Ask Me Something (The Something Series Book 2) (9 page)

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It wasn’t in my
nature to back down from a challenge. “What will you do if I am? I haven’t
agreed to anything yet, and considering I haven’t had sex in over a year, I
think I’m beyond being patient.”

He inhaled
audibly, and I realized what I’d revealed.

“Get down here
and close the door when you do.”

I heard a click.
He’d issued an order and hung up the phone.

For the first
time in my life, I didn’t hesitate in obeying.


After shutting
the basement door, I padded down the flight of steps fighting my nerves.

Once there,
Brian stalked towards me, his eyes smoldering.

Anything I’d thought
I’d say died instantly on my lips.

He reached for
me and moved my body up against the back of the sofa, bracing my hips with both
hands and putting his hard thigh between my legs. “I’m not going to fuck you
tonight. Do you understand?”

My eyes met his,
and I nodded, unable to speak. His declaration had muddled my mind completely.

He looked both
agitated and aroused at the same time. “I need more time than tonight, and it
will be planned.”

“What exactly
would you need that much time for?” My voice was a whisper.

His wicked grin made
me crave his touch even more. “Because I want to eat your pussy for days, kiss
every inch of your body, and then fuck you until you can barely walk.”

I couldn’t
breathe. No man had ever turned me on with just his words. “I’m not sure I’ll
be able to sleep if you don’t touch me now.” My voice was raw. I couldn’t
believe I was on the verge of begging for sex.

“Has it really
been over a year?” He aligned his hips to mine, rubbing his erection into my

“Oh, God.” I
couldn’t process his question with that distraction.

“Tell me, and
I’ll take care of you.” His voice was seductive and low and unlike anything I’d
ever heard from him.

“Yes, it’s been
since I lived in Charlotte,” I admitted.

He stopped and
looked at me intensely. “No one in New York?”

I shook my head.
“I’ve been busy with the job and—”

He held a finger
to my lips. “Sash, you don’t need to justify it. It turns me on even more that
it’s been that long. No wonder you’re frustrated, honey.”

He kissed me
then with one of his hands gripping the back of my neck and the other one
palming my sex over the outside of my pajama bottoms. “I can feel how wet you
are through the fabric.” He massaged me with both his erection and fingers.

The friction wasn’t
enough. I needed more. “Please, I need to feel you.”

“If I touch you,
I won’t be able to stop. You’re like water to a thirsty man. You don’t know how
much I want to taste you.”

I had visions of
him putting his face where his hand was and whimpered. I was close, and he
wasn’t even touching me skin on skin yet.

“That’s it. I
know you’re almost there.” He rolled his hips into me, rubbing harder.

Before I could
respond, the wave hit me. My body tightened, and I arched into him.

He grabbed my
ass and pushed his center flush with mine, absorbing my climax against his hard

“Bri—” Panting
for air and limp against him, I was very aware of the hardness straining
against his pants and nestled between my thighs.

He kissed my
forehead. “Whenever you start to think this isn’t what we should do, I want you
to picture how much better that will be with our clothes off and after the
fourth time.”

His words sent a
shudder through me. Jesus, had he just made me come without actually touching
me directly?

Reluctantly, he
pulled away, kissing me one last time before stepping back.

I shivered with
the loss of his heat and was left gripping the couch in order to keep from
falling on my face.

“Are you all
right to go upstairs?” he smirked.

I nodded, unable
to say anything else. It wasn’t often that the best orgasm of your life came
from being dry humped against the back of a basement sofa.


The flight down
to Tortola the next day was on one of Josh’s private jets. The plane was
already carrying quite a few people from New York, most of whom I’d had the
pleasure of meeting at Haylee’s going-away party a few months ago. Only
McKenzie, Brian, and myself boarded in Charlotte. Next stop, paradise.
Evidently, there was a small airport on a neighboring island where we would
land, while a bridge led to the resort on where we would all be staying. Not
that we had to worry about logistics with the private plane, transportation,
and accommodations already planned out for us.

“This is some
style,” Kenzie remarked upon boarding the luxurious jet.

I observed the
younger woman’s face as she got a first look at Will and smiled at her
immediate interest. Will was a friend of Haylee’s, someone she’d met last year
on a model shoot. He was young, gorgeous—and from what I’d seen—nice and

“Hi, I’m
McKenzie, Brian’s sister,” she introduced herself, happy to take the seat
beside him.

“Nice to meet
you, McKenzie. I’m Will.”

I had to bite my
lip from laughing when Kenzie met my look with one of her own that clearly
Holy shit, he’s Australian.

Brian, being the
over protective big brother, frowned, but I nudged him out of glaring at the
younger man. He took a seat next to his friend Mark who hopefully would provide
a nice distraction for Brian not to worry about his sister. Kenzie could do a
lot worse than a guy like Will, and maybe it would be good for her confidence.

