Angela's Salvation (15 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Angela's Salvation
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A million thoughts moved through his head at that moment, knowing he'd just taking her virginity and not knowing how it was possible.  Sensing the pain he was causing, he remained completely still, allowing her body to adjust, and knew he wouldn't bring up any of those thoughts at the moment.  Her pleasure was all that mattered and he was determined to bring it back.

The pain was slowly receding, and she could tell by the look on his face how much strain it was causing him to not move.  "I'm okay Nolan," she whispered softly.

His fingers tenderly wiped the tears from her eyes and he slowly moved.  "Soon it will feel good again, I promise," he hoped he wasn't lying, but that's what he'd heard.  He never taken a virgin before and could only hope they were right.  With all the control he could muster, he slowly began thrusting inside her tight sheath, all his focus on bringing her desire again.  Allowing his fingers to trail between their bodies, he caressed the swollen nub again until she cried out softly.

Without the barrier in the way, her body was aching again for the incredible release she knew he could give.  Arching up to meet each thrust of his body, she lost herself in the bliss that was all Nolan.  Her body was stretched and so full, but it was such an incredible feeling that she wanted to stay joined with him like this forever.  Wrapping her legs around his hips, she felt him delve even deeper and cried out at the incredible friction until she tensed and came undone so completely. It was the most amazing experience of her life.

Her clenching folds drove him over the edge and he lost himself to the moment until his release came so powerfully he was stunned for a few brief moments.  When he could see clearly again, he carefully lifted away from her, the soft whimper from her lips, making him cringe.  He didn't like the idea of hurting her at all.

Curling against his chest with his arm wrapped around her protectively, she was blown away by the beauty of what they'd just shared.  If this is what making love was like, she thought, she wanted to do it every single day for the rest of her existence.  The thought forced a small laugh from her lips.

Leaning over, he pulled a stray wisp of hair from her face.  "You know sweetheart
, laughing at a man after sex could make him doubt his skills." He grinned, wanting her to know he was only joking.

"I think your skills are pretty perfect," she smiled back, somewhat embarrassed at the conversation.

His facial expression grew serious as he considered what she had given him this night.  "I didn't know you were a virgin," he spoke quietly, trying to understand how her stepfather had raped her and the obvious fact it was impossible.

She tensed and knew he deserved the truth, "He didn't take that virginity," she hated thinking about what he'd done to her when she was lying her
e with him.

The dawning of what she was saying made him livid.  He could only imagine the agony of what she suffered being taken that way by a man
who obviously didn't care if he hurt her.  Pulling her against him protectively, he wanted to beat the asshole until he knew how it felt to suffer in that way.  Even with his submissive's he spent weeks of training them for anal sex, and then it wasn't always easy for a first timer.  "Baby I'm so sorry for what you went through." He couldn't let her see his anger, she might take it in the wrong way.

"I know now what it can be like Nolan, I just want to forget." Holding him tightly, she believed that maybe after being with him now she could finally let go of the pain she'd sheltered in her heart for so long.

He had to lighten the mood, he decided.  "I don't know angel, we might have to do this a hundred times or more to make sure you know how good it can be." He forced a small laugh for her benefit, but the thought of showing her all the pleasures he had to offer was a very tempting idea.

"Just a hundred," she giggled, thinking after what he'd shown her tonight they could probably knock that number out in a week.

"Okay maybe a thousand, but after that you might need to let me rest," he loved joking with her, and it helped ease the anger he felt earlier at that detriment to society who had hurt her so viciously.

She laughed and felt like for once her entire world was perfect. 
He pleasured her and showed her how to pleasure him a few more times during the night, but he refused to make love again.  He knew her body was sore and needed time to heal, and the last thing he would ever consciously do is hurt her.




















10 Defenseless



The following weeks were like a dream come true, Angela relived the memories after hanging up from talking with Rachel.  Nolan was stuck in pre-production for the show tonight, and it was the first time they'd really been apart since she moved in.  He'd invited her to come along, but knowing the reporters would be talking with the contestants, she'd pleaded off for a little quiet time.

All her song tracks had been put down at the studio, and even the new music video she was starring in was completed.  Several times she felt like pinching herself, afraid she was going to wake up and discover she was still back home.  Nolan had been the most generous lover, and she couldn't tell him, but she'd fallen so in love with him the thought of walking away made her heart ache.

He treated her like a fragile princess, and it was such a contradiction to the control freak he showed the rest of the world on camera.  Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear what the servant was saying until she nodded her head, and pulled herself out of the dreamland of her memories.

Apparently she had a visitor, since the servant told her she'd bring refreshments to the living room.  Having no idea who would be visiting her here, since everyone she knew in town was involved in the production of the show, she quickly walked down stairs to greet her guest.

Her heart dropped into her stomach at the sight of the man who ha
d filled her nightmares for years.  "Ronald," eyes widening in fear, she couldn't muster up the courage to say anything else.

"It looks like they've really dolled you up," taking a seat on the expensive leather couch, he allowed his eyes to roam suggestively over his now fully grown stepdaughter.

"Ms. Storm, will drinks be sufficient?" Edward, the housekeeper inquired, unaware of what the situation was.

"Drinks, preferably bourbon if you have it," he waved the butler off with his hand, pleased that Angela seemed to be unable to talk.  The little bitch had caused him endless grief after her disappearance and he was here to make sure she
paid one way or another.

