A Promise in Midwinter (5 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Stark

BOOK: A Promise in Midwinter
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Elizabeth closed
her fingers around the thistle.

Perhaps she
could help Lachlan escape.

Perhaps they
could escape together.

Trying to escape
with Lachlan would ignite another clan war between the Campbells and the
MacFarlands.  John Campbell would lose a valuable prisoner in Lachlan and a
valuable pawn useful in securing an alliance with his cousin in Elizabeth. 

Campbell would not
let them go without a fight.

Closing her eyes, Elizabeth ran the thistle over her lips ever so lightly.  It scratched her, but the
strange sensation sent tingles down her spine.  She imagined what it would be
like to kiss Lachlan.

She would lose
everything if she married Alexander Campbell.

She would lose a
chance at loving Lachlan and knowing her real father.

Elizabeth opened
her eyes.  She was determined to find a way.

Love was
something that she would fight for.


..oo  Chapter Six  oo..



Elizabeth rushed
into Lachlan’s chamber like a whirlwind.  Her chest was heaving from running up
the stairs.  She barred the door quickly and leaned against it.  Her eyes were
rimmed with red.

She had been

“What’s amiss,
lass?” Lachlan asked with concern.  He closed Elizabeth’s copy of
The Taming
of the Shrew
and let the volume rest beside him on the bed.

He could tell from
Elizabeth’s expression that something was terribly wrong.

Elizabeth raced
towards the bed and took Lachlan’s hand.

“Tell me,
sweetheart.  What’s amiss?”

Elizabeth wiped at
her eyes with her free hand.  Tears were now flowing readily down her cheeks. 

Lachlan had just
called her

Elizabeth’s heart

Her chest
constricted as the burden of the horrific information weighted her down.  She
wanted nothing more than to revel in her fledgling happiness with Lachlan, but it was all not to be.

“Tomorrow,” she
whispered.  “They plan to kill you tomorrow at the Hogmanay feast!” she said as
her eyes searched Lachlan’s face helplessly.

“Twas as I figured
that it would be,” Lachlan sighed.

At twenty-four, he
was not ready to die, but he had expected Hogmanay to be the day that the
bloody Campbells would put him to death.  It would meet their needs perfectly. 
The clan would be gathered from far and wide for the celebration of the coming
year and the prospect of killing the next in line to the MacFarland Lairdship
would be a mighty cause for celebration.

“It will be
alright, lass,” he said quietly as he stroked the back of Elizabeth’s hand.

“Alright?” she
asked incredulously.  “How will it be alright?  They plan to

“Tis as I expected. 
Quite predictable, really.  Campbell will make an example of me at the Hogmanay
feast, glorifying himself in front of the gathered clan.”

“I cannot bear it,
Lachlan!  Are you not upset?” Elizabeth asked in disbelief.  Lachlan appeared
calm and collected, not the least bit upset that he would face death as soon as
tomorrow morning.

“Of course I’m
upset,” Lachlan chuckled.  “Tis not as if I planned to die so young!  I had
hoped to have a wife, bairns, tae live to be an auld man.  But lying here in
this bed, knowing that those dreams were not to be, well, I suppose that I have
accepted it.  Death, I mean.  I’ve accepted that I’ll die here.”

“And you plan to
give up?  Just like that?”  Elizabeth asked desperately, her eyes searching his

“What am I to do, Elizabeth?” Lachlan asked as he raised his hands, demonstrating the constraint of the leather
lacings.  “I can choose an honorable death, walking to the place of my death as
a proud MacFarland warrior, or I can cower in Campbell’s shadow and beg for
mercy.  I willna give him such satisfaction!  I will meet my death head on,
without fear, for I am at peace in my heart.”

Elizabeth bit her
lip.  She wiped at her tears with the sleeve of her gown.

“You’ve given me
peace in my heart,” he said with love burning in his eyes as he looked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth’s heart
broke at Lachlan’s sweet words.

How could the
world be so cruel?

 How could John
Campbell be so cruel?

Elizabeth could no
longer ignore the truth that beat with every pulse of her heart. 

She had fallen
in love with Lachlan Macfarland.

And he was about
to be taken away from her forever.

“Will you not
fight, Lachlan?” she begged.  She squeezed his hand.  “Perhaps if your father
knew, perhaps he could make a deal with my step-father….there must be something
that we can do!” she sobbed.

