Ask Me Something (The Something Series Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Ask Me Something (The Something Series Book 2)
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“Did you want to
check out the dance club?” he queried.

I quirked a
brow. “You want to go dancing at a club?” I couldn’t see it.


Given our
earlier conversation, I was disappointed we weren’t heading back up to the
room, but I tried to hide it.

He took my hand,
and we made our way to the nightclub on the other side of the resort. Their
version of a club turned out to be a bar with a dance floor. We found a dark
corner booth easily as there was hardly anyone here yet.

He slid in next
to me, and I sucked in my breath when his hand found my thigh. I wasn’t sure
what you could see, if anything, under the table, but Brian didn’t seem to

“Did you mean
what you said earlier about wanting to know what pleasurable torture was?” he
asked gruffly.

Desire coursed
through me, but so did trepidation. I nodded, keeping my eyes trained on him.

“Open,” he

I swallowed hard,
slightly spreading my legs for him.

“Further. No one
can see under the table.”

As soon as I did
so, his hand glided along my inner thigh and then right up into the heat.

“You’re burning
up here. And drenched already, aren’t you?” His fingertips skimmed my slit,

I found myself
pushing toward him while trying to remember that we were currently in public.
Sucking in my breath when his finger probed deeper, I squirmed to try to find
relief without it being obvious to anyone who may be witnessing us.

“Can I get you
two something to drink?” the waitress asked, snapping both my thoughts and legs

“Honey, what
would you like?” Brian questioned casually, as if his hand wasn’t currently
crushed between my thighs.

“I’d love a
margarita, no salt, please,” I choked out.

“Same, thank
you.” He turned toward me, and I flushed at his gaze. “Open.”

“Brian, we’re in
public,” I protested weakly, and then my knees fell open; I was unable to
resist him.

His fingers
reclaimed my pulsing sex. “That means you need to get better at putting on a
poker face because after that waitress sets down our drinks, I have plans for
this sweet pussy of yours.”

I shivered in
response to his crude language.

“Thanks darlin’,”
he said once the drinks were dropped off. He took a sip with his free hand.

I almost downed
mine in one gulp.

“Easy now, or
she’ll be coming back to get you another drink sooner than I’d like,” he
whispered. “I want you to relax.”

I tried to do as
he requested, but when his finger pressed deep into me, I gripped the table.
“Bri—” My entire body was on the brink, and he knew it.

His expression
looked pained. “Fuck it, we’ll explore pleasurable torture some other time. Let’s
go.” He downed the rest of his drink. I didn’t get a chance to finish mine
before he was pulling me out of the club.

Once we reached
the elevator, Brian cornered me, kissing me soundly. “The look on your face is
about to do me in.”

I could feel his
erection pressed up against me and bit my lip at the fact that I was
practically dripping with anticipation.

When we arrived
on our floor, I was unceremoniously scooped up and put over his shoulder. Once
we got to the room, Brian wasted no time in tossing me onto the bed with his
face following between my legs.

I screamed when
the orgasm came crashing down over me. Breathing hard, I looked at him when he
stood up, a frown marring his handsome face. “What’s wrong?” I asked, noting
the frustration in his features.

“Nothing,” he

I narrowed my
eyes. “Lie to me again and see what happens.”

Evidently we
could read one another accurately in that department. His hands captured my
face, and he sealed his lips over mine. He slipped his tongue greedily into my
mouth, and then he pulled back, putting his forehead on mine. “The truth is:
I’m not dominant with you like with other girls because you make me lose
control. Like in the club five minutes ago, our first time in the ocean, and
too many other times to count. Pleasurable torture is supposed to be an
exercise, not only in pleasuring you, but in my control. Instead, I completely
lost my damned mind not even five minutes in.”

His admission
didn’t come easy, I could sense. “Do you hate that?”

He hesitated,
vulnerability evident in his eyes. “Only if you do.”

I smiled and
touched my lips to his. “You make me lose my mind, too.”

We proceeded to
lose it together.


The next day we
slept in past breakfast, and I was absolutely starving by the time we made it
down for lunch. We both piled our plates with the fresh seafood, and I indulged
in the pasta bar.

Brian quirked a
brow, taking in the fact that my plate was larger than his.

I shrugged. “I
need it to keep up with you,” I muttered.

He smiled,
surprising me by taking my hand over the table. “I’m glad we’re doing this.”

“The sex or the

both, but this vacation feels good with you here.”

I had to agree
it felt good for him to be here, too. It was almost like we were in a real

“Hey, do you two
want to sign up for the trivia hour at the pool in an hour?” the bubbly guest
relations girl came up to ask us. “It’s like a traditional pub quiz.”

Brian looked
toward me, and I shrugged. Trivia sounded pretty tame. So long as it wasn’t
something like chugging beer or playing volleyball in a team of strangers, I
was game.

“Sounds good. We’ll
see you there,” he answered.


We walked up to
the bar an hour later, and it looked to be overrun with other couples who were
chatting it up at different tables in groups. When the activities girl came
over and told us to pick a table with two people because we’d be playing in
teams of four, I lost all desire to play.

Sensing my
immediate discomfort at the idea of sitting with strangers, Brian grabbed my hand
and kissed my wrist.

“Who would you
like to be?” he asked with an amused look on his face.

“Excuse me?”
What on earth was he talking about?

“I’d like to be
Austin. I’ve always thought that was a cool kid’s name.”

“You want to
pretend to be different people?” I clarified, completely dumbfounded.

