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I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,
“Dash Diet: Healthy Eating to Control Blood Pressure and Weight Loss!”

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to keep both your weight and blood pressure under control through the DASH diet.

There are so many fad diets around these days that you can hardly tell which ones work and which ones are bogus. They are restrictive. They are complex and too difficult to maintain because they are miles away from what you are used to. This is why a lot of people fail at losing weight and are still experiencing an array of health issues. What if I tell you now that you can control your weight and blood pressure at the same time without sacrificing too much?

Founded by the NHLBI, the DASH diet is a healthy eating plan backed by research. It is meant to combat hypertension and all the health issues that come as a result of blood pressure problems. As an added bonus, it can also help keep you in a healthy shape.

This book will show you how you can be in your best shape and health. It shows you how you can get started with this ideal eating plan and how you can easily maintain it. It is a practical guide for losing weight and gaining control over your health.

If you are ready to lose weight and be in control of your health, you better read on!

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

 Copyright 2015 by Valerie Wright - All rights reserved.


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1 – DASH Diet Basics


There are plenty of fad diets around that promise to help you achieve healthy weight loss but how many of them can really help you lose weight in a healthy manner? What difference does the DASH diet make?

DASH means Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This diet plan is a result of a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health in collaboration with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and top medical research centers from all over the country.

Because of the growing problem of hypertension not only in the United States but all over the world, these health institutions collaborated in an effort to find a solution. They found that diet is extremely important in controlling blood pressure, specifically a diet rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium. The DASH diet has these elements through its whole grain, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy meal plan.

Benefits of Dash Diet

The results of the NHLBI study showed an improvement in blood pressure within just two weeks of following the diet plan. The study participants also experienced an improvement in their systolic blood pressure over time. As a result of controlled blood pressure, the DASH diet also helps reduce your risk to other health conditions. It can protect you against stroke, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Although the DASH diet was originally meant for controlling blood pressure, it is also good for weight loss. With the increased consumption of fiber-rich foods and lower fat, sodium and calorie intake, you can expect to lose weight in a healthy and safe way. The DASH diet is an overall healthy eating plan that promotes overall wellness.

Who should follow the DASH Diet?

This legitimate diet is not just meant for people dealing with high blood pressure. It is for every individual who wants to have a healthy balanced diet. If you want to keep your blood pressure under control, protect yourself against diseases and lose a good amount of weight you can easily maintain, then this is the diet plan you should follow. It is promoted by the USDA as the ideal eating plan.

So are you ready to be in your best shape and health? Are you ready to make a big move towards healthy eating? Read further to find out how.

2 – Acceptable Foods and Portions


Because the DASH diet focuses on low saturated fat and low cholesterol foods, you are encouraged to consume vegetables, fruits, dairy and whole grains. Fish, poultry and legumes are also recommended. You may also have some fat, red meat and sweets but only in small quantities. Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, here’s what you should strive to have on a daily basis.

6 to 8 Servings of Whole Grains

You may have all kinds of whole grains including bread, pasta, cereal and rice. So why do you have to go for whole grains rather than refined grains? It is simply because the latter does not have much fiber and nutrients to offer. Whole grains, on the other hand, are rich in nutritional components.

If you plan to eat rice, then it is better to have the brown kind rather than the white. For pasta, you must always opt for the whole wheat kind. As for bread, you much choose the whole grain sort. As a general guide for food shopping, make sure to check on the label. Read it carefully and pick only the items that have the whole grain or whole wheat label.

Now the question is how much is a serving size? Half a cup of pasta, cereal or rice is equivalent to one serving. A single slice of bread amounts to one serving. Remember, your limit is 6 to 8 servings of whole grains daily.

4 to 5 Servings of Vegetables

Vegetables can give you a good dose of vitamins and minerals including fiber, potassium and magnesium. Among the most recommended are broccoli, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and carrots.

Be creative when preparing vegetables for your meals. Do not concentrate on making salads and side dishes. To meet the recommended serving of 4 to 5 vegetables a day, you must make a main dish out of them too. You can serve your vegetable main dish with brown rice and whole-wheat noodles for a complete meal. For instance, when you are preparing a stir-fry, you can double the amount of vegetables and reduce the meat portion.

Fresh vegetables are always recommended. Go for what is in season. If you do not have access to fresh vegetables, however, canned and frozen varieties are also allowed. When you do buy canned vegetables, you must read the label carefully. It is important to pick the ones that do not contain added salt. Half a cup of either cooked or raw vegetables is equivalent to one serving.

4 to 5 Servings of Fruits

Just like vegetables, fruits also offer loads of nutrients and they are low in fat except for avocado and coconut. Most fruits have edible skin. If they are organic, you can keep the peel on as they also have nutrients and fiber to offer. Consider adding the pits too because they can bring more flavor and texture to your fruit recipes. Canned fruits are allowed as well as fruit juices as long as they do not have added sugar.

