All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series) (13 page)

BOOK: All The Right Reasons (The Seduced Series)
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I avoided calling him
at all costs since he left, using time difference as an excuse but I knew better. I tried to lie to myself, I just wanted him to call me first. I didn’t want to impose or bother him. He should be able to take care of his business affairs without worrying if I was still in one peace or not. I laughed to myself as I went into our closet, pulled out one of his shirts and slipped it on. I must have officially lost my mind but his alluring familiar scent that was on the collar soothed me. I sat on the balcony and inhaled the collar of his shirt while thinking how in the hell did he cope a whole week without me? I stared out into nights sky as the sound of my cell phone ringing startled me. Without checking the caller ID, I picked it up on the third ring and answered.


“It’s good to hear your voice, love.” The deep familiar voice said.

“Dennis!” I beamed.

I feel neglected,” he said in a teasing tone.

Chapter Fourteen


I don’t know if it was me being paranoid, but Stephanie seemed nervous on the flight to Miami.
I didn’t ask or probe for information so I just dismissed it altogether. I had more important things to focus on…and that was getting the Maltiz deal finalized and going back home to my soon to be wife. I’ve already been gone for only a few hours but I was missing Angelina terribly. The thought of her was in my daydreams. She was always the vision of my eyes and the sound in my ears. The feel of her soft lips against mine was everything I needed and wanted. She was everything that made me feel like me and it didn’t feel right that she was not here with me.

“Oh don’t forget that you
also have a charity gala event this evening at the J.W. Marriott Hotel,” Stephanie said bringing me out of my thoughts of Angelina. I shook my head at her.

“Cancel that and give my invitation away,” I said.
I wasn’t in a social gathering type of mood today. She nodded to me while typing on her laptop.

you want me to book a different hotel then?” She asked eyeing me carefully. Oh how I hate hotels. “I can book you a suite at the Hilton Hotel? It’s the same one I’m staying at. I guess it would be easier if we were close…” She blabbed on but I silenced her with my hand.

“Okay, that
’s fine Stephanie,” I said.

After three long hours, we touched down at Miami International Airport. A limo was parked on the tarmac waiting
for our arrival. Once we made our way out of the jet, I helped the driver load our luggage in the truck then told him to drop us off at the Hilton hotel. A short five minute ride and we end out front of the Hilton. After checking in I didn’t waste any time and went straight to my suite. I was sure glad to see that Stephanie booked me a king suite. After a three hour flight and missing my fiancé, I was too emotionally drained to go anywhere so I took a shower and threw on my pajamas bottoms and a white T-shirt.

I stood by the large
window overlooking the hotels pool and decided to check my phone. Weird, Angelina didn’t try to call or text me. Relax Dennis, it’s only been a few hours, I thought to myself. Throwing my phone aside and sitting on the edge of the bed I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I felt like a homesick puppy. She’ll call me when she’s free, until then I should just focus on this business deal. I laughed to myself, focus on work that’s easier said than done. I decided to go to bed and try to sleep off my need to hear her voice.

The following morning I woke up more tired than I went to bed. I spent half the night tossing and turning,
thinking about Angelina. It’s funny because she always told me she needed me close to her to sleep but in all actuality I needed her to help me sleep. It’s funny because I never was this needy before with any other women but with Angelina it was different. She’s always on my mind, every second of the day I catch myself thinking of her. But now it’s even worse being so far away from her. I can’t wait to be done with this deal and go home to hold her in my arms again. I got dressed and met my Uncle Charlie who flew in early this morning. I met him at a local restaurant not far from the hotel I was staying at and we talked about our game plan for the Maltiz takeover deal for later in the day today. Uncle Charlie and I had the best financial directors department along with the best damn lawyers for Evers and Evers. We discussed the deal and how it can be profitable for both companies. I wanted this deal to go through real bad, by doing this Uncle Charlie and I could spread out Evers and Evers even further than we already are and be able to be one of the major wireless service providers across the country, and with that said there is no room for error. We even inquired about our other headquarter branches in London and Australia, the ones my Aunt Britney and my obnoxious asshole of a cousin Michael run, who all seemed determined for us to close this deal. It just sucks ass that every big deal that goes through our end we had to inform the rest of the family as well with them they will inform us. When there’s a lot of money being thrown on the table, they needed to know every detail involved in the deal. They just wanted to make sure their trust funds would be getting bigger, arrogant fuckers my family can be.

