A Rebel Love (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 7) (19 page)

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“I’m gonna give you my bank card and the keys to my truck. Take Kyler and get whatever ye need to make yourselves at home. I’ve got an account at The Mattress King, get Kyler whatever he needs for his room. I mean it. I’ll take care of you, both of you.”

“Tread, I’m going to get a job and I’ll help pay for everything. I don’t want to just show up and have you spend a bunch of money on us. It doesn’t feel right to me.”

I like that she wants to help, but she’s forgetting that I have six years to make up for. “That’s cool, but Liberty—you and Kyler are my family now, and I’m gonna do right by ye.  If you want to get a bed for the guest room, you can do that, but I’d much rather have you in my bed where ye belong.”

I’m wore the fuck out from last night. I’ve not been to bed. I can’t sleep until I know Kyler is taken care of, Liberty too. I’d like to take her in my arms and to take her to bed, but Grim changed his mind and called choir, sooner rather than later.

“I should be here when ye get back, but if I’m not call my cell.”

“You got it.” Liberty kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear, “If you aren’t home I’ll be waiting in our bed.”

I grin at her. “I like the sound of that. Now hurry up, been waiting a long time to make ye mine again.”

I’m on my way out the door when Truth and Amy walk up on the porch. “What can I do ye for?”

“Heading to choir thought we could talk and Amy can help settle Liberty and your boy in, if they’re sticking around.”

“Yeah they are. Amy can go to town with them if she wants.” She nods with an eager smile. “Go on in and hey…” I grab her arm. “Don’t be sharing any stories about me.”

“Like I could tell her anything she doesn’t already know about you.” She winks and leaves me alone with Truth.

I light up a smoke. We’ve not really spoken since his and Amy’s lover’s spat.

“You’re a dad man, how ye feeling about it all?”

“It feels weird but good.”

“I’m happy for ye brother. Listen about the shit Amy said the other day.”

“Look man, I’m not into letting you fuck me in the ass, but maybe you can suck my dick.” I laugh. I know shit has him twisted, but I’m not letting our friendship go down over this shit. We will work through it. How would he feel if I told him that I remember parts of the night we were together?

He shuffles backwards down the steps with an awkward expression on his face. “Fuck you man,” he sniffs.

I snuff out my cigarette. “Yeah you’d like to, I’m motherfuckin sexy, but I gotta woman now. And from what I hear you do too.” I jog down the steps and grab him in a headlock, fucking up his little bitch bun. The memory burns hotter this time, I can see it all clearly. Truth sucked me off and I loved every second of his mouth on me. 

My dick goes hard and his hand brushes over my bulge as he fights to get free.

“Watch the hair man!”

I let go and he stumbles back.

“I seem to recall you like it when I pull your hair while you suck my dick.”

His face goes white.

“You gonna deny it?” I ask, stepping closer to him.

“No,” he says, his eyes on my crotch. “Now’s not the time to get into our shit.”

“We need to put it to rest.” He nods.

“I find you attractive but I won’t let it ruin what I’m building with Amy. Last week I might’ve felt differently, but things change. That what you want to hear?”

“I’m happy for ye man. If Liberty hadn’t shown up, things might have turned out differently. You, me and Amy, might have had something, but I know now, I can’t get caught up in that shit. It would ruin our friendship. And it’s time we both grow the fuck up.”

“So we’re straight.”

I bump his fist. “Come on dickhead, let’s get to choir.”



“So you’re the woman that has kept Tread in knots all these years?”  I look Liberty over. Truth already gave me the scoop on her. She’s pretty, I’ll give her that. Big butt, genuine smile, curvy hips. She has really pretty hair too, it frames her heart-shaped face.

“Guess so.” She smiles and gives me a hug. “You smell good, kinda like a peach” she says with a laugh.

“That’s what Truth tells me.” I grin, stepping back. 

We stand together watching our men through the window.

“Kyler go wash your face and put your shoes on.”

I steal a glance at the little boy and my, he does take after his daddy. Same brown hair and dimpled grin. I look back to Truth and Tread and see them goofing off. Liberty turns to me and takes my hand. “Seems we better get used to spending a lot of time together.”

“What?” I ask, sure I’m not hearing her right.

“I know Tread, him and Grady are attached at the hip, always were before anyway. But I guess that means you’ve gotten to know Tread intimately?”

“You don’t mind?” I swallow.

“He likes to share and to watch.” She shrugs.

