A Promise in Midwinter (6 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Stark

BOOK: A Promise in Midwinter
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..oo  Chapter Eight  oo..



“Elizabeth?” Lachlan called anxiously into the dark forest.

He was sure that
this was the place that he had left her.

Absolutely sure.

“Elizabeth!” he
called with increased urgency.

His stallion
galloped amongst the trees, the animal’s breath crystallizing into puffs of
white against the cold black sky.  The snow glowed a brilliant white in the
moonlight.  Lachlan’s earlier tracks had been completely covered by the new fallen
snow.  His eyes scanned the trees in desperation.

This was the
place.  He knew it.

He had been sure
to memorize every feature of the snow covered terrain before leaving Elizabeth in the forest.

Fear settled in
the pit of his stomach.

Had Campbell found her?  Had they discovered her hiding place?

“Elizabeth!” he
called again, casting aside caution in favor of desperation.

When he saw her,
his heart stilled in his chest.

She sat against
the base of the tree.  His plaid was wrapped loosely around her shoulders,
blanketed with a thick shroud of snow.

Elizabeth was
completely still. 

Her skin was
sickly pale in the light of the full moon.

“No!” Lachlan screamed as he raced towards her.  He flew from the back of the horse and ran to
her, stumbling in the snow.

“Elizabeth!” he screamed
as he reached her. 

Her lips were


His hands were on
her face.

She was still. 

So cold.

“Elizabeth!” he
cried frantically as he searched for a pulse on her fragile neck.

He sighed with
relief when he felt her beating heart, thudding strongly beneath his fingers.

“Shh…love,” he
whispered as he gathered Elizabeth against his chest, shaking the snow from her
frozen body.  “I’m here now, sweetheart,” he said shakily.

He mounted the
stallion with Elizabeth in his arms.  The plaid was a feeble defense against
the ice and snow, but he gathered it around her tenderly.  He kissed her
forehead and clasped her close to his chest, praying that the warmth of his
body would seep somehow into her.

Elizabeth’s eyes
opened briefly.

Her lips held the
hint of a smile before her eyes closed again.

“I’ve got ye now,”
he soothed as he kicked the stallion into motion.  “Hold on, sweetheart, I’ll
get you warmed up as soon as it is safe to stop.”

Pushing the
stallion to the point of savagery, Lachlan thundered through the darkness,
praying that he had found Elizabeth in time.  She was deathly cold and
unresponsive.  Dread gripped him, sickening and unshakable.

He sat astride the
horse, helpless as they flew through the driving snow.

His heart beat out
the mortifying truth as he looked down at the lass that he clutched against his

He could not stand
losing her. 

Not now. 

Not after all that
they had been through.

Losing Elizabeth would be a worse fate that death.




“Dammit Elizabeth!” Lachlan thundered.  “Open your eyes!  Do not go to sleep!” he commanded as he
shook Elizabeth’s shoulder.  Her pale skin was tinged blue.  Her eyes fluttered
open at the sound of his voice, but her usually expression filled green eyes
were vacant, devoid of recognition.  Frost had gathered on her eyelashes.  Lachlan knew that he was racing against time itself.

If he did not get Elizabeth warmed up soon, she would surely die.

His eyes scanned
the harsh Highland terrain. 

No.  It would not
be safe to stop here, not while the blasted Campbells were still searching for
them.  John Campbell was an intelligent man, and Lachlan knew that he would
soon realize that he had been duped.

Lachlan knew that
he must get safely back onto MacFarland land.  He kicked the horse, demanding
that the beast plow through the deep snow as quickly as possible.  Alistair
MacFarland had a farm just beyond the border of the Campbell territory.  Only
after reaching that farm would it be safe to stop.

Lachlan hoped that
Elizabeth could make it that long.

He knew well how
to treat a victim that had been overtaken by the deadly chill of winter.  But
there was no hope of warming Elizabeth’s frozen body here.

He pushed the
horse harder.  They flew through the snow.

He would reward
the valiant beast with a full bag of oats upon arrival at Alistair’s farm.

Please Lord, do
not take her from me! 




The small farm
loomed in the distance, nestled at the base of the hill.  It was blanketed with
snow and the windows glowed with the warmth of a waiting hearth fire.

Lachlan looked
down at Elizabeth.

Her teeth had
begun to chatter a few miles back.

Lachlan had taken
this as a sign of hope.

He guided the
horse down the steep slope, pushing him as fast as was safe.  The horse’s sides
heaved.  He was lathered from the exertion of carrying two people at such a
breakneck pace through the deep snow.

Lachlan dismounted
in a hurry, carrying Elizabeth in his arms as he rushed towards the door of the
quaint farm house.  He pounded on the door with his fist.