After a good three hours of negotiating
, we came to a deal that was perfect for both companies. I was glad how everything turned out, once the meeting was over both parties said their goodbyes. The Maltiz reps left first while Uncle Charlie and I stayed behind and took a walk to a nearby dinner to order some coffee and talk about life.

“How is Aunt Stacey?” I asked. I love my
aunt; she is a very sweet woman and played an important mother figure in my life while I was growing up.

“She’s good. S
he sends her apologies for not being able to come. She had some charity function she had to attend to,” he said.

okay; we should have dinner one night.”

“Maybe after t
his deal goes through we’ll drive up to visit. We’d love to officially meet your mystery woman in person, Stacey seen her in the tabloids. She’s very beautiful Dennis,” he said with a smile. If he only knew that her beauty is more than just looks. She is beautiful inside and out, my love and soon to be wife. “I also heard that you’re engaged to her. Congratulations, I’m very happy for you. Your mother and father would be proud of you too,” he added before taking a sip of his coffee.

“Thank you, I’m sure they would. She’s unbelievable.” I think my mother would have loved Angelina; they are so similar in so many ways. “It would
be great if you came over and I’m sure she’d love to meet you and Aunt Stacey,” I said.

w is she by the way?” He asked as he narrowed his eyes.

“She’s good,” I replied.

“I thought you would have brought her with you.”

“She has work. B
esides when she’s around I can’t get any work done,” I said and Uncle Charlie let out a loud laugh. I couldn’t help but smile back at him because that’s the truth. Whenever she is around I get distracted, especially by her touch, it burns through me in a delicious way that I can’t keep my hands off of her sexy body.

“Well, tell her I send my regards in your engagement,” he said.

We stayed for a little longer then said our goodbyes. When I got back to my hotel suite, I couldn’t focus on anything. The TV was a meaningless background noise as I keep thinking about Angelina. I paced the room back and forth until I got impatient and decided to call her. I needed to hear her voice; I pulled out my cell phone and dialed her number. She answered on the third ring.

?” She asked. I couldn’t help but smile, her voice was soft and comforting.

“It’s good to hear your voice, love.”

“Dennis!” She said excitedly, she obviously missed me as much as I missed her.

I feel neglected,” I said in a teasing tone.

?” She asked concerned.

“Yeah, you haven’t
called me. I was starting to think you didn’t want to talk to me anymore,” I said keeping the teasing tone in my voice.

“Oh baby, I miss you so much, I didn’t want to disturb you.
I know you’re very busy, this deal is very important to you and…” she went on and I shook my head. She wanted to keep me focused on work but I still got sidetracked from missing my lovely fiancée.

” I said to stop her. “You’re my wife to be, I’m never too busy for you.” She giggled. “And you’re forgetting one thing my love,” I added.

“What’s that?” S
he asked.

That I miss you too,” I said. “How is everything? How’s work?” I asked.

“Everything is good
, work is fine,” she said. She sounded like she was trying to convince herself that she was fine rather than me.

” I said sarcastically and she let out a heavy sigh.

, okay maybe not so good. Damn it Dennis, how did you cope without me for a whole week?” She asked and I laughed.

“I didn’t,” I said truthfully. T
hinking back to when she had to leave me for a week for the CIA training, it was hard; I can’t even lie to myself about it. “Fuck it, next time you’re coming with me. I don’t give a shit about your job or my work, I can’t function right without you,” I said.

“Dennis, I…” she started to protest but I stopped her.

“I’ll kidnap you and drag you with me if you refuse,” I said seriously. I will too, it’s not like I haven’t done it before. She let out a sexy laugh, probably thinking back to the beginning of our crazy adventure.