"As you wish, Sir," walking from the room Edward felt somewhat uncomfortable with the uncouth man in the mansion, and considered calling his employer.  Being the professional he was, he decided to serve drinks before contacting Mr. Fitzgerald.

"What are you doing here Ronald," she couldn't believe he'd found her, and here of all places.  She wanted to run from the room, but fear kept her immobile, standing in the same place she'd remained since she saw him in the room.

"Is that any way to greet your daddy, girl," looking her over again, he thought she'd filled out in all the right places.  "Come sit your ass down, and let's have a discussion like two adults."

His attitude freed her from her sluggish mindset and she grew enraged. "I want you out of my house before I call the police."  She tried to make the demand forceful but it came out as a croaky whisper.  The man still had the ability to terrify her.

"Listen you little bitch, I've had to deal with your
mother's bullshit for the last five years since you left, and you're going to make it worth my while to leave again, if you know what's good for you."  As she visibly shrank back he grinned. 

"What do you want," this couldn't be happening, she thought as her stomach churned in nausea.  Why now, after all these years had he found her?  She turned and was about to leave the room, when he stood,
reached out and gripped her arm tightly, then slapped her soundly across the face.

"You make one
more move to leave this room and I'll throw your slutty little ass on the floor and take what I didn't get the last time, you get me?"  Pulling her back to the couch, he sat her down forcefully, then stood towering over her.

Edward walked back in the room with a tray carrying a bottle of bourbon, ice, a coke for Angela, and two glasses.  Seeing the tension in the room, he knew he needed to call his employer, but also didn't want to overstep his boundaries.  Sitting the tray down on the table he asked politely, "Can I bring you anything else?"

"No, Angela and I don't want to be disturbed, you're job is finished here take the night off," Ronald demanded as if he had the right to give orders.

Angela wanted to scream for the servant not to leave her alone, but she knew firsthand how volatile her step-father's temper could be and couldn't allow the elderly man to be hurt by her circumstances.  "Thank you
Edward that will be all."  She knew the servant wouldn't leave without her permission.

"Very well Ms. Storm, Mr. Fitzgerald should be arriving home soon, so I will bid you goodnight."  He hoped the young woman understood his cryptic message, but even if she didn't, he would have security here as soon as he left the room.
  The fear in her eyes made him wish he was a man of more physical strength, but he knew that he couldn't fight off the much younger man and security was the wiser choice.  And she could also be friends with this rude man, he reminded himself, but still it wouldn't hurt to have someone other than he make sure this situation was amicable.

Ronald waited until the servant left before grabbing her arm again.  "I always knew you were a whore
Angela, but I have to give you kudos on hooking such a rich fuck buddy." He laughed coldly, somewhat impressed at her ability to better her circumstances.

She couldn't argue back with him, knowing he could hurt her badly now that they were all alone.  Nolan wasn't due home for hours, and now that she had released the servant, she had to use her head to fend him off until she could break away, she thought.  "What is it going to take for you to leave me alone, Ronald?"  She wanted to kick him in the balls or take a gun to his head, but self-preservation was the key
at this moment.

He kept the tight grip on her arm, knowing she'd have one hell of a bruise there tomorrow, and looked around the expensive surroundings.  "Well seeing how you're living like the rich and famous now, I figure I'll start with half a million." 

"Obviously I don't have that kind of money," stall him, her mind screamed at her even when she wanted to throw up all over him. 

I'm sure you'll get me what I need from your rich playboy, and if you think you can just promise me you'll pay and don't, remember I'll take out every dollar of what you don't pay me on that sorry excuse for a mother you have."  He doubted the silly bitch had the intelligence to try and double cross him, she hadn't even graduated high school. 

"I can't say that I really care what you do to that woman who gave birth to me Ronald, all I want is for you to leave and never come back into my life again."  She hadn't had a mother in five years, and even when she considered her a parent, she'd never done anything to help her, so why should she care what happened there.

"I knew you were a sorry bitch Angela, what kind of girl doesn't care what happens to her own mother." He laughed crudely, actually respecting her a little for her lack of giving a shit.

Needing to continue stalling she spoke what she felt, "She didn't help me get away from you, so what you do to her is of no concern to me." The fact that she didn't want to see her mother hurt, even after the shit she'd allowed to happen to her, made her feel guilty, and she hated that feeling.

"You just make sure I get my money, or trust me, I'll find you one night when your sugar daddy isn't around and make what I did to you before seems like a day in an amusement park," Grabbing her arm tighter, his eyes bore into hers, pleased at the terror shining back at him.

"It's going to take me a few days to come up with that kind of cash," she had no idea how she would get that type of money, but until she was safe again, she couldn't let him know that.


Edward called the security team, and they were on their way to assure him of her safety.  He called his boss letting him know what he'd done as well, hoping he'd made the right choice, and knowing he had when Mr. Fitzgerald said he was leaving the studio immediately and to inform security the man was to be detained.

Security had immediately stepped in and escorted the rude man into the study, and the police were called in after Angela described the man as a trespasser.   Angela had never been so happy to see the security team as she had been at that moment.  The moment they entered the room she explained that Ronald was unwelcome and had gotten through the front gate by using a false identity.  She knew that Nolan had put her stepfather on the list of people unwelcome on his property, and even if Ronald was a bastard, he definitely had intelligence.

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