It was still
dark.  The first light of morning would be upon them soon.

Lachlan pounded

“Open up!” he
thundered, banging his fist with increased urgency against the door of the farm

He heard muffled
words from within the small cottage.  Feet padded across the plank board
floor.  The distinct sound of a baby crying broke the silence.

His eyes wandered
up to the black cloth flag that hung above the door.

“Christ,” he

MacFarland opened the door a crack.  He peered into the darkness, wary of
visitors that arrived in the middle of the night.  Behind the door, his fist
gripped a lethal dagger.

“Lachlan!” he
exclaimed in surprise.  He had heard that the Laird’s only son had been killed
in the recent battle with the Campbells.

“I require your
help,” Lachlan said urgently.  “This lass is frozen through.  I need a fire to
warm her, and some broth.”

Alistair’s eyes
wandered upwards.  Lachlan followed the path of his gaze, settling on the black

“Ye canna bring
her in here.  The bairns and Mairi have had the gripe for going on three days
now.  She willna live if you expose her to their illness.”

“May we use your
barn?” Lachlan asked in defeat.  The warmth of Alistair’s hearth fire resounded
against his face.  They had made it this far, so close to a fire that would
bring life back to Elizabeth’s slackened limbs.

“Aye, lad.  Ye
will find dry wood against the south wall of the barn.  Start a fire near the
entrance and it should shelter you from the cold.  I wish you luck, Lachlan.  Sorry that I couldna be of further assistance,” the farmer said with a
sympathetic look.

Lachlan nodded and
walked away from the warm glow of the farm house.  He sheltered Elizabeth against his chest, trudging into the bleak frigid night.




Lachlan built a
roaring fire near the entrance of the barn.  He hoped that it did not burn the
entire structure to the ground.

Truthfully he was
beyond caring at this point.

All that mattered
was Elizabeth.

Her eyes were
closed now.  She lay completely still nestled in the straw that covered the
floor of the barn.

Lachlan stripped
her efficiently, removing her sodden, wet gown and casting it carelessly
aside.  He left on her thin chemise as an after thought, knowing that Elizabeth would want to protect her modesty.

His own clothes
were wet through from their journey through the snow.  He ripped off his linen
shirt and kilt, tossing them into the pile with Elizabeth’s shed clothing. 
Goose flesh rippled over his muscled body.

Lachlan reached
for the horse blanket that he had found slung over a vacant stall.  It was
thick wool and smelled of animal.  He spread it over Elizabeth, thankful for
its warmth against the chill of the early morning air.  He had positioned Elizabeth as close to the roaring fire as he had deemed safe.  He settled behind her now,
fitting his front to her back and wrapping his arm protectively about her

Lachlan knew that
skin to skin contact was the best way to warm her frozen body.

“We’ll get ye
warm, sweetheart,” he purred against her ear.  He placed a kiss in the hollow
at the base of her neck.  Her skin was so cold.  “Hold on a bit longer and I
will get ye warm,” he promised.

Elizabeth did not

The quiet
terrified Lachlan.

He pulled her
closer, blanketing her with his body.  He needed to get as much of the heat
from his body into hers if he was going to save the lass.  Elizabeth’s teeth
chattered loudly.  She snuggled against his chest, pushing herself back against
his warmth.

“Aye, sweetheart,”
Lachlan whispered softly against her hair.  “Let me warm ye,” he cooed as he
reached up and brushed her auburn hair back from her face.  It had been soaked
through from the snow and was beginning to dry from the warmth of the glowing

The combination of
the wool horse blanket and the crackling fire caused sweat to break out on Lachlan’s brow.  He pushed his discomfort aside as he held Elizabeth close, hoping that the
heat of his body was transferring into hers.

Her body began to
tremble with the uncontrollable spasms of her warming muscles.

“That’s it, love,”
he said approvingly as her body shook against his.  He ran his fingers lightly
over the bare skin of Elizabeth’s arm and kissed her hair.  He tucked the horse
blanket around them, safely cocooning them from the harsh outside world as they
shared the warmth of each other’s bodies.

Elizabeth’s body
was warming.  As warmth returned to her chilled body, she relaxed against his
chest, her soft curves complimenting the hard muscled planes of his body
perfectly.  She snuggled closer, moaning softly as she pressed her lush bottom
back against his manhood.

Lachlan groaned.

It was going to be
a long night.

Feeling Elizabeth against his naked body made him nearly mad with desire.  She wore only the
lightest chemise and he was completely bare beneath the horse blanket.

Nothing about
their situation was proper.

And Lachlan didn’t care in the least.

