream was my pleasure. But turn-about was fair-play…

The darkness closed in around me in a blanket of blades. Rage gripped me like a fist, threatening to stop my beating heart. “I don’t know who or what you are, but I demand you let me go.”

A red hue moved away, leaving me next to a whitish-blue light. My eyes widened in panic, sending my hands over my chest. Soft, soothing words and the feeling of peace came over me. My body started to settle into a calmer state. Was this Abel? A faint outline of arms, long fingers, and a ghostly head appeared. I couldn’t identify if the features were of a male or female. But in my gut, it was a
. And he was powerful, kind, and warm. There was an affection there. A type of adoration, but I couldn’t trust that to be true. This was a trick. She was here. I could feel the cold tendrils of darkness seeking me out…invading my brain…consuming my body. I had been pushing hard against this new pain, trying so desperately to hold it back, but couldn’t do it anymore.

A towering wave of betrayal crashed over me. It was black and heavy, seeking to weigh me down and crush me. “I will never leave you be. I’m the darkest part of you, and will never let you breathe.” The words surrounded me in a hiss that left me feeling cold on the inside.

I stumbled back to the ground with tears streaming down my cheeks, the salty taste slipping past my lips. The shimmery-blue hue moved forward, hovering over me like a protective net, murmuring to me… “You’re my child. You’ve always been my child. She has no hold over you other than what you’re willing to give.” The emotion in his tone was soothing, and the icy feeling within began to thaw.

But the burning sensation in my throat tightened, leaving me speechless as her hateful speech continued, drowning out the blue calmness that fought to cover me.

“I’ve told you before, I’ll never let you rest. You’ll never know true peace and happiness. It doesn’t exist for you.” A shrill laugh echoed around me. I squeezed my eyes shut and hovered my hands over my ears, attempting to block out the hate. My skin felt numb and my body trembled violently. Her cold, contorted face moved closer, and her searing eyes forced my eyes open. I had no power here. Wherever

Thundering steps, followed by a rumbling tone pulled me out of the darkness and into his arms.
“Wake up, goddammit!”

With words unable to be spoken, I just clung to him. His strong arms wrapped around me, and I was lifted into his lap. His scent was warm and spicy, leaving me with a familiar feeling growing inside.

His words were commanding as he said, “Wake up now.”

My body wanted to respond. I tried to tether myself to him, keeping me safe, but I couldn’t hang on. I was fading quickly to the faint sounds of a baby’s cry. And then world went silent once again.

The dreams came in intervals. I blew it off saying
everyone has bad dreams
. However, I would catch him watching me with those incredible emerald eyes. His expression always contemplative. He suspected I struggled with something, and maybe I was. However, it wasn’t anything on the surface. I never remembered what the dreams were. Otherwise, I could try to figure it out. But it was always there, lingering just out of reach.

A week later, Abel’s mother turned out to be a blessing in disguise. She spent the days with Bella and me, teaching me the things a mother would teach her daughter when caring for a newborn. She taught me so many things I had no clue about. Yeah, I had the information from the hospital and the nurses, but there were things only a mother could teach, and luckily, I had Abel’s mom to help guide me. My confidence grew day by day.

Only thing left was the wedding…

Since I had no experience planning a wedding, her expertise came in handy there, too. She loved it, as she and Chance were having so much fun. And I was so thankful that the awkwardness faded between them and between us, a beautiful relationship was born. I pretty much agreed to whatever they had planned. They included me, of course, when it came down to some minor details. But it didn’t matter because in the end, Abel and I had the final say before finalizing anything. However, he’d been staying busy at the studio. He’d get there first thing in the morning so he could cut out as early as possible to spend the rest of the day and night with Bella and me.

It was overwhelming the amount of planning that went on for our wedding. And since we decided to use our home as the venue, a big chunk of time was taken out of planning. The three of us grew close, and a real bond formed. Chance and I already had a great relationship, but I hadn’t had any to speak of with her. I was pleasantly surprised how effortless it was. My past experience with my own mother left me jaded and tarnished.

She helped me plan everything. She suggested the right napkins, table decorations, and linens. We selected the design for the invitations, and when I panicked about arrangements, she calmed me. Abel and I chose not to have a wedding party. Instead, we had just a best-man and matron of honor. I chose Cindy, of course. Abel chose his father. It really was the only logical options. He couldn’t choose to single out just one of the guys when they were as close as brothers.

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