America's Hidden History: Untold Tales of the First Pilgrims, Fighting Women, and Forgotten Founders Who Shaped a Nation Paperback (32 page)

BOOK: America's Hidden History: Untold Tales of the First Pilgrims, Fighting Women, and Forgotten Founders Who Shaped a Nation Paperback
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Common Sense
(Paine), 162

Delaplace, Captain, 171, 173

Conant, Roger, 69

Delaware, 204, 231

Concord, Battle of, 123

Delaware Indians, 93

Confederation Congress, 229

Dentistry, 156

Congregational Church, 56, 220

Derounian-Stodola, Kathryn Zabelle, 47

| 263 \


Díaz, Bernal, 21

Endecott, John, 69, 70

Dickinson, Emily, 217

England, 53

Dickinson, John, 120, 157–158, 223, 224

Enlightenment, 131

Dickinson, Moses, 217

The Enlightenment
(Gray), 131

Diet of Worms, 29

“Enrique el Impotente,” 14

Dinwiddie, Robert (Governor), 90, 100, Enrique IV (King), 14

103, 105–108, 110, 114


Disease, 94–95, 180, 191–192, 234

“Enterprise of England,” 35

consumption, 99, 149

Episcopalians, 101

epidemics, 19, 32, 68, 135

Estevanico, 26

infectious, 138

Executions, 74

inoculation against, 193

smallpox, 68, 126–127, 138, 144, Fairfax, Ann, 96

192–193, 241

Fairfax, George William, 117–118

Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on
Fairfax, Thomas, 97–98

the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences
Fairfax, William (Colonel), 96, 97–98, (Luther), 28–29

100, 110

Dogs, 27–28

Faiths of the Founding Fathers
Dogs of God
(Reston Jr.), 17


Dominican Republic, 2, 16

Farming, 218

Drake, Francis, 33, 35, 36

The Federalist Papers,

Dunmore, Lord, 159

Federalists, 231, 234

Duquesne, Fort, 108, 111–113, 115

Feltham, Jocelyn (Lieutenant), 171

Duquesne, Marquis de, 102–103

Fenn, Elizabeth, 135, 192

Dustin, Hannah Emerson, 43, 45–48, 50, Ferdinand, King (Aragon), 2, 12, 14, 20

73, 76–79, 238
7, 240

Ferry Farm, 95

Dustin, Martha, 43

First Continental Congress, 121, 136, 140, Dustin, Thomas, 44


Dyer, Eliphalet, 184

Fischer, David Hackett, 50, 67, 97, 138, Dyer, Mary, 79

146, 152–153, 157

Fleming, Thomas, xii, 142

The Ecclesiastical History of New England
Flexner, James Thomas, 92, 107, 108, 177

(Mather), 51

Florida, 3, 7–36, 79, 83

Egg Plot, 128, 129–130, 136, 139

Foot Guards, 160, 173

Eliot, John, 65, 66, 73


Elizabeth I, Queen, 3, 189

Fort Wilson Riot, 223, 224

Ely, Samuel, 216

Founding Father
(Brookhiser), 219

Emerson, Elizabeth, 50, 51

Founding Fathers, 101, 117, 128, 220, 224, Emerson, Mary, 50


Emerson, Michael, 50

Fountain of Youth, 21

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 151

Foxe, John, 53, 189

| 264 \


France, 52–53, 91, 179

Greene, Nathanael, 155

Francis, Richard, 65

Green Mountain Boys, 171–172, 175

Francis’ Female Elixir, 182

Gregory XIII, Pope, 34

Franklin, Benjamin, 101, 131, 194, 207,

224, 227, 229, 230

Gulf of Mexico, 25

Fraunces Tavern, 163

Gutenberg, 13, 29, 53

Freedom, 159

Guy Fawkes Day, 189

Freemasons, 82, 100–101, 145, 146, 185

French and Indian War, 83, 91, 116, 130, Haiti, 2

146, 149, 153, 169, 180, 181, 185, 187

Half King.
Tanaghrisson Frobisher, Martin, 36

Halifax, 191, 194

Hallahan, William, 151

Gage, Margaret Kemble, 143, 157

Hamilton, Alexander, 199, 204, 226, Gage, Thomas (Lieutenant Colonel), 112, 227–228

126, 128, 134, 137–142, 152, 153, 155, Hancock, John, 101, 128, 136, 142, 143, 156–157, 170, 193

