Another Cheating Wife Bundle!: Sexy 3-Story Erotic Collection (9 page)

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“Damn, boy,” Tyrone cheered him on. “That’s right. Drink that shit up.”

“Get your tongue in her,” Brandon ordered. “Get it all out.”

“Yeah,” Tyrone whooped. “My baby makers are swimming for their fucking life right now. Deeper and deeper. Gotta catch ‘em all, or you’re gonna have a beautiful black baby in nine months’ time.”

David intensified his efforts. He slurped at Cassie’s pussy, and felt his mouth flooded with the combined cum of Brandon and Tyrone. It was salty, and acrid, and it brought tears to his eyes as he swallowed each mouthful.

He cleaned every fold of Cassie’s pussy. He stuck his tongue deep inside of her and licked her out. Then he latched his lips around his wife’s throbbing clit and licked and sucked it until the sleeping wife groaned and arched her back and flooded his mouth with her juices.

,” Brandon groaned in approval. “You sure know how to do that.”

“Yeah, you might have a puny little dick,” Tyrone nodded, “but I can see why this bitch married you, the way you eat pussy!”

“Maybe you could come around to my place sometime,” Brandon scoffed. “My wife’s always complaining I don’t go down on her.”

David had tuned all their banter out, and was focusing on the job in hand. Only when Cassie’s twitching finally finished – after he knew he’d cleaned her as best he could, and licked his sleeping wife to orgasm at the same time – did he stop and pull his mouth away.

Chin and lips glistening, he turned and looked up at the two men.

“Okay,” David finally found some confidence. “Show’s over. You guys have to leave.” He looked at his sweaty, dishevelled wife. “I have to clean up.”

Tyrone and Brandon exchanged looks.

“Damn, watching you eat your bitch out got me half hard again,” Tyrone rubbed his crotch through his jeans. “Maybe we should stick around for round two.”

Brandon nodded: “I might be up for that.”

“The tape ends in fifteen minutes,” David was clambering to his feet. He jerked his thumb towards his sleeping wife, and the headphones she wore around her ears. “You want her to wake up and find one of you balls-deep inside of her?”

Tyrone gave Brandon a nervous glance.

“Okay, okay,” he held up his hands. “We’re outta here.”

“Yeah,” Brandon was pulling on his shirt. “But same time tomorrow?”

“No,” David repeated. “No, no no.” He pointed at Cassie, sleeping naked on the bed. “Her hypnosis course runs out in a couple of days. This is over, d’you here?

It was all a horrible nightmare. A terrible mistake. He needed to end it.

“Okay, okay,” Brandon saw the frantic look in David’s eyes. “We’re cool, brother. We know all good things gotta come to an end.”

“But you said a couple of days, right?”

“You did say that,” Brandon reminded him.

David narrowed his eyes.

“Yes,” he hissed. “Why?”

Brandon’s smile widened.

“’Cos I reckon you owe me one more night, brother. Just one more.” He held up his phone, and a grainy video started playing on the tiny screen. David squinted his eyes to view it; and his stomach did a flip.

It was a recording of Tyrone fucking Cassie – grainy and of poor quality, but good enough to clearly, undeniably make out Cassie’s features; and a big, broad black man hunched over her naked body; thrusting obscenely.

“One more night,” Brandon repeated. “Just one more, or this video hits the Internet.”

David’s shoulders slumped.

He nodded, miserably.


Chapter Fourteen


The next day, in the office, David tried to concentrate – but it was difficult with the taste of two other men’s cum still in his mouth.

So instead he logged into his eTrade account to check on those stocks he’d bought in Phil’s wake – and nearly spat coffee over the keyboard.

Once again, there had been incredible gains – the stock increasing over five times in value over the course of the last new days; approaching the sell limit that Phil had put in place.

That had netted David over ten thousand dollars.

He blinked and stared at the screen again. Ten thousand dollars. Technically twelve fifty, and change. All from a five hundred dollar investment; and all in just a few days.