“Doona cry,
sweetheart,” Lachlan said softly.  “It breaks my heart to see you so,” he

Lachlan swallowed
hard as he watched Elizabeth.  She had been so kind to him, so pure and so
righteous.  Elizabeth had kindled feelings within him that he had not known
that he was capable of feeling.  She was everything that embodied peace, love
and light in the world. 

Lachlan did not
fear death.

But he did fear
leaving Elizabeth Campbell behind.

His heart wrenched
as he watched the beautiful lass cry over their clasped hands.

He was in love
with her.

“There is one
thing that you could do, Elizabeth,” Lachlan said softly.

“Anything!” she
said hopefully.  Her face lit up and she wiped at her tears.

“I would like to
know what it is like to kiss you before I die,” he said, smiling lop-sidedly as
he looked upon her with love in his heart.

Butterflies went
wild in Elizabeth’s stomach. 

She had never been

Never before had
to kiss a man.  The need to feel Lachlan’s lips pressed
against her own overwhelmed her and she boldly leaned towards him, her heart
beating frantically in her chest.

Elizabeth reached
up and brushed a strand of hair from Lachlan’s face.  He smiled up at her,
highlighting the handsome dimple on his left cheek.

He was breathtakingly

Elizabeth had to
remind herself to breathe as she leaned closer.

Lachlan growled
low in his throat.

Elizabeth closed
her eyes.

She was so close
now that she could feel his breath, warm and inviting against her lips.

Her heart raced.

Lachlan fought the
urge to claim her lips hungrily.  He wanted to stake claim to her and kiss her
with all of the pent up desire that resided in his heart.

He would have gone
to his death proudly, gladly almost, save for this beautiful, sweet lass. 
Elizabeth Campbell had single-handedly caused him to question everything that
he had ever stood for.

She was all that
mattered now.

Her full, pink
lips hovered a breath away from his own.

Lachlan parted his
lips and watched Elizabeth.

She was waiting.

Her eyes were closed. 
Her heavy lashes rested on her cheeks.

Damn she is

Lachlan closed his

“Closer,” he

Elizabeth moved
closer.  Her lips were almost brushing against Lachlan’s now.

“Tomorrow,” he

Elizabeth’s eyes
flew open.

Her heart
threatened to beat right out of her chest.

“Kiss me tomorrow
so that I have something to look forward to on the day of my death.”




Lachlan awoke
abruptly to the feeling of cold metal against his chest.

His eyes flew

Elizabeth jerked
the key out of his reach and took a step away from Lachlan’s bed.  There was a
wild look in her eyes that Lachlan had not seen before.

It was a look of

His muscles were
tense as he strained against the leather restraints. Lachlan growled low in his
throat.  He was not used to being helpless. 

“Not fair, lass,”
he whispered with annoyance.  “I’ll warn you not to provoke me, especially if
that key unlocks what I think that it might.”

“It appears to me
as if you are not in a position to make idle threats, Lachlan,” Elizabeth teased as she slipped the ribbon on which the key was tied over her neck and
dropped the key beneath the safety of the neckline of her gown.

Lachlan’s eyes
followed the key beneath the fabric of Elizabeth’s gown.

He knew that it
was resting right between her lovely breasts.

“Unlock my
restraints,” Lachlan said, holding Elizabeth’s gaze.

She stood frozen
next to his bed.  Her fingers trailed up the red velvet ribbon and she toyed
with it as it hung about her neck, pulling the key up slightly so that it
peeked above the neckline of her gown.

Lachlan’s eyes
focused on the key.

His eyes dropped
to the creamy skin of Elizabeth’s breasts.

He wanted to touch

His arms ached to
be free.

And at the same
time he wanted to kiss her senseless and teach her not to toy with him.

“Unlock my
restraints.  Let me go free,” he repeated, his steely eyes never leaving Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was
acting in a most peculiar manner.  Her eyes told Lachlan that she wanted to
release him, but something was holding her back.

She seemed to be
considering something.

“Tis the eve
before the Midwinter celebration,” Elizabeth began as she continued to run her
fingers over the velvet ribbon that held the key.  “Every Campbell from here to
Inverness is gathered at the keep for the Hogmanay feast. “Twould be the worst
night to escape.”