147, 154, 183, 205

Galveston Island, 26

Hancock, Thomas, 154

Gates, Horatio (Captain), 112, 197

Hanson, Neil, 36


Hapsburg family, 20

George I (King), 82

Harquebusiers, 8

George II (King), 82, 90

Harvard, John, 60

George III (King), 83, 116, 132, 133–134, Harvard College, 51, 65


Haskell, Caleb, 192

Georgetown University, 195

Haverhill, 47, 49

Georgia, 32, 82, 205, 230, 231

Hawkins, John (Captain), 33, 36

Gerry, Elbridge, 229

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 69, 238

Gist, Christopher, 104, 106

Heath, William (General), 151

Glorious Revolution, 39

Heathens, 20

Gold, 33

Henry, Patrick, 132, 136, 227

Gomes, Peter, 60

Henry VIII (King), 2, 3, 35, 36

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, xii Herbs, 57

Gordon, John Steel, 225

Heresy, 16, 59

Gourgues, Dominique de (Captain), 34

Hitchborn, Deborah, 146

Government Act, 216

Hobbes, Thomas, xvi Granada, 13, 17

Hodgkins, Joseph, 123

Gravelines, 36

Holmes, David L., 101

Gray, Peter, 131

Holy Office, 16

Great Britain, 209

Hooten, Elizabeth, 144

Great Massacre of 1622, 63

House of Burgesses, 17, 38, 107, 114

Great Swamp Fight, 74

House of Commons, 54, 163

Green Dragon, 144

Howe, William, 155, 157, 193

| 265 \


How to Win Friends and Influence People,
Jehovah, 172


Jenkins, Robert, 241

Hudson, Charles, 5, 19

Jerusalem, 13–14

Huguenots, 3, 9–10, 12, 28, 34, 145

Jesus, 29, 65

Hume, David, 131

Jews, xiv, 2, 16, 17, 19, 65

Hutchinson, Anne, 38, 41, 53, 55, 57,
The Journal of Major George Washington,
58–59, 60–61, 67, 78, 79, 80, 134


Hutchinson, Susan, 61, 80

Juan, King (Castile), 13

Hutchinson, Thomas (Lieutenant Gover -

Jumonville, Joseph de, 88–89, 90, 91, 92, nor), 126, 134, 239

109, 110

Hutchinson, William, 54, 55, 60

Jumonville’s Clearing (Glen), 91

Hutchinson River Parkway, 62

Kamen, Henry, 16–17

Idolatry, 51

Kemble, Margaret, 137

Indians, xii, 10, 22, 27, 48, 189, 214.
Ketchum, Richard, 192

Native Americans Kieft, Willem, 61, 62

French, 106

Kieft’s War, 62

Infanticide, 50–51

King, Absalom, 178

Innocent, Pope, 17

King George’s War, 82, 92, 179

Inquisition (Spanish), 12, 16–17, 53

King Philip’s War, 39, 72–76, 79, 132,
Institutes of the Christian Religion

(Calvin), 3

King William’s War (Second Indian Intolerable Acts (Coercive Laws), 121, War), 39, 46

135, 137–138, 189–190

Knox, Henry (Colonel), 155, 162, 193,

214, 219

Iredell, Justice, 233–234

Ireland, 36, 191

Lafayette, Marquis de, 199, 209–234

Irons, Peter, 233–234

La Navidad, 2

Iroquois Confederacy, 93, 104

LaPlante, Eve, 62

Iroquois Indians, 75

Larcher, 31

Isabella, Queen (of Castile), xi, xiv, 2, La Salle, 39, 102


Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 66

Islam, xiv, 12

The Last of the Mohicans
(Cooper), 170, Isle of Misfortune, 26


Lathrop, Daniel (Dr.), 180, 182

James II (King), 39

Lathrop, Jerusha, 180

Jamestown (Virginia), 48

Lathrop, Joshua, 180

Jay, John, 190, 204

Laud, William (Archbishop), 54–55

Jeffers, H. Paul, 102

Laudonnière, René de, 9–10, 31, 33

Jefferson, Thomas, 131–133, 144–145, 207, Le Boeuf, Fort, 103, 105

215, 226–227, 233

Lee, Arthur, 132

| 266 \


Lennardson, Samuel, 46–48, 240

Massasoit (Chief), 64, 73

Lenni Lenape Indians, 61, 62

Matanzas, Fort, 11

León, Juan Ponce de, 21, 27

Mather, Cotton, 41, 46, 47, 51, 57, 76, Leo X, Pope, 29

78, 189

Lepore, Jill, 66

Mather, Increase, 51, 57, 78

Leslie, Colonel, 141–142

May, River of, 8, 30, 33

Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to
38, 56–57, 64, 68, 71, 75,
the Inhabitants of the British Colonies