This time, David wasn’t waiting. He hit the ‘sell’ button and refreshed his screen anxiously. This time, there was no waiting. Eager buyers bid frantically for his shares.

Within seconds, the shares were gone and the cold, hard cash – awaiting clearance, of course – was sitting in his eTrade account.

David didn’t know what to think.

After the crushing humiliation of the previous night, he suddenly felt incredible elation. It was a weird contradiction. David was suddenly in possession of a life-changing amount of money – enough to pay for a new car, the deposit on a house, or even the IVF David had, before this hypnosis tape thing, been wondering if he and Cassie would have to invest in.

But at the same time, he was in a horrible predicament. He was basically whoring out his wife; and without her knowledge, no less! He was a despicable human being; and not so much for doing it – but for being so spineless, and so unable to say ‘no’, that he’d let Brandon and then Tyrone pressure him into it.

But there was just one night to go. One more evening to endure.

And while David felt wretched about it – like the most disgusting, worthless husband on the planet – he also felt excited at the prospect of seeing his wife violated by big, black cocks one more time.

Before he closed his eTrade account, he opened up the monitoring portal in another window and logged into Phil’s screen. The investor was working on a boring work-related presentation at that moment.

But a look back at his browsing history, and a search through the cache, revealed that Phil hadn’t been idle on the investment front that morning, either. He’d checked out one new penny stock that day – and apparently invested heavily in it.

Heart in his mouth, David created a buy order for the same stock. He knew he was taking a gamble; but given how out of control the rest of his life was, it felt good to at least have some control over
– how he risked his new-found wealth.


*              *              *


At home that evening, David was subdued – so much so that Cassie asked him “is everything okay?” as he sat down for dinner.

“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbled, as he stabbed at his meatloaf. “I’m fine.” And then he narrowed his eyes and looked up. “Say, honey… How many more nights of that hypnosis have you got to go?”

“Oh, that?” Cassie’s cheeks turned pink. She turned to her husband. “I don’t know. Another couple of weeks or so?”

“You said it was two months,” David’s eyes were little slits. “Isn’t that about up by now?”

“Maybe,” Cassie sounded noncommittal. “I’ll check my diary.” And then her face softened. She walked over and kissed her husband on the cheek. “You’re just impatient to get back to trying for a baby, aren’t you?”

David forced himself to smile. He squeezed her hand and looked up into her eyes.

“Yeah,” he nodded. “Something like that.”


*              *              *


That night, Cassie followed her routine.

She had a shower and blow-dried her hair. Then, smelling of body lotion and toothpaste, she kissed David on the cheek and told him: “I’m going to bed.”

“Okay, dear,” David forced himself to smile. “I’m going to watch my show. I’ll see you in the morning.” And then he watched her walk to the bedroom and pull the door shut behind her with a soft click.

He gazed up at the clock above the fireplace.

Eight o’clock.

An hour before he could expect that knock on the door.

David’s heart was in his throat. He couldn’t believe what was about to happen. The previous night – when Tyrone had turned up on his doorstep (and thrown him up against the wall) came out of left field.

Tonight, on the other hand, was premeditated.

David was about to usher not one, but
strange men into his home to fuck his sleeping wife.

But it was the last time, he swore. The

Never again.

And with that justification in his head, David started thinking about what was about to happen instead; and then how it was making blood rush to his cock.

It was wrong. It was horrific. But it was

At half past eight, David stood up and tip-toed to the bedroom. He opened the door and peered inside.

There was Cassie, lying still on the bed, headphones wrapped around her ears.

David crept inside and checked the dresser drawer. The orange pill bottle rolled to the front of the drawer and he quickly counted the remaining pills.


So she’d taken another two. That meant she was out for the count.

He closed the dresser and turned to his sleeping wife.

She looked so beautiful. So serene. Like a sleeping angel.

He wanted to step over and brush her hair from her eyes, and kiss her on her alabaster cheek. He wanted to whisper in her ear how he loved and cherished her.

But instead, he was going to do something obscene. Something disgusting. Something that betrayed every promise he’d made her on their wedding night.

