Read After All Online

Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #suspense, #love story, #louisiana, #intrigue, #scandal, #reporter, #television news, #black romance

After All (48 page)

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Don't count on it. Move.”
Marcus waved him out of the closet with the gun. “Go on, down the

You're going to kill me
like you killed Troy Quarles?” Anthony walked ahead of him into
Ike's office.

Oh, I didn't kill Troy. You
did, remember?” Marcus jeered.

Pretty pleased with
yourself for setting me up, huh?” Anthony heard the click of the
back door. Marcus's expression didn't change and Anthony realized
he had not heard the sound. “Who helped you do it?”

Ike walked through the door.” Marcus,
put that thing down,” he bellowed. “Somebody tell me what the hell
is going on in here.”

Marcus lowered the gun. “I caught him
burglarizing the place. Probably looking for evidence to rat you
out or plant a bug for the cops.” His eyes were hostile

Ike turned on Anthony. “What is he
talking about?”

Anthony stared at Marcus. “I found
Michelle's notes on the Housing Authority story in his room. Marcus
talked about her missing purple note book when I was here three
weeks ago. I figured there was only one way he could know exactly
what it looked like.”

Fool! What did you keep the
damn thing for?” Ike snarled at Marcus.

Anthony gazed at his uncle with
distaste. “You knew he had it?”

Hell no. If I had, it would
be a pile of ashes.” Ike shot his son a venomous look. “Get rid of
it today.” He turned to Anthony. “And you.. go on home. Go on,” he
said in a voice heavy with regret.




Michelle and Earl stood amidst the pack
of reporters surrounding Ike and his attorney. Questions were being
thrown at them from all sides.

A reporter from the New Orleans Times
Picayune called out. “Mr. Batiste, was it a shock to learn that
your long-time friend and business associate, James Bridges, agreed
to testify against you and Charlotte Kinchen for the US

My client is confident that
he will be cleared of all charges. Mr. Bridges is lying to save his
own skin.” The attorney spoke in a monotone.

So you plan to enter a not
guilty plea?” Earl yelled.

My client emphatically
denies all charges made against him.”

Michelle stepped forward. “Does that
include involvement in alleged drug dealing and murder? What about
your son's connection to Lonnie Mason and the Park Avenue Posse?
Sources say a gang member will testify that your son arranged major
drug shipments; that he helped Mason murder Troy Quarles when they
suspected him of stealing some of the cocaine.”

Ike's face twisted with rage when he
turned to look at her. He opened his mouth but was cut off by his

Mr. Batiste has never been
involved in any criminal activity. He has been a hard working
member of this community for over twenty years. There is not one
shred of evidence to prove otherwise. That's all,” the lawyer spoke
curtly. He grabbed Ike's arm and led him away walking at a fast
pace. A steel gray Mercedes Benz pulled up to curb just as they
went through the double glass doors of the court building. Ike
shoved several reporters as they plowed through them to reach

Here come the others,” a
voice called out.

The reporters turned as one like a pack
of wolves scenting fresh meat. Charlotte Kinchen stared around her
with reddened glazed eyes. Her attorney guided her gently with a
hand on her back. James Bridges emerged from another hallway
surrounded by federal marshals. Charlotte's eyes burned with fury
at the sight of him. She lunged forward knocking her attorney
aside. Somehow she managed to claw her way past the marshals who
were taken by surprise at her attack. Bridges howled when her long
nails raked his face.

You filthy no good
bastard!” She struggled to get at him again, but three marshals
pinned her arms behind her.

Bridges was hustled to a waiting
elevator while reporters clamored to get footage of a screaming,
cursing Charlotte being dragged away.

Oo-wee, is she mad.” Earl
let out a long whistle. “That lady came close to taking him

Yeah, Bridges did a job on
everybody. He pointed the feds to all the skeletons in Ike's closet
and got the goods on Charlotte.” Michelle shook her head in wonder
at the turn of events.

Miss Cutie-Pie thought she
had the old boy wrapped around her little finger. And all the time
he's wearing a wire. Those tapes are kinda hard to explain away.”
Earl let out a sharp laugh.

Can you believe she tried
to sell that tale about conducting her own secret investigation?
And that her affair with Lonnie Mason and Ike was part of it?”
Michelle tucked her note pad into her purse and followed Earl

Gotta give her credit for
coming up with a creative story.” Earl glanced at his watch. “Wow,
I better get moving. This is going to be the lead story on the five
and six o'clock shows. See ya, kiddo.” He dashed for the Channel
Twelve car where Bob was already waiting.