He laughed and
took both my hands. “I know meeting new people is uncomfortable for you. How
about you relax and become someone else for an hour?” His voice had turned into
an overly dramatic drawl.

Oh, the irony of
that question, considering I always pretended to be someone I wasn’t. “I’m not
sure how. This feels more nerve-wracking than walking over to the other bar and
keeping to ourselves.” I eyed the other couples, noting that they looked
extremely friendly and excited. Those two words instilled fear in me

“We’ll grab a
cocktail to relax you. All you have to do is follow my lead. Think of it as
something light and fun, plus we’ll never see these people again.”

I knew he wanted
to do it. I could see the competitive gleam in his eyes. He was a people
person. He would naturally do great in any sort of social setting and most
likely craved some other conversation beside mine. “What if I mess it up?” I
voiced my insecurity.

He shrugged.
“Who cares? We fess up and say we’re role-playing for a sexcapade or

As if that would
be less embarrassing. But he made it sound so easy, and I wanted to be a fun
girl for him on vacation. “Okay, if you’re Austin from the South, I need a similar
name.” I paused. “I’ll be Mary Beth. Any true Southern girl would have two

His mouth
twitched in amusement. Taking my hand, he led me over to one of the few tables remaining
with only one couple already seated.

“Hi, guys. I’m
Tami Sue, and this is Lester. Where are you guys from?” the friendly woman
spoke up first.

They appeared to
be in their upper thirties and, judging by their accents and names, were
definitely from the South. Tami Sue looked like the nice soccer mom who was on
vacation for the first time in years. She and Lester appeared to be the typical
all-American suburban couple, right down to their fanny packs.

“We’re from
Dallas originally. This is Mary Beth, and I’m Austin,” Brian introduced in a
heavy twang. We all shook hands. “Where y’all from?”

“Raleigh, North
Carolina,” Tami provided, clearly the more assertive one of the couple.

“I hear North
Carolina is real nice,” Brian commented while we proceeded to start the game.

Turned out the
boys were good at all sorts of random trivia. Tami was able to contribute some,
but the only thing I’d been able to answer was a football question about how
many Super Bowls the Patriots had been to in the last fifteen years.

During the hour
we hadn’t had much time in-between questions to discuss a whole lot of personal
things. I’d been relieved, but evidently it had only been a temporary reprieve.

“Are y’all on
your honeymoon?” Tami inquired after the resort people gathered our sheets to
score the teams.

we’re on hers. See, Mary Beth’s wedding was on Friday, but you know the part
where they ask anyone to say something or forever hold your peace?” Brian had
them hanging on his every word.

Tami nodded, her
eyes big.

I had the sensation
like watching a car accident about to happen and not being able to look away.

“Well, it was my
duty to speak up and tell everyone I objected,” Brian finished on a shrug, like
this was everyday conversation.

I was at a
complete loss for words. Improv was not my thing. Hell, socializing wasn’t my
thing. Suddenly I felt like one of those small goats that go paralyzed when

He stroked my
arms. “Sorry. Mary Beth is a little embarrassed that I told y’all. But it’s all
right, darlin’, they aren’t going to judge. Are you?”

Both Tami and
Lester shook their heads while I sat there trying to figure out what to say.

“What did your
fiancée do?” Tami questioned, riveted.

I took a deep
breath, happy when Brian rescued me with the next part of his story.

“He was an
unfaithful bastard is what he was. I accused him of cheating right there in
that church in front of God and his mama, and he didn’t bother to deny it. It’s
one thing to watch the woman you love marry another man, but to know that man
is out and about cheating on her—I had to do it.”

They both sat in
awe, and so did I.

“Uh, did you
love Austin all along, then?” Tami asked, addressing me.

I finally got up
the courage to try my hand at this. “Uh, I did. We were high school
sweethearts, but then he left to pursue his music career, and I moved on with
Clayton.” I got a wink of approval from Brian, who was clearly enjoying this. I
needed more to drink and ordered a shot, which merely made him chuckle.

“What happened
at the church, then? Did people freak out?” Lester questioned.

I could tell he
too was being sucked into the story. Before Brian could answer, I got up some
more courage. “They were shocked that he’d been cheating on me with my sister.
I think everyone was speechless. And she started crying because turns out she’s

Brian choked on
his drink.

“Baby, you okay?”
I soothed, patting him on the back and watching him try to recover.

“Oh, yeah,
dumpling, I’m great,” he cooed.

I had to bite
the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

Tami clucked her
tongue. “That sounds like an episode of Jerry Springer. You poor thing. But you
two—I can’t imagine you not together. I have this thing about me, Lester will
tell you. I have what I call the love meter. And the one for you guys is off
the charts. Seriously, we saw you guys by the pool yesterday. Not to sound like
a stalker, but when you two kissed poolside—Wowsers, I knew that was love.”

My cheeks heated,
and I could hardly swallow past the lump in my throat.

Brian squeezed
my leg, and I was thankful when he finally broke the awkwardness. “You know how
it goes with high school sweethearts. It was good for me to be on the road
awhile getting some experience, if you know what I mean. Because this hellcat,
she’s not easy to keep up with.” This little adlib earned him a kick from me
under the table.

He winked at
Lester, and it was all I could do not to spit out my drink this time. He was
upping the stakes so that when I looked over at the karaoke machine, I couldn’t
help myself.

“Sugar pie, you
should go show them how you sing. Hand to God, it’s better than a deep-fried
Oreo at the Texas state fair,” I drawled and watched his eyes get big.

BOOK: Ask Me Something (The Something Series Book 2)
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