Lachlan’s heart
thundered in his chest.

Her words told him
the truth. She was contemplating releasing him.

“Do not toy with
me, Elizabeth,” he warned as he narrowed his gaze.  “Release me.”

Lachlan would not

“I am to be
married tomorrow,” Elizabeth said hollowly, her voice detached as she
completely ignored Lachlan’s request for release.  “I am to be married on
Hogmanay as part of the celebration of the coming year.  Tomorrow I will be a bride,
married to a man old enough to be my father.”

Lachlan said
nothing.  Anger pooled within him, gathering and needing release.  The barely
perceptible quiver in Elizabeth’s voice said everything.  John Campbell was
forcing her to marry against her will.

Jealousy burned
within Lachlan.  The thought of Elizabeth with another man, the thought of
another man touching her, kissing her as he longed to do enraged him.

Elizabeth was
meant for him.

She had accepted
his gift of the thistle and over the course of his recovery from his battle
wounds, Elizabeth had completely stolen his heart.

“It doesn’t have
to be that way,” Lachlan suggested, his words hanging heavily between them. 
“Give me the chance to make you happy, Beth,” Lachlan said, his voice sultry.

“I have a
proposition for you, Lachlan MacFarland,” Elizabeth said as she stepped
forward.  Her knees shook as she moved to stand next to Lachlan’s bed.  She
stood so close to him now that his restrained arm brushed the fabric of her
gown.  Elizabeth’s heart beat faster.  She knew that Lachlan could reach out,
that he could grab her and wrench the key from around her neck.

But she also knew
that he would not.

“I will release
you,” she whispered as she lifted the metal key from between her breasts.  She
took the velvet ribbon from around her neck and dangled the key in front of Lachlan’s gray eyes.  “I will release you, but on one condition,” she continued.

Lachlan’s eyes
were trained on the key.

The key was the
promise of his freedom.

“Aye?  What
condition?” he asked as his eyes darted up to meet Elizabeth’s.

“Take me with
you,” she said with conviction as she dropped the velvet ribbon.  The key
landed on Lachlan’s chest.  The red velvet ribbon pooled on top of his battle
scar, the only evidence left of the grievous injury.

It would be the
second time that Elizabeth had saved him.

First, she had
tended his wounds and brought him back from the brink of death.

And now, she
offered him another gift.

She offered Lachlan his freedom and in doing so, she offered him his life.


..oo  Chapter Seven  oo..



Elizabeth stood,
cloaked in the shadows of the horse stable, her body trembling uncontrollably. 
It was not the crisp winter air or the heavy snowfall outside that caused her
body to tremor.

It was fear that
iced the blood in her veins.

What if Lachlan was not able to slip out of his chamber?

What if he had
been captured?

A lump settled in Elizabeth’s throat.

John Campbell
would know that she had given Lachlan the key.

She would pay
dearly for assisting Lachlan in his attempt to escape if he was caught.

Elizabeth closed
her eyes and pushed the horrid thought from her mind.

He will make
it.  He will make it.

She chanted the
silent hope over and over again.

Her heart nearly
stopped when the stable door creaked open. 

For a moment, the
trembling of her muscles subsided.  Her heart beat erratically in her chest,
hoping that the intruder was Lachlan.

“Elizabeth?” he
whispered, his voice barely audible.

“Aye,” she
whispered, sighing a shallow breath of relief.

“Where are you?” Lachlan asked as he stepped into the blinding darkness of the stable and closed the door
securely behind himself.

“Here,” Elizabeth said in a hushed voice as she stepped from the shadows.

Lachlan rushed
towards her and grabbed her by the elbows.

“We have but
little time,” he said urgently.  “I was almost discovered as I fled from the
keep.  I fear that the guards will notice my absence soon.”

Elizabeth nodded
in understanding, her teeth chattering from the cold.

Her disappearance
would also be noticed soon.  She had watched numbly as the keep had been
prepared for her wedding.  Hogmanay was tomorrow.  Fir boughs had been draped
across the mantles and wrapped in a garland down the banister of the great
staircase.  The tables in the great hall and been laid out for a feast,
decorated with red velvet and the rich trappings of the Hogmanay celebration.

