A Rebel Love (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 7) (14 page)

BOOK: A Rebel Love (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 7)
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Nash (Striker)

As soon as Karly comes through the door I can tell something is wrong. She rushes past me to take Sara to the bathroom, avoiding my eyes.

I pretend not to notice and give her a moment to collect herself. Something has her shaken. It could be a number of things. Maybe her day didn’t go well. Maybe something happened with one of the women at the center.

Most of them come from rough beginnings and a lot of them will meet hard ends. I continue setting the table and ask Cole to get the garlic bread put on the serving plate.

I love sitting down at the table with my family and sharing our stories from the day. Cole always has something funny to tell about his classmates.

Karly returns to the kitchen with Sara and kisses my cheek before we all take our seats. I already have the food plated. I ordered carryout from a restaurant close to Cole’s school.

Karly is still silent as we eat. Cole is bursting at the seams to share his newest tale. Today it’s how his friend, Bobby, asked him if his boogers taste bad. I shake my head. I don’t know where these kids get this shit from.

My wife crinkles her nose, telling him how impolite it is to be speaking of boogers at the dinner table.

Sara is smashing her fingers in her ravioli. She will be covered in sauce by the end of our meal.  Karly’s hardly touched her plate and Cole is shoveling his bites in. I swear that boy is always hungry. I’m going to need a second job just to feed him.

After dinner I send Cole to his bathroom to shower and I take Sara into hers for a bath. Karly handles the cleanup from our meal. Once the kids are in bed we veg out on the couch and watch TV. Karly is hooked on
The Vampire Diaries
The Originals
. I don’t care for them, but I suffer through them for her. We’ve been binge watching thanks to Netflix.

The kids have their teeth brushed and PJ’s on.  Karly’s getting the TV set turned on, pouring herself a glass of wine and grabbing a beer for me.

Cole comes into the living room and says, “Hey dad, are you and mom gonna Netflix and chill?” He air quotes
with two fingers from both hands.

I nearly choke on my own spit. “Don’t be saying shit like that. Just because you hear something at school don’t mean you repeat it. Yeah?”

“Yeah,” he says with red cheeks.

“What would you know about chilling?” I quote back to him.

“Nothin,” he murmurs.

I scruff his damp red hair up and get him tucked in, making sure he takes his glasses off. He’s already on his second pair for the year.

Sara is waiting for Karly; she’s a momma’s girl.

I settle onto the couch with my beer and wait for my woman. I am nearly half asleep when she reappears. My heart goes
thump thump
at the sight of her. She is wearing a silken nighty, showing off her sexy legs and the curves of her hips and bottom.

woman, ye set my blood on fire.  Come over here and give daddy some sugar.”

Her lips screw into a snarl. “I will if you promise not to refer to yourself as
in that manner again.”

I laugh and she smiles.

The woman still drives me wild.

“Then get over here and suck my dick.
How’s that

“Much better.”

I throw her a cushion and she goes down on her knees at my feet. I stroke her jawline lovingly with my thumb, reaching her sultry lips. She takes my thumb between her teeth, nibbling seductively. My cock goes hard as she trails my thumb down her neck and over her chest, dipping between her ample bosom.

Leaning forward, I crash my mouth against hers, needing to taste her sweet lips. I’ll never have enough of this—moments like these with the love of my life.

The show is long forgotten as she undoes my zipper and gets to work sucking my cock. My hand grips the back of her neck, urging her to take me deeper into her sugary mouth. Her tongue sweeps up and down my shaft as precum rolls from the head and down her chin. She catches a bead with her tongue not missing a drop.

“I love the taste of you on my tongue,” she purrs.

“Fuck yeah, ye do.” Pulling her head back by her hair I growl at her. “You want my cum on your tongue, you’re gonna have to suck harder and deeper.”

“That so?” She questions, but I don’t get to answer as her lips suction my dick taking me fully, until I hit the back of her throat.

Just when shit is getting good, Sara calls out for Karly.

!” I groan, my balls aching to release.

“I’ll be back
,” she teases wiping her mouth and getting up from the floor.

“Hurry the hell up
!” I call as she saunters down the hall.

A few minutes have turned into thirty. I take the remote and start searching for something adult to watch.  Karly doesn’t seem to be coming back any time soon. I settle on some Coed Bikini shit. The acting is horrible but the tits are nice. I take my cock in my hand ready to stroke and pump myself into action, but then the chick on the screen makes this ugly face and I bust out laughing.

My wife returns amused with how she has found me.

“So bimbos with fake tits and phony orgasms are what do it for ye huh?”

you baby,

“Are you trying to romance me and sweep me off my feet with that talk?”

“Thought I already did that. I just want to fuck ye.”

“Come on Romeo,” she teases with her hand flying to her mouth at that cocksucker’s name.

I know she is expecting me to freak out on her, but I’ve changed. “I know you didn’t mean it that way. But you can take me to bed and give me sex to make up for it.”

So she does. My wife takes me to bed and rides my dick and calls out my name when I cum deep inside her. I get so caught up in making love to her I forget to ask what was bothering her until she is already asleep. It was probably nothing.