For a moment, David thought of calling the whole thing off – of facing the consequences, whatever they were.

But then he heard a knock on the back door, and knew it was too late.


Chapter Fifteen


Leaving his sleeping wife’s side, David headed to the back door to let in Tyrone and Brandon.

But then he heard voices.

Lots of voices.

He pulled back the blinds on the back door and peered outside – and nearly fainted.

It wasn’t just Tyrone and Brandon. In fact, there was a whole lineup of big, black guys standing at the back door. There must have been ten of them; all muscled and tattooed and dressed like thugs and street hoods.

“Yo!” It was Tyrone, rattling the door. “Yo, B-man! Let us in.”

David peered at him through the glass.

“What the hell, man!” He cried. “What is going on?”

“Open the door and I’ll explain.”

“No!” David turned the key in the lock. “Whoever these people are, tell ‘em to go home. Fuck off, man! You’re not coming in!”

Suddenly, Tyrone’s face was pressed against the glass.

“Buddy, you better open this door in three seconds flat, or I’m busting it in.” He rattled the handle. “Seriously, man. You don’t think me and a couple of the boys here could do it?”

David’s mind reeled. What could he do? He even started considering grabbing the phone and calling the cops – after all, ten African Americans in his back yard would normally be enough to bring a squadron of police cruisers and armed officers.

But then Brandon’s face appeared at the door.

“Open up, David,” he demanded, much more reasonably than Tyrone. “These guys are with me. It’s cool. They’re just here to chill out and drink some beers while Tyrone and I do out business. We’ll all be gone soon, you dig?” He pressed his glass against the window. “This is the last time, remember?”

David pressed his cheek against the glass. The line-up of black guys did seem to be carrying cases of beer and laughing and joking amongst themselves. Maybe they were just on their way somewhere else.

Not knowing what else to do, David unlocked the door.

And moment later, the line-up of strangers came barging into the house.

“Hey, man,” one guy patted David on the back as he swaggered past. “You wanna beer, dude?” Said another.

They assembled in the kitchen. David heard his fridge being opened, while another one of his uninvited guests grabbed a packet of chips from the cupboard and set about munching.

“Okay, guys,” Tyrone ordered, and the line-up of black strangers turned to look at him. Tyrone was clearly in charge. “You guys be cool, dig? David here invited us into his home. We’re gonna leave it the same way we found it, okay?”

There was a non-committal rumble from the crowd.

“So B-man and Brandon are coming next door with me to do some business. You stay put, dig?”

With that, Tyrone grabbed David’s elbow and led the white husband down the corridor. Brandon followed.

Out of earshot of the crowd of black guys, Tyrone hissed at David: “It’s cool, bro.” He jerked his thumb back towards the kitchen. “They’re just hanging out.”

“Yeah,” Brandon nodded. “As soon as Tyrone and I have bust our nuts, we’re outta your hair. For good, this time.”

“So just be cool,” Tyrone warned. “That’s all you need to do.”

“Yeah,” Brandon nodded. “Now c’mon.”

He ushered the three of them into Cassie’s darkened bedroom.

As the door shut behind them, Tyrone squinted his eyes to see better.

“Okay, B-man,” he ordered David. “Take off your clothes.”


“Do it,” he repeated.

“I’m gonna get her ready,” Brandon shouldered past them. He was already unbuttoning his shirt and pulling down his pants.

David felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Strip, bitch,” he warned. Nervously, the white husband began taking off his clothes.

As he unbuttoned his shirt, he watched Brandon strip down naked too. A moment later, the big, black man was pulling back the covers on the bed; exposing Cassie’s naked body.

“Damn, she looks like an angel,” the big, black man gasped as he drank in her pretty face, full breasts and curvy hips. “I’m gonna make this worth it.”

And then he dropped to his knees and grabbed Cassie’s knees in his big, brown hands.

David was unbuckling his pants. He continued to watch as he pulled them down over his hips.

