Another Cheating Wife Bundle!: Sexy 3-Story Erotic Collection (2 page)

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Chapter Three


The next morning, Cassie padded into the kitchen awake, refreshed, and apparently none the wiser.

“H-how do you feel?” David demanded. “How was your hypnosis tape?”

“I feel great,” Cassie beamed. “Refreshed. Relaxed. I really think these tapes are working, baby.” She rubbed her tummy. “Just another couple of weeks and we can find out for ourselves.”

As David watched his beautiful wife prepare breakfast, he narrowed his eyes.

We sure can, he thought.


*              *              *


The following night proceeded just as the previous thirty two had.

At around eight o’clock, Cassie leaned over the couch and kissed David on the cheek.

“I’m going to listen to my tapes,” she said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby.”

“Yeah,” he kissed her back. “Yeah, you will.”

And then David listened to the door to the bedroom softly click shut, and he looked up at the clock hanging above the fireplace.

And he waited.

David sat exactly where he was for precisely sixty minutes. He didn’t move a muscle. He didn’t switch on the TV, or glance at his phone, or even cross his legs. He just sat, staring at the clock on the wall.

And the moment a complete hour had gone by, David stood up, shook the stiffness out of his legs, and unbuckled his pants.

Standing there in the living room, he slowly stripped out his clothes until he was absolutely naked; and then he turned to the bedroom and opened the door.

The light from behind him arced out across the queen sized bed, and illuminated Cassie; lying there beneath the comforter.

Just like the previous night, she was utterly serene. Lying there with her eyes closed, headphones around her ears and arms by her side under the covers. She looked like a sleeping angel.

David padded softly across the carpet, and stood by the bed, looming above his silent wife. He peered down at her, and a smile crossed his lips.

Gently – just like the night before – he gripped the corner of the covers between finger and thumb and peeled them back; exposing his wife’s naked body. Her pale, beautiful breasts. Her soft, feminine stomach. Her hips, and womanly thighs.

And as he did so, he stared intently at his wife’s beautiful face; and saw nothing. She didn’t move. She looked like she was in the deepest, most serene sleep in the world. The only noise was her soft breathing, and the tinny noise of the hypnosis tapes as they continued playing through the headphones.

David let the folded comforter drop; exposing her completely.

Between his legs, his cock was growing thick. The sight of his gorgeous wife, totally naked and still, was arousing him in a way it had never done before.

For a moment, David was tempted to grab his cock and jerk off, like he had the night before. But something inside him told him to be bolder.

Last night, she hadn’t stirred – not even when he’d wiped his cum from her breast. He was wondering just how deep her sleep was – and the throbbing organ between his legs demanded he test his theories.

Dropping to his knees by the bed, David stared at his wife.

And then, fingers trembling, he reached out his hand,

He curled his fingers, and they hovered above Cassie’s right breast.

Slowly – counting the breaths he took as he did so – David lowered his hand.

His fingers touched her skin. It was blissfully warm and soft.

David glanced up at Cassie’s face as his palm cupped her breast – scanning her features for any sign of movement. But there was nothing. She was utterly still. Even as he squeezed her tit; feeling its ripe firmness beneath his palm.

To test his theory further, he raised his thumb, and pressed it against her soft brown nipple; circling the delicious nub slowly.

It tightened. At the pressure of his fingertip, her nipple grew firm and erect. But while her body responded, Cassie didn’t. She just lay there like Sleeping Beauty.

David’s eyes grew wide, and his cock grew hard.

Growing bolder, he kneeled up and laid his other hand against her other breast. Again, she didn’t move. She just lay there, still, as he began kneading and massaging her bare breasts.

Her nipples grew hard, and her breath deepened, but she didn’t stir.

My God, David thought. She’s out cold. She’s utterly unconscious.

Except she wasn’t.

Sure, she was physically unconscious. She was sleeping as soundly as a baby. But her body was responding to her touch. Her nipples were as hard and swollen as the erasers on the tips of pencils, and her breathing had deepened noticeably since he’d begun touching her.

As he massaged her breasts, David had a crisis of conscience.

Part of him told him to continue – probably the part of him that was hard and swollen between his legs. But the rational side of him was
howling at him
to stop – that this was a
idea, and that his wife would awaken at any moment and
as she found him violating her.

Only she was still. Utterly still.

And so David pushed those rational thoughts aside, and listened to his more carnal instincts – and one of his hands left his wife’s breasts.

His fingertips traced a path down her soft stomach, until they met the soft bristles of her trimmed pubic hair. And then they ventured further, until they encountered the cleft between his wife’s legs.

David added pressure, and he felt moisture. Like a flower, the lips of her pussy blossomed and his fingertip slid frictionlessly between them.

Cassie stirred.

Still lying absolutely still, the unconscious beauty sighed. It was akin to a moan, only barely audible. And she remained utterly, totally dormant even as her breath deepened.

David narrowed his eyes and stared at her face; scanning for any sign of consciousness. But there was nothing – not even as a second fingertip joined the first, and then a third. Moment later, he was rubbing all four fingers up and down between the lips of her glistening pussy, and aside from her deepening breath, she was silent.

David’s thumb pressed her clit, and it grew hard. As he began to trace circles around it, Cassie’s breathing grew deeper, but she remained utterly asleep.

Her pussy gushed. His fingers, between her legs, encountered wetness. A moment later, two of his fingers pressed against the resistance of her cunt and were sucked inside.

Cassie moaned.

It was a soft, guttural, instinctive moan. Her legs twitched, and her thighs opened, and David’s eyes widened as she felt her body almost
his fingers inside of her.

Holy shit, he thought. I’m fucking
her. She’s fast asleep and I’ve got two… no, wait,
fingers inside of her.