Chapter 16


I had to get away from Tread before I did something I would come to regret. As sexy as he is, I
go back down that path. I
be with a man that lives by a code I don’t respect. I
t be one of those women who sits by and watches while her man fucks anything and everyone.

be with a criminal. Tread is dangerous, and what I am about to do is the one and only time I will be involved in his world. If that man, Grim, is true to his word—they will get rid of Lenny and Perry while helping me save my Gram’s house, that to me is worth it.

I will sacrifice more of my pride and stoop to their level. I want my brother away from this life, but he is so far in it that it scares me. I want to tell him
he is and
he comes from. He can make his own choices and I have to trust that I was enough of an influence on him for him to choose right. But if anything, he deserves the truth.
it will be enough to push him on the right path.

I go to the strip club and try to scope out information. I’m not supposed to be here tonight, but I tell them I’m just trying to get acquainted with the girls and the customers.  I try to be casual and sneak photographs of the interior of the club. I can text them to Tread later.

No one bothers me and I seem to be able to come and go from the back rooms as I please. That was almost too easy. I slide into my car feeling happy. I hope this information is enough to keep me from coming back and having to actually dance. With the MC offering to help my Gram I won’t need the money from this place. I hope Grim is true to his word.

I drive home with a newfound hope.

When I arrive home though, bad news is waiting for me.  My Grammy’s not well. Perry says she is in the hospital. She had an accident at work. She was walking into the freezer to get an ice cream cake and slipped on a piece of plastic wrap. She hit her head on a shelf and they aren’t sure if she is going to survive.

I slink to the floor and let my tears wash over me.  I never even see him coming when he kicks me in the chest. His boot stomps down on me, hard, and I can’t breathe.

“Now, you want to tell me how you were planning to fuck me and Lenny over?”

I am sobbing and holding my right boob as it throbs in pain, I just want to go to my Gram.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I play dumb. “Where’s mom and JT?”

“Your mom is at the hospital. JT is doing what he should be.” He grabs me up by my hair as I struggle to catch my breath. I am still trying to wrap my head around his news about Gram.

“Where’s your phone?” He screams with his spit flying at my face and peppering my cheeks.



I don’t know what I am riding into with Liberty. I’m keyed up and anxious. It’s been six years since I have laid eyes on her, and as I pull up at the school it’s like seeing her for the first time all over again. She steals my breath away and I am taken back in time to another place.

7 Years Ago Chicago

Damn girl, with an ass like that you sure your name isn’t Kim K?” I tease the new girl from around the way. She has the plumpest ass, I’ve ever seen. I wanna bury myself between her ass cheeks. Fuck, I want to bite those damn cheeks and eat her ass, it’s so fine. Eat her ass? Fuck, I don’t even know what I am thinking, must be my dick talking.

“Is that the best you can do?” She throws back at me with the sweetest mouth I’ve ever seen.

“Come home with me tonight and I’ll show you I’m not just a dirty mouth.” I grin, and her eyes drop down to my dimple. She bites her lip, and I know I am in.

“You got skills huh?” She cocks her head to the side.

“Baby, I got tricks that would make Houdini ask for my trade secrets.”

“Alright. I’ll bite. You’re cute and I’m horny.”

Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. A honey with a banging body that knows what she wants. I’ve been watching her for the past two weeks. She came in with a brother from West Virginia. I don’t see a patch on her and no one has made any advances on her sweet ass, so I’m done waiting. I’m leaving for Drag Creek in two days. Tonight I’m gonna have her.

I’ve got this chick, Liberty, back in my apartment over the warehouse.  She’s laying on my bed, legs spread, showing me her pretty pussy. And fuck, if it isn’t the prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen.

“If God ever created a prettier pussy than yours sweetheart, well, then shit— he must’ve kept it for himself.”

Her head rolls to the side with laughter. “I bet you say that to all the pussies you see.”

“Hell no, only you.”

“Is that so?”

“You can take that to the bank. Fuck, I am about ready to snap a picture and get Hugh Hefner on the phone, so I can tell him to stop searching. I’ve found the most glorious pussy to ever grace the earth.”

And I mean it, her pussy is picture fuckin’ perfect. Her clit is tucked flawlessly between her lips. I can’t wait to run my tongue over it and get a taste.

“How about you quit running your mouth with all that game, and show me what you plan to do with this heaven sent pussy.”

Her name is Liberty and I’m gonna ring her fuckin’ bell. Goddamn! I’ve met my match. She’s me with tits, a juicy cunt, and an ass for miles. 

I superman dive onto the bed ready to tear up her pussy and taste that ass I’ve been jerking off to the thought of. Kissing the inside of her thigh I run my nose along her skin inhaling her vanilla scent. Fucking A. I shove my hands under her thick bottom and go straight for that pulsating button. I run my tongue from her ass to her clit slowly. Her legs thrash as I suck on the heart of her desire. My fingers dig into her ass cheeks and she moans in ecstasy. Her silky thighs fall to the side as I continue my assault. I don’t let up, flicking my tongue deep in her silken valley, I delve in and out faster and faster. Her fingers rip at my hair; she could pull it till I’m bald. I’m not stopping until she gets off.