Nigel, Josh’s
long-time assistant, stood and took my hand in order to introduce me to his
partner, David. Nigel had always been kind to me and had helped get me settled
in New York when I’d moved up there. It was nice to see that David was looking
healthy and feeling up for traveling. He’d battled colon cancer last year and
was thankfully in remission. I had a feeling that everyone on this plane was
looking for a few days of sunshine and celebration.

I went toward
the back of the plane and took a seat next to Catherine. We caught up on our
holidays, and then she leaned in and whispered, “Did he at least call and
apologize for the other night and the nickname thing?”

Brian and I had
agreed to keep our relationship on the down low; however I’d already confided
my feelings about him to her so I didn’t see the harm in revealing the latest.
“Better. He came over that night.”

“Holy shit
balls,” she blurted out, then looked around apologetically, clearly happy that
it seemed no one had heard her over the sound of the plane taking off. “Sorry.”

I laughed out
loud. “Did you, Catherine Davenport, queen of all things classy and proper,
just say, “shit balls”?

She giggled and
turned slightly pink. “Not exactly an eloquent reaction, was it?”

“No, but it was
hilarious.” We were soon in a fit of giggles.

Finally, she
leaned forward and spoke quietly, “So you two, ah—”

I shook my head,
thankful I didn’t have to lie about anything. “No, we’re, uh, figuring it out.
There’s a lot at stake, and we’re taking things slow.” Much slower than I’d
like, I thought wryly.

She smiled. “Did
he tell you what he ended up telling Jamie?”

“No, we didn’t
get into that. Suffice it to say he wasn’t happy with her for showing up, and
he didn’t go home with her.”

Catherine sipped
her water. “Maybe at the wedding, you guys…?”

I shrugged. “A
lot of people we know will be there, and I’d like to keep it quiet. Chances are
I’ll screw it up before it starts. You’re the only person I’ve told.”

“You know you
can trust me, but why would you say you’ll mess it up?”

“There are a lot
of reasons it could crash and burn.” Matter of fact, I’d started to list them
all in my head about five seconds ago.

“How about you
focus on the ways in which it wouldn’t? Obviously, he knows you, clearly you
have chemistry, and you have history. Think positive.”

If only she knew
how those words were essentially a theme song for getting through most days. “I’ll
try. How about a cocktail?”

She glanced at
her watch and laughed. “Why not? It’s five o’clock somewhere.”

“Good girl. I’m
going to go see if I can mix up some mimosas. That way we can feel
sophisticated about slugging back alcohol at ten o’clock in the morning.”

I got up and
helped myself to the bar in the back. Opening a bottle of champagne, I poured
two glasses.

Brian’s sexy
voice came from behind me. “A drink, and it isn’t even noon yet, huh?”

My lips curved
into a smile, and I turned, meeting his warm brown eyes with my own. “It
contains orange juice, which makes it practically breakfast.”

He smiled,
glanced back towards our fellow passengers and then moved me towards the side
of the bar, out of the line of sight of any of the others. Leaning in, he
whispered, “I can still feel you from last night.”

My breath left
me, and I felt my cheeks flame in response. “Sounds like I should agree to
everything, and we should get started.”

“Then that’s a

“If it is, then
do we get started tonight?”

“What I have in
mind means locking you in a room for at least forty-eight hours. No clothes and
no interruptions.”

anticipation flowed between us. “We’d have three nights down here in Tortola.”

He seemed torn,
and I had a moment of female empowerment.

“If you don’t
stop looking at me like that, I’m going to drag you to a place more private.”

“Don’t make
promises you won’t keep,” I challenged.

He moved closer,
his breath in my ear. “Is that what you want: everyone on this plane hearing
you scream my name while I’m deep inside of you, taking you against the wall of
the airplane lavatory?”

Holy crap.

He pulled back with
a smug look of satisfaction in taking the power right back.

“I never thought
I would have before this moment,” I admitted, watching the disbelief flicker in
his eyes.

“You surprise me.”
He touched his thumb to my bottom lip.

Before I could
help it, my tongue darted out to taste the salty pad.

His eyes turned
feral as he visibly fought for control. “I swear to God, if my sister wasn’t on
this plane, we would test your theory of not caring whether everyone heard

“Oh, I think I’d
care plenty afterwards.” But only Brian could make me forget it for a little

He chuckled.
“I’ll let you get back to cocktails with Catherine. By the way, should I be
worried about Will and my sister?”

I shook my head
and grinned. “Oh, I think she’d do quite well with Will.”

He rolled his
eyes. “I wasn’t talking about his looks.”

I laughed.
“Neither was I. After all, he’s got that hot Australian accent going for him,

I was rewarded
with a sour expression before he returned to his seat.


We were met with
a limousine upon landing, and the champagne continued to flow. I was happy to
see that not only was McKenzie enjoying Will’s company but she also wasn’t the
novice at flirting that I’d assumed. Matter of fact, she was impressively cool
and collected, holding her own and not making it obvious if she was into him.
Of course, there was the possibility that she wasn’t, but I’d be hard pressed to
think of any crush better looking or nicer than Will.