“Oh, I know that,” I admit with red cheeks.

“So you have fucked them both?” I can tell she isn’t angry, only curious. Might as well get it all out in the open now.

I look back to make sure her son can’t hear me. Seems he is still in the bathroom. “Honestly, yes.”

“Good thing for you I’m not the jealous type.” She laughs. “I’d do anything for Tread and if you and Truth come with him, then I hope the two of you will accept me too.”

“I think I’m going to like you,” I confess. She has an easygoing presence about her. I feel like I can talk to her about anything.

“I like you too Amy. I think, we are going to get along just fine. I admire honesty. And you can fill me in on how things are around here.”

I meet Tread’s son and the three of us pile into the truck to go shopping. We spend the day laughing over stupid shit Truth and Tread both do. Kyler is a sweet boy and I am happy to get to know him too.

He’s a part of Tread and that makes him my
in a way. Tread might shit when he gets his credit card statements. We bought a lot of stuff, including a California King mattress for his bedroom.

Chapter 24


I can’t wait to hold my woman in my arms. It’s been a long week without her. Her and Jamie should be here any minute now. I left Dawn upstairs at the bar to wait for her step-mom and her brother. Grim called choir and seems my presence is requested. I get the feeling the fucker is gonna keep stringing me along. He wants to make me miserable. He forgets that I can bring my own form of hell, in the wrath of Sunshine. Two can play these motherfuckin grade school games.

But no matter what road I take Grim won’t be satisfied. That’s his problem, he’s never been truly happy. When he met Red, she made him happy as long as they were together. He was a miserable son of a bitch after she died. He had a few good years with Sunshine, but she wasn’t enough, especially after she lost their son.

Then Baby had Colt and he seemed content, until we were raided by the FEDS.

Rebel says he’s good with Foxie, but I suspect as usual, he wants what he can’t have, what he will never get back—Gypsy Red.

I look to the head of the table, at my oldest friend in the world, seeing a tired old man. We’re getting too old for this shit. But I know that fucker better than he knows himself, he’ll die at the head of this table. And being the good, loyal friend that I am, I’ll likely die by his side.



I wait for everyone to take their seats, looking at the faces of my brothers as they file into choir. They are all in need of a good fuck, some smoke, a jar of shine, and a week of sleep. But there is no rest for the wicked. We have a lot of moves to make now that we’ve taken out the White Militia. I gotta put men at the strip club, Lenny is gone and we’re taking over. Then there is Christa and her brother, Slim’s boy to consider. I need to do something with Romeo’s cunt ass too.

I stare him down. He’s sitting at the other end of the table looking smug. He used to sit next to me. I wonder if this was how Slim felt about me, when I was fucking his wife and she was raising my
. Guess I’m not much better than either of them. I’m
happy with Foxie, I don’t want Sunshine back, but maybe a part of me is bitter that Romeo can give her what I couldn’t.

I’d like to say
fuck it
, but it isn’t that simple. Romeo fucked Baby, my
. He should have been looking out for her, not using her. I know he ended shit with her, but he shouldn’t have touched her to start with. Not ever, and especially not after we squared that shit away before.

Rebel grunts and nods in my direction. Time to get this show on the road.

I bang my gavel against the table twice sending everyone into silence.

“First order of business, you did good last night. I’m proud to call ye all my brothers.” I look at Romeo and nod. He smiles. I think eventually we’ll be alright.

“Them fuckers didn’t know what hit them,” Stone jeers next to Rebel.

“Pink Lips, the place needs an overhaul, new name, new faces. One-off, I want you and Stone to head that. Truth, I want Amy heading the dancers. We need a girl with skill, and we know she is more than capable. Foxie will help. I owe a debt to Christa Franklin, I’ll have Kurt handle that and I’d like to patch him in tonight, when Tread and Truth get their ink for their women.  Romeo when Sunshine gets back from seeing her son we’ll take care of Paul. And lastly, Rebel, your half-brother is here. Kid your old man had with Wild Cherry. Tread offered to sponsor him, but I think that falls on you. He’s upstairs waiting to meet you. Don’t fuck it up. If no one else has anything to add. This meeting is finished.”

I wait a few minutes. There is no new business. I slam my gavel down and ask Tread to stay behind. The club doesn’t need to know shit all about the car Liberty came here in.

“Spoke with Stokes this morning, Kurt can’t leave town. Coroner says Perry was dead before he shot him. Christa’s mom is pushing for the charges. We know no one cares about that bottom feeder but her. We have the boy, but she doesn’t care enough about him, to put the squeeze on her.”

