After All (43 page)

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Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #suspense, #love story, #louisiana, #intrigue, #scandal, #reporter, #television news, #black romance

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Like what?” Marcus held a
shiny silver lighter to the end of a long cigarette.

Routine stuff. Listen, you
sure your old man don't know where this Bridges guy is?” Tia went
to the large closet. She sorted through several outfits before
pulling out a form fitting pair of red leather pants and a black
crop sweater.

He wouldn't have any reason
to hide it from me.” Marcus blew out a circle of smoke.

Y'all don't get along too
good. Maybe he ain't hidin', just ain't mentioned it.” Tia walked
back to stand in front of him.

I know him,” Marcus said
with a trace of irritation. “He would have told me by now. Why you
keep asking me that anyway?”

Tia looked at him for a moment before
speaking. “Lonnie's right. Seems strange Bridges wouldn't call your
old man since they've been buddies all this time.”

Yeah, well he hasn’t. James
could be somewhere in Argentina for all we know.” Marcus frowned.
“It's Lonnie we need to worry about. He's crazy. That night we
picked up Troy was wild. Hell, I didn't think he was gonna kill the

Tia shrugged. “That's business, too.
But puttin' his body on your cousin's property was a bad

It got them a suspect.”A
baleful grin spread across his face. “I bet Anthony's been sweating
bullets for weeks.”

It also made the cops keep
lookin' at the connection to the Housin' Authority.” Tia regarded
him steadily.

Hey, baby, don't worry
about that. It'll blow over. Hell, they probably got Anthony staked
out thinking he's the head of a drug ring.” He chuckled.

With Lonnie gettin' some
fool to shoot into that apartment hittin' that kid, we been havin'
to lay low for a while. Business is down, which means profits is
down. We ain't been able to move a big shipment in two months. Now
the DA pissed off 'cause he didn't get to indict your cousin.” Tia
took a long pull on her cigarette.

I told you not to worry
about it, didn't I? I'm the one made the connections we needed to
get into the big money. Me and the boys can take care of things.
You just relax.”Marcus got out of bed. He pulled open her
robe.”Don't bother 'bout the details. I'm gonna make sure you get
everything you need,” he whispered in her ear and buried his face
in the smooth skin of her neck.

Tia's lips curled into a menacing sneer
as she watched him in the mirror. “I'm gonna take care of you too,




Are you crazy? Anthony
wants you so bad he can taste it. And you feel the same way,”
Shantae cried out loudly. Other patrons at the restaurant stared at

Don't tell us you're over
him.” Laree folded her arms. “It won't fly. No man could replace
him when y'all broke before. He's the only man for you.”

Speak up. I think maybe ten
people in Baton Rouge didn't hear you,” Michelle hissed keeping her
voice low. She nodded towards all of the eyes turned in their

Shantae plowed ahead. “You call him
right now.” She dug her cell phone from a pocket in her leather

That's right. There is no
reason for you to be apart. You need each other, especially now.”
Laree placed a hand on Michelle's. “This is a time for coming
together. For holding each other tight in a warm embrace against
the bitter cold of adversity,” she said dreamily.

Lord have mercy, Laree.
You've been watching those old low budget movies on the late, late
show again haven't you?” Shantae wisecracked.

Be Still My Heart’
starring Lenore L'amour is a classic for your information,” Laree

Lenore who? Be real, girl,”
Shantae turned her attention back to Michelle. “Look, Chelle, you
want him, he wants you. The chemistry is smoking and the math adds
up. Jump on it.”

How many times do I have to
go over this? It won't work,” Michelle said. She pulled at her hair
in frustration.

Yes it can, Chelle. Sure
the road to love and happiness can be rocky, but--” Laree's face
was soft with sentimentality.

Laree, do you mind?”
Shantae cut in. “You don't have an excuse anymore because Anthony
has washed his hands of Ike.” She smiled with satisfaction at the
startled look on Michelle's face.

Really?”A look of hope
spread across Michelle's features then immediately died. “No,
that's impossible. The way he talked about how much Ike meant to
him and his mother? Anthony would stand by Ike through

Come on! You really think
Anthony would keep defending Ike after everything that's

Anthony never believed all
the accusations made against Ike.” Michelle raised an eyebrow at
her obviously skeptical at such a change. “Why now?”

Ike all but admitted he was
involved in the mess when Anthony confronted him about it. Cedric
says Anthony hasn't spoken to Ike since then and won't return his
phone calls,” Shantae said.

Poor Anthony. He worshipped
Ike. If what you're saying is true, it must have hit him hard.”
Michelle could certainly empathize. Learning about her mother's
affair with Ike had left her deeply shaken.

He's heartbroken. And even
more miserable because y'all broke up because of Ike.”

Oh, Chelle, he's crying out
to you. Go to him. Run to his outstretched arms.” Laree eyes were

Pu-leeze, Laree! You’re
making me nauseous.” Shantae squinted at her in annoyance. “She's
right about one thing, though. You should call him. No go on.”
Shantae pushed the phone into her hand.

Michelle gathered her courage as she
dialed. After four rings, she started to hang up with a mixture of
relief and disappointment. Then she head the fifth ring cut short
by a “Hello?” The sound of his deep, mellow voice melted all her




Thanks for seeing me on
such short notice.” Michelle stood just inside the door to his
apartment self-consciously. Her rehearsed speeches fled at the
sight of him, tall and alluring, so close. The rise and fall of his
broad chest brought back only too well how fabulous it felt to lie
against him. Looking up to into his eyes she blushed, sure her face
mirrored her passionate thoughts. Michelle shifted around so as not
to face him. She needed time to think and a clear head.