He clasped Elizabeth to his chest, suddenly realizing that his hand nearly palmed her full breast. 
Her nipple stood at attention, an erect peak against the palm of his hand.

Lachlan cursed
under his breath.

Elizabeth had
nearly died and all he could think about were the lustful desires of his body. 
Damn how she affected him!

Elizabeth moaned
again and turned in Lachlan’s arms, tearing him from his improper thoughts.

sweetheart,” he said tenderly as he watched her green eyes flutter open. “You’re
safe now, love,” he assured her as he trailed his fingers down her face.

Relief flooded
over him.

Elizabeth was
going to make it.

She smiled
slightly and closed her eyes again as she nestled against his chest.  Elizabeth rested her cheek against Lachlan’s pectoral muscles, delighting in the warmth
that radiated from his strong body.  She knew that it was most improper to lie
wrapped in Lachlan’s arms, but she could not force herself to move away from

He felt so
delicious, so warm and comforting against her skin.  His masculine scent
comforted her just as his arms made her feel safe.

had returned for her, just as he had promised.

Elizabeth’s hand moved
up to rest on Lachlan’s chest.  She felt the steady rhythm of his heart beat
thudding against her palm.

The sound of
Lachlan’s heart lulled her into a deep sleep.

She felt warm,
safe and protected in Lachlan MacFarland’s strong arms.

All felt right in
the world.


..oo  Chapter Nine  oo..



Angus MacFarland
was as mad as Hell.

He stalked towards
where his only son slept wondering if he should kill the lad immediately or
give him a chance to explain himself.

Lachlan’s chest
rose and fell in peaceful slumber.  His arms were wrapped protectively around
the beautiful lass nestled against his chest, her auburn hair spilling across
the horse blanket that covered them.  They lie together next to a dwindling
fire, in a bed made of straw on the floor of Alistair MacFarland’s barn.

When Angus and his
war party had set out to rescue Lachlan, he had prayed that he would find his
son before it was too late.  Never in his wildest dream had he expected to find

Angus reached down
and yanked the blanket away from the sleeping couple, revealing that the lass
was clad only in her shift and that his bare-chested son wore nothing.

 Lachlan’s eyes
flew open and he sat up.  He held a dagger in his hand and he shielded the
frightened girl with his body.  He scrambled to pull the horse blanket over
their nakedness.

“Christ, Da!  Ye
scairt me half tae death!” Lachlan exclaimed as his defensive stance relaxed
and he lowered his weapon.

“I had half a
notion tae kill ye whilst ye slept ye rutting bastard!” Angus growled as he
looked down disparagingly at his son.  His bushy gray eyebrows scrunched
together and his head shook from side-to-side in obvious disapproval.  “I
wouldna have thought that my own son…” his words broke off as he shook his
head.  “Do ye see this Liam?” he asked as he arched an eyebrow at his best
friend and war chief.

“We’ve taught ye
better than this, lad,” Liam glowered as he crossed his arms and reached down
to toss a woolen blanket to the shy lass.

Elizabeth grabbed
the blanket thankfully and covered herself, suddenly feeling quite naked
beneath the scornful eyes of the MacFarland warriors.  She blushed profusely
and cast her eyes down to the straw, shielding herself behind the protective
wall of Lachlan’s broad back.

“Ye have no idea of
what I’ve been through father!  Give me a moment tae explain and-

“No amount of
explaining will explain
  I may be an auld man, but I was young once
and I ken well enough what ye’ve been up tae!”

Lachlan’s hand
came to rest on Elizabeth’s thigh beneath the horse blanket.  He squeezed
slightly in an effort to assure her that all would be alright.

 Elizabeth’s heart
went wild in her chest.  Her face was surely the most unappealing shade of
crimson and although nothing had happened between her and Lachlan, well nothing
save for that marvelous kiss last night, their situation was quite innocent.  Lachlan had saved her life by warming her with his body.

She was suddenly
very thankful to have her face obscured behind Lachlan’s back.  However could
she face his father when she had just been discovered sleeping nearly naked
with his son beneath a horse blanket in a barn?

Such a liaison
would ruin her!

Elizabeth bit her
lip at the realization.

She was already

Elizabeth said a
silent prayer for strength and clenched her eyes closed with embarrassment
while clasping the blanket firmly about her breasts.

“Father,” Lachlan said calmly.  “If ye will regain control of yerself and give me a chance tae
explain I’m sure that ye will understand-

“I understand well
enough, Lachlan!” Angus said as he glowered down at his son.  “And as I’ve
always told ye, if a lass is good enough tae warm yer bed, she’s good enough
tae take tae wife.  Get yer clothes on son.  I’ll see tae it that ye make an
honest woman out of her.”

