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Authors: D. T. Dyllin

Alexxxa (5 page)

BOOK: Alexxxa
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Only one thing left to do in my current situation… I pulled myself out of bed and stumbled for the minibar.



I beat my fist against the thick wooden door. “Daaavid!” I sing-songed loudly. “David, I know you’re in there. I’m ready to do my interview now.” I pressed my ear to the door and when I didn’t hear anything I kicked it. “OW! Mother fucker!” I swore. Kicking the door probably wasn’t the best idea. I was rubbing the top of my shoe to sooth my sore toes when the sound of a dead bolt clicking behind me drew my attention. I swung around to face the room directly across from the one I’d been trying to gain admittance to and—“Hey, you’re in the wrong room.” David just stood there blinking at me in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. And I’d been right. He was lean, but definitely not skinny.  His torso and chest had a spattering of more brightly colored tattoos that I found very intriguing. Without his glasses and in his current state of undress, well it made him seem more like he should be in a band than filming a documentary. And I really, really wanted to make some music with him right about then. “Are you hiding from me?” I stumbled over to him and placed my hands—hand on my hip because I needed the other one to hold myself up.

David peered down at me, his ice blue gaze scrutinizing. “Exactly how drunk are you?”

I rolled my eyes. “Just buzzed, not drunk.” I pushed past him into his room. “But I’m ready for my interview now.”

I heard David heave a huge sigh before shutting the door behind me. “Alexa, it’s four a.m. I was sleeping.”

I giggled. “Need company?” I tottered over to his king sized bed, kicked off my heels and then flopped face first onto the mattress.

“I thought you wanted to do the interview?”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’m drunk. So no interview.” I giggled again and it came out muffled against the bed. “It seemed like a good idea five minutes ago.” I rolled over to my back. “Now fucking you stupid seems like a better plan.”

“I thought you were pissed at me?”

“I was. But I’m a happy drunk. And horny. I’m also a horny drunk.” I spread my legs apart, revealing that I wasn’t wearing any panties under my skirt. My eyes were currently closed, but judging from the sharp intake of breath, David’s weren’t.

“We’ve been through this, Alexa. I’m not interested.”

I let my legs fall open even wider and I trailed my fingertips down my body while undulating my hips. “Please, David. I need you. Please fuck me.”

“You’re drunk. Hell, your eyes aren’t even open,” David snapped.

I peeked out from behind my eyelashes to watch his face as I began to masturbate right there in the middle of his bed. His eyes were locked onto the movement of my hand and his jaw was clenched together tightly. Oh he was interested. He just didn’t
to be interested.  “David,” I moaned. “I need you.”

“Stop it, Alexa. Just stop it.” His voice held barely controlled rage, which actually made me pause what I was doing.

I opened my eyes fully to meet his gaze. “Why?”

“Because—because you only want me for the simple fact that I turned you down before.”

“Maybe,” I murmured. “But does it really matter?”

David ran his hands through his dark hair making it stick up at odd angles. “Yes, it matters to me.”

I chewed on my lip for a second before pushing myself off of the bed. “I lied before.”

“What?” He stared at me with confusion.

“I said I lied before—about Devlin. He was less than enthused to continue sharing me. He wanted me to give up my dream of being a porn star and to settle down here in Pittsburgh with him.”

“So why didn’t you?”

“Because it wouldn’t have been enough for me. He wasn’t enough for me.” I started to sob.
So much for being a happy drunk
. I was still horny though.

“Maybe if you figure out why that is then you can figure out what you really need out of life.”

David’s words cut into my soul and rang with crystal clarity. Had something been missing in my relationship with Devlin that caused me to seek out other men and ultimately a career as a porn star? Or maybe something had been missing in my life that caused me to form the kind of relationship with Devlin to begin with. Why had I decided that being a porn star would make me happy? Why did I have this desperate need to be loved by every man I met? Did I maybe have some kind of deep seeded psychological issue that I needed to figure out?




I was letting David get to me again to cause self-doubts. There was nothing wrong with me. I loved my job and I loved sex. Beginning and end of story. “Stop trying to psychoanalyze me, David. I don’t have some kind of sad, twisted past that made me choose porn. I got news for you—some people just enjoy sex, and you obviously aren’t one of them.”

“Sometimes the truth hurts, Alexa.”

