All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series) (16 page)

BOOK: All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)
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“You’re an amazing agent
Angelina, when you’re focused. This is the one reason why we’re not supposed to fall in love. You can never fight the one you love and expect to win,” he said softly to me.

“I have to win,” I spat out as
he froze. I couldn’t do this anymore, I tried to make a run for it but before I could get far he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

“Don’t go,” he said
wrapping his arms around me. For once I didn’t want to fight him off. It was pointless because all I wanted was to feel the warmth of his embrace. Even after the pity fuck I’ve been so cold and empty without him. “Please come back to me beautiful,” he pleaded as I sobbed into his chest silently.

“You s
till want me back, after all this? You could just simply call the police and charge me with attempted murder you know,” I said and I felt his chest shake from laughter.

“Now how w
ould that look to the police?” He teased. “My fiancée broke up with me then came back, on my birthday none the less, and had her way with me.” I tried to laugh but nothing came out.

“I love you Dennis,” I whispered even through it felt
painful for saying that. “But I can’t just come back here and be with you like nothing ever happened,” I added sadly.

“I know
,” he said letting go of me then cupping my face with both of his hands. “I’m going to fight for you Angelina. I’m not going to give up and I’m not letting you go.” Fresh tears came down my face by the sincere and meaningful words he said.

“Why?” I asked
and he smiled.

“I told you the day I proposed to you,
I can’t live without you,” he said then he kissed my forehead. He let go of me before I could involuntarily reach up to touch him. I turned and walked away, stopping in the doorway. I looked over my shoulder to look at him and tried to put on a smile.

“Happy birthday Dennis,” I murmured and
he slightly grinned and nodded back to me.


I woke up this morning feeling something coming up my throat, not again I thought to myself. I immediately got up and ran to the bathroom. What a nice way to wake up by vomiting, I decided to take a quick shower and wash off the feel of disgust. After my shower I wrapped a towel around myself and stood in front of the sink, looking in the mirror I groaned. I brushed my teeth to get the stank of vomit off my breath. I’ve been sick for the last few days now and not even Isabella’s famous soup helped my stomach. Even what’s more bizarre than this sudden stomach flu is that I was two weeks late on my period and that’s never happened before. I laughed uneasily to myself. With all these symptoms I’d swear I was…I gasped dropping my toothbrush into the sink. I’m pregnant? That would explain a lot, like the sudden emotional outbursts that I’ve been having after that night with Dennis, craving chocolate more than usual and now morning sickness. Shit! This wasn’t stomach flu at all. I was pregnant and it’s Dennis’s child.

legs became jello-like as I stood in the bathroom. I’m going to faint…or puke again, ugh. I walked back into my bedroom with shaky legs and sat on the bed. As obvious as it looked, I still couldn’t bring myself to believe that I was pregnant. I tried to think back, Dennis never used protection when we had sex, but I did take birth control. I took them even before we met, surely they should have prevented me from getting pregnant. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I absently stopped taking them when he proposed to me a little over a month ago. I jumped up and got dressed in double time, I had to make sure this was for real and the only way I could be sure is if I got a pregnancy test. Isabella already left for work and somewhere deep down I was glad. I wasn’t going to tell her about my suspicion yet. I didn’t even want to think about it.

I walked
down to the local pharmacy store and bought five different home pregnancy tests. I didn’t even care about the look the woman who rang me up gave me. She may think all she wants that I’m some whore but in all actuality I need to be sure. When I went back to Isabella’s house I took the tests. The first four tests came back positive, I pissed on the strip of the last test as I slumped to the bathroom floor and waited for the results. All of the other tests showed a positive result as I prayed that this one would come back negative, this was way too fucked up for me to have a baby, I’ve always wanted to settle down and have kids as I fantasized about being pregnant with Dennis’s child and now that I might be I didn’t know what to do. I was a mess, how was I supposed to carry a baby whose father I didn’t even talk to? I love him, but I couldn’t get the sick thought of him sleeping with Stephanie out of my head. I wanted to be with him more than anything, but could I really copout into trusting him? My one hand went to my midsection and the other wiped a single tear that escaped at the corner of my eye.

He said he would fight for me and never give up or let me go. Part of me wanted him to forget about me…about us and what we had, while another part wished this was all a sick nightmare. Could I really put his cheating on me aside? Now there’s an unborn baby involved, Dennis’s little boy or girl I thought to myself while slightly smiling. Everything I did and any decision I made affected this baby now, it wasn’t just me anymore. Should I dare tell Dennis? What will he do? I know he would never let me run off with his child and he’d want to be a part of its life. Would bitter heartbreak make me deny him that? I doubt that anyone denied Dennis anything. One thing I knew for sure was that I was having this baby with or without Dennis. I loved, cared and held this baby many times before in my dreams when I thought that I found my happily ever after. I got up off the floor and checked the test. It was official, I was pregnant. Now how to tell Isabella my news? Maybe later on tonight when she gets home from work I’ll mention a little something.

“How’s the
stomach flu treating you today?” She asked after telling me about her day over dinner and I shook my head.

’s not the stomach flu, I’m pregnant,” I said. Isabella froze and her eyes widened from shock.

!” She said. “So when did you find out?”

“I took a home
pregnancy test this morning,” I said shaking my head sadly. “I can’t believe I missed all the signs.”

“You’ve had a lot on your mind girlie. Don’t be so hard on yourself,” s
he said as her eyes narrowed. “What are you going to do now?”

“Am I a bad
person for saying I have no clue?”

“Are you going to tell Dennis?” She asked and I froze “Ang?” S
he asked when I didn’t answer.

“I don’t know
okay?” I said defensively. “After all, this is my baby.”

’s his baby too. Ang, he has the right to know what you’re doing,” she insisted sounding a little aggravated with me.

“Don’t you think I know that?” I said raising my voice
to her. “You don’t understand Isabella, I’ve wanted this baby from day one with Dennis and now I can’t even think about its father without breaking down into tears.” Isabella looked at me with patience as I looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry for snapping on you,” I mumbled. I was being unfair to her and she didn’t deserve it. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

“Pregnant woman
and their hormones,” she teased and I smiled back. “I’m not trying to pressure you into doing anything. I just thought that maybe…”

’s cool,” I said stopping her. “You’re a great friend and I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I said and she smiled.

She and I talked some more
about work and stuff, neither one of us mention Dennis again. Later on in the night I overheard her talking to Dennis on the phone. I didn’t confront her about it after she hung up with him, I don’t want to make her feel bad about this whole situation that were in. She didn’t do anything wrong, she was just worried about me running away with the baby. I can’t lie but that idea did cross my mind once or twice. Though running would be harsh and heartless to both the baby and Dennis, they both deserved to be in each other’s lives no matter the dilemma that Dennis and I were in. I couldn’t stand in the way of that, no matter what my reasons were.



To be continued…

BOOK: All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)
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