No problem.” Anthony
touched her elbow to lead her farther into his living room. He
bustled into the kitchen after getting her settled on the sofa. “I
made some apple and cinnamon herbal tea. Your favorite.”

And dark roast coffee for
you, I bet.” Michelle laughed. “I know you haven't given up your
strong coffee, have you?”

Well... no. But I've cut
back. And what's more, I'm having a cup of tea with you.” Anthony
grinned at her. He placed a cup and saucer in her hands and sat
next to her.

Wow, you'd do that for me?”
Michelle said in a playful tone.

Becoming serious, he placed his cup on
the coffee table in front of them. “Chelle, that's the least of
what I'd do for you.”

Anthony, I feel awful about
the way I've behaved.”

No, wait. I was as wrong. I
know that now. Uncle Ike is everything you've always said he was
and worse.” Anthony's eyes glittered with anger. “He's lied,
cheated and stole all his life. His excuse is that he did it for
his family. He crossed the line from shady business practices to
being an accessory to crime.” Anthony breathed deeply. “I didn't
want to believe those things about him. And instead of facing the
truth, I blamed you for telling it. Can you forgive me?”

Anthony,” Michelle started
but her voice failed her. Setting the cup aside, she wrapped her
arms around him. “Of course I can,” she whispered, caressing his
cheek with her lips. “Can you forgive me for all the dreadful
things I said to you?”

Anthony cupped her chin and stared into
her eyes. His answer was a deep, long kiss. Michelle clung to him
for several sweet moments before she pulled back.

Wait. Some things need to
be said while I can still think clearly.” She heaved a deep sigh.
“I've been wearing blinders, too.”

What are you talking
about?” Anthony touched her face tenderly.

Michelle took a deep breath. This would
be harder than she thought. “I've always felt sorry for my mother
and blamed my father because their marriage went sour. It never
occurred to me that she might be just as much to blame. Ike and
Mama dated while they were all in high school, but Mama married
Daddy. Several years later, she had an affair with Ike. Ruining
their marriage and Daddy's business was the perfect revenge for
Ike. Suddenly here was this woman I'd never seen before. Weak and
selfish. I still haven't forgiven her” Michelle turned to him. “Now
I truly understand how you couldn't see Ike for anything but the
loving uncle who cared what happened to you. And how you must feel

Uncle Ike seems to spoil
everything he touches.” Anthony's face creased in a morose

Not everything. In his own
way, Ike does care about you. I was so intent on pointing out his
faults that I didn't see how good he's been to you and your

That doesn't justify what
he's done,” Anthony insisted.

No. But people are rarely
all good or all bad, Anthony.” With loving fingers, she lightly
touched his forehead smoothing away the sullen ridge above his
eyes. “I guess we have to see them as human beings with the same
failings as everyone else.”

How did you get so smart?”
Anthony held her tightly.

Getting hit over the head a
few times will either kill you or teach you something.” Michelle
smiled with a shrug. She nestled into his arms and looked up at
him. “You think you can put up with an opinionated reporter always
poking into things folks would rather keep quiet?”

Anthony lowered his face to hers.
“Definitely,” he murmured.

Anthony took her mouth completely while
his hands stroked her face and neck. His tongue parted her lips in
a loving quest to taste her. From far away Michelle heard her own
voice, a soft moan from the base of her throat. She clung to him,
straining to press her body ever closer to his. With the urgency of
passion too long denied, they tore loose from their clothes as if
breaking free of chains.

Right here, right now,”
Anthony said in a voice hoarse with desire.

They sank onto the sofa pushing the
pillows from around them. Their lovemaking had all the heat and
potency of a flash fire. Between eager kisses, Anthony whispered
assurances he would never let her go. Michelle molded her body to
his in blissful surrender and answered with vows of

Michelle retrieved a pillow. She rested
against him as he reclined on the arm of the sofa. The warm, spicy
scent of his cologne sent a thrill through her. She closed her
eyes, savoring the wonderful sensation of having him in her arms

I like the way you

You've got a real gift for
saying `I accept'.”Anthony stroked her thick, dark hair.

Anthony, we've got some
unfinished business.” Michelle gazed ahead. The real work of their
reconciliation must begin. “I mean maybe we need to talk about what
happened between us.”

Uncle Ike.” Anthony grunted
with displeasure. Getting up, he went into the bedroom. He returned
wearing pajama pants and handed her the matching top.

Michelle put it on. “No; about trusting
each other. I should have trusted you would never condone getting
paid for nothing or criminal activity; not even for your

Anthony put his arms around her again.
“And I should have trusted that you wouldn't lie or misuse your
position as a reporter just to get revenge. I see what you're
saying. So where do we begin?”

First why don't we get some
more hot tea?” Michelle smiled.”And then...”

I know, we need to talk.”
Anthony eyes twinkled with mischief. “For once those words don't
send a chill down my spine.” He dodged a playful swat Michelle
aimed at his arm and headed for the kitchen.

Warmed by the tea and each other, they
lay curled together on the sofa for hours. They shared their
dreams, fears, disappointments and hopes as never




Michelle felt light as air moving
around the radio station the next day. Everything seemed shiny and
new. It took effort to keep a cheerful lilt from her voice as she
read even the most solemn news items from the wire service about
disasters. She finished with a weather update and began gathering
her notes to leave. The disc jockey went back on to introduce the
next tune.

Next up, an oldie but
goodie,” Danny, a short, muscular man with a sonorous voice,
crooned the microphone. Then he played a popular love song from the
eighties. Michelle had turned to leave but hesitated when she heard
the opening strains of the ballad. Michelle sang along as she
swayed to the music.

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