Brandon was lifting and separating Cassie’s knees; exposing her tightly clenched pussy. The big man then licked his lips, and leaned forward. A moment later, his mouth met Cassie’s cunt and the sleeping girl let out a barely audible moan.

A wet, sucking noise echoed through the room. It was Brandon’s tongue, slathering and slurping at Cassie’s pussy. He looked like a big, black hog snuffling for truffles.

David gulped. He felt his dick start to get hard.

“C’mon, man,” Tyrone insisted. “Out of those clothes.”

Nervously, David did as he was told; and a moment later he was standing there, naked.

“Shit, looks like you’re into this,” Tyrone sneered, looking down at the half-hard cock bobbing between David’s legs. “Why don’t you get on your knees?”

David knew what was going to happen next; but he did it anyway.

The white husband dropped to the carpet and found himself level with Tyrone’s crotch. He watched, eyes just inches from the black man’s flies, as Tyrone unbuckled his belt and let his pants drop.

A wave of musk and heat assaulted David’s face. His eyes widened as he stared at the enormous, swollen cock in front of him.

“Suck it,” Tyrone ordered.

Gulping, David lifted his hands and wrapped his fingers around Tyrone’s massive shaft. Then, peeling back his foreskin, the smaller man opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around the head of Tyrone’s dick.

,” the big, black man groaned, throwing his head back as he felt the warm, wet suction on his cock. “You suck that so good, you little bitch.”

And to his disgust, David felt a stab of pride when he heard Tyrone tell him that. His cheeks burned, but he continued to suck and lick the big, black cock – lifting his other hand to cradle and fondle Tyrone’s egg-sized balls.

Brandon pulled his head from between Cassie’s thighs. His lips and chin were glistening.

“Bitch is wetter than an otter’s pocket,” he grinned. “You want first go?”

“Fuck, yes,” with a ‘slurp’ Tyrone pulled his cock from David’s mouth and pushed the kneeling man aside. “My balls are ready to burst.”

Still kneeling, David watched as Tyrone clambered onto the bed, between Cassie’s thighs. He gripped the base of his dick, aimed it for her wetness, and thrust.

“Fuck, she’s tight,” Tyrone groaned, as he began humping. “Shit, she feels fucking fantastic.”

David whimpered. He glanced down between his legs. To his shame, his cock had never been harder. It reared from his crotch like an angry, featherless chicken.

“Yo,” Brandon was naked now, and stepping up to David’s side. “It’s my turn next.” Gripping the root of his hard cock, he offered it to the kneeling husband. “Why don’t you get me good and hard first?”

And David, not knowing how to say ‘no’ at this point, did as he was told.

He opened his mouth and started sucking Brandon’s dick.

“Damn, you
good,” Brandon groaned, running his fingers through David’s hair, so he could control the rhythm of his bobbing head. “On days my wife doesn’t put out, I might call you down to my office…”

David cringed at the thought.

“Now listen, B-man,” Brandon murmured, as David diligently sucked his shaft. “I was thinking. We made one hell of a mess when we blew our loads last night; so you’d better be on clean-up duty tonight, dig?”

The only noise David made was a wet and sloppy “slurp, slurp, slurp” as he tongued Brandon’s cock.

“When Tyrone’s bust his nut in your wife, you’ve gotta go in there and eat it all out,” Brandon explained – and then he groaned as he felt David’s mouth contract at the thought. “And once I’m done, you gotta go back and do the same.”

“Yeah,” Tyrone called over his shoulder, as he thrust in and out of David’s sleeping wife. “You don’t want us to knock her up, do you?”

David wasn’t sure that going down on his wife after they’d cum in her would make even the slightest bit of difference – but part of him prayed it did.

“Good boy,” Brandon stroked his head, and let David continue sucking his hard, throbbing dick.

As David bobbed his head, he watched Tyrone fucking his wife – the big, black man spreading her thighs wide; his weight crushing her to the bed. With his huge shoulders and narrow hips, he looked like a big, black bull – and, with that immense cock of his pistoning in and out of his wife’s fertile pussy, perhaps the comparison was accurate.

