Alexxxa (10 page)

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Authors: D. T. Dyllin

BOOK: Alexxxa
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I peered down at Alexa’s small body as she slept in my lap. Warmth bloomed in my chest, along with a certain kind of tenderness that I’d never really felt before. Her long blonde hair was obscuring most of her face so I reached down and smoothed it behind her ear. She made a small happy sound and snuggled into me more. As I gazed down at her perfect face I knew two things for certain. One was that she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on. And two, I wanted—no needed, to protect her. Hell, I had already started doing it without the conscious decision to do so. She’d been taken advantage almost all of her life, and she didn’t deserve to be treated so poorly.

A part of me had wanted her to be some shallow callous bitch, because I’d never really gotten to know her in high school. I’d wanted to film her scandalous life for all to see. To show everyone what she was really like. As it turned out, she was nothing like I’d hoped. She was smart, funny, sexy, and kind hearted. She wasn’t aware that I knew, but I’d done some digging while she’d been passed out in my room earlier. She gave a very big portion of her paycheck from each of her films to various women’s shelters. She also supported her Aunt Suzy. I had been battling the notion of keeping professional distance between her and I right up until I’d walked in on her with Devlin. That sight had shot all hopes of professionalism to shit.

I’d never known Andy, and Alexa was a mirage. The real Alexandra was someone who most people never got to know. I wanted to know her. I wanted her to trust me. I wanted—
—I wanted something that I knew deep down I couldn’t have. Women like Alexa didn’t go for men like me. They picked the Devlin Saints of the world, no matter how poorly they treated them. Unlike in fiction, nice guys usually finished last, and guys like Devlin weren’t hiding a heart of gold—they were just assholes. Assholes who got the girl that nice guys like me wanted.

“We’re here, sir.” Dennis stated calmly. I looked out the window as we pulled smoothly to a stop in front of our hotel.

“Alexa,” I whispered, trying not to startle her awake. “You need to wake up, we’re here.” She mumbled something about ice cream and sex before going motionless again. It looked like I was going to have to carry her. It wouldn’t be a problem, she was tiny and I wasn’t the weakling I once was—but I was worried someone might recognize her and snap a photo. I snorted to myself. Who was I kidding? Porn stars were expected to lead a life of debauchery.

I scooped Alexa up in my arms and awkwardly shimmied out of the car with Dennis’ help. Once I was able to stand up straight, carrying Alexa was simple. The Sheraton employees were very helpful with all the doors. The way Alexa clung so sweetly to me in her sleep made my body thrum with tension. I contemplated how I was going to get her into her room since I didn’t know where she’d stashed her key, but I decided she would spend the night in my room again so I could keep an eye on her. It would be safer for her that way. It was my duty as a human being to keep an eye on her.
Yeah, that’s the reason. It has absolutely nothing to do with you wanting to stay close to her.

For the second time in two nights, I tucked Alexa snugly into my hotel bed. I was utterly exhausted. I really had no hope of staying awake all night again. At least I could check on Alexa as soon as I woke up. After stripping down to my boxers, I flopped down on top of the bed, not even making it under the covers, and fell asleep almost immediately.



Chapter Seventeen





I was too hot. Something hard was poking me in my ass. And I couldn’t breathe. I opened my eyes to find a pillow over my face, so removing it fixed the not breathing problem. The other two weren’t so simple. Apparently I was in David’s bed…with David. I was hot because he was snuggled up behind me, and yep, the hard thing poking my ass… Well heeellooo morning wood. I smiled to myself. By the way that he was subtly rocking his hips against me I knew he was still sleeping. He’d probably be mortified if he knew what he was doing. Me on the other hand… well I was going to take advantage of my situation.

I slowly pulled away from David, just far enough so I could roll over to face him.
. He was naked except for a flimsy pair of black boxer briefs. I cupped his erection and studied his face for a reaction. He groaned and thrust into my palm but showed no signs of waking up just yet. I pushed him onto his back and slowly, ever so slowly, peeled down his boxers. My mouth watered at the sight of David completely naked, laid out before me. There was nothing geeky about him at the moment. He was all beautiful, inked up, sexy male. He looked good enough to eat, and that’s exactly what I was going to do. I just wasn’t sure where to start.
Oh the possibilities
. I wanted to suck his big gorgeous cock into my mouth—to lick it and suck it until he spurted down the back of my throat. Or I could simply climb on him and go for a ride. I rubbed my legs together while I considered each option, wetness dribbling down my inner thighs. Of course I was a bit hung over, so bouncing up and down on him might make me sick.
One blowjob for Mr. Jonez coming right up

I fisted his shaft and licked up the length before sliding him into my mouth up to the hilt. His flesh pulsed between my lips and I moaned around him. The vibration caused him to groan and lift his hips off the bed. I chuckled, causing more vibration, which resulted in a hissing grunt from David. Without further ado, I began doing a twisting motion with my hand, combined with suction and plenty of tongue. I was known in the industry for giving killer head. I had no doubt David would be thanking me in—

“Fuck!” He muttered as hot liquid erupted in my mouth.

