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5 – DASH Diet FAQ


So you’re ready to get started but you aren’t sure if you missed anything. To make sure everything’s clear and to erase all doubts in your mind, here are the answers for some of the most frequently asked questions about the DASH diet.

Is eating out allowed in the DASH diet?

The DASG diet does not ban dining out although home cooked meals are preferred. To make sure you keep with the DASH diet when dining out, study the menu. Choose a restaurant that serves close to what the DASH diet recommends.

Avoid food options with excessive calories, fats and sodium. Keep your recommended daily servings in mind. Ask if you are unsure about some of the items on the menu.

Is the DASH diet safe for people with gluten intolerance?

Because the DASH diet recommends grains and wheat based food, it may not be as friendly to individuals with gluten intolerance. However, it can be easily tweaked to make it gluten intolerant friendly. You can do this by substituting wheat-based foods with non-gluten grains.

Is it safe for lactose intolerant people?

There are many lactose intolerant individuals who can perfectly tolerate cheeses, milk products and yogurt but it may not be the same for everyone. You can still follow the DASH diet by substituting. Choose substitutes though that can give you the same amount of vitamin D and calcium.

Can I just increase my dosage of magnesium, calcium and potassium supplements to lower my BP?

The DASH diet is certainly rich in these nutrients but supplementing won't give you the same healthy results. Studies have been conducted about this. Supplementing has little to zero effect on cholesterol levels. It is certainly not a substitute for the DASH diet.


Thank you again for downloading this book! 

I hope this book was able to help you learn about a healthy way of losing weight and controlling your blood pressure through the DASH diet.

The next step is to start reorganizing and planning your diet using the DASH guidelines.

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How to be happy, always and forever


Step by Step guide to happiness with proven methods


I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,
“How to be happy, always and forever: Step by Step guide to happiness with proven methods.”

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to be happy without paying a penny.

The first is about smiling more often and its benefits. This will encourage you to smile and laugh even during the bad times. The second one is about meditating and its numerous advantages that are often neglected. Thirdly, you will be advised to sleep more because it is associated with being and staying happy. Exercising frequently is recommended in the fourth of this book. Fifth is to spend more time with your loved ones for it is proven to lighten up your day. The sixth step is to help other people since doing this will not only put a curve under someone else’s lips but also in yours. Planning a trip, the seventh step, is also proven to give you happiness. Last but not the least, appreciating what you have is directly associated with satisfaction and happiness.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

 Copyright 2015 by Sean Clive - All rights reserved.


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1 Smile more often


Smiling and laughing are usually associated with happiness. When children play outside, we can see them giggle together with their playmates. When we extend our help to the needy, they smile as they say how grateful they are. In addition, when we obtain a high score during our examinations, we celebrate with our friends while laughing our hearts out.

In this , you will be encouraged to not only smile during the good times but also during the bad ones. Presented below are the benefits of smiling.

1. Smiling reduces stress.

Smiling, through the release of Endorphins and Serotonin, reduces stress and anxiety levels. These chemicals are also released through running and jogging. Endorphins are also natural pain relievers while the Serotonin is associated with the properties of feeling good.

A study was conducted, and the participants who smiled more often showed a lower heart rate than those who did not. When faced with a stressful situation, try to calm down, relax, and smile.

2. Smiling is comforting.

During an awkward situation, smiling can help you to feel a lot better. When feeling shy or nervous, take time to smile.

3. Smiling makes you more beautiful.

The European Journal of Social Psychology found out from their study that people who smile look more attractive to other people than those with neutral face expression. This is because a happy person looks outgoing and approachable.

4. Smiling makes you look more trustworthy.

A research conducted by the 
University of Pittsburgh
proved that people who smile more often seem to be more trustworthy than those who do not. It not only helps you to gain the trust of the people you interact with, but it also establishes and boosts your credibility.

5. Smiling makes you a good leader.

The group of researchers from the University of Montpellier suggests that one of the ways to become an effective leader is to smile more often. So, when given the authority, never forget to put that curve on your lips as you direct your members.



6. Smiling is healthy.

Smiling is proven to increase the number of white blood cells in the body that fight bacteria and avoid illnesses. A study suggests that those children who were hospitalized and visited by storytellers and other entertainers have higher count of white blood cells than those who were not visited.

7. Smiling is contagious.

Numerous studies have shown the effect in the brain of seeing a person smile. While seeing a person happy, a part of the brain, which is associated with grinning, is being activated.

8. Smiling improves one’s mood.

When faced with a difficult situation, try to fake it until you make it. Smiling while thinking about the positive things will aid you to eventually succeed.

2 - Meditate


Meditating is proven to improve focus, attention span, and clarity. It is also an effective way to achieve happiness.