Lachlan coughed loudly
and his words of protest caught in his throat.

“Twas life or
death!” he exclaimed as he pulled his still damp kilt on beneath the blanket.  “She
was frozen through from the snow…lying with her was the only way to warm her!” 
Lachlan stumbled to his feet and pulled his linen shirt hastily over his
head.  His eyes darted wildly towards Elizabeth, who looked as if the wind had
just been knocked out of her.

marry her, son.  I’ll no have ye fathering bastards and…”

“Give me a chance
tae explain!” Lachlan thundered as he squared his shoulders and prepared to
battle his sire.

“I’ll hear nae
more of it, Lachlan.  What would yer mother say of this were she alive?  Ye
will marry the lass immediately and set this right!  I’ll hear nae further discussion
of the matter,” he boomed with the authority of a Laird.

 Angus MacFarland
then stomped from the barn, shaking his head with disappointment and dismay. 
This was the first time in his life that Lachlan had disappointed him.

“Have her put on a
gown if she has one, else she’ll marry ye in her shift!” he called over his
shoulder as he stormed out of the barn, leaving a bone-chilling silence in his

Lachlan raked his
hand through his disheveled chestnut hair and lowered his eyes to Elizabeth.  Her face was an astonishing hue of crimson and both of her hands had gone
reflexively to her mouth as if to stifle a scream.  Her green eyes were trained
on the rafters of the barn and when she felt his steely gaze settle upon hers,
her eyes shifted, locking with Lachlan’s.

“What are we going
to do, Lachlan?” her voice said shakily, emerging as barely a whisper.

Lachlan swallowed
hard.  Angus MacFarland had a will more steadfast than steel and Lachlan could see no way to avoid this sudden embarkation into holy matrimony.

He took a step
towards where Elizabeth lay wrapped up in the blanket.  Her auburn hair
cascaded around her, standing out in stark contrast to the golden stalks of hay
that littered the floor of the barn.  The color of her embarrassment still
flushed her cheeks and her vibrant green eyes were pooling with tears of
uncertainty that she struggled valiantly to hold back.

She was
heart-breakingly beautiful. 

She looked so
alone and frightened wrapped in the horse blanket as the morning sun peeked
into the dimly lit barn.  Lachlan had the suddenly overwhelming urge to wrap
her in his arms, to cradle her against his chest and assure her that everything
would be alright.

The truth was, Lachlan did not object to the idea of marrying the Elizabeth.

His heart beat
steadily in his chest as he watched the beautiful Campbell lass that he had
held in his arms only moments ago.

Having nearly lost
her to the cold had reassured him of the truth.

He wanted her.

He loved her.

Lachlan extended
his hand to her and she reached up without hesitation, still clasping the horse
blanket to her chest with her other hand.  He enveloped her fine-boned hand
within his own, realizing how small she was in comparison to him.  He stroked
the back of her hand, seeking to reassure her.

“Forgive my father
and Liam,” he said with a slight chuckle.  “For they are rather steadfast in
their notions of propriety,” he said as he flashed a debonair smile.

Elizabeth smiled

 Lachlan suddenly
dropped to one knee beside her in the hay and pulled her up into a sitting
position.  Elizabeth’s green eyes were fixed upon his and she had a look of
puzzlement on her face.

“Will ye marry me,
lass?” he asked, surprising even himself as the words fell from his lips.

Elizabeth’s face
flushed with color again and she giggled softly.

“Have I any
choice?” she asked.

“I doona think so,
but I thought that I might ask ye anyway,” Lachlan said with the hint of a
smile as his thumb brushed reassuringly against the back of her slight hand.

“Does your father
know who I am?” she asked suddenly.

“Nay.  We can tell
him later.  His heart might explode if he realizes that the lass whose virtue
I’ve stolen is John Campbell’s only daughter,” he said with a devious smile.

Elizabeth’s hand
went to her mouth.

 Lachlan was
playing with fire and he knew it.

“I’ll have yer
answer, Beth.  Will ye marry me or no?”

Despite the
butterflies that went wild in her stomach, Elizabeth was completely unable to
control the smile that spread over her face.

“Yes, Lachlan MacFarland.  I’ll marry you,” she said with a genuine smile.

His steel gray eyes
were trained on hers as he lowered his lips to her knuckles.  He placed a gentle
kiss atop her hand and allowed his lips to linger a moment more than was

Fire course
through Elizabeth’s veins and suddenly she was overly warm despite the fact
that she was clad only in her flimsy shift.

“Thank ye lass,” Lachlan said as his lips curled into an appreciative smile.  “I’m no sure what I would have
done had ye said no.”


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