To meet the recommended servings of fruit, you can have them for dessert or snacks. Half a cup of fruit fresh, canned or frozen is equivalent to one serving. If you prefer fruit juices, one serving size is equivalent to four ounces.

Citrus fruits are good for you because of their vitamin C content. However, you should be careful in consuming too much especially if you are under medications. Citrus fruits have the tendency to interact with certain medications. With this said, it is safest to consult with your doctor first to avoid complications.

6 Servings or Less of Lean Meat, Poultry and Fish

As mentioned previously, meat, fish and poultry are allowed in the DASH diet. While these foods contain an excellent dose of protein, zinc, iron and B vitamins, they are also rich in cholesterol and fat. This is why you must consume them in minimum amounts only.

To get the most nutrients from meat and poultry while making sure you keep your consumption of fat at a minimum, it is important to remove the skin and fat before cooking. Avoid deep frying. As much as possible, try other cooking methods including roasting, baking, grilling and broiling.

Not all fat are bad. Fat from fish is actually good for you. It can help regulate your cholesterol level and protect your heart. Omega-3 rich fish include wild salmon, tuna and herring among others. An ounce of cooked seafood, skinless poultry and lean meat amounts to one serving. One egg is also equivalent to a single serving.

2 to 3 Servings of Dairy

Dairy products are certainly rich in fat but they also provide essential nutrients. They are particularly rich in calcium, protein and Vitamin D. Opt for low fat dairy. Be careful about products that are high in sodium too like fat-free and regular cheeses. Lactose-free dairy products are recommended for the lactose intolerant.

A cup of skim milk or yogurt is equivalent to one serving. One and a half ounces of cheese also amount to one serving.

2 to 3 Servings of Fats and Oils

The DASH diet encourages lower fat consumption. However, it does not necessarily mean that fat should be completely eliminated from your diet. Fat is essential for health as it aids in the proper absorption of nutrients. It can also help boost immunity. The problem is when you have too much fat since this can increase your risk to heart diseases, diabetes and obesity.

To make sure you have a healthy balance, the DASH recommendation of fat consumption is at 27 percent of daily calories. Do not just take any kind of fat. You must focus on monounsaturated fats.

Saturated and trans fat should be avoided as they can affect your blood cholesterol level negatively. They increase your risk to certain ailments including coronary artery disease. Your consumption of saturated fat should not be more than 6 percent of total calories a day. In which case, your consumption of butter, meat, eggs, cream, cheese, whole milk, butter, pal and coconut oil, lard and solid shortenings must be kept at a bare minimum. On the other hand, the consumption of trans fat mainly found in fried foods, baked items and crackers must be completely avoided.

Most off the rack foods contain fats and oils. This is why you should make it a habit to scrutinize food labels. You have to be especially watchful with margarine and salad dressings. As much as possible, choose those that contain the lowest saturated fat and never pick anything that contains trans fat.

For your reference, two tablespoons of salad dressing amount to one serving. A single teaspoon of margarine or a teaspoon of mayonnaise is also equivalent to one serving.

Other Acceptable Foods

You can afford to have more than two servings of some foods daily. Others, however, should be taken more lightly. These include nuts, seeds, legumes and sweets. The following servings are recommended on a weekly, not daily basis.

4 to 5 Servings of Nuts, Seeds and Legumes

Nuts, seeds and legumes are excellent sources of protein, magnesium, potassium, fiber and phytochemicals. They are extremely important in protecting yourself against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, because they are high in calorie content, their consumption should be limited.

When cooking stir-fry, add a small amount of nuts. Nuts can add extra flavor and interesting texture. More importantly, they give you a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids. You can also sprinkle some on your cereals and salads. Instead of using meat, you can use tofu, tempeh and other soybean-based products as substitutes.

One and half ounces of nuts amount to a single serving. Two tablespoons of seeds equal to one serving. Half a cup of cooked beans or peas is also equivalent to one serving size.

5 Servings or Less of Sweets

The DASH diet allows the consumption of sweets but in small amounts only. As much as possible, choose the fat-free or low fat kind like fruit juices, low fat cookies, sorbet, graham crackers, etc.

When you go grocery shopping, look for products without any added sugar. Artificial sweeteners may be used but in small amounts only.

A tablespoon of jelly or jam is equivalent to one serving size. Half a cup of sorbet equals one serving. Eight ounces of lemonade also amount to one serving. 

Alcohol and Caffeine Consumption

So does the DASH diet ban alcohol and caffeine? It does not. However, you have to minimize your alcohol and caffeine intake. This is because both are known to increase blood pressure. If you can avoid it then do so. Otherwise, drink sparingly.

This completes the guideline for DASH diet. Take note of the daily and weekly recommended serving sizes. As important as it is to eat the right kinds of food, it is equally important to eat them in the right portions. When you manage to follow these guidelines closely, you are guaranteed to reap the benefits of the DASH diet when it comes to achieving healthy weight loss and controlled blood pressure.

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