(Dickinson), 120, 223

Mayflower Compact, 38

Lexington, Battle of, 123

The Maypole of Merry Mount
(Haw-Liberty, 186

thorne), 69

Lincoln, Benjamin, 214

McCullough, David, xii Literacy, 53

Medici, Lorenzo de, 2

Little Hunting Creek, 95

Memorable Providences Relating to Witch-Longfellow, 64

crafts and Possessions
(Mather), 51

Long Island, Battle of, 162, 212

Memorial and Remonstrance Against Reli-Long Room Club, 147

gious Assessments
(Madison), 204

“Lord Protector,” 39

Mencken, H. L., 42

Los Reyes Católicos,
15, 16

Menéndez, Pedro (Admiral), 30, 33, 34, Louisiana, 80


Louisiana Territory, 39

Merry, Mount, 69

Louis XVI (King), 162

Metacom, 73, 79

Loyalists, 194, 200

Mexico, 7, 22, 23, 27

Luther, Martin, 28–29

Miantonomi (Chief), 72

Mingo Indians, 87, 90

Madeira, 191

Minutemen, 211

Madison, James, 101, 204, 226–228, 230

Miracle at Philadelphia
(Bowen), 231

Maine, 43, 44, 47

Mississippi, River, 26, 39, 93

Manchester, William, xii Mississippi Company, 132

Mann, Charles C., 19

Miss Manners, 95

Mansfield, Margaret, 183

Moderates, 134

Mary, Queen, 3, 35

Mohawk Indians, 72, 75

Maryland, 38, 205

Mohegan Indians, 68, 71, 72, 240
30, 31

Mason, George, 229–230

Montauk Indians, 72

Masonic lodge, 144

Montcalm, General, 83, 116, 169

Massachusetts, 43–80, 168, 204, 205, 231

Montgomery, Richard (General), 192

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 36, 38, 50, 56, Montreal, 181, 191

57, 58, 60, 70

Moors, xiv, 2, 13, 17

Massachusetts Bay Courts, 48–50

Morgan, Daniel (General), 153, 163, 192

Massachusetts Government Act, 134

Morgan, Edmund S., 41–42, 54, 58–59

Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 139

Morris, Robert, 222, 233

| 267 \


Morton, Thomas, 69

Old North Church, 147

Mount Vernon Conference, 204

Old South, 128, 131

Mr. Peabody’s Wayback Machine, xi “Old War,” 92

Muslims, xiv, 13

Old World, 20

Mystic (Misistuck), River, 70

“Olive Branch Petition” (Dickinson), 157–158, 224

Napoleonic Wars, 201

Ordinance of Religious Freedom, 204

Narragansett Indians, 60, 74, 75

Orne, Sarah, 146

Narváez, Pánfilo de, 2, 23, 24–25

Otis, James, 83, 116, 120, 133, 134, 144

Nash, Gary, 220

Ottawa Indians, 132

Natchez Indians, 82

Ottoman Empire, 13

Native Americans, 44, 63–64, 65, 75, 132, 169.
See also
Indians; individual tribes Paine, Thomas, 131, 162

Navy, 186

Panama, 27

Necessity, Fort, 109, 110, 180

Parker, John (Captain), 148–149

Neff, Mary, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48

Parliament, 54, 133, 135, 136

African Americans Parris Island, 31

The Netherlands, 35, 52–53, 69

Patterson, William, 227

New Amsterdam, 39, 60–61

Paul, Apostle, 70

New Hampshire, 46, 172, 205, 217, 230, 231

Pennsylvania, 205, 223–224, 231

New Hampshire Grants, 172

Pennsylvania Gazette,

New Jersey, 162, 205, 224, 231

Pequot Indians, 58, 68, 70, 71, 240

New Jersey Plan, 227

Pequot War, 38, 62, 68, 72

New Orleans, 82

Perpetual Union, 210

“New Spain” (Mexico), 25

Peru, 7

New World, 17, 19, 20, 65–66

Philbrick, Nathaniel, 56, 75

New York (city), 38, 39, 61, 162

Philip II (King), 3, 10, 28, 30, 33, 34, 73, New York (state), 133, 172, 181, 191, 196, 76

205, 231

Pigs, xii, 19

Niantic Indians, 70

Pilgrims, xii, 38, 56, 63–64, 73

“Ninety-five Theses” (Luther), 28–29

Pinckney, Charles, 228

Nipmuc Indians, 75, 76

Pirates, 33

Nombre de Dios, Mission of, 30

Pitcairn, John (Major), 138, 142, 150, North, Lord, 163


North Carolina, 191, 206, 220, 221, Pitt, William, 115


Pizarro, 7, 26

North Caucus Club, 146

Of Plymouth Plantation
(Bradford), 71

Nova Scotia, 116, 179

Plymouth Plantation, 38

Pocahontas, 48

Ohio Company, 103, 107, 108

Politics, 58

“Old Grog.”
Vernon, Edward power, xv

| 268 \


prejudices, 189

Reed, Joseph (Governor), 222–223

voting, 225

Reformation, 55

Pontiac’s Rebellion, 120, 132

“Regulators,” 220–221

“Pope’s Day,” 189

Religion, 58, 65, 101–102

Portugal, 35–36

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