“Aww, shiiit,” Tyrone was humping faster. “I’m gonna bust my nut.” He reached up and squeezed one of Cassie’s big, pale breasts. “Here it comes, bitch.” And then his taut butt cheeks tensed, and Tyrone thrust as deeply into Cassie as he could. He remained motionless, buried in her to the hilt, as his balls emptied and he spurted deep inside her.

“Shiiit,” the big man gasped, still buried in Cassie’s twitching cunt. “That was
.” He pulled back, and with a slurp his softening cock slid from Cassie’s tightness; followed by a deluge of his cum.

Brandon pulled David’s mouth from his cock. His immense shaft came away, glistening and veiny.

“You’re up, champ,” Brandon ordered.

Wiping his lips, the naked husband crawled to the side of the bed, and watched Tyrone clamber off it.

He put his head between Cassie’s thighs, and stared at her freshly-fucked pussy; filled with another man’s cum. And then he feasted.

“Aw, shit, look at him go,” Tyrone grinned, watching David suck strings of cum from Cassie’s pussy and swallow them eagerly. “That boy can eat a creampie.”

Brandon didn’t give him much time to finish the job.

“Move it,” he ordered, stroking his massive hard-on. “It’s my turn.” He pulled David’s head from between Cassie’s thighs and then the big, black man clambered onto the bed. “Help me get it in her.”

So kneeling at the edge of the bed – face inches from Brandon’s hairy backside and heavy, swinging balls – David gripped the base of the black man’s cock and helped aim it at the lips of Cassie’s glistening, wet cunt.

His cock throbbed as he helped insert another man’s dick into his wife.

“Aw, shit,” Brandon groaned, as Cassie’s cunt opened up and accepted each inch of him. “You didn’t even loosen her up.” Moments later, he was buried to his balls inside of her. “This bitch has a magical pussy.”

Brandon turned and looked over his shoulder, peering down at David.

“Make yourself useful,” he ordered. “Massage my balls.” And then he began to thrust.

And David had a front row seat. Reaching up, he cupped Brandon’s heavy, baseball-sized testicles in his hand and gently squeezed them. The big man groaned at the pressure.

This angle gave David the perfect view of Brandon’s big cock sliding in and out of his wife’s tight little pussy; stretching it obscenely, glistening with her wetness and Tyrone’s previous load of cum.

“Okay, enough,” Brandon ordered, wiggling his round backside to shake off David’s touch. “Stand back. I’m going for it.”

And he did. The bed started rocking back and forth as the big man pounded David’s sleeping wife. The headboard banged against the wall. The bedsprings creaked. David suddenly got worried that the entire thing might collapse (he had bought it at IKEA, after all!)

But instead, he heard a rattle at the door.

Spinning around, David saw the bedroom door swing open and one of the other black guys – out of the ten or so in the kitchen – peered inside.

“Yo, what the fuck is going on in here?” As soon as he saw the naked girl on the bed, and Brandon between her legs, thrusting away, the stranger stepped inside. “Can I get me some of that?”

“Woah,” David held up his hand, but Tyrone turned and hissed at him; making him fall silent.

“Shiiit, you can have a turn,” the black man grinned, holding out his hand to the stranger. “Give me a hundred bucks.”

“W-what?” David’s eyes widened.

“Sure, sure,” the stranger was already unbuckling his pants. “Here you go.”

“Woah,” David took a step forward and grabbed Tyrone’s elbow. “What the fuck are you doing? You’re fucking
pimping out my wife

Tyrone accepted the hundred dollar bill the stranger offered. After holding it up to check it was authentic, he turned to David.

“Are you’re
pimping her out?” he hissed. “For a few perks at work?” The big man laughed cruelly. “Don’t worry, white boy. You’ll get your share.” He winked. “But you’ve got work to do first. I think Brandon’s about to blow his load.”

And he was. Sweat was pouring off Brandon’s broad back, and the big man was grunting and groaning as he neared climax. “Aww, shit. Here it comes.”

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