Once we arrived
at the resort and got checked in, there was a knock on my hotel door. I’d
expected Brian on the other side, but was surprised to see McKenzie instead.

“Man, you didn’t
mention Will would be coming. He’s gorgeous and super cool,” she said the
minute the door shut.

Smiling, I noted
her cosmetics bag clutched in her hand. I might have been hoping for Brian, but
considering how much I enjoyed his sister’s company, I reasoned she could provide
a nice distraction. “I’d actually forgotten about he and Haylee being such good
friends. Did you want me to do your makeup?”

She instantly
beamed. “I know I’m putting you on the spot again. Are you sure you don’t

I shook my head
and pulled out the desk chair to set it in front of the closet mirror. I’d
often had hopes that this could be the sort of thing my sister Addison and I
could have shared while growing up. But she’d never once asked me for help with
clothes or makeup, always opting to go with her friends instead of spending
time with me. Not that I could completely blame her as we’d never been terribly
close. Then after I’d found out I’d been adopted at sixteen, I’d spent a lot
more time keeping to myself. “Nope, I don’t mind at all. Is there a spark
between you two?”

She shrugged.
“If I’m being honest, Will is great, but I feel like I can be completely myself
with the other guy. He and I are friends first. I know it sounds corny, but I
don’t have to put on a pretense with him. I know he genuinely likes to spend
time with me, laughs at my jokes, and gets where I’m coming from.”

I knew exactly
how she felt. Her brother was one of the few people who I’d let in over the
years. It made me nervous, however, that even he hadn’t seen the real me, the
one I kept hidden from everyone.

Brian had
questioned what was keeping me from saying yes. The answer I could never give
him was fear. Fear of him seeing me vulnerable and finding out about my anxiety
disorder. But he was only asking to see me every two weeks, which meant I’d
still have my life, and he’d have his. If I thought about it that way, it was a
lot less intimidating.

I went to work
on Kenzie’s make-up, and we chatted more about fashion and other things.

Hearing another
knock, I smiled when I opened the door to reveal Brian. His hands automatically
reached for my face and his lips were inches away from mine, when I suddenly
pulled back remembering his sister.

“Are you here
looking for Kenzie?” I asked, wishing he could have landed that kiss.

His raised brow
conveyed his surprise. Then he glanced beyond me, and it dawned on him as to
what I was talking about. He dropped his hands on a sigh. “Yes, um I was
looking for you, Kenzie. To let you know that mom, your dad and Benjamin

I noted that
they both displayed the same sour face. Was their family really that bad?

“I don’t suppose
Rebecca got the stomach flu and is puking her guts up back home instead of here
polluting paradise with her toxicity?” Kenzie asked, looking hopeful.

They laughed,
and Brian shook his head. “I wish, but unfortunately, she’s here, too. Your
makeup looks nice, sis.”

Kenzie grinned.
“Sasha is going to sex me up.”

I winced at the sharp
look coming from Brian, then shrugged. “She’s a grown woman.”

He let out a
breath. “Do me a favor and don’t make it too sexy. This is a wedding, not a
frat party.” He looked at both of us while he said it. “See you ladies
downstairs in about twenty minutes.”

When the door
shut, McKenzie turned towards me. “Sorry. I was only joking.”

“You’re fine.
Believe me, it wouldn’t be the first time that I irritated your brother.”


Dinner brought
the first glimpse of the happy couple. I gave Haylee a big hug, delighted to
see her.

Last year when
Haylee had been working for Josh, she’d given me a huge break by incorporating
my idea of a vintage jewelry angle into her fashion shoot for Cosmo magazine.
She’d garnered the cover as the model and I’d made my client very happy during
the pivotal first couple months in my new role as vice president. She was one
of the few people I’d met who didn’t have an agenda and simply did nice things
for people.

Then she’d
introduced me to Catherine. I’d gone from having Juliette as my only female
friend to now having a circle of them, all who would do anything for each
other. It was something I’d never thought to have, considering the first
impression I made on most women was especially rough.

“I’m happy you
could make it, Sasha. I love your dress. You always look so incredible,” Haylee

I’d dressed in a
print wrap dress which was chic and cool for the tropical air. “Thank you. You
look amazing and happy.”

She did, in a
classic dress that most likely was a vintage design.

“Thank you,” she
replied and promised to talk later. She welcomed other guests while the
groom-to-be came up and kissed me on the cheek.

“Nice to see you
Sasha,” Josh said.

“You, too. The
resort and island are beautiful.” Josh Singer might be the owner of the company
and my boss’s boss, but during this weekend I was going to think of him as my
friend’s fiancée.

“Good. I’m glad
you like it. And I’m happy you could make it.”

When I glanced
over at Haylee and back at him, I nearly sighed at the way his eyes tracked her
every move. I wondered what it would be like to have that type of peace and
contentment in a relationship. It was a powerful thing to witness.

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