Michelle waved goodbye to them then
turned to gaze back at the courthouse. For years she had hoped for
the day when Ike Batiste would be held to account for his actions.
Now she felt sadness instead at the lives destroyed. She walked
away thinking of how she could comfort Anthony.




A warm breeze rippled through the
leaves causing a soft rustle that seemed to be nature's way of
murmuring contentment. Anthony and Michelle strolled the paved path
through the gardens on Avery Island. White and pink azaleas
bloomed. The delicate lavender petals of wisteria swept the ground.
Michelle breathed in deeply as they passed fragrant gardenias in
full bloom. They both savored the pastoral peace after the uproar
of the past few weeks. Finding a stone bench, they sat

Michelle rested her head on Anthony's
shoulder as they gazed at the little bayou that snaked through the
island. The water made a soothing sound as it lapped against the
embankment. “It's been a wonderful three days. I hate to go

Anthony kissed her forehead. “I know
what you mean. But the real honeymoon is only a couple of months

Wasn't it wonderful of Mama
and Daddy to give us a Caribbean cruise as a wedding present?
They've both been great these past few weeks.”

Both of them are special
people. She and Mama did a fantastic job on the wedding and the
reception. And your Dad had a ball showing off his dancing skills.
They really seem to care about each other.” Anthony

Yes, I think they

Michelle thought of the subtle change
in her parent. Gone was the brooding tension between them that
often exploded into animosity. It was touching to watch them treat
each other with tender consideration. Michelle no longer doubted
that marriage could be a beautiful part of life. She gazed down at
her wedding ring and the matching band of gold on Anthony's finger.
They seemed to glow with a magical sparkle.

Aruba, Barbados and St.
Maarten. Especially the French side of St. Maarten with those nude
beaches.” He winked at her.

Michelle giggled. “No thanks. I plan to
keep my clothes on, sir.”At least in public,” she breathed,
stroking his chest.

Anthony laughed deep in his throat.
“Umm-mm, I'll settle for that.”

Michelle sighed. “It'll be good to be
far away in another world for a while.” Though she didn't mention
the trials or Ike, Anthony seemed to be reading her

I've never seen Uncle Ike
looked defeated before.” Anthony's eyes clouded with sorrow. “It
hurts to see him suffering in spite of all the wrong he's done. I
feel like I've lost two fathers.”

Michelle held him a tighter. “I'm sorry
it had to end the way it did.”

Anthony searched her eyes and found
only sincere sadness. “You really mean that.”

Michelle caressed the dark, tight curls
of hair at his temples. “Losing someone you love is horrible. What
hurts you hurts me.”

The sorrow melted away, replaced by a
soft, loving smile. “Having you means I can face anything. Nothing
and no one will ever come between us again. Lady, you're stuck with
me,” he teased.

Michelle felt a quiet joy. The future
opened before her like a beautiful flower, a future shared with
this magnificent man. She lifted her mouth to his.”I wouldn't have
it any other way,” she murmured.



Read More of the Louisiana
Love Series: Vol. 1

Love with a Spicy Southern


Neva Ross returns to her small
hometown of Solitude, Louisiana; a fitting name for the life she’s
decided to live. She’s convinced herself that love is not worth the
pain that comes with it, especially after the death of her husband.
But when she meets handsome Chandler Macklin their mutual
attraction is undeniable.

Chandler Macklin has gone through a
nasty divorce, and has decided to take a break from romantic
entanglements. He is determined to concentrate of being a good
father to his son and his career. Then he meets lovely Neva Ross,
the desire to be near her is intense. When Chandler’s ex-wife wants
to reconcile he’s torn between providing a stable home life for his
son, and the growing passion he feels for Neva. Faced with a
difficult choice, Neva and Chandler must decide if they will turn
away from each other or hold on to love.





Lanessa Thomas is proud of her life.
She recovered from addiction, and started her own successful
business. She wants to repair the damage she did to those who loved
her most, especially Alexander St. Romaine. They shared a love that
Lanessa managed to destroy, but at least Alex found

Alex has moved on, or so he thinks.
Until he looks into her eyes, hears her voice, and feels the same
heat from the old days.

When Lanessa uncovers possible
criminal wrongdoing, the ruthless businessmen set out to destroy
her reputation. Alex and Lanessa have to overcome distrust from the
past to hold on to the one love neither got over.




~~ About the Author



Mix knowledge of voodoo,
Louisiana politics and forensic social work with the dedication to
write fiction while working each day as a clinical social worker,
and you get a snapshot of author Lynn Emery. Lynn has been a
contributing consultant to the magazine
Today’s Black Woman
for three
articles about contemporary relationships between black men and
women. For more information visit:


Visit me on the web

www. lynnemery.

Connect with me on :

www. twitter.

BOOK: After All
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