I continued what I was doing, not even slowing until I was sure I’d milked him dry. With a pleased expression on my face, I relinquished my new favorite toy and sat up on my haunches between David’s legs. His shockingly blue eyes were open and staring at me with a mix of wonder and confusion.

“Am I dreaming?” His voice was still gruff from what I’d just done.

I shook my head slowly and grinned at him. “Nope. No dream.” I expected him to be grateful, happy—or at least not pissed off.

His face morphed to anger and he sat up on his elbows. “What the fuck, Alexa?”

I scowled at him. I wasn’t used to getting a negative reaction after giving a guy head. “What the fuck, what?”

“I just—I—“ He scooted away from me and scanned the nightstand for his glasses. Once they were perched on his nose he narrowed his eyes at me. “Alexa, just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“I would have thought it would have been fairly obvious what I was just doing,” I snapped, anger rising up in my system to match his.

“I don’t even know what to say right now.”

“A thank you would be nice. Or how about a ‘Hey, Alexa, come here and in a little while when I’m ready I’ll fuck your brains out.’ At the very least ‘I’ll lick your pussy for awhile.’” The worst part was that even though I was pissed at David, yet again, I was horny as fuck.

David remained silent and just stared at me. His face was completely slack and yet I could see the turmoil rolling around in his eyes. He reached up and tugged at his hair. It was a sign that I was beginning to recognize as his nervous tell. “Alexa—I—“ He went silent again.

“Well what is it? Spit it out already!” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“We need to get you to the police station for your statement and we need to figure out a filming plan. Obviously last night was a bust.”

My face screwed up into a mask of rage. I’d just sucked his goddamn dick and he wanted to talk about a filming schedule? “I want you to fuck me!” If I wasn’t being serious, and completely pissed off, I would have laughed. There I was, a world famous porn star, practically begging David to have sex with me. He blinked rapidly at me as if trying to process the situation. I crawled up the bed and straddled him. “Please, David, I need you to fuck me.” I skimmed my nails over his chest and down his abs, watching as his muscles bunched and flexed. I wanted to see them bunch and flex while he road me hard.

He grabbed my wrists and pulled me to him so I was inches from his face. “I can’t.” He lifted me up and set me on the bed next to him. “I told you before that we aren’t going to happen.” I rolled over and smashed my face into a pillow, screaming as loud as I could. “I’m going to go take a shower.” I heard David mutter. A moment later the bathroom door slammed.

Why wouldn’t David give me what I wanted? Was it because of what he’d seen happening between Devlin and I last night? Or was it because he truly believed what he’d told me before? That I only wanted him because he’d turned me down. Maybe that had been true in the beginning, but now I wanted David because he was him. Waking up next to him two mornings in a row had brought up unexpected emotions in me. I was actually starting to like him. Like really like him, as in maybe I’d give dating him a shot. I was just going to have to convince him that he needed to see things my way.



Chapter Eighteen





“David!” Alexa called through the locked bathroom door. “David! Please let me in, we need to talk!”

Talk. That was a joke. I turned on the shower and ignored her. She seemed to have woken up with a single-minded purpose—getting into my pants. I suddenly knew what so many women must feel like when men pursued them relentlessly. Yeah, I wanted to do all those things that Alexa had just been demanding. Hell, I could set up camp between her legs for a few days. But the fucked up thing was that I wanted more than just the physical. I wanted her. All of her. Since she’d never be willing to give me that I wasn’t about to find out what I’d be missing in all my years left on this earth. It was too late for me and blowjobs. I’d never be able to get another one from anyone but her. Alexa had already ruined that part of my sex life. She did things to my dick that I didn’t know were possible. I really didn’t need for her to completely ruin me for other women. I was only twenty-seven, but one day I wanted to get married and have kids, the whole shebang. How would I do that if I couldn’t touch another women after Alexa?

“David! Stop being so—so girly! Just come out here or let me in! We can take a shower together!”

. Even she knew I was being like a bitch hiding in the bathroom from her. “Alexa, you need to respect my boundaries!”
Holy fuck, did I really just say that?
If my dick wasn’t rock hard again, just from thinking about her and me together in the shower, I’d swear I’d grown a vagina.

“Fine.” She snapped and all went silent.

Not good. I have a mother. I know when any female utters that word, nothing but trouble was abound for the man it was directed at. In other words, things were definitely



Chapter Nineteen





The level of ridiculousness that was happening between David and I was off the charts. There I was, huffing and puffing at the bathroom door, like some kind of oversexed big bad wolf. What the hell was going on with me? I was acting desperate, and Alexa James does not do desperate. I was all twisted inside. I’d pushed aside all thoughts of what had happened with Devlin to focus solely on David. Or maybe that’s why I was doing what I was doing? Okay, so Devlin had made me feel every bit like the whore he’d kept calling me. I liked David, and thought he was an honest to God good guy. Was I trying to validate my worth by way of David? Like if a guy of his caliber wanted me it said I wasn’t the piece of shit Devlin claimed I was? Ugh! I rubbed my temples and grimaced. And the day had started out with such promise. Waking up in David’s arms had been…nice. And something I obviously shouldn’t get used to. So why did the thought of it not happening again make my gut twist?

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