A research done in the Massachusetts General Hospital observed 16 people during their eight-week mindfulness meditation. After the said program, the January issue of Psychiatry Research published the growth of the participants’ parts of the brain involved with compassion and self-awareness. Moreover, their stress was proven to decrease.

Another study affirm that the moment right after meditating, feelings of calmness and happiness are attained. It also improves one’s perception and rapport with other people.

Here are the other benefits of meditation:

1. It decreases virus in the body and emotional stress.

2. It improves our immunization from illnesses.

3. It aids in healing after operation.

4. It prevents chronic diseases.

5. It lowers blood pressure and respiratory rate.

6. It helps in deepening physical relaxation.

7. It is an aid for losing weight.

8. It lessens the damaged tissues.

9. It lowers cholesterol levels.             

10. It slows down body’s aging.

11. It makes you crave for sports and other physical activities.

12. It gives you self-confidence.

13. It is a cure for phobias.

14. It improves your mood, creativity, and memory.

15. It boosts your relationship with other people.

16. It increases your ability in problem-solving and decision making.

17. It makes you more sociable.

18. It cures insomnia and other sleeping problems.

19.  It establishes emotional maturity.

20. It helps you to unlock your potential and develop a good personality.

These are just some of the advantages of meditating. Consequently, these benefits are also linked with happiness. So, from a busy day, find time to meditate and relax to be happy, and shake all your worries and fears.

3 Sleep More


Sleep is usually a good way to recover from a tiring day. It not only makes us more productive for the next day, but it also improves our focus. Aside from the stated advantages, it is, furthermore, a requirement to live a happy life.

Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman suggest that sleep deprivation knocks out the hippocampus harder than the amygdala. The former processes neutral and positive memories while the latter is linked with negative experiences, feelings, and emotions.

Another study that was conducted by the BPS Research Digest showed the connection between sleep deprivation and negative feelings. Participants who work during the afternoon without taking a nap is more prone to negative feelings like anger and depression.

Walker also made a research with sleep-deprived college students as participants who memorized the list of words given to them. The result showed that 81% of the negative words, like “cancer” and 31% of the positive and neutral ones, like “basket” were remembered.

Having more sleep is associated with attentiveness and motivation inside and outside the school premises. It makes the students more willing to take their breakfasts and be on-time or earlier for their first classes. Furthermore, few of these students who slept well are reported to experience fatigue. It also improves their mood and prevents depression.

What are the other reasons why sleeping well is important?

1. It helps in building muscles easier.

Our bodies benefit from the night’s sleep by healing the damaged tissues and cells. In contrary, it cannot be done when we are awake and active. Sleep deprivation is also associated with muscle atrophy. Consequently, without sleep and rest, the body is not capable of building muscles.

2. It makes you healthier.

A study observed 500 people for 13 years and affirmed that people who sleep less than seven hours a day are 7.5 times more prone to obesity than those who sleep in the required number of hours. Having enough sleep is also linked with having healthier skin.

3. Lack of sleep leads to Diabetes, even with a skinny body.

According to a research, adults who sleep six hours a day are 1.7 times more risky in having Diabetes; and those who sleep five hours or less are 2.5 times more prone than those who have slept well.

4. It reduces depression, as well as anxiety.

Sleeping less than the required amount for you may lead to lower self-esteem and higher depression and anxiety level. In addition, it negatively affects your mood.

5. It prevents migraines and headaches.

A study shows that sleep deprivation results to migraine. Headaches are also usually caused by lack of sleep.

6. It is linked with productivity.

With enough sleep, you can concentrate on work and conversations, and focus in your tasks. Otherwise, you will be more sensitive to attention tasks.

7. It prevents various kinds of cancer.

Those workers who have night shift are usually in risk of serious health problems. These people, according to an association of researchers, are more prone in developing colon and breast cancer.

8. It makes you mentally healthy.

This works not only on kids, but also on adults. Adults who get enough sleep and rest can perform well on short-term memory tasks.

The Minneapolis school district, from their study, discovered that delaying the start of classes by an hour and a half leads to less symptoms of depression. It also improved the classes’ attendance.

How much sleep do we need?

Dr. Judy Owens, a sleep expert at Hasbro Children’s Hospital and an associate professor at Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University, stated that teens need sleeping hours the same as the amount the children need. She suggests a need for nine to nine and a quarter hours every night.

On the other hand, a sleep of 7.5 to 8 hours every night is recommended for adults. A professor and co-chair of neurology and program director for clinical neurophysiology and sleep medicine at the New Jersey Neuroscience Institute at JFK Medical Center, said that some people can function well with 6 hours of sleep while some can with 9 hours or even more.

Another professor of neuroscience at Seton Hall University's School of Health and Medical Sciences, Chokoroverty, suggests that the amount of sleep required to function well after waking up depends on every individual, which is also affected by genes.

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