Her cream coats my tongue and I savor every last drop.

I grin at her lazily, my tongue is swollen but it was worth it.  My mouth meets her greedy kiss. She loves tasting herself on my lips.

“Your turn,” she says shoving me back.  She sinks down on my cock and rides me hard. Her plump globes slide on my thighs as she rocks on my dick.

Two days later I take her home with me to Drag Creek.

Thinking back on that night I wonder how I ever let her go. She was made for me in body, mind, and soul.

The minute I see the little boy holding her hand as they both walk toward me, my heart comes up my throat, and I squish it on the ground with the toe of my boot.



I hear Tread’s motorcycle rumbling around the curve near the schoolhouse. I almost gave up on him coming, but I can imagine hearing my voice took him by surprise. I take Kyler by his hand after making sure he is ready to meet his real dad. I smooth his unruly hair behind his ears and knock the dirt from the knees of his jeans.

Tread is looking as sexy as he ever did. All commanding, demanding my attention, and my devotion. Looking at him now feels as though I never left. I am instantly drawn to him. His eyes rake over me and quickly move to Kyler. The recognition on his face turns to pain. My heart skips two beats. I’m not sure I am even breathing as I wait for him to say something. Anything.

“Why now?” He asks hoarsely, barely finding his voice.

“Kyler needs to know you.”

He nods, chewing over his next words.

“Hey little man, give me five.” He steps closer to us, not paying me a bit of attention, crouching down on Kyler’s level. I don’t mind. I could die happy right now, as they take each other in.

Kyler is being bashful. His head hangs low.

Tread reaches out to check out his cast, and my son—
our son
flinches, shrinking back behind my leg.

Tread stands up taking in my face. I did my best to cover the bruises, but I know he can see them.

He has one word for me, one question. “Who?”

“I can explain. You want to sit?” He nods.  “Kyler, baby, go on and slide some more.”

Kyler takes off for the playground again and I lead Tread to a nearby bench. I take a seat while he chooses to stand with his fists balled and his jaws clenched.

“I’m sorry, I never told you. I wanted to, but I thought, well I thought a lot of stupid things. When I left, I was on my own and I met John. He seemed nice. He didn’t care that it wasn’t his baby.” I recount my story to Tread.

His face is cold and not revealing any emotions.

When I get to the part about John hurting Kyler I am scared of the menacing expression on Tread’s face.

“I have a lot I want to say to you right now, but I’m afraid if I do, it will be things I’ll come to regret. Where is this fucker because I’m
going to

“Marc, don’t. He isn’t worth it. Can’t you just accept us in your life and be done with it? Going after him won’t change what he’s done, or what I’ve taken away from you.”

“No, but it will sure as fuck make me feel a hell of a lot better.
!”  He kicks the end of the bench.

“I know the words
I’m sorry
can’t begin to cover…”

“You had
my son
and never told me, and you want to say
. You have
no idea
how much I fucking hate you right now. You don’t know how many times I’ve wondered what I did wrong. I wished like
I’d made you stay. And now that you are here, I don’t know whether to be wishin’ you would go away so I can pretend I never laid eyes on the two of ye. Or should I get down on my knees and thank God he brought ye back to me.”

His words take me by surprise. I knew he’d yell, I knew he’d hate me, but could he possibly love me,

it Liberty! I
you! I still

My heart nearly jumps out of my chest. He still loves me.

“But I don’t know what to do about it.”

“You just need time, to process this, us. We can wait. I just want you to be here for Kyler, for now that’s enough.”

He nods.  Then he looks to Kyler and says, “that’s my son?”

“Yeah, he is.” I beam as Kyler waves to me from the top of the slide, being careful with his cast.

“You got a place to stay?”

I shake my head.

“Help me out here Libby, you’ve been gone for six goddamn years and now you just blow into town with a kid that looks just like me. Saying you need my help. I want to give it to you. I’ve dreamed of giving you the world but my shit is complicated right now. I have a lot going on.”

“If you want us to go I’ll leave, if it’s what you really want. I just thought that maybe I could make this right.”

“Make things right? You didn’t want or need me in either of your lives until that bastard signed his death sentence. So forgive me if I’m not exactly ready to carry ye off into the sunset.”  He shakes his head and takes a seat next to me. His hands are shaking.

I take his trembling hand in mine. “I lost sight of myself and the woman I used to be. I’m here to find her again, if you’ll help me.”

He squeezes my hand a bit hard and lets go. “I know a lot about losing yourself. I’ve not been right since the day ye left me.”

“We can do it together—find ourselves,” I suggest with a glimmer of hope.

He swallows hard and I follow his eyes to our son.  He hangs his head down low and runs his fingers through his hair. “You destroyed me once before, you just did it a second time. There won’t be a third Libs. I want to be his father, I’m gonna be his dad.”

“That’s all I want Marc.”

BOOK: A Rebel Love (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 7)
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