John Campbell
would arrive at her chamber door soon.  He would be anticipating the challenge
of dragging an unwilling bride to the feast that would celebrate her impending
marriage.  Tonight was the night that she was supposed to meet her intended,
Alexander Campbell for the first time.

He would be sorely

When Lachlan was discovered missing all Hell would break loose.

They had but
precious little time.

“Are you certain
that you wish to do this?” Lachlan asked, his eyes searching Elizabeth’s face
in the dim light of the stable.

“Aye,” Elizabeth said sternly.  Tears welled behind her eyes as she contemplated the leap of
faith that she was taking.  She trusted Lachlan MacFarland.  Although she had
not yet dared to tell him, she knew that she loved him.  He was her only hope. 
“I am sure.”

“I will keep you
safe, Elizabeth,” Lachlan vowed as he pulled her towards his chest and placed a
kiss atop her forehead.  Her skin was chilled from the cold.  She smelled so
sweet, like lavender.

“I trust that you
will,” Elizabeth said against his chest.  She had put all of her hopes, all of
her dreams into this man that she hardly knew.

“Look at me,
Elizabeth,” Lachlan demanded as he forced her chin up so that her eyes would
meet his.

Elizabeth’s breath
emerged into the darkness, a billowing white puff that hung in the air between
them.  Her green eyes searched the planes of his face.

The trust that
shone in her eyes melted Lachlan’s heart.  His greatest desire was to keep Elizabeth safe, to steal her away from all that troubled her.

He wanted to
keep her.

“I promise,” Lachlan started as he looked down at Elizabeth.  “I promise to protect you until my last
breath leaves me.  If Campbell tracks us, I will sacrifice myself to see that
you are safe,” he vowed. 

“I hope that it
will not come to that, Lachlan.  I had hoped to escape

Lachlan raised his
hand to Elizabeth’s face and let his thumb trace slowly over her lips.  He
leaned forward and inhaled the sweet scent of her hair.  “I do believe that you
owe me a kiss?  May I kiss you now, Elizabeth?” Lachlan asked with smoldering

“Aye,” Elizabeth whispered.  She was thankful for the darkness because the intimacy of Lachlan’s request had flushed her face fully pink.  Elizabeth had secretly dreamed of
kissing Lachlan and now that the moment was upon her, her body burned with
anticipation of his touch all the way down to her toes.

Lachlan reached
out and cupped Elizabeth’s cheek.  He suspected that Elizabeth had never before
been kissed and he resigned to make her first kiss a good one.  His body
thrummed with adrenaline as he grazed his fingers over the soft skin of her
neck.  Knowing that he would be the first man to kiss her sweet lips, the first
man to taste her warm mouth aroused him. 

Lachlan’s fingers
trailed reverently over the skin of Elizabeth’s neck, gliding over her heated
flesh and tracing her collar bone.

 Elizabeth closed
her eyes, savoring the delicious feel of his touch.  His hand was warm in
contrast to the night air against her skin.

Lachlan bent his
head towards her.  He was so close now that Elizabeth could feel his breath
against her skin.  She could breathe in his masculine scent, which enticed her
senses.    Her hands slid up Lachlan’s strong, muscular arms.

Elizabeth’s heart
hammered wildly in her chest.

Lachlan held her
close.  She could feel his heart thundering in his chest, so close that he was
to her body.  The heat from his chest permeated through the fabric of her
bodice, warming her from the outside in.

Lachlan lowered
his lips to hers, brushing them lightly over her sensitive skin.

He kissed her
sweetly at first, drinking in her innocence.  Her lips were warm and moist.  Elizabeth tasted like mulled cider, sweet and spicy.

Lachlan’s whiskers
tickled the flesh around her mouth.  Elizabeth could feel his breath against
her lips.  His touch caused her entire body to thrum with energy.  Never had
she imagined that kissing a man would bring her body into such a heightened
state of awareness.

Elizabeth’s palms
were flat against the muscled walls of Lachlan’s chest.

Lachlan used his
thumb to gently press down on Elizabeth’s chin, opening her mouth slightly.  He
kissed her more fully now, tasting the abundant sweetness of her mouth.

She was so sweet,
just as he had dreamed that she would be.

Elizabeth moaned
softly against Lachlan’s mouth.  He deepened their kiss further, sweeping his
tongue against hers.  She gasped as his tongue brushed against hers, never
having imagined such an exquisite pleasure.