And then David’s cock throbbed, and he knew what he had to do.

Still staring intently at his wife’s serene face, he clambered onto the bed. His knees pressed against the mattress, between her legs. They nudged her legs aside and spread her thighs.

And then gripping the base of his throbbing cock with one hand, David thrust.

The swollen head of his cock met a moment of soft, wet resistance; and then his wife’s body accepted him. Her deliciously tight cunt literally
him inside of her; inch after glorious inch until he found himself buried to the hilt inside his unconscious wife.

God, it felt
. After weeks of going without, he was suddenly buried in her soft, tight cunt; and as he pulled his hips back, the friction was

David thrust. He sunk himself inside his sleeping wife and then pulled out, almost to the tip.
, it felt
. After weeks without sex, it was intoxicating.

He knew he wouldn’t last long –
last long. But he kept going as long as he could, revelling in the delicious sensations until…

David bit his lip. He hunched his back. He thrust inside Cassie’s pliant depths and

He detonated hot, wet spurts inside his wife’s willing body and unloaded weeks of pent up frustration. She accepted every jet; a sleeping, serene vessel for him to fill with cum. She barely even stirred as David finally emptied his balls inside of her.

And then still staring at her face – still paranoid that his wife would wake up in horror – David pulled his softening cock from his wife’s tight depths and rolled off her unconscious body.

He lay on his back on the bed, chest heaving, gasping for air.

My God, he thought, that had been

As it always was after orgasm, he started to feel himself grow drowsy. He had the wherewithal to lean over his wife’s sleeping body and throw the covers back over her before his eyes closed and he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


Chapter Four


The next morning, David awoke gripped with paranoia.

Cassie was going to wake up and
what had happened, he felt sure. His beautiful wife was going to realize he’d violated her in her sleep, and then there would be hell to pay.

Only, she didn’t.

That morning, just like the previous one, Cassie padded out of the bedroom in her nightgown and stretched like a lazy kitten.

“Wow,” she purred, as David handed her a bowl of steaming oatmeal. “I slept so well.” She gave a happy little wiggle. “I feel

And then, to David’s amazement, she sauntered over to where he was standing and grabbed his crotch – squeezing his cock and balls right through the thin fabric of his slacks.

“You know what?” Cassie purred sexily, looking her husband direct in the eye. “When I woke up this morning I was
sopping wet
down there,” her eyes fell downward, towards her crotch. “I was
wet, I must have been having some
sexy dreams about you.”

David grinned nervously. Oh, she was wet and gooey down there, alright. But he’d had
than a little to do with that himself.

But apparently Cassie was none-the-wiser; and she trotted off to work whistling a happy tune, as relaxed and cheery as David had ever remembered seeing her.

As he looked out of the kitchen window, and watched her drive away, his cock throbbed at the memory of the previous night.

She hadn’t remembered a
, David realized.

Which meant he could do it again tonight.

As soon as those thoughts had appeared inside his brain, he felt himself grow hard again. The feeling of her soft skin and supple body was fresh in his memory. Blowing his load deep inside her tight little pussy had been

He couldn’t wait.


*              *              *


That night ended like the night before.

Exactly one hour after Cassie had headed off to bed, to listen to her hypnosis tape, David stripped out of his clothes and tip-toed into her room.

Of course, he was a little more confident this time. Immediately, he threw back the covers and exposed her beautiful naked body. He was a little rougher, too, fingering her until Cassie’s tight little pussy grew moist and slick.

And then, hard-on raging, David climbed between his unconscious wife’s legs and aimed the head of his swollen cock for her dewy pussy.

, she felt good. As each inch of David’s straining erection slid into his wife’s tight wetness, his eyes rolled up into his head and he groaned in pleasure. She was
tight, and
wet. Just like the night before, he knew he wouldn’t be able to last long.

But this time, David took his time as best he could. He lifted his wife’s knees, so he could plunge even deeper inside of her. He squeezed her tits, to feel the supple firmness between his fingers. He revelled in the feeling of power, as he fucked her like she was a helpless slave to his desires.

And as his balls churned, and he felt his orgasm building, he thought about the tape she was listening to – the one he could still vaguely hear reverberating through her tinny headphones.

Cassie had told him she was trying to ready her womb to get pregnant.

So in some ways, David was only doing something a little more proactive about it than listening to audiobooks.

As she lay there, trying to “reprogram her fertile cycle to be more receptive” by listening to her tapes, he was seconds away from blowing a load of his hot, powerful seed into her willing, fertile cunt; and making their wished-for pregnancy more of a possibility.

And just the thought of that tipped him over the edge.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” he found himself groaning, not even caring that he might wake her up. “Oh
yes.” And then he exploded; spurting powerful jets of wetness into Cassie’s body and feeling her pussy clench hard in response to his thrusts.

Finally, balls drained, David flopped onto the side of the bed and lay gasping for breath.

Did he just knock her up?

After months of trying, were these nocturnal trysts what were going to solve their infertility crisis?

David didn’t know the answer to that – but he knew that what he was doing was far more likely to solve the problem than listening to tapes would.

He knew it so-much-so, in fact, that just the thought made his drained, flaccid cock throb.

He wondered how long it would be before he was ready to go again – and if his gorgeous wife would still be unconscious when he was.

And twenty minutes later, he found out for himself that she would be.


*              *              *


The third night mimicked the second. And the forth.

In fact, in every one of the seven days since David had first fucked his unconscious wife, he’d repeated the experiment – sometimes more than once.

Finally, after months of frustration, he’d found an outlet for his sexual urges – and, each morning, Cassie would awaken refreshed, relaxed, and seemingly none the wiser.

It all seemed too good to be true.

And, as it turned out, it was.

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