“That won’t be necessary, I get the point. So h
ow’s the deal coming along?” She asked.

“Good so far. Tomorrow we sign the papers and make it official,” I said and paused.
“Oh, my Uncle Charlie sends his regards about our engagement and he and my aunt would love to meet you.”

Aw, that’s so sweet and I’d love to meet them, since I have already met his daughters who are my favorite people in this world,” she said. She will love Uncle Charlie and Aunt Stacey, they raised two good-hearted girls, Pamela and Rebecca will do anything for Angelina. Then I heard a voice in the background. “Uh I have to go, Amber needs to show me something. I just hope it isn’t another picture of me on a magazine cover,” she added and I laughed.

“Don’t sweet it my love. It’s just a picture, but I’m still feeling neglected that you have to hang up on me,” I teased and she giggled.

“Oh stop it, you’re a big boy. You’ll survive few more hours,” she said mockingly.

“Goodnight my love,
” I said.

Bye, I love you and I can’t wait to see you,” she said and then the line went dead. I threw the cell onto the bed and slumped on the couch.

“I love you too
,” I whispered.


Stephanie, Uncle Charlie and I were picked up in a limo early in the morning and were driven to Maltiz’s head auction galleries in downtown Miami. On the ride to meet with David Maltiz and his reps, Stephanie and I went through the contract while adding some finishing touches and according to Uncle Charlie everything was in place. The three of us walked into the building as some of the employees bowed their heads at us as we passed. We were immediately escorted to the executive floor of the small building. As we approached the boardroom an usher that was standing outside opened the doors for us to enter. I walked in first to find everyone already seated. The chatter against the few reps that were there ended abruptly and then stood up. I shook hands with David and nodded in the direction of my uncle. I walked over to the head of the huge conference table as Stephanie stood on my right.

“Good morning gentlemen. I
f everyone is ready let us proceed,” I said and sat down while everyone followed.

The meeting dragged on for two
boring hour’s straight, negotiating, agreeing and disagreeing on certain terms. I was relieved when both parties finally reached an agreement and approved the contract. David and I signed and shook hands. The deal was going great; I thanked everyone and called the meeting to an end. I was more than ready to get the hell out of Miami and head home.

“I truly hope this
works out, it has been a pleasure,” David said and I nodded.

“We hope so too, the p
leasure was all mine Mr. Maltiz. We’ll be in touch,” I replied. He nodded and exited the boardroom with his representatives. Once they all left, Uncle Charlie stood up and congratulated me.

’ve put in blood, sweat and tears into securing this deal. And I’m proud of you. How about for your hard work, drinks are on me tonight,” he said smiling as I stood up to hug him. “You did it my boy,” he whispered to me and I shook my head.

“We did it
,” I clarified. “Just minor details are now left.” He nodded back to me.

“Are you
heading out? Missing your woman?” He asked and I nodded with a smile. He patted me on the shoulder, my work here was done, and there was no reason for me to stay. “Go, we’ll talk later.”

“Thank you,
” I said grabbing my briefcase. I found Stephanie waiting downstairs in reception for me. “Contact my pilot and tell him to get the jet ready in an hour,” I told her.

“In an hour?” S
he asked shocked.

“Yes. Our
job here is finished. Unless you want to stay a few extra hours, I’m sure Angelina won’t mind if I stayed a little longer. I do owe you a vacation after all,” I said smiling slightly.

“I like the sound of that,” s
he replied smiling back and I nodded.

“Okay good, we’ll head out later in the evening then.”

I headed back to the hotel and left Stephanie and Uncle Charlie behind. About an hour later I finished packing my stuff, when I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door to find Stephanie standing there. She looked and smelled like she’d been drinking a little too much as she smiled and greeted me.

“Sorry for disturbing you
Dennis, but I was hoping if we can leave in an hour or two. I had one too many cocktails and I don’t want to get sick on the plane. I was wondering if you can be a dear and help me with the TV in my suite. I wanted to watch a little TV to relax, but it doesn’t seem to work,” she asked nervously.

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