“Fuck, we gotta do something.”

“Stokes is working the prosecutor and the judge. He will do time, but we can get him a shorter sentence. I’ll break it to him before his patch party, so he can have one hell of a time. Stokes thinks if we can get the case handled quietly and quickly, things will work to our favor.”

“How’s that?”

“Kurt’s gonna turn himself in and confess, to a crime of passion. The paper will get their story, not much of one, and it will be forgotten by the time Kurt is released. He can’t be your right hand man for Florida, I want you to take Romeo. I’ll give him the order once you get a tail on your dead man. I think I might come along for the ride. I’ve not seen the sunshine state in a few years. Might hit up Biker Week in Daytona.” 

“Alright. So Florida, I’ll be damn glad to ride next to you.”

“I’m gonna drive the car to the yard and destroy it. I don’t have to tell you, if you breathe a word, you or Liberty about who is in Florida, I’ll kill ye.”

“I feel you. No worries. I’ll take it to my grave, so will she,” he promises.

I give him his leave. I need a goddamn nap, but fuck it, I can sleep when I’m dead.

Chapter 25


I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that I have another brother. I never paid much mind to Wild Cherry. She was just my father’s whore in my eyes. If my mother knew and never told me, that’s just low, even for her. I get why her and Romeo kept shit quiet about Striker, but not this. She knew dad was with Cherry, so why the

I head upstairs to the kitchen and there he is. I can recognize him by his stance alone. He has the same slim build of my father. Tall and skinny like a damn Slim Jim.  He’s a flirt too. The boy is making eyes at Romeo’s oldest girl, Dawn. I laugh hearing the nickname he’s given her. “
, don’t be that way. You know ye want to!”

I don’t know what quick shit he is trying to pull, but I give him credit, he works fast, like me.

lover boy
, get your ass over here,” I holler just as Romeo storms in, right in time to see the kid pinch his daughter’s ass.

“Dawn! Out front, now!”

“Yes daddy!” Her cheeks are pink as she scurries out the door.

“Take it easy on him, this is my brother,” I tell Romeo.

“I got yer easy,” he says cracking his knuckles.  He grabs JT by the collar of his Lucky Charm shirt, raising him up off the floor. His van sneakers are dangling and kicking. “You think it’s fittin to go around grabbing young girls on the ass do ye?”

“No sir,” he says wide-eyed.

“Do I look like a sir to you

“No sir.”

Romeo can’t help but chuckle. “I reckon I’ve made my point. Ye keep them grabby paws off my girl, next time I’ll take a finger or two.”

“Come on JT, you’ve got a lot to learn.” He grins at me and I have a feeling we’re gonna get along just fine.

Romeo grumbles under his breath as he leaves the kitchen. The buffet is setup by the bar and I’m starving. Little brother and myself take up seats at my mom’s table. Grim went home to rest.  I think he is avoiding Sunshine, but I’m wise enough to refrain from mentioning it around my mom.

“Put your eyes and tongue back in your head boy, you’ll be seeing Dawn plenty. Her family is moving in the gray trailer out back.” My mother smacks the back of his head roughly.

“So you knew about him, about JT?”

“Of course I knew. You think your father was able to keep much from me? I wasn’t stupid. Cherry wasn’t either. You think your daddy was gonna have his
running around? He knew this club was meant to go to you and Striker, we had an understanding. Cherry didn’t have much say, she was just his easy piece. I was his wife, he owed me that much, so he gave it to me.” She shrugs and goes to eating her hotdog.

I frown but I know she has had her say and that’s that. Mom is set in her way of thinking; she won’t hear any different. Chelle has learned to give her what she wants when it comes to the kids, besides mom loves them something fierce. 

JT takes up with me naturally. Maybe I can be a good big brother this time around. Maybe the game of life does believe in second chances.

“Hey man, after we finish up here, I’d like to introduce you to your niece and nephews.”

“Sounds good.”

My mom puts and arm around me and smiles. “Look after him Rebel, he’s gonna need you to protect him from Romeo’s wrath.” I follow her eyeline to Dawn. The girl is stealing glances at JT.

“Oh hell.” I snicker.

“What’s so funny?” JT asks.

“Life man, life is what.

She has trouble written all over her. Reminds me of Baby. My heart contracts at her name.
, I miss her wild ass.

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