I ignored him and lurched for his bed again. The room was beginning to spin. “I’m just going to take a little nap and when I wake up I’m going to storm out of here proper liiike.” My words were starting to slur a bit. “But don’t tell you I said that.” I was going downhill fast. Hadn’t I been pretty lucid a few moments ago? I guess those little bottles of
Southern Comfort
were finally catching up to me. That’s why I usually stuck to beer or wine. I slid my legs under the cool sheets and curled into a ball. “Just like five minutes—maybe ten.” That was the last thing I remembered before passing out.



Chapter Seven





Alexa was passed out in my bed. I’d been driven to take care of myself in the shower. I’d told her I wasn’t interested, but that was a lie. I wanted her so badly my entire body ached. What I’d said to her was the truth though. She only wanted me because I’d turned her down. It was fairly obvious, at least to me, that Alexa had the ego of a man. She didn’t like the fact that I hadn’t fallen to my knees, panting for her. I wasn’t about to be just another notch on her bedpost though. Alexa was the kind of woman who once you got a taste you’d crave only her flavor for the rest of your life. One doesn’t just inject their veins with heroine and expect to not get addicted. Having any kind of sexual relations with Alexa would lead to my addiction, and I couldn’t allow that to happen.

I paced the floor at the end of the bed and considered my options. I should probably just sleep on the couch. It didn’t look particularly comfortable, but at least I wouldn’t have to worry about touching Alexa in my sleep. I snorted to myself. Yeah, there’d be no sleep for me tonight with her in such close proximity. For that reason I decided I’d risk the bed. Besides I was beginning to get worried about her. Her breathing seemed shallow and she hadn’t so much as twitched since she passed out.
What if she has alcohol poisoning or

what if she’s on drugs?
That thought sent me into a panic.

I practically tripped over my own feet getting to her. I gently pulled the top of the comforter back so I could see her face and she didn’t respond in any manner. I tentatively pressed my index and middle finger into her neck in search of a pulse. I couldn’t find it but I could see that she was breathing, and she was warm to the touch.
Shit! I don’t know what the hell I’m doing
Maybe I should call someone?
I’d rather have Alexa pissed at me for over reacting than for her to die on my watch.

Decision made, I rushed to call the front desk. As soon as they let me know a paramedic was on the way, I heaved a sigh of relief.



“Her pulse and respiratory functions are normal. I’d keep an eye on her though if you suspect she’s taken anything other than alcohol.” The elderly paramedic informed me. “She your girlfriend or wife?”

I glanced down at Alexa’s still form and felt my chest tighten. “No. We’re just friends.” I wasn’t even sure we were that, but I didn’t feel like explaining myself.

He nodded. “It’s good she has a friend like you to watch over her. Keep an eye on her like I said, one can never be too careful when mixing drugs and alcohol, if that’s what she did.”

I nodded appreciatively. “Thank you so much. And I will keep an eye on her.”

After he left, I checked on Alexa again. Once satisfied, I tucked the covers around her snugly, and grabbed my laptop. I settled into bed next to her and started working. I had days of emails and other miscellaneous things to catch up on. It was as good a time as any since I wouldn’t be getting any sleep.



Chapter Eight





I woke up to the clickity-clacking of someone typing. The problem was, my head was pounding so badly that it felt like the keyboard was right next to me. I peeled my makeup encrusted eyes open, and realized that the keyboard sounded like it was right next to me…because it was. David was currently lounging in bed, propped up by a few pillows, in the same thing he’d been wearing before I passed out, typing like a mad man. His features were pinched in concentration, which for some reason made a smile tug at my lips despite my current discomfort. David intrigued me. He was intelligent, kind of geeky, but sexy at the same time. I felt like he actually listened to me when I talked. He also pissed me the fuck off with the way he tried to pick at my life and the choices I’ve made. But I kind of liked that he challenged me…just a little anyways.

“Hey,” I mumbled. “What time is it?”

David shifted his gaze to me and his expression softened. “A little after one.”

I registered the light streaming into the room with confusion. “One in the afternoon? No way.”

David scrubbed a hand over his face before shutting his laptop and focusing completely on me. “I was starting to get a bit worried when you didn’t wake up.” He opened his mouth, shut it and paused for a brief moment before continuing. “But your pulse and respiratory functions seemed to be completely normal. How much did you drink, exactly?”

I rubbed my eyes with the fleshy part of my palms. “Only a few of those little
Southern Comfort
bottles from the minibar. And how would you know about my pulse and everything?” I almost wanted to laugh at the thought of him playing nurse to me when I was passed out.

BOOK: Alexxxa
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