Kissing Elizabeth was even better than Lachlan had dreamed it would be.  He relished the freedom
of his unbound hands and took unprecedented joy at his ability to run his
fingers through Elizabeth’s auburn curls.  The warmth of her supple body
permeated through his shirt, enticing his skin with the very heat of her.

Elizabeth felt
dizzy from the affect of Lachlan’s kiss.  She broke away from him, her
breathing ragged.  The kiss had been everything that she had dreamt about,
completely and utterly magical.

Lachlan tore
himself away from Elizabeth, cursing himself for losing his control

They had precious
little time.

He looked at Elizabeth now.  He could see the beautiful blush that had spread over her cheeks evident
even in the darkness of the stables.  Her lips were ruddy from his kisses.  And
her green eyes smoldered for more.

Lachlan smiled devilishly
at her.  The innocent lass had bewitched him.  She had completely shattered his
self control, rendering him helpless against her charms.

A surge of new
emotions raced through Elizabeth’s mind as she looked up at Lachlan.

This was all
that she had wanted.  She wanted Lachlan.

She was stunned by
the physical connection that kissing Lachlan had yielded.  Their escape
mattered now more than ever.





The stallion that Lachlan had stolen thundered through the night, struggling to race through the deepening

“We cannot outrun
them!” Lachlan exclaimed as he glanced over his shoulder. 

The moonlight
illuminated the field of freshly fallen snow.  Visibility was scant due to the
large snowflakes falling from the winter sky.

Campbell’s men
were still within sight, racing across the field in hot pursuit.

“The burden of two
people is more than he can handle in this deep snow,” Lachlan said as he
spurred the lathered stallion onward.  “I’ll have to leave you, Elizabeth,” he said sternly as he veered the horse towards the trees.

“No!” Elizabeth shrieked.  She wrapped her arms more tightly about Lachlan’s waist and buried
her face against his chest.  “Please don’t leave me!” she sobbed.

“It is the only
way!  I’ll circle back for you as soon as they’ve lost my trail.  ‘Tis our only
hope,” he said with stead-fast conviction.

“What if you don’t
return?” Elizabeth asked.

“I will never
leave you,” Lachlan vowed.  He jerked the stallion into the cover of the
trees.  Dismounting in a flurry of tartan, Lachlan whisked Elizabeth from the
horse.  He settled his ragged plaid about her shoulders.

Elizabeth’s chin quivered. 

Never in her life
had she been more afraid.

Lachlan briskly
settled her at the base of a large oak tree.

sweetheart.  Cover yourself with the plaid.  Dig out a hole in the snow and
huddle under my plaid to retain what body heat you are able.  ‘Twill be cold. 
Verra cold.  But know that I will be back for you as soon as it is safe.”

“Be safe,” Elizabeth whispered, her breath white against the night sky.

“I will,” he

Without meaning
to, Lachlan closed the distance between them and snatched Elizabeth into his
strong arms.  Elizabeth emitted a sound of surprise but readily accepted Lachlan’s embrace.  His mouth roved urgently over hers, his stubble scratching her lips as
his rough kiss possessed her completely.

Lachlan threaded his
fingers through Elizabeth’s hair. He drew away from her, gaining control of
himself.  She was so beautiful, so afraid.  Leaning down, he tenderly pressed
his lips to hers.  She opened her mouth and welcomed his kiss.  Heeding her
invitation, he kissed her with aching sweetness.  His tongue brushed against
hers, tasting the delicious warmth of her mouth.  Elizabeth melted against his
chest, kissing him with a fervor that matched his own.

“I must go now,
sweetheart,” he said hurriedly.  “If I doona return, ye must walk back to the
keep.  Tell Campbell that I took you against your will,” he said sternly,
challenging her with his steely eyes to argue.

And with that, he
was gone.

Elizabeth dropped
numbly to her knees in the snow.  She did as Lachlan had instructed, burrowing
into the freezing snow and shielding herself with his plaid.

The ragged plaid
smelled of Lachlan.

She tasted him on
her lips still.  She brought her chilled fingers to her lips and felt her
flushed skin, still warm from the touch of Lachlan’s passionate kiss.

Lord keep him

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